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Feb ‘25 - March ’25
St. Mildred’s
Church Newsletter
February 2025 – March 2025
Tom Writes: Make
Church great again -
A Lent Journey
Tom introduces our Lent
Pages 2-3
Koolkidz Christmas
Enjoy a glimpse into the
buses where Koolkidz
celebrated Christmas
with style.
Pages 8-9
Elizabeth’s Baptism
Elizabeth shares with us
her journey to Baptism.
Page 11
Koolkidz Christmas Party- pages 8-9
The call of God on our lives at St. Mildred’s is
to make and equip disciples of Jesus Christ locally
and globally in the power of the Holy Spirit.
www.stmildreds.org 1
Tom writes...
Make Church Great Again:
A Lent Journey
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Inside this issue:
Tom writes...
Sages Leave Your Contemplations
Names of Christ 6
Building Project Update 7
Koolkidz Christmas Party 8-9
Sundays@Six 10
Elizabeth’s Baptism 11
Prayer page 12
Diary - February 2025 –
March 2025
Bible Reading Program 16
Prayer for Businesses 17
Notices 18-19
Christmas Carvery 20
Newsletter Articles
Anyone who regularly attends
St Mildred’s can contribute articles to
the newsletter.
The next Newsletter will be the April -
May 2025 Issue. The deadline for contributions
is 19 March.
Any queries regarding newsletter:
Email: newseditor16@gmail.com
Politics often dominates the headlines,
and it’s hard to ignore slogans
like “Make America Great
Again” (used in many American
elections recently). Behind such a
phrase lies an implication - that
something isn’t as it should be, and
greatness must be restored.
Whatever our views on politics,
whether at home or abroad, what
about the Church? Should we share
a similar aspiration? Is there a need
for us to “Make Church Great
We don’t have to look far to see
challenges facing the Church today.
Stories about decline and failure often
dominate the news. There is
cause to lament.
Following repeated safeguarding
failures across the Church, the
Archbishop of Canterbury had to
resign at the start of this year because
of his own, personal safeguarding
The Church of England is also facing
significant division, with heated
debates about Living in Love and
Faith threatening to deepen fractures
within the church.
www.stmildreds.org 2
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Statistics, too, paint a grim picture.
The Statistics for Mission report
released last May revealed
that attendance in Church of
England congregations has declined
by 30% over the last decade
- an annual drop of 3% that
has persisted since the 1960s.
Ordinations have fallen by 40%
since the years leading up to the
Pandemic, and baptisms and
thanksgivings have halved in
just nine years.
Jesus promised, “I will build my
church, and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it” (Matthew
16:18). So why does it feel like
the Church is struggling to live
up to this promise? Perhaps the
answer lies in the way we respond.
Are we fulfilling God’s
will? Are we trusting in His power
to restore, revive, and rebuild?
This Lent, we want to take a closer
look at what it means to
“Make Church Great Again.” Beginning
in March, our Lent
Course will enable us to reflect
on the Church’s challenges, lament
where we have fallen short,
and seek the Lord’s vision for renewal.
This is about rediscovering
what it means to be the
Church that Jesus calls us to:
faithful, united, vibrant in mission,
and honouring to Jesus.
If trends continue, forecasts suggest
there would be no baptisms
or thanksgivings in the CofE in
around a decade. These numbers
are alarming, yet they also
raise an important question:
What is going on?
We know the challenges are
great, but so is our God. Lent is a
time of reflection and preparation,
a time to align our hearts
with God’s purposes. Together,
let’s seek His wisdom and courage
to confront the issues we
face and to play our part in His
great work of renewal. Amen!
Tom Lake
- Vicar
www.stmildreds.org 3
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Sages Leave Your Contemplations
Last time we considered the birth of Jesus in
Luke’s Gospel from the Shepherds’ point of
view. This time we are looking at things
from the Magi’s view as told by Matthew.
We see at once that almost nothing is said
of the Lord’s birth, and chapter 2 starts by
stating the place (Bethlehem) followed by
the arrival of the Magi in Jerusalem from the
east to find Him. “Magi” (sometimes called
“Wise Men”) were a priestly group from
Persia (modern-day Iran) who made detailed
studies of the stars and planets
(supported by Greek thinking which had
arrived there some 300 years earlier under
Alexander the Great). Still, they also made
astrological deductions – believing that
signs in the physical universe could foretell
what would happen on Earth.
