St. Lucie County International Airport - Florida Aviation Trades ...

St. Lucie County International Airport - Florida Aviation Trades ...

St. Lucie County International Airport - Florida Aviation Trades ...


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WINTER 2008<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Airport</strong><br />

Generational<br />

Change<br />

Providing Bahamian<br />

Relief and Help the<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong> Way

MCO <strong>Airport</strong>’s latest arrival:<br />

Better rates. Fewer fees.<br />

Extra convenience.<br />

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is now open in Orlando!<br />

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APR= Annual Percentage Rate. The above Annual Percentage Rate will be increased by 1/2% in the<br />

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check are not maintained. Rates are effective as of 9/5/08 and subject to change without notice.<br />

Federally insured by NCUA.

FATA Editor, Executive Director<br />

Paula Raeburn<br />

paula@fata.aero<br />

321-383-9662<br />

Published By<br />

1703 NW 80th Boulevard<br />

Gainesville, FL 32606<br />

Toll Free: (877) 234-1863<br />

Fax: (877) 584-2176<br />

Publisher<br />

Michael Brown<br />

Editor<br />

Jimmy Anuszewski<br />

Branch Manager<br />

Trevilynn Blakeslee<br />

Toll Free: (877) 234-1863<br />

ext. 6701<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Dottie Hunt<br />

Senior Accountant<br />

Vince Capelli<br />

Account Executives<br />

Walt Daniels, William Goe,<br />

Kati Grote, Shirley Lawrence<br />

Graphic Designer<br />

Sabrina Abbott<br />

All rights reserved. The<br />

contents of this publication<br />

may not be reproduced by any<br />

means, in whole or in part,<br />

without the prior written consent<br />

of the association.<br />

contents<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> AVIATION Business • WINTER 2008<br />

departments<br />

6 President’s Message<br />

David R. Allen<br />

7 Legislative & Political Update<br />

Eric Prutsman, FATA Lobbyist<br />

29 Welcome New Members<br />

features<br />

8 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong><br />

13 Generational Change<br />

columns<br />

20 Faces Behind the Food<br />

22 Providing Relief and Help the <strong>Aviation</strong> Way<br />

26 Covering Your Assets in Times of Trouble<br />

Dan Anderson<br />

27 Minimum <strong>St</strong>andards in Today’s Economy<br />

Michael A. Hodges<br />

aviation logbook<br />

19 Why FATA?<br />

28 <strong>Aviation</strong> Marketplace<br />

29 Save the Date<br />

30 Index to Advertisers<br />


David Allen,<br />

FATA President<br />

The Allen Groupe<br />

Orlando, <strong>Florida</strong><br />

317-439-5000<br />

Dear FATA Members,<br />

President’s<br />


Wow! What is going on with our economy? Fear is driving this country into a downward spiral. So what happened? Lots of things<br />

and for the focus of this article, let’s focus on what we can control… our response. The only thing in life that we can control in<br />

any given situation is how we respond.<br />

When you go to the doctor and he/ she gives you a prescription, you either respond well to the medicine or you have a “bad<br />

reaction.” Often times in life, we react when we should respond. I am 40 years old and I am still learning this lesson!<br />

Here are a few excerpts from the “The Scary Times Manual” by Dan Sullivan that I read day and night after 9/11.<br />

1. Forget about yourself, focus on others. When we start looking for the positives in others, we realize the negatives we<br />

have in our life are not as significant.<br />

2. Forget about your commodity, focus on your relationships. As we say at FATA, “It’s all about relationships.” The list<br />

includes your family, friends, team members, suppliers and customers. We are all experiencing a rough time right now.<br />

3. Forget about the sale, focus on creating value. What people want at all times is value creation.<br />

4. Forget about your losses, focus on your opportunities. Things you had and may have taken for granted sometimes<br />

disappear. Some people never get over this.<br />

5. Forget about your difficulties, focus on your progress. New difficulties can defeat you or reveal new strengths.<br />

6. Forget about the “future,” focus on today. The only future that has any reality is the one that you continually create for<br />

yourself through each day’s contributions, achievements and results.<br />

7. Forget about who you were, focus on who you can be. Remembering the glory days are for high school reunions. Your<br />

attitude determines your altitude!<br />

8. Forget about events, focus on your responses. When things are going well, many people think they are actually in control and<br />

that’s why they feel so defeated and depressed when things go bad. Like the coach always said, “go out and do your very best.”<br />

9. Forget about what’s missing, focus on what’s available. Look for small victories versus hitting the ball out of the park.<br />

This will build confidence.<br />

10. Forget about your complaints, focus on your gratitude. When times get tough, everyone has a fundamental decision<br />

to make: to complain or be grateful.<br />

Like I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I read this document when I woke and before I went to bed every day. As we<br />

will never forget, nobody had ANY business for almost a month! I was scared to death but look what happened, we made it.<br />

A person can either be defensive or creative; however, you cannot be both. FATA businesses are facing tough times, I encourage<br />

you to think out of the box, be creative, be grateful for what you have and most importantly focus on the relationships that drive<br />

our personal and professional lives.<br />

Very truly yours,<br />

David R. Allen<br />

6 WINTER 2008

Legislative<br />

& Political<br />

UPDATE<br />

The elections are over and it’s all about the economy now.<br />

Even with the surprises that the general election brought us, the political landscape in <strong>Florida</strong><br />

remains nearly unchanged. Governor Charlie Crist and the Republican majority in <strong>Florida</strong>’s House<br />

and Senate are still in charge of setting the legislative agenda for 2009.<br />

There is little question that the focus for 2008-2010 Legislature will be on budget reductions and<br />

initiatives for economic recovery. The current budget situation is poor, with nearly a $2 billion<br />

deficit in the current fiscal year that will have to be addressed either through a special legislative<br />

budget session in December or reserving the first week of the regular session to address the<br />

issue, like last year. The next fiscal year doesn’t look any better, with a $3.5 billion deficit currently<br />

projected. Legislators who thought last year’s pain and suffering created by the budget cuts was as<br />

bad as it could get will have the opportunity to relive the drama.<br />

Is there good economic news? Yes, in fact there is: <strong>Florida</strong>’s exports are up, way up, nearly 25% over<br />

last year. The exporting of aircraft engines to Embraer, in Brazil, accounts for a significant portion<br />

of the billions of dollars in exports that have increased even in the current economic slump. And,<br />

the Governor’s Accelerate <strong>Florida</strong> economic stimulus program, designed to jump start hundreds of<br />

construction and capital outlay projects that have already been funded, is just beginning to pump<br />

billions of dollars into <strong>Florida</strong>’s economy.<br />

Both the Governor and Legislature are expected to generate more good news for Floridians by<br />

proposing economic initiatives that will either lower property taxes or waive regulatory requirements<br />

that are unreasonable roadblocks to generating more <strong>Florida</strong>-based businesses. FATA will<br />

do its part by recommending that general aviation be included as an essential element of economic<br />

recovery plan.<br />

Of course we consider the aviation sales and use tax issue as one of the barriers to vibrant economic<br />

growth. As long as <strong>Florida</strong>’s current tax provisions discourage the use of newly purchased aircraft<br />

domiciled in another state, it’s going to be difficult to convince the rest of the aviation community<br />

across the nation that <strong>Florida</strong> is serious about growth. <strong>St</strong>ate Senator <strong>St</strong>even Wise and <strong>St</strong>ate<br />

