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NOTES<br />

139–78. Oliva, Pannonia (n. 58), 276–8 with the references in n. 51. A. Birley,<br />

Mark Aurel 2 , Munich 1977, 303ff.<br />

86 P. Herz, ‘Kampf den Piraten? Zur Deutung zweier kaiserzeitlicher Inschriften’,<br />

ZPE 107, 1995, 195–200, on CIG 2509a and its interpretation by A.V.<br />

Domaszewski, ‘Untersuchungen zur römischen Kaisergeschichte IV: Die Piraterie<br />

im Mittelmeer unter Severus Alexander’, RhM 58, 1903, 382–90, and on AE<br />

1948, 201 = Bull. Ép. 1946/47, 156 with G. Pugliese Caratelli, ‘Per la storia della<br />

pirateria nell’età dei Severi’, in Studi di antichità classiche offerti da colleghi e discipuli<br />

a E. Ciaceri, Genoa 1940, 256–60. Cf. also Sünskes Thompson, Aufstände 200.<br />

87 R. Klein, Die Romrede des Aelius Aristides, Darmstadt 1983, IX.<br />

88 Plut. Mor. 165D.<br />

89 Suet. Aug. 43.1: ne raritate remanentium grassatoribus obnoxia esse. (Trans. Rolfe, Loeb)<br />

90 Plin. Nat. 19.59: iam in fenestris suis plebs urbana imagine hortorum cotidiana oculis rura<br />

praebebant, antequam praefigi prospectus omnes coegit multitudinis innumerae saeva latrocinatio.<br />

91 Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 10, with the references in n. 25. Shaw’s collection of the epigraphic<br />

material can be supplemented as follows: AE 1982, 512 = J. Gonzalez Fernandez<br />

in Actas del I congreso andaluz de estudios clasicos ( Jaén, 9–12 dic. 1981), Jaén 1982,<br />

223–7. AE 1989, 480 = J. Corell, ‘Dos inscripciones inéditas de Requena (Valencia)’,<br />

Faventia 9, 1987, (107–18) 111f. JÖAI 1900, Beiblatt 45, 143–5 (Timacum minus/<br />

Ravna). CIL III 8242 (Orachovaz); 9054 (Salona).<br />

92 CIL III 8830 = ILS 5112 (Salona).<br />

93 ILS 2646 (Aidussina, near Tergeste). CIL XIII 2667 (Autun).<br />

94 CIL XIII 3689 = Buecheler, CLE 618.<br />

95 CIL VI 20307.<br />

96 CIL III 2399 (Spalatum/Split).<br />

97 CIL III 1585 = 8021 (Zagaia, modern Bucharest).<br />

98 Suet. Aug. 27.4. For the contrary version see App. Civ. 3.95.394. On this see<br />

Kienast, Augustus (n. 26), 140 with n. 57.<br />

99 HA Comm. 5.12: Occisus est eo tempore etiam Claudius (sc. Pompeianus) quasi a<br />

latronibus. What Guenther, Latrocinium 21, makes of this strikes me as odd: ‘moreover,<br />

we hear of the activity of <strong>latrones</strong> [author’s note: that is, as a form of class struggle!]<br />

during the reign of Commodus’.<br />

100 HA Carac. 3.8.<br />

101 O. Hirschfeld, ‘Die ägyptische Polizei der römischen Kaiserzeit nach<br />

Papyrusurkunden’ (1892), in idem, Kleine Schriften, Berlin 1913, 613–23. N.<br />

Hohlwein, ‘La police des villages égyptiennes à l’époque romaine’, Musée belge de<br />

philologie et d’histoire 9, 1905, 394–9. F. Oertel, Die Liturgie. Studien zur ptolemäischen<br />

und kaiserlichen Verwaltung Ägyptens, Leipzig 1917 (repr. Aalen 1965), 263–86. L.<br />

Mitteis, U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, Hildesheim<br />

1963 (repr.), Bd. I 1, 411–16 and I 2, 558–62: ‘Die Polizei’. B. Baldwin, ‘Crime<br />

and Criminals in Graeco-Roman Egypt’, Aegyptus 43, 1963, 256–63. R.W. Davies,<br />

‘Some Crimes in Roman Egypt’, AncSoc 4, 1973, 199–212. R.S. Bagnall, ‘Army<br />

and Police in Roman Upper Egypt’, JARCE 14, 1977, 67– 86. Idem, ‘Upper and<br />

Lower Guard Posts’, CE 57, 1982, 125–8. Drexhage, ‘Einbruch, Diebstahl und<br />

Straßenraub’. Drexhage, ‘Eigentumsdelikte’. Krause, Gefängnisse 35–8.<br />

102 Vell. 2.126.3; cf. 2.89.4.<br />

103 P. Ryl. II 124–52. The particular importance of this group of texts was briefly<br />

indicated by A. Kneppe, Metus temporum. Zur Bedeutung von Angst in Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft der römischen Kaiserzeit des 1. und 2. Jhdts. n. Chr., Stuttgart 1994, 346f.<br />

104 Amm. 22.16.23:<br />

Homines autem Aegyptii plerique suffusculi sunt et atrati magisque maestiores,<br />

gracilenti et aridi, ad singulos motus excandescentes, controversi et reposcones acerrimi.<br />

Erubescit apud eos, si qui non infitiando tributa plurimas in corpore vibices<br />


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