We saw last time that Jesus was born between
6BC and 4BC because Quirinius was
governor of Syria at that time and Herod
died in 4BC. Now in 7BC a major event occurred
in the night sky – what appeared to
be a brilliant new star was actually a conjunction
of the planets Jupiter and Saturn
and was visible in the area of the sky called
Pisces – and this was visible three times in
the same year – as a Babylonian inscription
tells us. To the Magi, Pisces represented the
end of the sun’s old course and the beginning
of a new one. Jupiter was the planet of
kings and Saturn was the symbol of Israel –
so the Magi would conclude that a new king
is soon to be born in Israel and that this
birth will herald a new stage in world
So, this sign was seen in 7BC and we see in
v7 that Herod asks the Magi when the “the
star” first appeared. They must have answered
“Two years ago”, because when
the Magi failed to return to the palace, Herod
murdered the innocent little boys of
Bethlehem “who were two years old or
younger in accordance with the time he had
learned from the Magi” (v16), and all this
means that the year is now 5BC.
So much legend has grown up around the
Magi that we need to clear up a few things.
First, they are never called Kings but Magi.
Then there were not three of them, though
they did bring three gifts. There is no record
of their names – these do not appear
before the 6th Century. The unhelpful thing
about legends is that they stop us from seeing
the truth and perhaps from considering
why they took such a demanding journey
when they had so little to go on. Based on
their observations they crossed a huge distance,
(perhaps 1000 miles, taking a few
months), investing much time, enduring the
hardships and risks of travel and carrying
costly gifts – why? To find and honour “the
King of the Jews”, and these were Persians!
These extraordinary things are rarely spoken
So they arrive in Jerusalem and ask where
the new-born King is, so that they may
“Worship Him,” which suggests that they
had already begun to believe in His divinity.
Herod of course, appointed by Rome,
was neither a true king, nor was he Jewish,
(he was an Edomite, descended from Esau)
– so he was understandably “disturbed”
that a real king, truly Jewish and deserving
of worship, had arrived on the scene. So he
called in his theological experts and asked
where the Christ was to be born, (so now
we really are talking about God’s Anointed
One and scriptural prophecy). That’s easy”
they say and quote Micah 5:2 about such a
significant Ruler being born in Bethlehem
in Judea. At this point we must notice the
clear contrast between the “expert” leaders’
Biblical understanding (and their failure
to move a muscle to venture 5 miles
down the road to Bethlehem to check things
out) – and the vast investment in time, effort,
money and risk, by these pagan gentiles
from Persia!
So the Magi depart, having agreed that they
will return to Herod with further details
once they have found the new arrival. Now
www.stmildreds.org 4
at this point another astronomical event occurs.
As they leave, they see “the star”
which went ahead of them until it stopped
over the place where the child was,
(Ch2v9). Now this cannot have been the
conjunction which they had seen two years
earlier, (that was stationary, this one
moved), but it might have been a meteor
shower in the same part of the sky as the
earlier conjunction, which did move and
came to rest in the right place. All this filled
them with joy since they were finally at
their destination.
We need to clarify a few details about what
was about to happen. Remember that Joseph
and Mary had only come to Bethlehem
for a taxation census and they would
have stayed no longer than the registration
took, and the time taken for Mary to recover
from a long journey (and prepare for another)
and of course to recover from childbirth
experienced in challenging conditions!
So, perhaps a few weeks, a month or
so? Mention of the “Two years” has led
some to assume that Jesus was by now two
years old, but this cannot be – as explained
above. True He is called “a child” several
times here, rather than “a baby”. Yet in
Luke 2:27 the same word for “child” is used
when He is presented in the Temple aged
just 40 days. Another objection is that the
Magi arrive at a “house” (v11) rather than
at a stable. Yet the stable was an emergency
measure because of the Census, once
the crowds had done their paperwork they
would have drifted away and vacated
rooms in the inn or in the home of anyone
who had been excited by the message of
the shepherds concerning the Angels and
their Messianic announcement.
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
So the Magi bowed low, worshipped Him
and offered their costly gifts. Today pure
gold will cost you about £2,200 per Troy
ounce. It was offered to Jesus as a precious
sign of Kingship. Frankincense (literally
“pure incense”) was used widely in the
Jewish Temple in sweet-smelling devotion,
and here before them is the ultimate priest
who will make perfect reconciliation between
God and Man, (after all He IS both
God and Man!) Myrrh, another aromatic
substance, was used in various ways, but
especially in honouring the dead and preparing
them for burial – not least by Nicodemus
who with Joseph of Arimathea laid
Jesus in the tomb (John 19:39-40). So myrrh
foreshadows the means of this reconciliation
– the sacrificial death of the One who is
both priest and victim once and for all upon
the Cross.
