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22 CIL XI 4639 = ILS 3001 = L. Schumacher, Römische Inschriften, Stuttgart 1988,<br />

133f. no. 62. For defixio cf. L. Schumacher, Servus index. Sklavenverhör und Sklavenanzeige<br />

im republikanischen und kaiserzeitlichen Rom (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei 15),<br />

Wiesbaden 1983, 136–40.<br />

23 J. Bleicken, Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte des Römischen Kaiserreiches, vol. II 2 ,<br />

Paderborn 1981, 67f. Cf. also M. Rostovtzeff, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft im römischen<br />

Kaiserreich, vol. I, Leipzig 1929, 122, and likewise G. Alföldy, The Social History of<br />

Rome, London/Sydney 1985, for outbreaks of banditry as particular symptoms of<br />

crisis (e.g., 173f., 181, 211) and not as everyday occurrences even in periods of<br />

tranquillity. In this respect it is telling that in the index to K. Christ’s Geschichte<br />

der römischen Kaiserzeit (Munich 1988) there is no mention of key words such as<br />

<strong>latrones</strong>, robbers, bandits and pirates. Likewise, in his text, <strong>latrones</strong> are touched on<br />

occasionally – thus 346f.; 364 (Maternus); 609; 614 (Bulla Felix) – but without<br />

consideration of the significance of the phenomenon in Roman imperial history.<br />

24 Vell. 2.126.3: Diffusa in orientis occidentisque tractus et quidquid meridiano aut septentrione<br />

finitur, pax Augusta per omnis terrarum orbis angulos a latrociniorum metu servat immunes.<br />

(Trans. Shipley, Loeb) On this cf. G. Alföldy, ‘La politique provinciale de Tibère’,<br />

Latomus 24, 1965, (824–44) 826f.<br />

25 Sen. Clem. 1.4.2. Phil. Leg. ad Gai. 145f.; cf. Flacc. 11. Plin. Nat. 14.2. Epict.<br />

3.13.9; cf. 4.1.4; Plut. Mor. 469E. Ael. Arist. Or. 26.30; 66f.; 70; 100. Veget.<br />

4.31.<br />

26 For the ideology of the pax Augusta cf. the works on the Ara Pacis Augustae cited<br />

by D. Kienast, Augustus. Prinzeps und Monarch, Darmstadt 1982, 199; also Christ,<br />

Kaiserzeit (n. 23), 169. A. Demandt, Der Idealstaat. Die politischen Theorien der Antike,<br />

Cologne 1993, 261–5. H.W. Benario, ‘Tacitus’ view of the empire and the Pax<br />

Romana’, ANRW II 33.5, 1991, 3332–53. E. Dinkler, E. v. Schubert-Dinkler,<br />

s.v. Friede, RAC VIII, 1972, 434–505. G. Woolf, ‘Roman Peace’, in J. Rich,<br />

G. Shipley, eds, War and Society in the Roman World, London 1993, 171–94.<br />

27 Pekáry, Seditio. The extension to the Severan period is provided by Sünskes<br />

Thompson, Aufstände; for the late Empire see MacMullen, Enemies, Chs V, VI and<br />

appendices A, B.<br />

28 For a more sober appreciation see e.g., F. Millar, ‘The World of the Golden Ass’, JRS<br />

71, 1981, (63–75) 66; idem, ‘Italy and the Roman Empire: Augustus to Constantine’,<br />

Phoenix 40, 1986, (295–318) 310ff. Drexhage, ‘Einbruch, Diebstahl und Straßenraub’<br />

316f. Krause, Gefängnisse 24–6; 92–7.<br />

29 Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 9.<br />

30 Gai. Dig. 13.6.18 pr.:<br />

in rebus commodatis talis diligentia praestanda est, qualem quisque diligentissimus<br />

pater familias suis rebus adhibet, ita ut tantum eos casus non praestet, quibus<br />

resisti non possit, veluti mortes servorum quae sine dolo et culpa eius accidunt,<br />

latronum hostiumve incursus, piratarum insidias, naufragium, incendium, fugas<br />

servorum qui custodiri non solent etc.<br />

31 On vis maior see now U. Doll, Von der vis maior zur höheren Gewalt. Geschichte und<br />

Dogmatik eines haftungsentlastenden Begriffs, Frankfurt-am-Main 1989; in particular,<br />

for the passage of Gaius cited here, see 65ff.<br />

32 Ulp. Dig.; Paul. Dig.;; Herm. Dig. 26.7.5<br />

pr. Maec. Dig. 35.2.30 pr. Caracalla, Cod. Iust. 4.65.1. Severus Alexander, Cod. Iust.<br />

4.24.2; 4.34.1; Diocletian und Maximian, Cod. Iust. 5.31.8. Iustinian, Cod. Iust.<br />

6.46.6. Inst. Iust. 3.14.2.<br />

33 Herm. Dig. 26.7.50 pr.<br />

34 Ulpian according to Vivianus, Dig. (for the passage see also Bellen,<br />

Sklavenflucht 40). Paul. Dig. 49.16.14 pr.<br />

35 Cf. also Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 8.<br />


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