Representative Ralph Poppell have again pledged to file legislation on behalf of FATA to address<br />

the matter.<br />

We know that the current economic environment is going to make it another uphill battle for our<br />

legislation this year, but with the support of FATA’s membership we believe there is an opportunity<br />

for legislators to do the right thing. Keep an eye on the FATA website, and be ready to visit, call, and<br />

e-mail your legislator when we ask for your help.<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

Eric Prutsman,<br />

FATA Lobbyist<br />


<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong>,<br />

Fort Pierce, <strong>Florida</strong><br />

With boundless business opportunities<br />

in <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong>, it is<br />

one of the nation’s best places<br />

to grow. Here the growth, innovation and<br />

inspiration are driven by the unsurpassed<br />

lifestyle of this peaceful paradise found at<br />

the heart of Southeast <strong>Florida</strong>’s Treasure<br />

Coast also known as <strong>Florida</strong>’s Research<br />

Coast. <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong>, with its agricultural<br />

heritage, is emerging as the next<br />

center of science and technology excellence<br />

within the state as is evident by<br />

addition of the Torrey Pines Institute for<br />

Molecular <strong>St</strong>udies, the Vaccine and Gene<br />

Therapy Institute - <strong>Florida</strong>, and the Mann<br />

Research Center, LLC.<br />

<strong>St</strong>rategically located, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> is in the<br />

middle of <strong>Florida</strong>’s largest business<br />

centers: 120 miles north of Miami, 60<br />

miles north of West Palm Beach, 120<br />

miles southeast of Orlando and 225 miles<br />

south of Jacksonville. The county features<br />

tremendous growth, a young and educated<br />

workforce, established infrastructure and<br />

a pro-business government. <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong>’s 572 square miles contain two<br />

major cities, Fort Pierce in the north<br />

and Port <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> in the south. Pristine<br />

sandy beaches, 21 miles of emerald green<br />

intracoastal waterway, more than 15,000<br />

acres of state and local natural preserves,<br />

public parks, natural reefs, an average<br />

temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit<br />

and more than 300 days of sunshine<br />

entice residents outdoors.<br />

One of the economic drivers for <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> is the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Airport</strong> (FPR). The <strong>Airport</strong> had a $39<br />

8 WINTER 2008

million direct and indirect economic impact to the county as<br />

identified in a 2004 study completed by the <strong>Florida</strong> Department<br />

of Transportation. The <strong>Airport</strong> has more than 3,660<br />

acres of land and includes a significant portion of industrially<br />

zoned land in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Celebrating the Past<br />

On its recently dedicated aviation history wall, the colorful<br />

aviation history of the county is chronicled. Similar to many<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> airports, FPR had a typical beginning as a Navy base<br />

where training for landings and takeoffs on aircraft carriers<br />

occurred. After World War II, the <strong>Airport</strong> was given back to the<br />

county with runway and taxiway improvements. In the 1960s<br />

and 1970s construction of new facilities began to take off,<br />

and important facilities and services such as a new terminal,<br />

fire station, U.S. Customs, and a restaurant were added. The<br />

airport also got its first full-time airport director during this<br />

time. An Air Traffic Control Tower was later added in 1985.<br />

The next big change for the airport occurred in the early<br />

1990s. A large land acquisition project took place and the<br />

airport grew to more than 3,660 acres, bigger land-wise than<br />

Miami <strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong>. With two runways, and a third<br />

runway under construction, the <strong>Airport</strong> is positioned to meet<br />

the business, training and recreational aviation needs of the<br />

county into the future. The continuing economic outlook for<br />

the <strong>Airport</strong> remains bright.<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

Looking Toward the Future<br />

Part of the <strong>Airport</strong>’s future is tied to the success of the two<br />

new Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) on the field, Volo <strong>Aviation</strong><br />

and Key Air Ft. Pierce.<br />

Volo <strong>Aviation</strong><br />

Volo <strong>Aviation</strong> is a Connecticut-based aviation firm specializing<br />

in charter, aircraft management, and FBO operations. For more<br />

than 10 years, Volo <strong>Aviation</strong> has grown from a concept model<br />

to the successful business it is today. Part of Volo <strong>Aviation</strong>’s<br />

continued growth was with the acquisition of Fort Pierce Jet<br />

Center and <strong>Airport</strong> Tiki Restaurant in May 2007. Comprising<br />

84 acres of leasehold property, Volo <strong>Aviation</strong> is the largest<br />

FBO in <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong>. Volo <strong>Aviation</strong> continues the vision of the<br />

previous owners of the FBO with its corporate team: a mix<br />

of experiences in various fields including operations, charter,<br />

management, safety, finance, construction and marketing.<br />

The history of changes on this leasehold can be attributed<br />

to the attraction of the field. The business- friendly environment<br />

and airport specifics, such as location, U.S. Customs,<br />

annual climate, and services provided, have helped propel<br />

the facility’s success. This growth agenda has continued the<br />

future development strategy. For years, vacant property was<br />

secured for construction of new facilities that were leased<br />

out to various aviation support businesses. Volo <strong>Aviation</strong><br />

has continued this with investing more than $3 million into<br />


st. lucie airport<br />

The NexT horizoN<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> Tech<br />

College of Aeronautics<br />

The ever-growing aviation industry is undergoing a worldwide shortage of pilots, airline<br />

and airport managers, as well as many of the other professions within the industry.<br />

With a reputation as one of the finest aviation colleges in the world, <strong>Florida</strong> Tech is at<br />

the forefront of preparing our graduates to be leaders in the global aviation industry.<br />

Our comprehensive, high-quality<br />

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<strong>Florida</strong> Tech offers graduate degrees for<br />

