The Official Newsletter of Give Kids The World Edition 2009
The Official Newsletter of Give Kids The World Edition 2009
The Official Newsletter of Give Kids The World Edition 2009
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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
<strong>Edition</strong> <strong>2009</strong>
2<br />
Insight<br />
from a<br />
CEO<br />
Hannah McNeal is the daughter <strong>of</strong> family friends. She has leukemia and was 6 years old when she visited<br />
<strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) in 2007 with her Mom, Dad, and two younger brothers. Recently, I got to see<br />
the villa Hannah’s family stayed in at the Village. <strong>The</strong>y said visiting GKTW was “a game changer” for them as<br />
a family and how they faced the future dealing with Hannah’s illness. Today, I’m pleased to report Hannah<br />
is a survivor.<br />
People like Hannah and her family are the reasons the International Association <strong>of</strong> Amusement Parks and<br />
Attractions (IAAPA) supports <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong>. As you know, the worldwide attractions industry is all<br />
about entertaining families, so supporting <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong>, a magical place committed to providing<br />
amazing memories for special families, is a natural fit for our organization.<br />
Since GKTW Village opened in 1989, more than 97,000 families with children who have life-threatening<br />
illnesses have experienced an all expense-paid vacation in Central Florida. <strong>The</strong> Village will welcome their<br />
100,000 family in January. Those families aren’t just from the United States. In fact, GKTW welcomes<br />
children from around the world and has entertained families from more than 70 countries.<br />
Our relationship started with GKTW 15 years ago when we introduced the <strong>World</strong> Passport Program for <strong>Kids</strong>.<br />
Through that program, IAAPA members donate millions <strong>of</strong> dollars in admission tickets to their attractions<br />
and extend GKTW experiences to families for up to a year after they leave the Village.<br />
IAAPA members have also donated almost a million dollars to GKTW through raffles, charity runs, live and<br />
silent auctions, and golf tournaments. Last year, a portion <strong>of</strong> those funds was used to build a two-villa cottage<br />
in the Fairy Tale Forest at GKTW.<br />
Our members’ support <strong>of</strong> GKTW goes far beyond what they do through IAAPA. Some host their own fundraising<br />
events and collect contributions through payroll deductions, and many <strong>of</strong> our supplier members<br />
donate goods and services directly that help make the Village the amazing place that it is.<br />
We are proud to support GKTW. We know the organization uses our donations responsibly and for the good<br />
<strong>of</strong> the kids and their families. We admire the hard work and personal commitment <strong>of</strong> GKTW President Pam<br />
Landwirth and the entire team <strong>of</strong> staff and volunteers at the Village. <strong>The</strong>y make the dreams come true and<br />
put smiles <strong>of</strong> the faces <strong>of</strong> so many who desperately need them. So hats <strong>of</strong>f and thank you … to <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />
<strong>World</strong> … and to the members <strong>of</strong> IAAPA who help make it happen. We look forward to supporting your efforts<br />
for many years to come.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Charlie Bray<br />
President and CEO<br />
Zamperla Rides<br />
Bring Smiles<br />
For more than ten years, Zamperla, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
world’s leading manufacturers <strong>of</strong> theme park rides<br />
has given <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> Wish children smiles<br />
and ride adventures. Best-known for family rides,<br />
Zamperla has shared its magic with the donation<br />
<strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> its most popular coin-op rides for our<br />
youngest guests and our ever-popular JJ’s Express<br />
Train. Located throughout the Village, the rides<br />
provide smiles everyday! In 2008, Zamperla added<br />
to our collection with the gift <strong>of</strong> the whimsical Circus<br />
Elephant, whose home is now on the porch <strong>of</strong> the<br />
House <strong>of</strong> Hearts.<br />
NANCO Makes GKTW Gala “ Plush ”<br />
A menagerie <strong>of</strong> plush characters and animals have helped <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) thank supporters <strong>of</strong><br />
the GKTW Black & White Gala for almost ten years. From brightly colored Big Bird to cuddly Care Bears to the<br />
lovable Bear in the Big Blue house, NANCO/Nancy Sales donates 150 <strong>of</strong> its most popular plush characters<br />
annually for GKTW’s Gala. <strong>The</strong> lovable characters are sent to Gala table purchasers and can <strong>of</strong>ten be found<br />
at the event decorating cars, boats and other items<br />
