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NOTES<br />

122 On poverty in Classical Antiquity see H. Kloft, ‘Gedanken zum Ptochós’, in<br />

I. Weiler, ed., Soziale Randgruppen und Außenseiter im Altertum, Graz 1988, 81–106.<br />

C. R. Whittaker, ‘Der Arme’, in A. Giardina, ed., Der Mensch der römischen Antike,<br />

Frankfurt 1991, 305–36. J. Rougé, ‘Aspects de la pauvreté et de ses remèdes aux<br />

IV e et V e siècles, in Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana, vol. VIII, Perugia<br />

1990, 227–48.<br />

123 Cf. A. Kneppe, ‘Die Gefährdung der securitas: Angst vor Angehörigen sozialer<br />

Randgruppen der römischen Kaiserzeit am Beispiel von Philosophen, Astrologen,<br />

Magiern, Schauspielern und Räubern’, in Weiler, Soziale Randgruppen (n. 122),<br />

165–76.<br />

124 Cf. Kneppe, securitas (n. 123), 165. H.U. Instinsky, Sicherheit als politisches Problem<br />

des römischen Kaisertums, Baden-Baden 1952. Kneppe, Metus temporum (n. 103), 230.<br />


1 For the following cf. Dyson, ‘Native Revolts’. Dyson, ‘Native Revolt Patterns’.<br />

A. Gutsfeld, Römische Herrschaft und einheimischer Widerstand in Nordafrika, Stuttgart<br />

1991. For moral resistance to Rome cf. now A. Demandt, Der Idealstaat. Die politischen<br />

Theorien der Antike, Cologne 1993, 307ff. (Ch. XII: ‘Der geistige Widerstand gegen<br />

Rom’).<br />

2 Z.W. Rubinsohn, ‘The Viriatic War and Its Roman Repercussions’, RSA 11, 1981,<br />

(161–204) 188: ‘Since Lusitania was – and is – a fertile country . . . , it is probable<br />

that not an absolute lack of land suitable for agriculture, but rather the unequal<br />

distribution of land caused the attempted exodus of the landless.’<br />

3 J.S. Richardson, Hispaniae. Spain and the Development of Roman Imperialism, 218–82<br />

BC, Cambridge 1986, 135f., based, inter alia, on Polyb. 32.13.6f. Cf. previously<br />

Rubinsohn, ‘The Viriatic War’ (n. 2), 187.<br />

4 App. Ib. 59.250.<br />

5 App. Ib. 60.251–252. Val. Max. 9.6.2. Suet. Galba 3.4. H. Simon, Roms Kriege in<br />

Spanien 154–133 v. Chr., Frankfurt-am-Main 1962, 60f.<br />

6 Hobsbawm, Bandits 35: ‘First, the noble robber begins his career of outlawry not<br />

by crime but as the victim of an injustice . . . Second, he “rights wrongs”.’<br />

7 Eutr. 4.16.2: adsertor contra Romanos Hispaniae.<br />

8 Tac. Ann. 2.88.2: liberator haud dubie Germaniae.<br />

9 Cf. Simon, Roms Kriege in Spanien (n. 5), 95, n. 20. R.W. Bane, ‘The Development<br />

of Roman Imperial Attitudes and the Iberian Wars’, Emerita 44, 1976, 409–20.<br />

10 The following review of the sources is based on the detailed treatment of Rubinsohn,<br />

‘The Viriatic War’ (n. 2), 163–71. See also H.G. Gundel, s.v. Viriatus, RE IX A,<br />

1961, (203–30) 204f.<br />

11 The most important sources for Viriatus are: App. Ib. 60–75. Diod. 33.1; 7; 19;<br />

21a. Liv. Per. 52–4. Dio frg. 73; 77f. Flor. 1.33.15. Oros. 5.4.1. Eutr. 4.16. Frontin.<br />

Strat. 2.5.7. A comprehensive collection of texts is to be found in A. Schulten:<br />

Fontes Hispaniae Antiquae, vol. IV, ed. A. Schulten, P. Bosch Gimpera, L. Pericot,<br />

Barcelona 1937, 107–35.<br />

12 Rubinsohn, ‘The Viriatic War’ (n. 2), 172–80.<br />

13 A. Schulten, ‘Viriatus’, Neue Jahrbücher für das Klassische Altertum 39, 1917, 209–<br />

37. Gundel, ‘Viriatus’ (n. 10). Simon, Roms Kriege in Spanien (n. 5), 87ff. Richardson,<br />

Hispaniae (n. 3), 126ff. See also A. Garcia y Bellido, ‘Bandas y guerillas en las<br />

luchas con Roma’, Hispania 5, 1945, 547–604, and Dyson, ‘Native Revolt Patterns’<br />

148–50.<br />

14 Cf. Strab. 3.3.5f. p. 154.<br />

15 Liv. Per. 52: primum ex pastore venator, ex venatore latro mox iusti quoque exercitus dux<br />

factus. Flor. 1.33.15: ex venatore latro, ex latrone subito dux atque imperator. Anon. De<br />


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