aviation professionals:<br />

• M.S.A., <strong>Airport</strong> Development and Management<br />

• M.S.A., Applied <strong>Aviation</strong> Safety<br />

• M.S., <strong>Aviation</strong> Human Factors (on campus or online)<br />

• Ph.D., Science Education with <strong>Aviation</strong> Option<br />

www.fit.edu<br />

Call (800) 888-4348 to schedule a tour.<br />

AO-419-707<br />

new facilities for clients in the last year<br />

alone. Reinvesting into the growth of<br />

other firms, the company helps to play<br />

a major role in the airport’s growth and<br />

adding new jobs to the county.<br />

Providing all of the expected services<br />

of a fixed base operator, Volo <strong>Aviation</strong><br />

also brings to the table a few unique<br />

services. For development clients, they<br />

design and build facilities for lease.<br />

There are currently 21+ acres available<br />

for future tenants. In the next year,<br />

planned construction includes: (1) 12<br />

new T-Hangars, (2) 15,000-squarefoot<br />

hangar/office complexes, and (3)<br />

the renovation of Volo <strong>Aviation</strong>’s west<br />

property FBO building to include offices<br />

for lease.<br />

Businesses that now call Volo’s property<br />

home include: American <strong>Aviation</strong>,<br />

Turbine Works & Parts Market,<br />

Freedom <strong>Aviation</strong> Manufacturing,<br />

Regional Airline Academy and Treasure<br />

Coast Jets. Over 30 facilities have been<br />




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10 WINTER 2008

constructed since 1980s on this leasehold.<br />

One iconic fixture is the <strong>Airport</strong><br />

Tiki Restaurant. With various name<br />

changes over the years, the continued<br />

attraction of the eatery is based on<br />

home-made food, a ranging menu, and<br />

great service. Its success and tasty<br />

cuisine have helped Volo <strong>Aviation</strong>’s<br />

catering services. Many corporate<br />

clients have made the location their<br />

stop due to on-site catering preparation<br />

and delivery.<br />

Volo <strong>Aviation</strong> brings to the Treasure<br />

Coast its vision of Fort Pierce’s future.<br />

With more investment in building<br />

capital, management experience, client<br />

relationships and aircraft management<br />

services, and an increased involvement<br />

with local government and community,<br />

Volo <strong>Aviation</strong> stands on the front line<br />

of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s push for growth.<br />

For more information, call: Christopher<br />

Hambleton, 772-489-2285 or Brian<br />

Ciambra, 203-381-6017.<br />

WINTER 2008<br />






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st. lucie airport<br />

Key Air Fort Pierce<br />

The second and newest FBO on the<br />

field is Key Air Ft. Pierce, having taken<br />

over the Jet Service Center approximately<br />

six months ago. Key Air, LLC,<br />

currently operates full-service facilities<br />

in Oxford, Conn., Minneapolis, Minn.,<br />

as well as Fort Pierce, Fla., with more<br />

expansion to follow. Key Air is recognized<br />

as a leader in aircraft management<br />

and worldwide executive charter<br />

services for more than 20 years, and<br />

has diversified to also provide worldclass<br />

premier FBO services. Key Air<br />

currently manages mid, super-mid, and<br />

large, late model aircraft and have been<br />

recognized for providing safe, reliable,<br />

and personalized air transportation for<br />

a variety of business and leisure clients<br />

since 1986. Key Air’s success can be<br />

attributed to their attention to detail,<br />

flexibility, and rapid response time as<br />

well as their close, personal and confidential<br />

relationship with their clients.<br />

With its Platinum rating from ARG/<br />

US, Wyvern approved status, and FAA<br />

Diamond Award of Excellence for Maintenance<br />

coupled with its expertise in<br />

world-class full service FBO and state of<br />

the art facilities, Key Air is poised to be<br />

nationally recognized as the superior<br />

choice for business aviation needs.<br />

Key Air is proud to offer a full range of<br />

support services to owners, passengers,<br />

pilots and crew. These awardwinning<br />

services are fully integrated<br />

at each Key Air location to provide<br />

only the finest private aviation experience:<br />

FBO, Concierge Services, Aircraft<br />

Refurbishment, Award Winning Maintenance,<br />

Gourmet Dining Services, the<br />

Key Share program (fractional ownership<br />

program), Aircraft Management<br />

and Worldwide Executive Charter.<br />

Key Air Ft. Pierce is completing work<br />

on upgrading its existing facilities to<br />

provide complete interior and exterior<br />

refurbishments and modification<br />

services. <strong>St</strong>affed with only the most<br />

skilled and experienced professionals,<br />

they can accommodate most client<br />

requests from custom floor plans, to<br />

avionic upgrades. Every step of the<br />

way, Key Air designers and technicians<br />

will design, develop and bring to life a<br />

look and feel that will enhance anyone’s<br />

private travel.<br />

Key Air Ft. Pierce provides a more convenient<br />

and efficient alternative to the<br />

congestion of the Miami, Fort Lauderdale<br />

and Palm Beach airports. As a<br />

world-class full service FBO, it features<br />

an executive terminal and premiere<br />

business center. Key Air Ft. Pierce<br />

boasts 90,000 square feet of available<br />

jet storage, and has plans in the<br />

future for a new terminal and concrete<br />

hangars that will be constructed in<br />

phases on an additional 50 acres of<br />

undeveloped land.<br />

With the success of its initial expansion<br />

plans, Key Air looks to continue<br />

growing and strengthening its reputation<br />

by providing the utmost in safety,<br />

security, convenience and customer<br />

service to its discerning clientele.<br />

Please contact Key Air at 888-KEYAIR-1<br />

(888-539-2471) for more information.<br />

What’s Next<br />

The <strong>Airport</strong> is embarking on an update<br />

to the <strong>Airport</strong> Master Plan over the<br />

next 18 months. With the input from<br />

the community, the businesses, airport<br />

tenants, environmental organizations<br />

and policy makers in the county, a plan<br />

to take the <strong>Airport</strong> into the next 20<br />

years will be decided.<br />

For more information<br />

about <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Lucie</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Airport</strong> visit:<br />

www.stlucieco.gov/airport.<br />

12 WINTER 2008

WINTER 2008<br />

generational<br />

change in<br />

aviation<br />

the generational and cultural<br />

landscape in <strong>Aviation</strong> is<br />

changing dramatically. For the<br />

first time we have four different<br />

generations in our marketplace and<br />

workforce. The Traditionalists, the<br />

Baby Boomers, the Gen Xers, and the<br />

Millennials (also known as Gen Y) are<br />

all generations with different values<br />

and unique perspectives based on<br />

various events throughout their life<br />

that have shaped who they are and<br />

what they value. As business owners,<br />

manager and marketers it’s imperative<br />

we learn to understand what motivates<br />

these generations, how to guide<br />

them to work productively and how to<br />

continually engage them through your<br />

marketing programs. Businesses that<br />

fail to manage the transitions will find<br />

it difficult to deal with internal operations<br />

and external marketing efforts<br />

that drive growth.<br />

We are all a product of our generation<br />

and each generation has unique<br />

characteristics, values and attributes.<br />

Understanding them and targeting their<br />

specific needs from each generation<br />

has been the staple of many successful<br />

marketing campaigns around the<br />

country. In order to market and effectively<br />

serve a generation, you must<br />

find a way to grab their attention and<br />

connect to them by creating messages<br />

that resonates. Generations and social<br />

values have as much influence on<br />

buying and purchasing, as do the demographic<br />

factors like income, education,<br />

and gender. Insight into these generations<br />

often times determines how and<br />

when to launch effective marketing<br />

campaigns. In addition, it will guide the<br />

approach to building internal programs<br />

to attract and retain key personnel.<br />

One of the best examples of generational<br />

marketing is when Toyota<br />

launched their Scion for the Connected<br />

Generation, the trendsetters of Gen<br />

Y. Over thirty years ago, the Baby<br />

Boomers put Toyota on the map and<br />

now the Gen Y are following in their<br />

footsteps, they are expected to account<br />

for an estimated of 20 to 25 percent<br />

of their 76 million members in the<br />

U.S. vehicle purchases by 2010. Scion<br />

vice president Jim Farley says, “They’ll<br />


generational change<br />

accelerating aviation business through innovative marketing<br />


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leave it with us.<br />

T h e A l l en G roupe is A p rofes s i o n A l A ircr A f T c l e A n i n G c o m pA n y.<br />

