Release. Pressure. Animate.

Release. Pressure. Animate.

Release. Pressure. Animate.


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down to good planning, discussions and similar goals. Thus teamwork is of high<br />

importance; everyone should be on the same line constantly.<br />

2.3 The 2D digital style. (After effects, flash, TVpaint)<br />

The digital workflow can look much like the more traditional 2D animation field but with<br />

the logically added undo option (CTRL+Z, anyone?) and the option of having an<br />

automated in-between here and there. But, in reality there‟s much more to it. The same<br />

accounts for the style, it can look a lot like traditional animation, but often can (easier)<br />

provide a more slick and clean feel to it or can even look totally different. It should be<br />

noted that there‟s a lot you can do with a computer and 2D animation combination.<br />

There‟s the more traditional approach, cut-out, scripted/programming, particles with<br />

sprites and so forth. I‟ll not explain every type and will not discuss every one of them by<br />

itself, but I‟ll show the basis of digital animation (only of the kind where the animator<br />

actually poses the character himself instead of (fully) scripted or simulated animations)<br />

and its workflow and results. Consider this to be a continuation of the previous described<br />

workflow with its own adaptation and changes as it has many similarities to begin with.<br />

The incredibly effective Wacom<br />

Cintiq 21UX interactive pen display<br />

is helping “paperless” animation<br />

become a reality.<br />

All Cintiq 21UZ images courtesy of<br />

Wacom.<br />

Toonboom mentions that there are several methods for<br />

creating digital animation, but two that remain widely<br />

used are:<br />

- Frame-by-frame paperless animation<br />

- and cut-out paperless animation.<br />

(Toonboom, 2011a, toonboom.com)<br />

Let‟s start and elaborate on the first one.<br />

The workflow of an animator that does frame-by-frame drawing without automatic in-<br />

betweening is very similar to the analogue traditional 2D workflow. Though, he will not<br />

have to „flip through pages‟ to check out his animation, but can quickly play back and<br />

forth his animation test (this also accounts for paperless cut-out versus paper cut-out).<br />

There‟s much cost and time efficiency in this, as there‟s no scanning time and paper<br />

costs involved for a good timing or motion test. (Toonboom, 2011b, toonboom.com)<br />

He‟ll also be able to choose between a pose-to-pose approach as well as straight forward<br />

2. The difference in Animation fields<br />

3<br />


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