up for auction.<br />
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Water Fun and Good Times<br />
in the Park <strong>of</strong> Dreams<br />
This fall, <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) celebrated the grand opening <strong>of</strong> the allnew<br />
Park <strong>of</strong> Dreams. Complete with a beautiful, zero-depth entry pool and a<br />
fun-filled water garden, the enhanced venue provides a splashing good time to<br />
Wish children and their families. <strong>The</strong> beach-themed area’s brand new pool holds<br />
more than 83,000 gallons <strong>of</strong> water, and features fountains that spray warm arcs<br />
<strong>of</strong> water with the push <strong>of</strong> a button.<br />
To make this new pool dream a water-filled reality, members <strong>of</strong> IAAPA came<br />
together to help. Universal Creative donated creative design services for the<br />
renovation <strong>of</strong> the old pool building and scenic wave design on the new pool<br />
equipment building. Neptune-Benson donated a filter from its Defender<br />
series to help the Village keep water costs down. American Locker donated<br />
lockers for Wish families to conveniently store their things while enjoying<br />
the pool. <strong>The</strong> Nassal Company assisted with the theming for the pool building<br />
and Morris Architects donated architectural design services. ValleyCrest<br />
donated the landscape architectural design for the pool.<br />
Located next to the pool is a colorful menagerie <strong>of</strong> water features. Vortex,<br />
based in Quebec, Canada, donated its interactive splashpad water garden to<br />
provide children <strong>of</strong> all abilities the chance to experience flowing, jetting and<br />
misting water experiences. <strong>The</strong> generous gift is already a Village favorite.<br />
While the Park <strong>of</strong> Dreams is now open, the Village is hard at work on the<br />
installation <strong>of</strong> the area’s final attraction, a pirate ship. Earlier this year,<br />
Creative Environs, Inc. surprised GKTW with the pledge to design and<br />
construct the ship along the backside <strong>of</strong> the pool area. <strong>The</strong> ship will include<br />
a sail that doubles as a screen so the Village can hold “dive-in” movies each<br />
night. This amazing gift will be complete in January 2010.
IAAPA Members <strong>Give</strong><br />
Dining Delights<br />
One <strong>of</strong> the most fun – and delicious – aspects <strong>of</strong> the amusement industry is<br />
the variety <strong>of</strong> treats, candy, snacks and drinks that can be found at every turn.<br />
For Wish families at GKTW Village, dining, snacking and delighting are three<br />
<strong>of</strong> our most popular activities. IAAPA manufacturer and supplier members<br />
provide GKTW with “fun foods” every day <strong>of</strong> the year and help us to make sweet<br />
memories for visiting Wish families.<br />
Longtime Village supporter,<br />
J&J Snack Foods Corporation<br />
donates ICEE drinks that<br />
are served in Julie’s Safari<br />
<strong>The</strong>atre. More than 100<br />
ICEE’s are served each week<br />
and the blue and red lips<br />
and tongues that our visiting<br />
Wish children happily show<br />
<strong>of</strong>f with each slurp is the best<br />
way to say “Thank you” we<br />
can think <strong>of</strong>.<br />
Pucker Powder, Inc. donates<br />
1,200 tubes <strong>of</strong> Pucker<br />
Powder each month to the<br />
Village, all served from this<br />
year’s special gift, a new<br />
GKTW - branded Pucker<br />
Powder dispenser.<br />
Dippin’ Dots are served at<br />
Mayor Clayton’s Birthday<br />
Party every Saturday. <strong>The</strong><br />
famous dots are a sweet<br />
treat, especially on warm<br />
nights! More than 100 cases<br />
<strong>of</strong> Dippin’ Dots are donated<br />
each year through our local<br />
franchisee, Rio Concessions.<br />
Coca-Cola has been a<br />
dedicated Village partner<br />
and Corporate Hero since<br />
the Village opened. <strong>The</strong> local<br />
Coca-Cola bottler donates<br />
Coke’s famous products<br />
including Coca-Cola, Diet<br />
Coke and Sprite and bottles<br />
<strong>of</strong> Dasani water and Glaceau<br />
Smartwater so that we can<br />
have them freshly stocked<br />
in the Villas for arriving<br />
families. 72,000 cases <strong>of</strong><br />
soda are donated to GKTW<br />
each year along with 1,300<br />
cases <strong>of</strong> Dasani water and<br />
new this year, 900 cases <strong>of</strong><br />
Glaceau Smartwater.<br />
Want to help provide the treats that make a<br />
GKTW Village sweet? Our Snack Wish list<br />
includes: popcorn, popcorn oil, popcorn butter,<br />
soda syrups, candy, general concession foods<br />
and more! Contact if you<br />
can help!<br />
KING<br />
For theK<br />
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A Big Thanks to IAAPA<br />
Family Letter<br />
I could never thank IAAPA and <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> enough for the wonderful gift that was given to my son<br />