W e p rov i d e o u r c l ien T s A W o r ry free e x p erien c e s o<br />

T h e y c A n f o cus o n T h eir m i s s i o n .<br />

w w w . a l l e n g r o u p e . c o m | 8 6 6 - 5 3 5 - 6 5 0 0<br />

affect every car company, and I think<br />

the biggest challenge is this: Name a<br />

brand that’s been able to attract parents<br />

and kids at the same time. It’s pretty<br />

tough. That’s one of the reasons why<br />

Scion is different from Toyota.” Toyota<br />

understood that Scion’s target buyers<br />

preferred the simplicity of bundled<br />

upgrades versus a la carte options and<br />

designed the vehicle accordingly with<br />

all the bells and whistles for the cool<br />

factor packaged at affordable base<br />

price. They dedicated specific space<br />

on the showroom floor highlighting<br />

the vehicles features, created a self<br />

–service internet kiosks, and partnered<br />

with the Rebel Organization, an urban<br />

trend marketing specialty firm to hold<br />

monthly events targeting the Connection<br />

Generation all around the world,<br />

while creating customer evangelists<br />

through word of mouth. The product<br />

is brilliantly successful. Toyota truly<br />

understands their targeted generation<br />

and built an authentic brand while<br />

adding value to the Connected Generation<br />

communities with dozens of<br />

websites supporting their brand. There<br />

are many stories where companies<br />

specifically targeted individual generations,<br />

which resulted in, higher than<br />

expected return on investment.<br />

It is critical to have a plan to manage<br />

the very different needs of each generation<br />

as your business and its customers<br />

evolve. First, you must understand<br />

the individual generations that are<br />

currently relevant to your business.<br />

There are approximately 75 million<br />

Traditionalists that were born between<br />

1900 and 1945. Typically, Traditionalist’s<br />

are loyal, hard working,<br />

team players, and value the chain of<br />

command. This generation holds threequarters<br />

of the nation’s wealth and they<br />

are also the executive leaders of some<br />

of the most established and influential<br />

companies in America. Often times<br />

these Traditionalists will work for only<br />

one employer their entire life. They are<br />

motivated by recognition and willing<br />

to be mentors to future leaders. Since<br />

14 WINTER 2008

the majority of this group served in the<br />

military, they prefer top down management<br />

style along with consistency and<br />

uniformity. As this generation continues<br />

to leave the workforce it is important to<br />

provide opportunities to pass along their<br />

expertise and knowledge to the next<br />

generation through formal mentoring<br />

programs. Do not underestimate the<br />

influential power this generation has<br />

in the marketplace, just remember they<br />

prefer written or face-to-face communication<br />

when promoting and selling your<br />

company’s services.<br />

Next in line are the Baby Boomers, who<br />

were born between 1946 and 1964,<br />

consisting of 80 million Americans and<br />

the largest of the generations. Characteristics<br />

of the Baby Boomer generation<br />

have a few similarities to the traditionalists,<br />

as they are optimistic, high<br />

achievers and avoid conflict, however,<br />

many of their other traits differ quite<br />

greatly. They are competitive, workaholics,<br />

believe in individual choice and<br />

known for focusing on themselves. They<br />

are motivated by prosperity and engage<br />

in self-centered activities. Since they<br />

are career oriented, employers should<br />

help them explore their next steps in the<br />

workplace, and demonstrate how your<br />

organization can continue to use their<br />

talents. As this generation retires in the<br />

next five to ten years, it will create a<br />

huge employment gap in aviation especially.<br />

We are already experiencing a<br />

shortage of mechanics, instructors and<br />

pilots across the country. It is imperative<br />

to build a plan to insure you are<br />

prepared to engage the next generation<br />

for success in <strong>Aviation</strong>. With 2.1 trillion<br />

in spending power, implementing<br />

marketing campaigns that echo baby<br />

Boomer’s values about their concerned<br />

topics like work and management,<br />

beauty and self-image and retirement<br />

are essential business strategies in<br />

today’s market.<br />

Born between 1965 and 1980, Generation<br />

X has 46 million Americans.<br />

Members of the Gen X generation are<br />

typically skeptical, fiercely independent<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

and self-starters who do not believe in<br />

institutions. They are highly committed<br />

to work life balance and known as the<br />

“latch key kids” from nontraditional<br />

families. Enjoying their social life and<br />

life opportunities are at the top of their<br />

priority list and considered more important<br />

than productivity, profitability or<br />

achievement. They are motivated by<br />

life experiences and value feedback<br />

and recognition in the workforce.<br />

They are adaptable, focused on the<br />

end result and are technically competent.<br />

As entrepreneurial thinkers, it’s<br />

challenging for employers to continue<br />

meeting their expectations and often<br />

times they leave organizations to start<br />

their own business. Because they follow<br />

the retiring Baby Boomers, there is<br />

some concern that a higher than normal<br />

segment of the workforce could leave a<br />

larger gap in qualified employees than<br />

anticipated. As for engaging the Xers to<br />

become life long customers, marketers<br />


generational change<br />

Delivering <strong>Aviation</strong> Excellence for<br />

29 years at Ft.Lauderdale<br />

Executive <strong>Airport</strong><br />

• FBO Services • Turbine Maintenance<br />

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• Hangar63 (Banyan's <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>St</strong>ore)<br />

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Phone: 800.200.2031<br />

954.491.3170<br />

www.banyanair.com<br />

are developing creative ways to connect<br />

these Gen Xers on a different level by<br />

creating life experiences throughout<br />

their brand.<br />

At 76 million U.S. members, the second<br />

largest in population is the Millennial<br />

generation, also known as Gen Y and<br />

were born between 1981 and 1999.<br />

The traits of the Gen Y generation, also<br />

referred to as the protected generation,<br />

are self centered, technologically savvy,<br />

civic minded, appreciative of diversity<br />

and interested in politics. They<br />

are truly the most radically diverse of<br />

all generations. These are cyber kids<br />

and used to the Internet, speed and<br />

access to information. They value selfexpression,<br />

believe respect must be<br />

earned and focused on lifestyle. Much<br />

like the Gen Xers they crave change and<br />

want challenge at work and believe you<br />

work to live, not live to work. They are<br />

resilient and committed to an idea or<br />

cause. These young workers have close<br />

relationships with their parents and<br />

often continue to live with them as they<br />

enter the workforce. As seekers of their<br />

parents’ advice and approval, it will<br />

be important for managers and supervisors<br />

to provide the same nurturing<br />

protection, advice and approval as they<br />

received at home. This generation will<br />

be most educated and bring many great<br />

attributes to the table. They are keenly<br />

perceptive to marketing and advertising<br />

which requires communicating<br />

in new ways, for example, utilizing pull<br />

verse push marketing campaigns when<br />

targeting them as your customer.<br />

With all these different characteristics<br />

and values of today’s four generations,<br />

it’s common to have misunderstandings<br />

and misconceptions. Having a better<br />

understanding of others can make the<br />

working environment and marketing<br />

efforts more productive, which leads<br />

to a healthy business. It’s important<br />

to understand and appreciate each<br />

generation and how they act and think.<br />

Learning how to motivate and retain<br />

great employees from all generations<br />

will save businesses time and money.<br />

16 WINTER 2008

Traditionalists (5%)<br />

(Born1900 - 1945)<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

Practical<br />

Always at work<br />

Patient, loyal and<br />

hardworking<br />

Difficulty with change<br />

Respectful of authority<br />

Rule followers<br />

Rewards later<br />

Prefer <strong>St</strong>ructure<br />

FMYadFATA09-08Mech:Layout 2 9/17/08 10:06 AM Page 1<br />

*Percentage in work force.<br />

Summary of Generations<br />

Boomers (45%)<br />

(Born1946 - 1964)<br />

Optimistic<br />

Want recognition and<br />

adventure<br />

Teamwork and cooperation<br />

Idealistic<br />

Ambitious<br />

Invented “Me Generation”<br />

Workaholic –”Thank God<br />

It’s Monday”<br />

Page Field General <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Airport</strong><br />

Your <strong>Aviation</strong> Gateway To Fort Myers, <strong>Florida</strong><br />

