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NOTES<br />

name’; but cf. HA Max. Balb. 2.11: hostis publicus Maximinus cum filio pereat, hostem<br />

publicum vos persequimini.)<br />

108 Epit. 28.4: patre nobilissimo latronum ductore. E. Groag, s.v. Iulius no. 341 (Marinus),<br />

RE X, 1917, 670–72. PIR 2 I 407. Herz, ‘Latrocinium und Viehdiebstahl’ 230.<br />

109 E.g., Strab. 7.5.12 p. 318 and. 7.6.1 p. 319; Liv. 38.46.6; 38.49.7 (Thracians);<br />

Strab. 11.7.1 p. 508; Amm. 16.10.20; 17.12.2 (Scythians and Sarmatians); Strab.<br />

16.1.26 p. 747 (Arab Scenitae).<br />

110 Lact. Mort. 19.6:<br />

sublatus nuper a pecoribus et silvis, statim scutarius, continuo protector, mox<br />

tribunus, postridie Caesar, accepit orientem calcandum et conterendum, quippe qui<br />

neque militiam neque rem publicam sciret, iam non pecorum, sed militum pastor.<br />

(Trans. Creed)<br />

111 HA Quadr. Tyr. 12.1ff. Eutr. 9.17.1. Aur. Vict., Caes. 37.2. PIR P 739. PLRE<br />

I 745, s.v. Proculus 1. Kienast, Kaisertabelle (n. 90), 252f. Minor, Brigand 46f.<br />

112 HA Quadr. Tyr. 12.1: domi nobilis sed maioribus latrocinantibus atque adeo pecore ac<br />

servis et iis rebus quas abduxerat dives.<br />

113 Ibid. 12.5: ipse quoque latrociniis adsuetus, qui tamen armatam semper egerit vitam.<br />

114 Ibid. 13.3: numquam aliter quam latrocinandi pugnans modo.<br />

115 Ibid. 12.7.<br />

116 K. Schneider, s.v. Latrunculorum ludus, RE XII, 1925, 980–4.<br />

117 HA Quadr. Tyr. 13.2. Cf. also Paschoud, ‘Le tyran fantasmé’ (n. 91), 90f.<br />

118 Cf. above, n. 87.<br />

119 Aur. Vict. Caes. 39.26: His sane omnibus Illyricum patria fuit; qui, quamquam humanitatis<br />

parum, ruris tamen ac militiae miseriis imbuti, satis optimi rei publicae fuere.<br />

120 Zos. 1.69f. Stein, s.v. Lydios, RE XIII, 1927, 2205. D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia<br />

Minor, vol. II, Princeton 1951, 1577. F. Paschoud, Zosime, Histoire Nouvelle I, Paris<br />

1971, 60 and 175f. = note 98 to Zos. 1.69. F. Minor, Brigand 85f. Shaw, ‘Der<br />

Bandit’ 351. Cremna was investigated by the British Archaeological Institute at<br />

Ankara in 1985–87. The Roman siege works were discovered and these confirm the<br />

essentials of Zosimus’ account. On this see S. Mitchell, ‘The Siege of Cremna’ in<br />

D.H. French, C.S. Lightfoot, eds, The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire, Oxford<br />

1989, 311–28, esp. 323–5. Idem, Cremna in Pisidia, London 1995, 177–218.<br />

121 Zos. 1.69.1. Zosimus mistakenly calls Cremna a city in Lycia.<br />

122 Zos. 1.69.2.<br />

123 Zos. 1.69.3.<br />

124 Zos. 1.69.4.<br />

125 Zos. 1.70.1.<br />

126 Zos. 1.70.2.<br />

127 Zos. 1.70.3f.<br />

128 Zos. 1.70.5.<br />

129 Unrest and rebellion in Isauria: Strab. 12.6.2 p. 568. Dio 55.28.3 (ad 6). HA Tyr.<br />

Trig. 26 (ad 260/268: Trebellianus, see above). HA Prob. 16.5 (ad 276/282:<br />

Palfuerius, see below). Amm. 14.2 (ad 354); 19.13; 19.14.2. CIL III 6733 = ILS<br />

740 (ad 359). Amm. 27.9.6f. (ad 368). Exp. Tot. Mund. 45. Peregr. Aeth. 23.4<br />

(fourth/fifth century). MacMullen, Enemies 262f. Rougé, ‘L’Histoire Auguste et<br />

l’Isaurie’ (n. 97), 282ff. Syme, Ammianus (n. 90), 43ff. Minor, Brigand 82ff. K.<br />

Hopwood, ‘Consent and Control’ (n. 97). Idem, ‘Policing the Hinterland: Rough<br />

Cilicia and Isauria’, in S. Mitchell, ed., Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine<br />

Anatolia. Proceedings of a colloquium held at University College, Swansea in April 1981,<br />

London 1983, 173–7. H. Hellenkemper, ‘Legionen im Bandenkrieg – Isaurien im<br />

4. Jahrhundert’, in Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms, III. 13. Internationaler<br />

Limeskongreß, Aalen 1983, Stuttgart 1986, 625–34. Lewin, ‘Banditismo’ (n. 67),<br />

175f.<br />


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