Hunter last year. Hunter was granted a Wish after being diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and related<br />
conditions, a mother’s worst nightmare.<br />
After my son’s diagnoses we were sent to specialists in Washington DC, Baltimore, MD, Long Island, NY, and<br />
Chicago, IL. This was a very stressful time for Hunter and the rest <strong>of</strong> our family. Hunter really needed and<br />
deserved a break from what seemed to him the “endless” tests. He was granted his Wish and <strong>of</strong>f we went to<br />
<strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong>.<br />
Hunter had a wonderful time in Orlando and at GKTW but it did go quickly.<br />
Hunter was not ready to leave. He was very surprised on the last day <strong>of</strong> his<br />
trip when he was given his last gift, his <strong>World</strong> Passport from IAAPA and<br />
GKTW. This year with this gift we have traveled to VA, MD, PA, NY, and FL,<br />
not for doctors’ appointments but for fun! Our family visited 11 attractions<br />
along the East Coast! <strong>The</strong> pictures from these trips are priceless. We<br />
have made many happy family memories because <strong>of</strong> this gift and I have<br />
many pictures <strong>of</strong> my son with a big smile on his face while enjoying these<br />
different attractions that we would not have visited otherwise. My son is<br />
happy in these pictures, happy even as he faces the unknown. Because<br />
<strong>of</strong> this I could never thank you, IAAPA, for what you have done us. I have<br />
heard a picture is worth a thousand words. Please look at these pictures<br />
<strong>of</strong> joy that my son and our entire family shared. I hope you see and feel the<br />
thanks in our smiles. ~<strong>The</strong> Yeh Family<br />
IAAPA Villa Provides Home and Smiles<br />
Since its opening on March 16, <strong>2009</strong> the new cottage-style villa generously adopted by IAAPA, has welcomed<br />
more than 60 families. <strong>The</strong>se special guests came from 28 different states and 4 from Canada, and each<br />
called the villa home during their magical GKTW stay. Village Wish families stay in a two-bedroom, two<br />
bathroom, fully accessible unit, and the IAAPA villa duplex is able to accommodate two families at a time. Each<br />
day the Village’s “Gift Giving Fairy” leaves behind gifts for each child in the family – and <strong>of</strong>ten these gifts are<br />
donations from IAAPA members and IAAPA Attractions Expo exhibitors. Only through the hardworking and<br />
generous efforts <strong>of</strong> the IAAPA Board and Staff, the GKTW Golf Committee, and the many<br />
members and Expo attendees who participate in the Show’s fundraisers each November<br />
has the IAAPA villa dream become a reality. We look forward to welcoming families to<br />
this magical villa for many years to come.
Vekoma ’ s Enchanted Gift<br />
<strong>The</strong> icon <strong>of</strong> <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) is the Castle <strong>of</strong> Miracles.<br />
Underneath its colorful mushroom is a true Village favorite –<br />
the Enchanted Carousel. Donated to GKTW from Vekoma, the<br />
carousel is a first <strong>of</strong> its kind, with its fully wheelchair accessible<br />
turtle and snail. Both animals rotate allowing a child to roll right<br />
into the ride, and fully experience its magical journey. Each and<br />
every day the carousel gives rides to visiting<br />
Wish children – and their families – from all over<br />
the world.<br />
Sea<strong>World</strong> Brings<br />
Wonder to GKTW<br />
Sea<strong>World</strong> Orlando makes a big splash every day as they provide<br />
<strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) Wish children and their families with the<br />
chance to dive into a world <strong>of</strong> wonder! As one <strong>of</strong> our first partners,<br />
Sea<strong>World</strong> has been with us every step <strong>of</strong> the way to help us create the<br />
happiness that inspires hope.<br />
Sea<strong>World</strong> provides complimentary admission to all <strong>of</strong> our GKTW<br />
families and also fulfills special Wishes – a meet and greet with Shamu,<br />
a chance to swim with a dolphin. Earlier this year, Sea<strong>World</strong> also added<br />
admission tickets to Aquatica, its new waterpark to give Wish families<br />
a splashing good time.<br />
Sea<strong>World</strong> has partnered with GKTW since the very beginning. <strong>The</strong><br />
company created the original <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> logo for us along with<br />
designing our first brochure and Mayor Clayton character costume.<br />
Today, Sea<strong>World</strong>’s generosity continues to be found throughout the<br />
Village. From providing Shamu souvenir plush dolls to our families, to<br />
the Friday “Pirates & Princesses Party” starring Shamu and Dolly the<br />
Dolphin, to weekly visits from some <strong>of</strong> Discovery Cove’s most unique<br />
animals, Sea<strong>World</strong> Orlando and its generous employees have truly<br />
embraced GKTW and our mission.<br />
8<br />
