Release. Pressure. Animate.

Release. Pressure. Animate.

Release. Pressure. Animate.


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- Direct results (WYSIWYG) affect the act of animating by influencing the<br />

animator‟s choices. It‟ll be easier for the animator to bond and relate with the<br />

character as well as seeing how it will end up in the movie. The close resemblance<br />

of the puppet to the final result in the movie will help the animator to see what<br />

the audience will end up seeing. But on the other side it is important to remember<br />

that stop motion is always done in a straight forward fashion and already<br />

animated frames can‟t easily be adjusted. The influence of that effect on the<br />

overall animation and its style is arguable but – so I feel – not deniable. Since it<br />

introduces at least AN alteration to workflow trying out „different ways of „seeing‟<br />

– even more feeling perhaps - the character.<br />

- The direct control and physical touch help bonding with the character and allows<br />

the character to „live its animation‟ for the animator. It helps the animator keep<br />

focus on the character‟s personality and emotions throughout a shot as the<br />

character starts living a life of its own. Closest in a virtual environment would be<br />

the briefly mentioned tangible interfaces. The next closest and most important<br />

within this is the direct control and instant feedback. Not feeling limited by<br />

technicalities but instead feeling like the direct and limitless controller of the<br />

character‟s act helps making the character live out its actions almost<br />

automatically for the animator influencing the quality of animation positively as<br />

well as the state of mind of the animator.<br />

- The animator always needs to have full focus on the character and his means of<br />

movement. The animator should always keep in account attitude, personality,<br />

emotion, mood and action of the shot. As this solely already requires lots of the<br />

animator, his focus and his mind it is important to note that every bit that could<br />

introduce more focus (by workflow customization and a provided toolset) and<br />

fewer distractions should be an aim for this research.<br />

- According to our findings in this paragraph one thing that can provide great<br />

assistance is a clean preproduction, the reference and tests should be thorough<br />

and extensively so the animator has a clear goal and knows what to focus on and<br />

solely focuses on only what is exactly then of utmost importance. Intensive<br />

testing and trying before the intensive portion of actual animating provides a<br />

higher quality and speed in production.<br />

2.2 Flowing lines as animation. (Drawn animations, 2D)<br />

2. The difference in Animation fields<br />

2<br />


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