Whether you fly for business or pleasure Page Field has it all!<br />

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On-site rental car facility ● Property management ● Leasable site development<br />


Gen Xers (40%)<br />

(Born 1965 - 1980)<br />

Skeptical<br />

Wants challenges<br />

Self-reliant and<br />

techno literate<br />

Adaptable to change<br />

Risk-taking<br />

Entrepreneurial<br />

Balance work<br />

and life<br />

Page Field General <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Airport</strong> (FMY)<br />

1-800-545-JETS<br />

www.flyfmy.com<br />

Millennials (10%)<br />

(Born1981 - 1999)<br />

Hopeful and optimistic<br />

Wants to make a<br />

difference<br />

Meaningful Work<br />

Moral mindset<br />

Social activism<br />

Value diversity<br />

And change<br />

Technology savvy<br />

Expects immediate<br />

responsibility<br />


generational change<br />

For example, Boomers accuse Traditionalist<br />

of being inflexible and overcautious<br />

and Xers are frustrated that<br />

they are not as technology savvy and<br />

may not communicate via e-mail and<br />

then Millennials think they are slow. As<br />

for Baby Boomers, Traditionalists find<br />

them self-absorbed, Xers feel they are<br />

micro-managers and Millennials think<br />

they are uptight. Then there are the<br />

Gen Xers, Traditionalists think they are<br />

rude, Boomers consider them slackers<br />

and Millennials complain that they are<br />

cynical, aloof, and pessimistic. Lastly<br />

the Millennials, Traditionalists tend to<br />

patronize them because they are often<br />

the same age as their grandchildren.<br />

Boomers think they require too much<br />

attention and Xers complain that they<br />

are indulged, self-absorbed and naïve.<br />

There are many strategies to connect<br />

the generations. For the work environment,<br />

set ground rules early, explain<br />

your credentials, and remember every<br />

generation has a success story to tell.<br />

Look for common interests and let them<br />

be who they are. As for marketing, be<br />

clear about your vision and objectives,<br />

understand your audience, design<br />

your campaign and communications<br />

around their values and motivations<br />

and then implement authentically and<br />

honestly. Most importantly, integrate<br />

across all marketing channels and<br />

continue to innovate your marketing<br />

approach for significant benefits that<br />

increase revenue.<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong>, more than any other industry<br />

is in a unique position where large gaps<br />

separate business leadership and entrylevel<br />

workers and customers. Because<br />

of this, there is less of an opportunity to<br />

learn the traits of the generation before<br />

you and after you – you must learn to<br />

reach across several generations to<br />

keep your business competitive and<br />

thriving. Baby Boomer executives must<br />

understand that the way they managed<br />

the maturity of their organization must<br />

change as they seek their replacements.<br />

Marketing challenges exist as well.<br />

What has worked for you over the past<br />

few decades will no longer serve the<br />

needs of the new customers you seek.<br />

Most of all, the traditional leadership<br />

in <strong>Aviation</strong> must realize that change<br />

is taking place and work to embrace<br />

the new vision and welcome the positive<br />

growth that can take place as we<br />

collaborate across generations.<br />

Michelle Raines, CEO/Founder of<br />

inc MARKETING LLC, an innovative<br />

marketing consultant specialized in<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong> and Urban Development.<br />

Michelle has worked with businesses<br />






While change is inevitable, at Sun <strong>Aviation</strong><br />

we have perfected the fine art of delivering<br />

some of the world’s finest business aviation<br />

services for three quarters of a century.<br />

The next time business or pleasure takes<br />

you through Vero Beach, let us show you<br />

how practice makes for perfection in providing<br />

complete business aviation services.<br />

around the country launching new<br />

products and services, implementing<br />

targeted marketing and public<br />

relations campaigns with aggressive<br />

budgets and achieving unprecedented<br />

results. She has been an advocate for<br />

aviation and passionate about flying<br />

for over a decade holding a<br />

Commercial pilot and CFI certification.<br />

For more information contact<br />

michelle@inc-marketing.com<br />

and visit www.inc-marketing.com.<br />

Congratulations “Bump” Holman<br />

on winning the FATA Entreprenurial<br />

Excellence Hall of Fame Award!<br />



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18 WINTER 2008

WINTER 2008<br />

Why FATA?<br />

Mission <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

Since 1946 the <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Trades</strong> Association has been actively promoting and protecting the<br />

rights, interests and development of <strong>Florida</strong>’s aviation industry. Through active membership participation,<br />

FATA:<br />

<strong>St</strong>rengthens and fosters the growth of <strong>Florida</strong>’s valuable aviation industry<br />

Protects and defends the rights of our members<br />

Promotes continued growth of <strong>Florida</strong>’s Community <strong>Airport</strong>s<br />

Is the primary Advocate with <strong>St</strong>ate and Federal Governments<br />

Is an effective business resource for our members regarding <strong>Florida</strong> aviation issues<br />

Recognize and utilize our members’ unique experiences and talents as an asset of the association<br />

With so many alphabet groups active in the aviation industry, is there still room for state aviation associations?<br />

A resounding, yes! The <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Trades</strong> Association was founded in 1946 by early pioneers in <strong>Florida</strong>’s<br />

aviation industry. They saw the need for a group to represent and be the voice for the general aviation industry<br />

in <strong>Florida</strong>.<br />

We are a diverse group that includes FBO’s fuel suppliers, insurance companies, repair facilities, air taxi and<br />

air charter, flight schools, airports and virtually any company involved in providing products and services to the<br />

general aviation industry.<br />

We are an advocate. We realize there are challenges facing general aviation and each legislative session offers<br />

the aviation community the opportunity to be heard. Many special interest groups contribute to legislative candidate.<br />

To this end, FATA established FATAPAC – <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Trades</strong> Association Political Action Committee.<br />

Membership in the FATAPAC is a way to make sure aviation’s voice is heard.<br />

For Advertising<br />

Opportunities<br />

Contact<br />

Trevilynn<br />

Blakeslee<br />

877.234.1863<br />

ext. 6701<br />

To join, visit www.fata.aero and click on Join FATA or contact us at<br />

(321)383-9662 or info@fata.aero<br />


The faces behind the food<br />

Like matching the perfect wine with the entrée’, Silver<br />

Lining Inflight Catering has found the perfect combination<br />

for operating and managing their catering<br />

business. In addition to the catering business, they<br />

have opened the Jet Runway Café’ and full service catering<br />

venue at Fort Lauderdale Executive <strong>Airport</strong>.<br />

Mitch Amsterdam, president, compliments Mike in his work<br />

experience and his passion for offering special catering for<br />

the aviation industry. When flight attendants, pilots, and<br />

private jet passengers rave about the menu, food quality, and<br />

presentation, it all starts with Mitch. As master chef, Mitch<br />

has more than 16 years of amazing his various clienteles. He<br />

is always in the kitchen leading the Silver Lining Team. Mitch<br />

is responsible for all distinctive foods and displays that separate<br />

us from the rest.<br />


• Serving breakfast and lunch from 6 am to 4 pm<br />

• Directly on the runway of Ft. Lauderdale<br />

Executive <strong>Airport</strong><br />

• Great views of Banyan’s passenger terminal<br />

• Chic venue for all occasion parties<br />

• Offsite catering for any occasion<br />

• Licensed and Insured<br />

Assorted Breakfast Breads<br />

5540 NW 21st Terrace Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33309<br />

(954) 958 9900 Fax (954) 958 9988<br />

Owned and Operated By<br />

inflight catering defining first class<br />

Mike Linder, vice-president/owner/operator of Silver Lining<br />

Inflight Catering has a passion for the hospitality and customer<br />

service industry and that passion has catapulted Silver Lining<br />

to the number one South <strong>Florida</strong> in-flight caterer. Mike is the<br />