Adventure City <strong>The</strong>me Park<br />
African Lion Safari<br />
Air Zoo<br />
Alabama Adventure<br />
Belmont Park<br />
Blackbeard’s Family<br />
Entertainment Center<br />
Boomers Dania<br />
Boomers Fresno<br />
Boomers Irvine<br />
Boomers Livermore<br />
Boomers Modesto<br />
Boomers San Diego<br />
Burgers’ Zoo<br />
Busch Gardens Williamsburg<br />
Calaway Park<br />
Calgary Zoo<br />
Canada’s Wonderland<br />
Capilano Suspension Bridge<br />
Carowinds<br />
Casino Beach Pier<br />
and Breakwater Beach<br />
Waterpark<br />
Cedar Point<br />
Celebration Station,<br />
Oklahoma City<br />
Celebration Station,<br />
Baton Rouge<br />
Celebration Station,<br />
Clearwater<br />
Celebration Station,<br />
Greensboro<br />
Celebration Station,<br />
Mesquite<br />
Cherry Hill, Inc.<br />
Chimney Rock at Chimney<br />
Rock State Park<br />
Conny-Land<br />
Darien Lake<br />
<strong>The</strong>me Park Resort<br />
Daytona Lagoon<br />
DelGrosso’s Amusement Park<br />
Deno’s Wonder Wheel<br />
Amusement Park<br />
DeSoto Caverns Park<br />
Dorney Park &<br />
Wildwater Kingdom<br />
Duinrell Holiday and<br />
Amusement Park<br />
Dutch Wonderland<br />
Family Amusement Park<br />
Efteling B.V.<br />
Elitch Gardens<br />
Enchanted Forest/<br />
Water Safari<br />
Fun Spot Action Park<br />
Funtown Splashtown U.S.A.<br />
Georgia Aquarium<br />
Gillian’s Wonderland Pier<br />
Guinness <strong>World</strong><br />
Records Museum<br />
Gulches <strong>of</strong> Fun<br />
Hershey Entertainment &<br />
Resorts HERSHEYPARK<br />
Holiday <strong>World</strong> &<br />
Splashin’ Safari<br />
Hyland Hills Water <strong>World</strong><br />
Idlewild & SoakZone<br />
Jenkinson’s Boardwalk<br />
Kart Ranch, Inc.<br />
Wish child Krystian and his sister<br />
visit Six Flags Great Adventure.<br />
to our IA<br />
For the past 15 years, the International Association <strong>of</strong><br />
Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) has provided a<br />
generous gift to the special families who stay at <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> Village – the gift <strong>of</strong> time spent together. Through the <strong>World</strong><br />
Passport for <strong>Kids</strong>, Wish families extend their happy times spent at the Village by visiting parks in their<br />
hometowns. More than 200 parks and attractions participate in the program, many since the first day the<br />
program began.<br />
<strong>The</strong> impact the <strong>World</strong> Passport for <strong>Kids</strong> has on the families from <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> is priceless. IAAPA<br />
member parks, attractions and family entertainment centers provide a respite from a daily fight through<br />
illness; each visit is one that bring smiles, tears <strong>of</strong> joy and lasting memories. <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> thanks<br />
each and every park in the Passport Program for the support, generosity and love given to our precious Wish<br />
families when they return home.<br />
Kennedy Space Center<br />
Visitor Complex<br />
Kennywood Park<br />
Kings Dominion<br />
Knoebels Amusement Resort<br />
Lagoon Amusement Park<br />
LEGOLAND California<br />
Lion Country Safari<br />
Malibu Grand Prix<br />
Michigan’s Adventure<br />
Midway Speedway Fun Park<br />
Morey’s Piers<br />
Mountain Creek Waterpark<br />
Mountasia Family Fun<br />
Center, Marietta<br />
Mountasia Fun Center,<br />
Santa Clarita<br />
Movie Park Germany<br />
Natural Bridge Caverns, Inc.<br />
Noah’s Ark - America’s<br />
Largest Waterpark<br />
Northridge Skateland<br />
NRH2O Family Water Park<br />
NY Skyride
APA Passport Members<br />
Ober Gatlinburg, Inc.<br />
Ocean Park Corporation<br />
Old Pro Golf<br />
Ontario Place Corporation<br />
Papio Fun Park<br />
Pier 39<br />
Pine Creek Miniature Golf<br />
Raging Waters Sacramento<br />
Ripley’s Aquarium<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Smokies<br />
Ripley’s Believe It or Not!<br />
Museum, Gatlinburg<br />
Ripley’s Believe It or Not!<br />
Museum, Niagra Falls<br />
Ripley’s Believe It or Not!<br />
Orlando Odditorium<br />
Ripley’s Davy Crockett<br />
Mini-Golf<br />
Ripley’s Haunted Adventure<br />
Ripley’s Marvelous<br />
Mirror Maze<br />
Ripley’s Moving <strong>The</strong>ater<br />
Ripley’s Old<br />
MacDonald’s Farm<br />
Roger Williams Park Zoo<br />
Royal Gorge Bridge & Park<br />
San Diego Zoo & San Diego<br />
Zoo’s Wild Animal Park<br />
Santa Cruz<br />
Beach Boardwalk<br />
Santa’s Village, Inc.<br />
Santa’s Workshop<br />
Schlitterbahn Beach<br />
Waterpark<br />
Schlitterbahn Galveston<br />
Island Waterpark<br />
Schlitterbahn<br />
Waterpark Resort<br />
Seabreeze Park<br />
Seneca Caverns<br />
Shipwreck Island Waterpark<br />
Silver Dollar City<br />
Silverwood <strong>The</strong>me Park<br />
Six Flags America<br />
Six Flags<br />
Discovery Kingdom<br />
Six Flags Fiesta Texas<br />
Six Flags Great Adventure<br />
Six Flags Great America<br />
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom<br />
Six Flags Magic Mountain<br />
Six Flags Mexico<br />
Six Flags New England<br />
Six Flags Over Georgia<br />
