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ostendat. Et nulla tormentorum vis inveniri adhuc potuit, quae obdurato illius<br />

tractus latroni invito elicere potuit, ut nomen proprium dicat.<br />

(Trans. after Rolfe, Loeb)<br />

105 See e.g., Herodian. 1.17.6. HA Tyr. trig. 22.1f.:<br />

Est hoc familiare populi Aegyptiorum ut velut furiosi ac dementes de levissimis<br />

quibusque ad summa rei publicae pericula perducantur; saepe illi ob neglectas<br />

salutationes, locum in balneis non concessum, carnem et olera sequestrata, calceamenta<br />

servilia et cetera talia usque ad summum rei publicae periculum in seditiones, ita<br />

ut armarentur contra eas exercitus, pervenerunt.<br />

(HA Quadr. tyr. 7.4)<br />

106 On typical ‘bandit peoples’ of Antiquity see Shaw, ‘Bandits’ 42, with a list of<br />

representative examples in n. 114. On the mechanisms of modern stereotyping,<br />

which help cast light on ancient conditions, see the instructive treatment of F.K.<br />

Stanzel, ‘Der literarische Aspekt unserer Vorstellungen vom Charakter fremder<br />

Völker’, AAWW 111, 1974 Nr. 4, 63–82. Otherwise, see K.E. Müller, Geschichte<br />

der antiken Ethnographie und ethnologischen Theoriebildung, 2 vols, Stuttgart 1972/<br />

1980.<br />

107 Explicitly stated in no. 129: strategos Arsinoeitou.<br />

108 See the commentary to P. Ryl. II 124–52, p. 117, together with the studies on<br />

Egyptian policing cited in n. 101 and P. Jouguet, La vie municipale dans l’Égypte<br />

romaine, Paris 1911, 259–69, esp. 261.<br />

109 It is possible that under him he still had regional strategoi. This derives from the<br />

observation that the titles of officials who held several posts contemporaneously are<br />

presented in Euhemerian papyri (no. 152 with 149) in rising order of importance,<br />

with that of epistates phylakiton coming last.<br />

110 Cf. R. Taubenschlag, Das Strafrecht im Rechte der Papyri, Leipzig 1916, 96ff. L.<br />

Mitteis in Mitteis-Wilcken, Grundzüge (n. 101), Bd. II 1, 28ff.<br />

111 The verb ephodeuo means ‘to go the rounds’, ‘to patrol’. The archephodos must therefore<br />

be a sort of beat policeman, denoted the superior of his colleagues by the prefix<br />

arche-. Apart from these papyri, the office is also referred to in P. Tebt. 90 (first<br />

century bc); 331.15 (second century ad), cf. Jouguet, La vie municipale (n. 108),<br />

260f.<br />

112 Cf. Jouguet, La vie municipale (n. 108), 266; R. MacMullen, Soldier and Civilian<br />

in the Later Roman Empire, Cambridge 1963, 52ff. In a further case (no. 133) the<br />

petition is directed towards a priest of the imperial cult (hiereus Tiberiou Kaisaros),<br />

though the closing formulation is neutral: ‘I therefore beg you to undertake the<br />

case’. The priest could, of course, have acted as go-between between victim and<br />

officials.<br />

113 Ulp. Dig. 47.14.1 pr.; cf. Coll. 11.7.1.<br />

114 Cod. Theod. 9.30.1 with Herz, ‘Latrocinium und Viehdiebstahl’ 232.<br />

115 Ulp. Dig. rapi autem sine vi non potest.<br />

116 Sen. Benef. 4.17.3f.; Alciphron 1.8.2–4.<br />

117 Drexhage, ‘Eigentumsdelikte’ 954f.<br />

118 Heliod. 1.5.2–6.2; 6.7.4.<br />

119 Dio 71.4. HA Marc. 21.2. Cf. below pp. 114, 121–3.<br />

120 On the social and legal standing of Egyptian slaves under the Principate see A.I.<br />

Pavlovskaja, ‘Die Sklaverei im römischen Ägypten’, in L.P. Marinovic et al., Die<br />

Sklaverei in den östlichen Provinzen des Römischen Reiches im 1.-3. Jahrhundert, German<br />

trans. by J. Kriz in collaboration with G. Prinzing and E. Herrmann-Otto<br />

(Übersetzungen ausländischer Arbeiten zur antiken Sklaverei, 5), Stuttgart 1992,<br />

(165–270) 223ff.<br />

121 See the findings of Drexhage, ‘Einbruch, Diebstahl und Straßenraub’, and Drexhage,<br />

‘Eigentumsdelikte’.<br />


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