perfect teammate for Mitch because he takes care of staffing,<br />

running the business, and setting the goals. On the road at<br />

least one week a month, Mike is in continuous contact with<br />

Silver Lining’s client base in all 50 states. Through his travels,<br />

he keeps up with the trends and ensures that the company<br />

remains the market leader.<br />

These two individuals have surrounded themselves with individuals<br />

who have the same goals and passion for their jobs<br />

and their business that led to them receiving NetJet’s “Service<br />

Excellence Award “ in 2007. This award is given each year to the<br />

Vendor who maintains the highest standards of consistency.<br />

Defining First Class<br />

20 WINTER 2008<br />


WINTER 2008<br />

Silver lining inflight Catering<br />

inflight catering defining first class<br />

Here are the other individuals whose expertise makes a<br />

complete staff of professionals for Silver Lining:<br />

James Donato - Executive Chef, is on a mission in the kitchen.<br />

Between scheduling the staff, keeping the kitchen on a steady<br />

flow, and producing the utmost delectable meals, he is considered<br />

the go-to guy. He has 15+ years experience working with<br />

high-end clientele and provides a vast variety of delicacies<br />

from around the world. Priding himself on versatility, James<br />

accommodates any and all of our clients’ desires. His dedication<br />

to run an efficient kitchen shines through in the gourmet<br />

meals that continue to wow our clients each and every day.<br />

Andrew Whiteman - Executive Chef, has in-flight experience<br />

and brings his extensive and widespread culinary knowledge<br />

to Silver Lining. His resourcefulness produces remarkable<br />

innovation in the kitchen and meals. Andrew keeps the<br />

Silver Lining Team up to date with the ever-changing styles,<br />

which guarantees client satisfaction. His 15+ years working<br />

at high-end country clubs and hotels has brought tremendous<br />

success to our team.<br />

Pinar Fisk - Sous Chef, is an exciting and vital addition to the<br />

Silver Lining Team. She is a graduate of The Culinary Institute<br />

of America. Pinar has worked along side James and Andrew to<br />

master the Silver Lining touches. Her hard work and attention<br />

to detail, has made Pinar a truly special Silver Lining Chef.<br />

We have one mission - to provide our clients<br />

with an exemplary dining experience truly<br />

worthy of the name first class.<br />

• Finest and Freshest Ingredients<br />

• Sophisticated Food Presentation<br />

• 24 Hours a day on time delivery<br />

• Flawless Execution<br />

• Superior Customer Service<br />

Serving: FLL FXE BCT PBI<br />


24 Hour Service Lines<br />

(954)917-1020 (888)917-1020<br />

Fax: (954)957-7331<br />

info@silverlininginflightcatering.com<br />

www.silverlininginflightcatering.com<br />

1280 S.W. 29th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33068<br />

For More Information: (954) 818-9322<br />

Kenric Grange - Lead Expediter, is committed to perfection<br />

and has created a new standard for service to their customers.<br />

He has been through several seasons including Super Bowl,<br />

and his work has remained flawless on the busiest of days.<br />

Every day he works harder than the day before, ensuring that<br />

Silver Lining stays ahead of the competition.<br />

Hope Matiessen - Office Supervisor, has been with Silver<br />

Lining from the beginning. She is the glue that holds together<br />

all facets of the company. Knowing this industry and company<br />

inside and out, Hope has experience with all of the positions<br />

within Silver Lining. With the best customer service skills in<br />

the business, she fulfills the vision of providing whatever,<br />

whenever to our clients.<br />

Silver Lining was established by Mitch and Mike in 2003 with a<br />

handful of customers and quickly expanded to one of the best<br />

in-flight catering operations in South <strong>Florida</strong>. Today, Silver<br />

Lining employs over 40 people, including 14 highly trained<br />

chefs. Our location near Ft. Lauderdale Executive <strong>Airport</strong> has<br />

allowed us to serve all of South <strong>Florida</strong>, from Palm Beach to<br />

the Keys. Now, with the opening of our new facility in West<br />

Palm Beach, we will now service Central <strong>Florida</strong> airports with<br />

as well.<br />


Providing Relief and Help<br />

the General <strong>Aviation</strong> Way<br />

Because the<br />

Bahamas is so<br />

easily accessible by<br />

private aircraft, it<br />

became clear to the<br />

Bahamas Habitat,<br />

a US-based<br />

Christian nonprofit<br />

organization, that<br />

the easiest and<br />

most efficient<br />

way to bring aid<br />

to the area was<br />

by aircraft. The<br />

organization<br />

maintains a special<br />

focus on partnering<br />

with supporters<br />

and sponsors that<br />

are involved in<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong> as pilots,<br />

aircraft owners and<br />

aviation industry<br />

participants.<br />

22 WINTER 2008

Their bi-annual Fly-In & Help Out Event<br />

introduces Pilots and Aircraft Owners to<br />

the joys of flying to the Bahamas while<br />

allowing them to directly support the<br />

vital mission of the Bahamas Habitat.<br />

Bahamas Habitat works with their<br />

partner the Bahamas Methodist Habitat<br />

(BMH) to support housing & disaster<br />

relief work in the Bahamas. BMH operates<br />

out of James Cistern Eleuthera<br />

where they are involved in hosting over<br />

600 adults and youths each season<br />

for a week long and weekend Christian<br />

missions .Bahamas Habitat is expanding<br />

and supporting the work of Bahamas<br />

Methodist Habitat through encouraging<br />

greater involvement of non-Bahamian<br />

volunteers in the extensive community<br />

development, housing renovation<br />

and construction work needed not<br />

only on the island of Eleuthera Island<br />

but throughout the Bahamas including<br />

the islands of Andros, Abaco, Grand<br />

Bahama, New Providence, Ragged<br />

and Cat.<br />

The United <strong>St</strong>ates has predominantly<br />

affluent communities with pockets of<br />

poverty while the Bahamas has widespread<br />

poverty with pockets of extraordinary<br />

wealth. The Bahamas is known<br />

for its resorts and gated communities<br />

but 95% of the residents of the<br />

Bahamas live on incomes below the US<br />

poverty rate, with high unemployment,<br />

and many social ills; all this only a short<br />

flight from our shores.<br />

“What makes this mission opportunity<br />

so unique is that the Bahamas are so<br />

easily accessible by general aviation<br />

aircraft and so in need that it provides<br />

the ideal opportunity for a mission<br />

minded pilot to give back to a community<br />

in need in an exciting and tax<br />

deductible way,” states John Armstrong,<br />

the organization’s Vice President<br />

and Regional Manager for Dominion<br />

Aircraft Sales, which is associated with<br />

Fort Lauderdale, <strong>Florida</strong>-based Premier<br />

Aircraft Sales, Inc., a member of the<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Trades</strong> Association.<br />

The <strong>Aviation</strong> wing of Bahamas Habitat<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

Abenaqui Carriers<br />

(a trade name owned and operated by P.S.Marston Associates LLC)<br />

Family Owned and Operated Since 1973 Bonded Fuel Carrier<br />

Abenaqui Carriers is a diversified hazardous materials carrier with<br />

150 trailers and 75 tractors, servicing the <strong>Florida</strong> region,<br />