Six Flags St. Louis<br />
Six Flags White Water<br />
Splashtown San Antonio<br />
Splish Splash Waterpark<br />
Story Land<br />
Swings-N-Things Family<br />
Fun Park<br />
<strong>The</strong> Children’s Museum<br />
<strong>of</strong> Indianapolis<br />
<strong>The</strong> Great Escape &<br />
Splashwater Kingdom<br />
<strong>The</strong> House on the Rock<br />
Tomahawk Lake Waterpark<br />
Tweetsie Railroad<br />
Valleyfair Amusement Park<br />
Victorian Gardens<br />
Amusement Park<br />
Waldameer Park and<br />
Water <strong>World</strong><br />
Water Country<br />
West Midland Safari Park<br />
Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe<br />
Wild Adventures<br />
<strong>The</strong>me Park<br />
Wild Animal Safari<br />
Wild Rivers Waterpark<br />
Winchester Mystery House<br />
Wonder Works<br />
<strong>World</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Fun<br />
<strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> Founder, Henri Landwirth, IAAPA’s Susan Mosedale<br />
and former IAAPA Chairman, Ted Crowell celebrate the debut <strong>of</strong> the<br />
<strong>World</strong> Passport for <strong>Kids</strong> Program in 1994.<br />
A Universe <strong>of</strong> Fun<br />
Universal Orlando Resort is filled with thrills, action and nonstop fun.<br />
For <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) Wish families, the gift <strong>of</strong> free admission<br />
to Universal Studios Florida and Islands <strong>of</strong> Adventure is the chance to<br />
experience everything this magical universe has to <strong>of</strong>fer. Universal<br />
Orlando has been a long-time hero to GKTW, and in addition to the<br />
generous gift <strong>of</strong> tickets for Wish families, also has provided support<br />
through in-kind donations, volunteerism, venue and attraction design,<br />
and employee workplace giving.<br />
Universal Orlando’s famous characters visit the Village every Friday<br />
morning. Wish children may receive a hug from Shrek, a ride on the<br />
carousel with Barney, light-hearted mischief with Curious George.<br />
In addition, the company helps the Village’s “Gift Giving Fairy” with<br />
donations <strong>of</strong> gifts that have included super hero-themed souvenirs,<br />
plush, backpacks, and many other fun goodies.<br />
In 2002 Universal Orlando gave the Village the generous gift <strong>of</strong> Marc’s<br />
Dino Putt, our dinosaur-themed and fully interactive, seven hole<br />
miniature golf course. Fun and smiles can be found around every<br />
corner <strong>of</strong> this special course that features “spitting” altrosaurs, a deep<br />
cave and a roaring tyrannosaurus rex.<br />
Almost everyday, Universal Orlando employees can be found donating<br />
their time and talent to the Village, volunteering to serve meals,<br />
support the Adopt A Villa program, host special events and so much<br />
more. Through the generous support <strong>of</strong> Universal Orlando, we are able<br />
to give our Wish families an entire universe <strong>of</strong> fun!<br />
Sally Corporation<br />
Keeps the Castle Magical<br />
From the faithful and friendly Rusty the Knight, to the<br />
treasured Father Time, Sally Corporation has given <strong>Give</strong><br />
<strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) many <strong>of</strong> the beloved characters<br />
in the Castle <strong>of</strong> Miracles. Sally Corp.’s partnership has<br />
flourished over the years and in <strong>2009</strong>, the company<br />
<strong>of</strong>fered to complete the new Pillow Tree. <strong>The</strong> concept,<br />
created by Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment<br />
Technology Center, features a tree that magically<br />
makes special dream pillows for the Village’s<br />
Wish children.<br />
12<br />
ITEC’s Village Magic<br />
ITEC, the thematic design company which specializes in the master<br />
planning, creative design and development and unique entertainment<br />
projects has been an important partner to <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW)<br />
for many years. From both the exterior and interior design <strong>of</strong> the beloved<br />
Castle <strong>of</strong> Miracles to the creative design for Matthew’s Boundless<br />
Playground, ITEC has donated the talent and time <strong>of</strong> its amazing staff<br />
for many years. With their support, GKTW Village has become a fairy<br />
tale world brought to life!<br />
Bob’s Space Racers<br />
Bob’s Space Racers has been a friend and partner to <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />
<strong>World</strong> (GKTW) for many years. With the donation <strong>of</strong> many games to<br />
the Amberville Train Station, Bob’s Space Racers helps the Village<br />
provide midway magic to visiting Wish children. Ongoing support<br />
for the mechanics <strong>of</strong> each game also helps ensure everything is in<br />
tip-top shape! In addition, the company has been a proud sponsor <strong>of</strong> the<br />
IAAPA Golf Tournament for many years.<br />
Bob’s Space Racers President<br />
Jack Mendes decides what games<br />
to give Amberville!
