the proposal - the Hong Kong Mountain Bike Association

the proposal - the Hong Kong Mountain Bike Association

the proposal - the Hong Kong Mountain Bike Association


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COmmeNTs FOrm lOCal rIDers<br />

I do agree to open up trails for biker.On <strong>the</strong> hand I disgree why hikers cant share <strong>the</strong> path with bikers as we are also tax payers.<br />

Hikers should considerate us.<br />

S loh<br />

i’d prefer certain times, like Sat MOrning for bikers and hikers and leave Sunday to <strong>the</strong> hikers.<br />

Dan Heyler<br />

<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> has an abundance of country park land which should be opened for mountain bikers to use, <strong>the</strong> mountain<br />

biking here is far too limited. In addition to opening up more trails in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, <strong>the</strong> government should be doing<br />

more to promote <strong>the</strong> health benefits of cycling and making it easier for people to transport bicycles around and in/out<br />

of <strong>the</strong> city.<br />

Martin Hill<br />

Please open up <strong>the</strong> trail for <strong>the</strong> bike users.<br />

lawrence Choy<br />

The lack of mountain bike trails is really holding <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> back as a place to enjoy a truly diverse range of leisure<br />

sports<br />

Paul Tomes<br />

Please review your policies about <strong>the</strong> use of bikes in <strong>the</strong> park as it is getting more and more popoular. In addition, it is<br />

more ebvironmentally friend to visit your parks by bikes ra<strong>the</strong>r than vehicles.<br />

Wn Chung<br />

Please open all <strong>the</strong> trails to all styles of Riding<br />

Sam little<br />

HKSAR should open more places for mountain biking so that more young people can participate instead of playing<br />

electronic games at home or just watching TV all days. This will get kids and parents to get toga<strong>the</strong>r as well as with<br />

friends and family to have more execise and get healthy.<br />

Eric Chan<br />

HKSAR should open more places for mountain biking so that more young people can participate instead of playing<br />

electronic games at home or just watching TV all days. This will get kids and parents to get toga<strong>the</strong>r as well as with<br />

friends and family to have more execise and get healthy.<br />

Timothy Ha<br />

Hoping extra trail from Tsuen Wan to Shatin for completing a big round circle bike trail of NT.<br />

Yeung Wai Sing<br />

<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> is an affluent society. The gov’t has <strong>the</strong> same challenge as many such societies: to counter sedentary lifestyles<br />

by promoting physical fitness.<br />

The gov’t regrettably implements its programs through civil servants with old ideas and small World views. The HK<br />

gov’t must COMPREHENSIVELY integrate with sports association to access <strong>the</strong> skills and knowledge required to formulate<br />

World-standard plans in <strong>the</strong> areas of public fitness and use of natural areas<br />

Philippe m Moisan<br />

Would appreciate bikers aware of hikers/walkers - self-discipline is a must.<br />

pW Mui<br />

Trails galore out <strong>the</strong>re more suitable for biking than hiking, it’s time all trails were available for all country park users to<br />

enjoy responsibly toge<strong>the</strong>r?<br />

The number of old overgrown trails that are suitable for biking, but have been neglected and forgotten about <strong>the</strong> gov<br />

dept’s responsible for OUR country parks. Access to <strong>the</strong>se would disperse many bikers away from <strong>the</strong> existing biking/<br />

hiking trails that, often were badly designed and unsuitable for many bikers abilities anyway...<br />

Rob parks<br />

HK hikers are too pampered!<br />

leonard Khoo<br />

Dear Sir or Madam,<br />

I am a Permanent ID card holder, proud to call <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> my home. My wife and I have chosen to have a family in<br />

<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>. We feel that it has everything to offer a fulfilling lifestyle. One of <strong>the</strong> main draws for <strong>the</strong> territory are <strong>the</strong><br />

country parks and <strong>the</strong> undeveloped areas on <strong>the</strong> 80% of <strong>the</strong> SAR that is rural. I believe that this is a valuable resource<br />

for <strong>the</strong> existing popluation but also a fantastic tourism magnet for <strong>the</strong> ever growing worldwide mountain bking community.<br />

paul allams<br />

More mountain bike trails are required to cope with <strong>the</strong> expanding popularity of <strong>the</strong> sport.<br />

Grant Frost<br />

本港郊野山徑景色優美,在不影響遊人和做足安全措施下,應讓單車客用兩輪接近.<br />

Cheng Yuk Kwan<br />

AFCD should focus on protecting <strong>the</strong> country park such as preventing hill fire, <strong>the</strong>y have do nothing on this and spend<br />

all <strong>the</strong>ir resources on prosecution of bikers, it is unacceptable!<br />

nelson Ho<br />

I clean up a lot of trash left by hikers. We make <strong>the</strong> place cleaner than we left it.<br />

David baluk<br />

We can all share <strong>the</strong> countryside. Remove <strong>the</strong> restrictions and let common sense and courtesy reign!<br />

andrew Grene<br />

We as a group do a lot of riding and find <strong>the</strong> present designated trails inadequate. The sport is growing rapidly in <strong>Hong</strong><br />

<strong>Kong</strong> and WE NEED MORE TRAILS !!!<br />

Karl lucas<br />

With so much potential in <strong>the</strong> country parks for hiking and cycling with stunning scenery not opening new trails or<br />

re-opening old trails is a step backwards. Look and see how <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> world deals with its country parks and take<br />

note. Hk is decades behind.<br />

John perry-Jones<br />

It is unacceptable that a growing communtiy such as <strong>Mountain</strong> <strong>Bike</strong>rs in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> is provided with substandard<br />

trails and access. We cause less damage and are generally more responsible trail users. MTBrs never start fires from<br />

BBQs or litter trails, we are self contained and respectable. It is time that <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Government woke up to its recreational<br />

responsibilities.<br />

Scott Fitzgerald<br />

<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> is naturally a perfect place for mountain biking. Unfortunately, <strong>the</strong>re are only a few quality places to ride<br />

off-road that are legal. It would be great for <strong>the</strong> HK Government to help HK people stay fit and get <strong>the</strong> most out of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

local environment.<br />

Joel Jack Wilson<br />



pierre arnaud le Magnan<br />

AFCD must open new trails suitable for mountain biking in ALL counrty parks. AFCD must appoint an officer to manage<br />

outdoors activities in <strong>the</strong> country park: not only for hiking, but also for mountain biking, rock climbing, kayaking<br />

(marine country parks).<br />

Julien lallemand

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