New England, New York and the Eastern Canadian territories.<br />

Our vision is to continue our strategic and steady growth while we bring<br />

professional safe and efficient service to our customers, through<br />

training and the latest technology.<br />

We are certified to carry AirBP & Exxon <strong>Aviation</strong> products and we<br />

provide dedicated services to AvFuel, ExxonMobil, Motiva Enterprises<br />

(Shell & Texaco) Irving Oil, Gulf Oil. In addition, we are an<br />

approved carrier for the United <strong>St</strong>ates Department of Defense.<br />

www.abenaquicarriers.com 800-643-9537 ext 812 or 815<br />


ahamiam relief<br />

PBI - BCT<br />

You Now Have a<br />

Choicev<br />

New Office in PBI<br />

leverages the resources of the general<br />

aviation industry and aircraft owners<br />

from the US to support disaster relief<br />

efforts and on-going mission work for<br />

our close by neighbors in the Bahamas.<br />

In addition to the hurricane relief<br />

mission, the organization is beginning<br />

efforts to transport and setup a<br />

complete dental clinic at Camp Symonette,<br />

the organizations main base of<br />

operations in central Eleuthera.<br />

“The dental clinic equipment was a<br />

very generous gift from Dr. Herbert Rust<br />

and his lovely wife Louise,” explained<br />

Armstrong. “We are extremely grateful<br />

to Dr. Rust for his generous donation<br />

and his enthusiasm to be part of<br />

this project.”<br />

“The Flying Dentists Association learned<br />

of our efforts to establish a dental<br />

ministry and they are very anxious to<br />

help us,” Armstrong said. “Several of<br />

their members will be on the committee<br />

for the site selection and development<br />

of this much-needed facility. We are<br />

actively seeking other flying dentist to<br />

come and join this project.”<br />

The group sees the opportunity to make<br />

a unique and significant impact on the<br />

condition and hearts of Bahamians by<br />

combining the potential of missionminded<br />

aviation enthusiasts and strong<br />

Christian supporters with the needs of<br />

BMH throughout the Bahamas. Participants<br />

in their programs come away<br />

with a stronger faith and a meaningful<br />

connection to a part of God’s work.<br />

At present, regional development councils<br />

in North Carolina, <strong>Florida</strong>, Georgia,<br />

Tennessee, Ohio, Missouri and other<br />

regions have begun with committed<br />

leaders willing to promote this volunteer<br />

opportunity through their network,<br />

time and donations. Donations are<br />

coming in and people are excited to be<br />

involved is this adventure.<br />

Become Involved<br />

You can be involved by helping to organize<br />

a summer youth group work team<br />

and introducing the opportunity to<br />

24 WINTER 2008

your faith communities and churches.<br />

You can join a Fly-In & Help Out event<br />

to make the trip and see for yourself<br />

the need and potential we are serving<br />

in this ministry. You can support us<br />

with your prayers, service and financial<br />

gifts. Visit BahamasHabitat.org<br />

for complete details and to register to<br />

receive updates on future trips.<br />

Save the<br />

Date for Next<br />

Fly-In & Help<br />

Out Event<br />

Save March 5th-8th 2009 on<br />

your calendar now for our next<br />

Fly-In & Help Out Event. This<br />

will be a Thursday to a Sunday<br />

schedule again that has worked<br />

so well for us in the past.<br />

So many people have said, “Oh,<br />

I can’t make it this time but I’d<br />

like to go next time.” Well, “next<br />

time” is March 5th - 8th 2009!<br />

If you don’t have an aircraft, send<br />

links to your friends that do and<br />

tell them you want to ride with<br />

them! Details on our sign up<br />

page will be updated soon. Make<br />

sure you subscribe to the blog for<br />

updates and notices.<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

ing • Sun & Fun • Historic Communities • The Futures Tour • Fantasy of Flight • Lakeland Speedway<br />

& Fun • Historic Communities • The Futures Tour • Fantasy of Flight • Lakeland Speedway<br />

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Welcome to Lakeland, FL!<br />

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� Complimentary Coffee, Ice & Newspapers<br />

� Pilot Supplies � � Pilot Lounge / Snooze Room<br />

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� Aircraft � Sales,Charter<br />

� Pilot Supplies / Rental / Aerial Sightseeing<br />

Supplies<br />

� All Major Credit Cards Accepted<br />









25<br />









It is difficult<br />

to attend a lunch<br />

meeting or social event these<br />

days in which the economy is not one of the primary topics of<br />

conversation. It always surprises me, however, when people<br />

tell me that they have not created their own action plan to<br />

ensure that their personal and business assets are protected.<br />

If you find yourself in that situation, you might want to sit<br />

down for a few minutes and develop an action plan of your<br />

own. Following are a few areas you might want to consider:<br />

Contracts It is a good idea to review some of your more<br />

important contracts to ensure that your business is protected<br />

in the event of a default by the other party. If times were<br />

good when you entered into the contract, you might not have<br />

seriously considered what happens when the other party is<br />

unable to pay or perform, particularly in cases where the<br />

other party is of a significant size. As we have seen with many<br />

sizable and seemingly unshakable institutions, however, size<br />

does not necessarily matter when it comes to financial (and<br />

contractual) performance. You may not be able to prevent a<br />

default by the other party, but you should at least know how it<br />

might impact your business in the event that a default occurs.<br />

Where possible, you may also want to consider “beefing up”<br />

the contractual language through an amendment to provide<br />

your business with greater protection in the event of a<br />

default. Be careful though, contractual amendments can be<br />

tricky. You should consult with your lawyer before altering<br />

your contract.<br />

Receivables Receivables are one of the most difficult<br />

areas to deal with when the economy turns south. Most<br />

businesses feel that they need to loosen, not tighten, credit in<br />

Covering Your<br />

A ets<br />

In A Troubled Economy<br />

By Dan Anderson,<br />

Robbins Equitas, P.A.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Petersburg, FL<br />

order to make sales. At<br />

the same time, many buyers<br />

are less financially stable and the risk of<br />

extending credit increases when the economy is down. If<br />

your business does not use them already, you may wish to<br />

consider offering substantial discounts for cash payments.<br />

Alternatively, you may wish to consider a factoring arrangement,<br />

whereby your company sells its receivables to a third<br />

party at a discount. Factoring arrangements shift the burden<br />

of risk from your company to the third party so that your<br />

company does not bear the risk of a default by your customer.<br />

The downside, of course, is the additional cost, but it may<br />

make sense for your business to use factoring temporarily,<br />

until the economy stabilizes.<br />

Insurance When times are tough, some businesses<br />

make the mistake of canceling insurance policies or eliminating<br />

coverage to reduce costs and increase profit. While that<br />

approach may make sense in some cases, in many cases it can<br />

create a risk of catastrophic loss and should be avoided. You<br />

should sit down with your insurance agent and see where you<br />

can save money without “rolling the dice” with your business.<br />

Professional insurance agents can often offer solutions that<br />

will help you save money without putting your business on<br />

the line. Remember, it may take some time but the economy<br />

will turn around. Being smart means doing those things that<br />

you need to do to survive today so that your business is there<br />

to see the economic sunrise of tomorrow.<br />

26 WINTER 2008




By Michael A. Hodges, President/CE, <strong>Airport</strong> Business Solutions<br />