10<br />
Participation in the <strong>World</strong> Passport for <strong>Kids</strong> Program is just one<br />
way that theme parks and attractions help <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
(GKTW). Unique and special events also raise money for the<br />
children we serve. For the past two years, Six Flags, Inc. has<br />
helped GKTW with the toss <strong>of</strong> a coin. As part <strong>of</strong> the “Fountains<br />
for Foundations” program, Six Flags has raised thousands <strong>of</strong><br />
dollars by donating money from its parks’ fountains.<br />
Cedar Fair Entertainment Company brought the thrill <strong>of</strong> a coaster<br />
ride with the “Coasting for <strong>Kids</strong>” coaster marathon this summer. <strong>The</strong><br />
inaugural event, held at Cedar Point, raised more than $10,000 for<br />
GKTW and plans are underway for similar events at its sister parks.<br />
In addition to fundraising events, several parks help the Village’s giftgiving<br />
program and Wish List by donating discontinued toys, t-shirts<br />
and plush at the end <strong>of</strong> the season. <strong>The</strong> Village gives more than 100,000<br />
gifts to Wish children and their siblings annually, and parks including<br />
Universal Orlando, Walt Disney <strong>World</strong>, Sea<strong>World</strong> Orlando, Six Flags<br />
Great America and Kings Dominion have helped the program.<br />
International Mascot<br />
Adds “ Character ”<br />
It all began with a very large cookie. <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) and<br />
International Mascot joined together during GKTW’s 20th anniversary<br />
to unveil and welcome Murphy the Gingerbread Man to the Village’s<br />
cast <strong>of</strong> lovable characters. With the donation <strong>of</strong> Murphy, International<br />
Mascot’s amazing partnership with GKTW began.<br />
International Mascot has enhanced costume program at GKTW Village.<br />
By donating characters, providing repairs and touching up costumes<br />
when the need arises, International Mascot ensures that each day<br />
Village Wish children receive hugs from each character! <strong>The</strong> donation<br />
<strong>of</strong> additional costume accessories, including hats and attire, also<br />
allows the GKTW Entertainment team to customize characters for any<br />
holiday or celebration.<br />
To date, International Mascot has helped the Village bring to life many<br />
lovable new characters, including a pair <strong>of</strong> teddy bears, Patches and<br />
Buttons; Kaley the penguin and most recently, Bakes the friendly dog.<br />
Bakes has special meaning to the GKTW and the International Mascot<br />
family. Named in memory <strong>of</strong> the company’s co-founder, Brian “Bakes”<br />
Baker, the new dog brings smiles to all the children he meets at GKTW<br />
Village. Brian’s childlike spirit can be felt with each shake <strong>of</strong> the paw<br />
and “lick” from the tongue. All <strong>of</strong> us at GKTW thank International<br />
Mascot for giving the Village “character”.<br />
Parks Make Fundraising Fun<br />
GKTW President<br />
Pamela Landwirth and<br />
the Coasting for <strong>Kids</strong><br />
Disney <strong>Give</strong>s <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> inspires children and adults all over the world to dream, imagine, and wish upon a star. For<br />
children with life-threatening illnesses the dream to meet the famous Disney characters, visit Cinderella’s<br />
Castle and to become a princess or a pirate is the number one Wish. Since the day <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
(GKTW) began, the entire Disney company has embraced our mission to fulfill the wishes <strong>of</strong> children with<br />
life-threatening illnesses.<br />
For many <strong>of</strong> our Wish families, taking a fantasy vacation to Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> is a dream that is far beyond<br />
their reach. With the support <strong>of</strong> Walt Disney <strong>World</strong>, <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> has the ability to provide an amazing<br />
experience at all four <strong>of</strong> the beloved Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> parks: Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Hollywood<br />
Studios, and Disney’s Animal Kingdom.<br />
Each family member and the Wish Child receive three-day park hopper tickets, free <strong>of</strong> charge. <strong>The</strong> Wish<br />
Child’s GKTW “Magic” button and a WDW Guest Assistance Pass provides “fast pass” service to the families,<br />
