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29 Diod. 34/35.2.15f.; 2.22; 2.24. Cf. Vogt, ‘Zur Struktur’ (n. 13), 29f. Dumont,<br />

Servus 217–19.<br />

30 Diod. 34/35.2.22. On the end of Eunous see Bradley, Slavery and Rebellion 62.<br />

31 F. Münzer, s.v. Tryphon no. 7, RE XIII A, 1939, 723f. Bradley, Slavery and Rebellion<br />

74ff. Dumont, Servus 226f.<br />

32 Diod. 36.4.4; 36.11.7. Cf. Bradley, Slavery and Rebellion 77.<br />

33 Consideration of Salvius’ origins: Hoben, Terminologische Studien 69 and n. 29.<br />

34 Diod. 36.5. Flor. 2.7.9f. E. Klebs, s.v. Athenion no. 6, RE II, 1896, 2039–41.<br />

H. Volkmann, s.v. Athenion no. 2, KlP I, 1975, 704. Vogt, ‘Zur Struktur’ (n. 13),<br />

27ff. Bradley, Slavery and Rebellion 76ff. Dumont, Servus 227.<br />

35 Diod. 36.5.1. Flor. 2.7.9. Florus’ description contradicts that of Diodorus, who<br />

terms Athenion oikonomos, the equivalent of the Latin vilicus. Athenion was either<br />

a herdsman before being promoted steward, or Florus (or his source) typecast a<br />

Sicilian slave of Cilician origin as a pastor. As far as Athenion is concerned we<br />

cannot say if he really was a herdsman, or was just called one as an insult. The latter<br />

would suffice to fix his character in the eyes of a Roman reader.<br />

36 Diod. 36.5.1. (Trans. Walton, Loeb)<br />

37 Flor. 2.7.10.<br />

38 Diod. 36.5.3.<br />

39 Diod. 36.5.1f.<br />

40 Scholars have long perceived in Diodorus’ account of the second slave war a doublette<br />

of the first: see Hoben, Terminologische Studien 116. Dumont, Servus 208, n. 271<br />

(with references); 237.<br />

41 On a ‘xenophobic Roman view to a race of natural slaves’ see Bradley, Slavery and<br />

Rebellion 55 and n. 17, with references, inter alia, to Cic. Prov. 10, Liv. 35.49.8 and<br />

36.17.5.<br />

42 Flor. 2.7.10: in servos infestius quam in dominos quasi in transfugas, saeviebat.<br />

43 Diod. 36.5.2.<br />

44 Cf. above, pp. 40–3; below, pp. 112–20.<br />

45 Cf. Vogt, ‘Zur Struktur’ (n. 13), 49.<br />

46 App. Mithr. 59.244.<br />

47 Cic. Verr. 2.2.136; cf. 3.66.125.<br />

48 Cic. Har. 26; cf. Att. 2.12.2.<br />

49 Cf. W. Will, Der römische Mob. Soziale Konflikte in der späten Republik, Darmstadt<br />

1991, 87.<br />

50 Diod. 36.3.5f. Stein, s.v. Titinius no. 21, RE VI A, 1937, 1551.<br />

51 Diod. 36.3.5.<br />

52 Diod. 36.3.6: strategos.<br />

53 Dumont, Servus 236: ‘coloration sociale’.<br />

54 Bradley, Slavery and Rebellion 71: ‘To judge from his name, Titinius was a Roman<br />

citizen, but the oddity of the cognomen Gadaeus might suggest that he was in fact a<br />

former slave.’<br />

55 Dumont, Servus 235.<br />

56 Ibid. 236 (quotation); 238. On the model of the social bandit see the Introduction<br />

(p. 16) and pp. 92–100.<br />

57 Diod. 36.3.6.<br />

58 See below, p. 113.<br />

59 See p. 113 and van Hooff, ‘Ancient Robbers’ 121.<br />

60 Sall. Hist. 3.90–106 Maurenbrecher. Cic. Verr. 2.5.158–72. Liv. Per. 95–7. Flor.<br />

2.8.1–14. App. Civ. 1.116.539–120.559. Plut. Crass. 8–11. Eutr. 6.7.20. Oros.<br />

5.24. F. Münzer, s.v. Spartacus, RE III A, 1927, 1528–36. E. Maróti, ‘De suppliciis.<br />

Zur Frage der sizilianischen Zusammenhänge des Spartacus-Aufstandes’, AAntHung<br />

9, 1961, 41–70. A. Deman, M.-Th. Raepsaet Charlier, ‘Notes sur la guerre de<br />


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