So the Magi offer costly worship, (it has
been suggested that 2000 years ago frankincense
and myrrh might have been as expensive
as gold), we have already mentioned
the cost in terms of risk, time and effort
involved in their journey. As well as
being costly, worship can be prophetic – as
these gifts turned out to be. The closer we
get to Him and the more often it happens,
the more we will receive from Him in the
depths of His holiness and creativity. Worship
is primarily us giving to God for His
benefit, not for ours. It is a way of life not
just occasionally on a Sunday. The Magi
changed their lifestyle in all this. They may
have gone to Bethlehem following astrological
practices, (which is flatly forbidden
throughout Scripture) but they returned
home (without visiting Herod) because of
what they were told in a Holy Spirit–
inspired dream (v12). They demonstrated
their new way of life by obedience, which
goes hand in hand with worship. In John
4:23 Jesus says that the Father is not so
much looking for worship as worshippers,
which is precisely what the Magi had become.
Glorious now,
behold Him arise
King and God
and Sacrifice ...
And see where He takes us !
David Nicholls
www.stmildreds.org 5
Names of Christ
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Christmas may seem like a long time ago now but cast your
mind back to when we had our Christmas tree up in
Did you notice some new paper baubles this year? They
were made by our Koolkidz Streams group in our lesson
where we discussed the many names of Jesus! How many
can you remember?
Here are some of those we talked through:
Jesus – Matthew 1:21 “She will bear a son, and you shall
call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their
Christ / Messiah – John 20:31 “But these are written so
that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
God, and that by believing you may have life in his
Savior – Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the
city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
Son of God – I John 4:14 “And we have seen and testify
that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the
The Word – John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Immanuel – Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they
will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).”
Deliverer – Romans 11:26 “And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, ‘The
Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob’”
Lamb of God – John 1:29 “The next day John saw Jesus
coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God,
who takes away the sin of the world!”
Way, Truth, & Life – John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the
way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.”
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us
a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.”
www.stmildreds.org 6
Building project update –
February 2025
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
It’s great to report good news, gathering momentum
and answered prayer!
The “Give to Go Green” campaign at the end of last
year raised nearly £23,000 towards the south aisle
roof work. Grateful thanks to all those who contributed.
Trevor reported to the PCC on 14 th January an anonymous
donation of £100,000, reducing our funding
gap by one “block”!
A meeting with representatives of the Diocese on 16 th January provided an agreed programme
for the progress of our Faculty application in time for the planned commencement
of construction work on site in September this year! Thank you for those who have been
praying about this. We are now liaising with the Diocese on “next steps”.
On 17 th January we received news that Lewisham Council had decided to award us a grant
of £12,500 towards the cost of installing EV chargers in the church car park. This is significant
because we hope that the projected income from the chargers will pay a significant
portion of the repayments on a proposed loan to help fund the building works.
Our faithful God has time and time again answered prayers by providing exactly what we
have needed for the building project, exactly when we have needed it. Jesus encouraged
us to be persistent in prayer, so please would you continue to pray going forward:
For protection and integrity in all that we do, and for wisdom in all of the decisions
that need to be made.
For our Faculty application to proceed smoothly.
For applications on planning matters (eg discharge of planning conditions) to
be approved promptly.
For further funding: for success in grant applications (target £450,000) and for
other sources of funding to remove the remaining three to six £100,000 “blocks”.
The building project has presented many challenges over the past years, and we have had
to learn a lot about patience and trust! One of the Development Group pointed us this
week to encouragement from one of the Psalms:
Now, as we stand on the verge of the real action, the words of Psalm 27 urge us to step
forward with courage. The waiting season has prepared us to build - not only a
physical structure but a space where God’s glory can dwell and His purposes can
unfold. This is our opportunity to respond to His faithfulness with our own. Let us be
bold in this next phase, trusting that the same God who has brought us this far will
guide us through the work ahead.
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart
take courage; wait for the Lord!”
www.stmildreds.org 7
Koolkidz Christmas Party
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Despite the overcast
sky, we had a wonderful
Koolkidz party!
After songs and opening
prayer, Helen M led
us in a human Christmas
tree dress up
session which ended
up with the fabulous 7 .
We then split into groups for
craft using paper plates before
ending with a treasure hunt for
stars which were taken from all
over the buses and placed in the
manger with baby Jesus.
www.stmildreds.org 8
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
As we start a new year, Bubbles will
learn about how God is good, kind and
trustworthy, Splash will be studying
Kings while Streams continue their
Bible study.