allowing them to fully enjoy the attractions <strong>of</strong>fered at each park and cost-free parking! In their traditional<br />
style, Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> Cast Members provide excellent guest service to the families as well including an<br />
invitation to the Wish Lounge, located at the Magic Kingdom. This special room is dedicated to Wish children<br />
and their families, recognizing the special needs and attention <strong>of</strong> each family.<br />
Back at <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> Village, Walt Disney <strong>World</strong>’s favorite characters visit<br />
twice a week – providing personal photo opportunities. Each family receives a printed<br />
portrait with the characters, presented in a specially designed Disney portfolio.<br />
Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> has also found unique gifts to share with our families including<br />
donations <strong>of</strong> favorite Disney DVD’s.<br />
Beyond their contribution <strong>of</strong> donations, Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> promotes volunteerism<br />
through their VoluntEARS program - a priceless gift <strong>of</strong> the heart. Walt Disney<br />
<strong>World</strong> Cast Members are found serving meals, scooping ice cream, face painting,<br />
greeting families at the airport, landscaping, painting, and even entertaining our<br />
families through events and shows hosted at GKTW Village. <strong>The</strong>re is no job too<br />
small or too big for this crowd!<br />
Without the incredible support <strong>of</strong> Walt Disney <strong>World</strong>, <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> would not have the ability to fulfill the wishes <strong>of</strong> these<br />
special children. Together, we will continue to inspire hope in<br />
the children <strong>of</strong> <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> by encouraging children to<br />
dream, imagine, and wish upon a star.<br />
GKTW President Pam Landwirth<br />
during the tournament in 2005<br />
14<br />
Committee Co-Chair Bill Alter & his wife<br />
Jane, with Ed Carroll & his wife Nadine.<br />
THANK YOU to the <strong>2009</strong> Committee:<br />
Chairman, John Graff<br />
Co-Chair, Bill Alter<br />
Co-Chair, Ed Carroll, Jr.<br />
Sascha Czibulka<br />
Committee Co-chair<br />
John Graff poses with<br />
Mayor Clayton.<br />
Colin Dawson<br />
Ge<strong>of</strong>f Rodgers<br />
Gary Story<br />
Tim Timco<br />
For the past seven years, the dedicated volunteers<br />
<strong>of</strong> the IAAPA Golf Committee have donated their<br />
time and talents to host an annual outing for <strong>Give</strong><br />
<strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW). <strong>The</strong> tournament is a day<br />
filled with fun and support for the Village. It would<br />
not be possible if not for the tremendous efforts <strong>of</strong><br />
the Committee members themselves who recruit<br />
players and sponsors each year to guarantee an<br />
amazing donation for GKTW.<br />
<strong>The</strong> committee was formed seven years ago by<br />
Bill Alter, John Graff, Ed Carroll, Jr. and Diane<br />
Williams. And even as the tournament has<br />
grown, these four founding members remain the<br />
tournament’s driving force today. Each year the<br />
tournament has raised an average <strong>of</strong> $40,000 for<br />
the Village, but it is the drive and commitment that<br />
each member <strong>of</strong> the Committee gives to the event<br />
that makes it a true success.<br />
IAAPA Board Spouses Support GKTW<br />
<strong>The</strong> generous hearts and spirits <strong>of</strong> the IAAPA Board member spouses are<br />
shared with <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> (GKTW) each year. From coordinating<br />
fundraisings events, to volunteering at the Village, each year during<br />
the Expo, the Board Spouses can be counted on to help lend a hand at the booth,<br />
sell Raffle tickets and support events. This year, the ladies have volunteered to<br />
make “Letters <strong>of</strong> Love” – handmade cards that will be given to Wish families<br />
during their stay at the Village.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Board Spouses hosted a fundraising<br />
fashion show during the Expo in 2003.<br />
Golf Committee<br />
Scores Hole in One<br />
Year after Year<br />
<strong>The</strong> show floor silent auction was<br />
coordinated for several years<br />
by the ladies.<br />
Becky Bray helped begin the<br />
5K Fun Run, now in its third year.
