Release. Pressure. Animate.
Release. Pressure. Animate.
Release. Pressure. Animate.
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5. The process is intrinsically rewarding<br />
Personally I‟ve experienced such a flow in personal brainstorm sessions, but I have<br />
also experienced similar flow-like feelings while sketching out different styles for a<br />
concept. There has also been one animation project, which was created at a high speed<br />
in a limited amount of time, where almost the entire animation was done in one flow.<br />
This was a 2D animation made in Flash. For me, flow can be induced by others in a<br />
project in which you work together. How this happens will be discussed in the next<br />
paragraph. Being in a flow gets good results, great productivity and it feels great. A flow<br />
getting broken is therefore a waste, it is important that when flow can be reached and<br />
gets reached that it should be maintained and used to your advantage for the longest<br />
possible amount of time.<br />
The word flow with the meaning as described above has – so I feel - a bit of a<br />
philosophical touch to it, which for me dissociates it from something that improves the<br />
production in the way that it does, namely positive. For me, what works to let this<br />
„philosophical‟ meaning of the word flow go is to adjust it into calling it: “workflow.” This<br />
makes it more personal and makes it correspond to the idea that you want to create<br />
something. So. Workflow. It‟s to keep in mind that the word workflow – which will be<br />
described later in this chapter - in itself already relates to part of the production instead<br />
of the state the user is in while producing. Even more, for many others the word flow by<br />
itself might just be what they want as reference to the definition as mentioned and thus<br />
will be used in the remainder of this paper.<br />
1. Creativity and Flow<br />