Do keep us in your prayers and we look
forward to another exciting year ahead!
Daphne kindly said our closing
prayer before everyone got a
fruit shoot and snack.
Many, many thanks to all our
teachers and helpers that day
and most importantly to God
for holding off the heavy rain
and watching over us!
www.stmildreds.org 9
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Working together
Fun activities, bible study
and all in great company.
Creativity and good humour
makes for very interesting and
thought provoking evenings.
www.stmildreds.org 10
Elizabeth’s Baptism
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
I’ve been fortunate enough to grow up in this church surrounded
by so many wonderful people, all of whom have
played such a big role in my journey with Christ.
Over the last year or so, I feel that my relationship
with God has really grown. People have come into
my life and a lot has changed, but I’ve always been
confident that God has been right there to support
me through it all.
Because Christianity isn’t about the
routine of going to church every
Sunday or praying daily. It’s about
building a true, loving, fruitful relationship
with God and learning to
trust in Him, even when it feels like
the most illogical thing to do. Baptism
is my next step in building that
www.stmildreds.org 11
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
“Praise be to His glorious name
forever; may the whole earth
be filled with His glory.
Amen and Amen”
Psalm 72:19
Almighty God your Son sent out his disciples
to proclaim the Kingdom of God:
Send out your church to proclaim news of
your kingdom of love that all who hear it
may be drawn to know you for themselves.
We pray for Christians who do not have the
freedom to gather together to worship. We
ask that you encourage and strengthen
them to witness to your love despite the
difficulties they face.
Almighty and eternal God, to whom all
give account; guide with your Holy Spirit all
the members of parliament, and our local
councillors and all those in authority that
they may be diligent in their duties and
seek in all their deliberations to enrich our
common life with justice and mercy .
Conqueror of death
Help us as we remember those whom we
love but no longer see.
Help us to live this day in the sure and
certain hope of your eternal victory.
We bring Lord all our preparations for
the Lent Course, Alpha and our Easter
program and ask that you inspire and encourage
all involved and that you will guide
us to know in what ways we can be involved.
We pray for all undergoing treatment and
recovering treatment that they may be
cared for in mind, body and spirit.
We Give thanks for the services and
events that have blessed many over the
Christmas season.
We ask for your blessing on all our
groups meeting throughout the week.
God our Father we give you thanks and
praise for all your wonderful provision and
answered prayer in recent weeks about
our building project. We continue to pray
you will remove obstacles to the progress
in completing this project that the building
may be used for the extension of your
kingdom in our community and be
for your glory and honour.
Bless we pray the schools and businesses
in our parish and protect our children
and young people.
Lord and gentle Saviour, you wept at the
grave of a friend; comfort those who
mourn. You healed the sick; in your mercy
heal those unwell in body, mind or spirit.
You turned despair into hope with your reassurance;
speak words of encouragement
to the anxious. Feed the hungry and bring
relief to the homeless.
Lord God, through your grace we are your
people; through your Son you have redeemed
us; in your Spirit you have made us
your own. Make our lives bear witness to
your kingdom and our wills eager to obey
your command to go into the world and
make disciples of all nations.
Make us one in heart and mind to serve you
with joy for ever.
We pray for Keiko’s family
May they know reminders of your love and
plans for them … plans to prosper them and
not to harm them, plans to give them a hope
and a future.
“To God belong wisdom and power;
counsel and understanding are his.”