For the past fifteen years, IAAPA and its generous members have helped <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> create<br />
the happiness that inspires hope. From donations <strong>of</strong> supplies, toys, games, equipment and consulting to<br />
fundraisers and volunteer hours, <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> feels the magic <strong>of</strong> IAAPA’s member support at every<br />
turn. We simply could not do all we do without them.<br />
All <strong>of</strong> us at <strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer our sincere gratitude to the IAAPA member companies mentioned in<br />
this newsletter and below. Many have donated items from the Attractions Expo to support our Village<br />
operation, while others have donated packages to our live and silent auction fundraisers, and others still have<br />
seen our Village Wish List and said, “Here’s how we can help.” We are blessed by the amount <strong>of</strong> support<br />
and outpouring <strong>of</strong> love we have received from the entire amusement industry. We invite everyone to visit us<br />
during the Expo so we can thank you in person!<br />
Action Lighting<br />
Alcorn McBride<br />
American Locker<br />
Allied Specialty Insurance<br />
Amazing Photos<br />
American Coaster<br />
Enthusiasts<br />
American Locker<br />
Amusement Industry<br />
Consulting<br />
Amusement Today<br />
Anchor Industries<br />
Autograph Foliages<br />
Baker Leisure Group<br />
BALPPA<br />
Bankshot Sports<br />
Organization<br />
Bay Tek Games<br />
Big Squirt!<br />
Blackpool Pleasure Beach<br />
Bob Kramer’s Marionettes<br />
Bob’s Space Racers<br />
Bomar<br />
BRC Imagination Arts, Inc.<br />
California Attractions<br />
and Parks Association<br />
Carnegie Mellon University –<br />
Entertainment<br />
Technology Center<br />
Carroll Consulting<br />
Chance Morgan<br />
Colorvision Internationl, Inc.<br />
Creative Environs<br />
Our Heartfelt THANKS!<br />
Dave Kittridge<br />
Deltronic Labs<br />
Dolphin Quest<br />
Dorothy Dawson Foods, Inc.<br />
Dotto<br />
DuPont Co.<br />
Edward Technologies<br />
Electrosonic<br />
Fitraco, N.V.<br />
Forrec Ltd.<br />
Fun Express, Inc.<br />
Gilderfluke<br />
Gold Metal<br />
Good Stuff/A Division<br />
<strong>of</strong> Win Stuff<br />
Hamilton Mfg. Corp.<br />
Harris Miniature Golf<br />
Hasbro, Inc.<br />
Hayward Turnstiles, Inc.<br />
Hellenic Entertainment Parks<br />
Herschend Family<br />
Entertainment<br />
Intamin Ride and Trade<br />
International Attraction<br />
Services<br />
Jack Rouse Associates<br />
Jane Farrel Turf & Carpets<br />
John Shawn Productions<br />
Kern Studios<br />
King Leisure Partners<br />
Kodak<br />
LA Selva LLC<br />
Las Vegas Convention<br />
and Visitors Authority<br />
Laser Magic<br />
Leisure & Recreation<br />
Concepts<br />
Leisure Craft<br />
Leisure Labs LLC<br />
Liseberg<br />
Mack-Rides, Inc.<br />
Mahoning Valley<br />
Manufacturing<br />
Marshall Air Systems<br />
Masterfoods<br />
MGC Developers<br />
Nadel & Sons<br />
Namco<br />
NASCO<br />
Nassal Company<br />
National Amusement Park<br />
Historical Assoc.<br />
National Ticket Co.<br />
Naughton Insurance<br />
NEAAPA<br />
New Jersey Amusement<br />
Association<br />
Newell Rubbermaid<br />
Norton Auctioneers<br />
<strong>of</strong> Michigan<br />
Oceaneering Entertainment<br />
Systems<br />
OmniTicket Network<br />
PAPA<br />
PBS&J Landscape<br />
Architects & Planners<br />
Peavey Electronics<br />
Pepsi<br />
Philadelphia Toboggan<br />
Coasters<br />
Pizzazz Scenic<br />
Playtime LLC<br />
Play Meter Magazine<br />
Premier Rides, Inc.<br />
Reco Productions<br />
Redemption Plus<br />
Ride Entertainment Systems<br />
Ripley Entertainment Inc.<br />
Rockwell Automation<br />
Safari Thatch<br />
Sally Corporation<br />
Sentosa Leisure Group<br />
Shepard Exposition Services<br />
Skee-Ball Inc<br />
Sky Shades USA<br />
Smarte Carte, Inc.<br />
Sony Electronics, Inc.<br />
Starparks Europe<br />
Taprell Loomis<br />
TEA<br />
Technifex<br />
<strong>The</strong> Tussauds Group<br />
Thinkwell<br />
Tornado International<br />
Touch Tunes<br />
UltraPlay<br />
W.A. Alter, Inc.<br />
Wabash<br />
Wittek Golf Supply, Inc.<br />
Waterloo Tent<br />
<strong>Give</strong> <strong>Kids</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
210 South Bass Road<br />
Kissimmee, FL 34746<br />
phone (800) 995-KIDS<br />
fax (407) 396-1207<br /><br /><br />
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~Winston Churchill