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following the conquest of the country, he should immediately establish cities there<br />

in order to be able to give a home to the numerous desperadoes. A later attempt at<br />

a settlement policy in Isauria under Probus: HA Prob. 16.6. Forced resettlement of<br />

Illyrian pirates in the hinterland: Strab. 7.5.6 p. 315.<br />

70 Cassius Dio, 52.27.4f., has Maecenas suggest that the emperor should draft the<br />

hardiest youths and those in need of a livelihood, for this would mean that no one<br />

would be forced to earn his living as a brigand. HA Marc. 21.7: <strong>latrones</strong> etiam<br />

Dalmatiae atque Dardaniae milites fecit; see A. Mócsy, ‘Latrones Dardaniae’, AAntHung<br />

16, 1968, 351–4, and below, p. 125. HA Prob. 16.6: veteranis omnia illa quae<br />

anguste adeuntur loca privata donavit, addens ut eorum filii ab anno octavo decimo, mares<br />

dumtaxat, ad militiam mitterentur, ne latrocinare umquam discerent; see Minor, Brigand<br />

85. Anon. De reb. bell. 2.3; see van Hooff, ‘Ancient Robbers’ 122. Hopwood,<br />

‘Consent’ (as n. 63), 196, also thinks that the three Isaurian legions raised under<br />

Diocletian (Not. dign. Or. 7.56) were made up for the most part of men from<br />

brigands’ nests.<br />

71 Leistes can, independently of the date of the source, denote a bandit, a highwayman<br />

or a pirate. Peirates, as a particular term for a pirate, first occurs in writings of the<br />

Hellenistic period; cf. H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.St. Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon 9 ,<br />

Oxford 1940, repr. 1977, 1046 s.v. leistes; 1355 s.v. peirates. For the terminology see<br />

also Y. Garlan, Guerre et économie en Grèce ancienne, Paris 1989, 177f. On Greek<br />

piracy see H.A. Ormerod, Piracy in the Ancient World. An Essay in Mediterranean<br />

History, Liverpool 1924, repr. 1978. E. Ziebarth, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Seeraubs<br />

und Seehandels im alten Griechenland, Hamburg 1929. A.H. Jackson, ‘Plundering in<br />

War and other Depredations in Greek History from 800 bc to 146 bc’, Univ. of<br />

Cambridge Ph.D. thesis 1969. Y. Garlan, ‘Signification historique de la piratérie<br />

grecque’, DHA 4, 1978, 1–16. W. Nowag, Raub und Beute in der archaischen Zeit<br />

der Griechen, Frankfurt 1983. H. Kaletsch, ‘Seeraub und Seeräubergeschichten<br />

des Altertums. 2000 Jahre antiker Seefahrt und Piraterie zwischen Adria und<br />

Ostmittelmeer’, in Studien zur Alten Geschichte. Festschrift S. Lauffer, Bd. II, Rome<br />

1986, 471–500.<br />

72 Cf. Ormerod, Piracy (n. 71), 248–70. M. Reddé, Mare nostrum. Les infrastructures,<br />

le dispositif et l’histoire de la marine militaire sous l’empire romain, Paris 1986, 326–9;<br />

570–4. D. Braund, ‘Piracy under the principate and the ideology of imperial<br />

eradication’, in J. Rich, G. Shipley, eds, War and Society in the Roman World, London<br />

1993, 195–212.<br />

73 Cic. Flacc. 28f.; 31; 33; cf. Leg. agr. 2.81.<br />

74 Dio 39.56.1; 56.5; 59.2.<br />

75 Cic. Att. 16.1.3: Dymaeos agro pulsos mare infestum habere nil mirum. Dyme was one of<br />

the pirate colonies founded by Pompey. It appears that, as a centre of Pompeian<br />

patronage, the settlement was dissolved by Caesar, cf. Pohl, Piraterie 164.<br />

76 App. Ill. 16.47.<br />

77 Dio 55.28.2.<br />

78 Tac. Ann. 12.55.<br />

79 Jos. Bell. Iud. 3.9.2 (416).<br />

80 Tac. Hist. 3.47–48; cf. below pp. 150–1.<br />

81 Tac. Hist. 3.47.3; for the camarae mentioned here cf. also Strab. 11.2.12 p. 495/6.<br />

82 Periplus maris Erythr. 20 p. 62 Casson. Cf. A. Villiers, ‘Sailing with the Arabs’,<br />

Mariners Mirror 47, 1961, 242–55.<br />

83 So an epigram of Nicarchus, Anth. Gr. 11.162 (c. ad 80).<br />

84 Anth. Gr. 5.44.<br />

85 Paus. 10.34.5. HA Marc. 22.1f.; HA Sept. Sev. 2.3f. CIL VI 31856 = ILS 1327. A.<br />

v. Premerstein, ‘Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Kaisers Marcus II: Seezüge der<br />

Nordpontusvölker und der Mauren. Der Einfall der Kostoboken’, Klio 12, 1912,<br />


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