The coming months (and probably years) will bring a<br />

new series of challenges for all of us in the aviation<br />

industry. <strong>Aviation</strong> businesses will face the challenge<br />

of maintaining the status quo with regard to activity levels<br />

and obtaining credit to maintain and expand their operations,<br />

while airports will likely face the unfortunate failure of some<br />

of their tenants and a reduction in flight activity. Some will be<br />

more fortunate than others, but it is probably safe to say that<br />

everyone will be impacted to some extent.<br />

So what does all of this “gloom and doom” talk have to do<br />

with Minimum <strong>St</strong>andards? As belts begin to tighten, some<br />

airports will be tempted to lower their Minimum <strong>St</strong>andards<br />

in order to facilitate growth. They will be approached by<br />

individuals looking to start new businesses to compete with<br />

existing operators, and many of them will seek to have the<br />

airport “help them get started” by loosening the requirements.<br />

My suggestion to the airport is, “Just say no!” <strong>Airport</strong>s<br />

need to think about why a potential tenant would want lower<br />

Minimum <strong>St</strong>andards. Most likely, it is because they realize that<br />

they cannot achieve a return on investment during the lean<br />

start-up times. However, it is not the role of airport management<br />

to help a tenant get a certain return on their investment;<br />

instead, they must provide a set of rules and regulations in<br />

place that gives everyone a fair, reasonable and equitable<br />

opportunity to compete with other businesses in the airport<br />

offering the same or similar services.<br />

The current economy is a challenging one, and favors those<br />

businesses that have demonstrated foresight and planning<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

that allow them to weather some storms. Incumbent operations<br />

almost always have a benefit over start-ups in challenging<br />

economic times, because start-ups are a significant<br />

challenge even in good times. The expenses associated with<br />

starting a business, even with the best planning, are usually<br />

magnified by overly aggressive expectations for activity<br />

levels. This is not to say that there are new businesses that<br />

cannot succeed, but those that are looking for a hand-out to<br />

help them get started are probably not in the best position to<br />

succeed. Some think that the FAA’s position is that the airport<br />

cannot say no to a tenant that wants to start a new business<br />

at their airport. That is true, but only to a certain point. The<br />

FAA says that an airport cannot say no to a tenant if there is<br />

land or property available to support the operator, they are<br />

willing to pay the rates and fees of the airport and are willing<br />

and able to meet all of the rules and regulations (including<br />

Minimum <strong>St</strong>andards) set forth by the airport. In other words,<br />

there can and should be minimum threshold requirements<br />

applicable to any new tenant on any airport. In reality, now<br />

is probably a good time for airports to strengthen Minimum<br />

<strong>St</strong>andards. There are probably some things in your airport’s<br />

<strong>St</strong>andards that could use some “tightening up”, and now is a<br />

good time to evaluate some of these requirements. Protecting<br />

existing businesses from unfair competition will probably put<br />

the airport in a better financial position over the long term by<br />

ensuring the stability of the incumbent during the lean times,<br />

while promoting a higher standard in the future when the<br />

economy turns the corner.<br />



All of our attorneys are pilots.<br />

Any further questions?<br />

Aircraft Transactions<br />

Loan Securitization<br />

Ownership<br />

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Civil Forfeiture Litigation<br />

Block Time<br />

Defense of FAA Enforcement<br />

Criminal Law Offenses<br />

Aeromedial Issues<br />

Appellate Representation<br />

Title Encumbrances<br />

Joint Use Like-Kind Exchange (IRC & 1031)<br />

Fractional Share Purchase/Sale<br />

Registration<br />

TSA Security Issues<br />

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The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.<br />

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28 WINTER 2008

Welcome NEW MEMBERS<br />

Michael A. Hodges<br />

President/CEO<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> Business Solutions<br />

13529 Prestice Place, Suite 108<br />

Tampa, FL 33635-9772<br />

(813)269-2525<br />

FAX: (813)269-8022<br />

mhodges@airportbusiness.net<br />

www.airportbusiness.net<br />

Clara Bennett<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> Manager<br />

Fort Lauderdale Executive <strong>Airport</strong><br />

6000 NW 21 Avenue<br />

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309<br />

(954)828-4955<br />

FAX: (954)938-4974<br />

cbennett@fortlauderdale.gov<br />

www.ci.ftlaud.fl.us/fxe<br />

WINTER 2008<br />

Jeff <strong>St</strong>ahl<br />

Regional Sales Director<br />

MedAire<br />

80 East Rio Salado Parkway<br />

Suite 610<br />

Tempe, AZ 85281<br />

(407)697-5115<br />

jstahl@medaire.com<br />

www.medaire.com<br />

John <strong>St</strong>ewart<br />

President<br />

Southwest Airframe<br />

& Tank Services<br />

9840 Monroe Drive, Suite 105<br />

Dallas, TX 75220<br />

(214)912-6389<br />

jstewart@swat-aircraft.com<br />

www.swat-aircraft.com<br />

Save The Date<br />

FATA Annual Conference<br />

June 15 - 17, 2009<br />

Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort<br />

Meeting Sessions, Trade Show, Golf Tournament<br />

800-280-9662<br />

www.fata.aero<br />


Index to ADVERTISERS<br />

Aircraft Cleaning/Detailing<br />

The Allen Groupe .....................................14<br />

Pro Guard Aircraft Detailing, LLC .............24<br />

Aircraft Financing<br />

Financing by IAM.....................................30<br />

Aircraft Sales<br />

Flightline Group, Inc ..................................4<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> Construction<br />

Bascon, Inc ..............................................30<br />

Ocean Gate General Contractors ..............15<br />

Associations<br />

National Air Transportation Association<br />

(NATA) ...........................Inside Back Cover<br />

Attorneys/Legal Group<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong> Legal Group ...............................28<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong> School/Flight Training<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> Institute of Technology ................10<br />

<strong>Aviation</strong> Security<br />

Leading Edge <strong>St</strong>rategies ..........................28<br />

Banking Services for Air Transportation<br />

Employess<br />

Wings Financial .............. Inside Front Cover<br />

Catering<br />

Silver Lining Inflight Catering .................. 21<br />

FBO<br />

Banyan Air Service ..................................16<br />

Columbia Air Services .............................25<br />

Flightline Group, Inc ..................................4<br />

Showalter ................................................ 12<br />

Signature Flight Support............................3<br />

Sun <strong>Aviation</strong>, Inc .....................................18<br />

Volo ...........................................................9<br />

Fuel<br />

AvFuel Corporation .................................. 11<br />

Fuel Carrier<br />

Abenaqui Carriers ...................................23<br />

General <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Airport</strong>s<br />

Lee <strong>County</strong> Port Authority ....................... 17<br />

Insurance<br />

Alexander <strong>Aviation</strong> Associates ................28<br />

AIR-SUR, INC.................Outside Back Cover<br />

AvFuel Corporation .................................. 11<br />

Phoenix <strong>Aviation</strong> Managers, Inc ..............10<br />

Marketing Consultants<br />

inc Marketing ..........................................14<br />

Restaurants<br />

Jet Runway Cafe ......................................20<br />

Surveying/Mapping Services<br />

McMillen Surveying .................................25<br />

Wing Mats (Disposable)<br />

Chadd Padd .............................................19<br />

30 WINTER 2008

If You’re in <strong>Aviation</strong> to Turn a Profit, We’re in Business for You<br />

That general aviation aircraft get<br />

off the ground at all is due in large<br />

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It is, after all, the FBOs, flight<br />

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