Job 12:13
www.stmildreds.org 12
Diary ~ February 2025
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Sunday 2 10am Morning Worship
10.30am Kool Kidz
6pm Sunday@six
Monday 3 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 4 Parent and Toddlers
8pm Home Group
Wednesday 5 9.45am Daytime Home Group
11am-3pm Warm Welcome Space
8pm Home Group
Thursday 6 8pm Home Group
Friday 7 8.30am Prayer Meeting
Sunday 9 10am All Age Holy Communion
6pm Sunday@six
Monday 10 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 11 Parent and Toddlers
8pm PCC Meeting
Wednesday 12 11am-3pm Refresh@WWS
8pm Prayer Meeting
Friday 14 8.30am Prayer Meeting
Saturday 15 10am-12pm St Mildred’s Ladies Meetup
Sunday 16 10am Morning Worship
Monday 17 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 18 8pm Home Group
Wednesday 19 9.45am Daytime Home Group
11am-3pm Warm Welcome Space
8pm Home Group
www.stmildreds.org 13
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Thursday 20 Home Group
Friday 21 8.30am-9am Prayer Meeting
Sunday 23 10am Holy Communion
10.30 Kool Kidz
Monday 24 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 25 Parent and Toddler Group
Wednesday 26 11am-3pm Warm Welcome Space
8pm Prayer Meeting
Thursday 27 6pm Men’s Night Out
Friday 28 8.30am Prayer Meeting
Diary ~ March 2025
Sunday 2 10am Morning Worship
10.30am Kool Kidz
6pm Sunday@six
Monday 3 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 4 Parent and Toddlers
8pm Home Group
Wednesday 5 9.45am Daytime Home Group
11am-3pm Warm Welcome Space
8pm Home Group
Thursday 6 8pm Home Group
Friday 7 8.30am-9am Prayer Meeting
Sunday 9 10am All Age Holy Communion
6pm Sunday@six
Monday 10 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 11 Parent and Toddlers
8pm Standing Committee
Wednesday 12 11am-3pm Refresh@WWS
8pm Prayer Meeting
www.stmildreds.org 14
Diary ~ March 2025
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Friday 14 8.30am Prayer Meeting
Saturday 15 10am-12pm St Mildred’s Ladies Meetup
Sunday 16 10am Morning Worship
10.30am Kool Kidz
6pm Sunday@six
Monday 17 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 18 Parent and Toddlers
8pm Home Group
Wednesday 19 9.45am Daytime Home Group
11am-3pm Warm Welcome Space
8pm Home Group
Thursday 20 8pm Home Group
Friday 21 8.30am Prayer Meeting
Sunday 23 10am Holy Communion
10.30am Kool Kidz
6pm Sunday@six
Monday 24 9.30am Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 25 Parent and Toddlers
8pm PCC Meeting
Wednesday 26 11am-3pm Warm Welcome Space
8pm Prayer Meeting
Thursday 27 6pm Men’s Night Out
Friday 28 8.30am Prayer Meeting
Sunday 30 10am Morning Worship
10.30am Kool Kidz
6pm Sunday@six
www.stmildreds.org 15
Bible Reading Plan
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
www.stmildreds.org 16
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Businesses to pray for
February 2025
March 2025
Please continue to pray for all our local businesses
that they will be blessed in all areas of their lives.
Burnt Ash Super Store
Burnt Ash Vet
Café Lokum
Cafes of Good Hope
Capital Hair and Beauty
Choice Homecare
Carribean&European Cuisine
City Electrical Factors
City Pumbing Supplies
Predominantly Office
Primrose House
R C hair Solutions
Rose Chinese Take Away
RTN News / Candid Lace
The Kitchen
The Lord Northbrook Pub
Baring Road School
Beaumont Beverages
Bijou Nails
Blackheath Station
Brewers Decorator Centres
Bright and Beautiful Cleaning
Brockley Brewery
Brindishe Schools
Burnt Ash Ceilings
MSD Food (was Lyca)
Movo Insurance
Masala Mix
Naturbit UK
P & S Tyres
The Summerfield Pub
The Sun (Bottle & Basket) NEWS
www.stmildreds.org 17
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
We are planning to run a new Alpha
course at St Mildred’s which will start
after the Easter holidays.
Alpha is for anyone interested in exploring
the Christian faith. Alpha is for
the Christian and the inquisitive!
We discuss topics like –
Who is Jesus ? How does God guide us ? Does God heal today ?
For further details please speak to Pauline, Sheila or Anna.
Email alpha@stmildreds.org.uk
Lent Course 2025: Make Church Great Again
Wednesdays 5 th , 12 th , 19 th , 26 st March, 2 nd April
8pm in church
www.stmildreds.org 18
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Wednesdays 12th February and 12th March - 11am - 3pm
Hope you can join us
www.stmildreds.org 19
Used with permission. Article found at: Lent - CartoonChurch.com
Christmas Carvery
Feb ‘25 - March ’25
Between us all we
108 Yorkshire
20kg potatoes
8kg carrots
7kg parsnips
16 broccoli florets
4.5kg sprouts
8 turkey crowns
120 chipolatas
140 stuffed balls
A nut roast
And gallons of
Thank you to our amazing carvery team
for planning, shopping, peeling, cooking,
serving and washing up.
Thanks to Andrews of Bromley for their
great deal on the meat and Daniel Mercer
for providing the majority
of the vegetables.
A wonderful time was had by all.
A couple of hours to chat whilst
enjoying a scrumptious meal.
www.stmildreds.org 20