TEAM RUnninG wARMER TOp - PS Sport

TEAM RUnninG wARMER TOp - PS Sport

TEAM RUnninG wARMER TOp - PS Sport


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A UNIqUE TEchNology ThAT coMbINEs TWo ElEMENTs<br />

ThAT ARE NEcEssARy IN gREAT RUNNINg shoEs,<br />

cUshIoNINg ANd sTAbIlITy.<br />

INFINITY wave<br />

The next level of Wave technology with a more visible<br />

and effective construction. The ultimate Wave features<br />

two parallel plates that sit together with soft cushioning<br />

pillars in between to provide unrivalled cushioning and<br />

improved durability by absorbing and dispersing the<br />

impact at foot strike.<br />

FaN shaped wave<br />

Wave technology which features various Wave heights<br />

which deliver ultimate stability and excellent cushioning.<br />

CompaCT wave<br />

Wave technology which encompasses the cushioning and<br />

stability benefits of Wave within a lightweight compact<br />

package.<br />

parallel wave<br />

Wave technology which uniformly disperses shock<br />

throughout the sole, providing excellent cushioning and<br />

enhanced stability.<br />

doUBle FaN shaped wave<br />

Wave technology which provides superb motion control<br />

and excellent cushioning by utilising a “double fan<br />

shaped” Wave.<br />

X wave<br />

Wave technology which has a neutral Wave configuration,<br />

to provide medial and lateral stability and a centralised<br />

cushioning sweet spot. Absorbing maximum impact force<br />

and universally dispersing shock throughout the midsole.<br />

ExcEssIvE foRcE ANd sTREss Is plAcEd UpoN ThE body dURINg RUNNINg,<br />

IT Is ThEREfoRE IMpERATIvE To hAvE ThE coRREcT blENd of cUshIoNINg ANd<br />

sTAbIlITy To MINIMIsE ThE RIsk of INjURy.<br />

The mizuno Wave provides excellent cushioning by dispersing the force of impact across a larger surface area.<br />

The stability aspect of Wave technology is achieved by the outside (lateral) and the inside (medial) areas of the shoe,<br />

being constructed differently, therefore resisting the compression of the midsole in areas where support is needed.<br />

The basic elements of cushioning and stability in each mizuno Wave can be engineered to cater for any type of runner,<br />

thus resulting in the lightest, most technologically advanced, serious performance sports shoes.

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