DBS Dynamic Braking System

DBS Dynamic Braking System

DBS Dynamic Braking System


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Control<br />

sistem<br />



Control<br />

sistem<br />

Expert engineering, flexible deployment.<br />

Control Sistem is a leading producer of Testing Facility solutions for the Automotive sector providing all-round service and extensive specialization<br />

across the vehicle testing spectrum: Engine Testing Cells, Components Testing Rigs, Powertrain & Gearbox Testing Solutions.<br />

Control Sistem also develops in-house complete dedicated management Software that is a key feature of the entire test process alongside the other<br />

elements in the Testing chain.<br />

The high-level technical and entrepreneurial capacity acquired in over 20 years experience in the Automotive sector enables Control Sistem to<br />

deliver cutting-edge solutions comprising latest-generation technology as well as sophisticated Hardware and Software systems.<br />

Proven expertise in the sector has enabled the Company to collaborate with top automakers both in Italy and worldwide with consistently excellent<br />

results.<br />

Control Sistem’s real strength is its highly flexible ability to design and produce solutions tailored to customer specifications or developed in<br />

conjunction with customers themselves – a versatility that has become a fundamental market plus in the development of each project.<br />


MICRO-PSS Portable unit<br />

Particulate sampling systems<br />

PSS-20 Test cell unit<br />

The PSS-20 is a particulate sampling system based on the partial flow method and variable dilution.<br />

It satisfies the specifications contained in all main European and American regulations for the<br />

homologation of diesel engines from light duty up to heavy duty, both on-road and off-road.<br />

The performances of the PSS-20 allow to perform both transient and steady state tests assuring a<br />

perfect correlation with full flow systems (CVS).<br />

The principle of exhaust gas partial sampling makes it possible to use the system with every kind of<br />

engines, from ultra-light vehicles units up to large naval ones; moreover it can be used as secondary<br />

dilutor in CVS systems.<br />


Pumps maximum flow<br />

Flow meters accuracy<br />

Transformation time (ISO 16183)<br />

Standard regression correlation coefficient (R2)<br />

Filter size<br />

Dilution air filter<br />

Starting from PSS-20 experience Control Sistem developed the Micro-PSS that is a portable<br />

partial flow sampling system capable of variable dilution ratio.<br />

It is suitable for sampling exhaust gases from diesel vehicle, in real road driving conditions, in<br />

order to determine the particulate emission level according to PEMS specifications, thanks to<br />

its real-time detector that allows to determine the evolution of the particulate deposition on the<br />

filter during the test.<br />

Micro-PSS satisfies all the specifications reported in the ISO 16183 standard for evaluating the<br />

particulate in transient conditions thus respecting main European regulations.<br />

Because Micro-PSS is a partial flow sampling system it can be used with every size of engine.<br />


Pumps maximum flow<br />

Flow meters accuracy<br />

Transformation time (ISO 16183)<br />

Standard regression correlation coefficient (R2)<br />

Filter size<br />

Dilution air filter<br />

2 m³/h<br />

± 0.2% of reading<br />

< 0.15 sec<br />

> 0.98<br />

47 mm<br />

HEPA<br />


ISO 8178 | ISO 16183 | Directive 2008/74/EC | Directive 2005/78/EC | Directive 2005/55/EC<br />

| Directive 2004/26/EC<br />

3<br />

10 m³/h<br />

± 0.2% of reading<br />

< 0.17 sec<br />

> 0.98<br />

47 mm or 70 mm<br />

HEPA<br />


ISO 8178 | ISO 16183 | Directive 2008/74/EC | Directive 2005/78/EC | Directive 2005/55/EC<br />

| Directive 2004/26/EC | EPA 40 CFR 1065 | EPA 40 CFR 86

Constant volume sampler<br />

CVS-R03 Exhaust gas sampling and dilution system<br />

CVS-R03 is a complete CVS (constant volume sampler) system that allows to sample and to dilute the<br />

exhaust gas generated by diesel or spark-ignition engines.<br />

CVS-R03 is fully compliant to European and American regulations so it can be used both for development<br />

and homologation.<br />

A complete remote control is available by means of RS232 or TCP/IP line, using AK protocol.<br />


CVS type<br />

Engine type<br />

Flow rate [m³/h]<br />

Dilution air filter<br />

Dilution air sampling bags<br />

Diluted gas sampling bags<br />

Mixing (minimum Reynold number)<br />

Particulate sampler (optional)<br />

4<br />

PDP (positive displacement pump)<br />

Diesel / Spark ignition<br />

CVS-R03 250 – from 40 to 250<br />

CVS-R03 700 – from 150 to 700<br />

CVS-R03 2300 – from 700 to 2300<br />

CVS-R03 7000 – from 2000 to 7000<br />

HEPA<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4000<br />

double dilution with 1, 2 or 3 filter holders

Altitude Simulator for Engine Testing<br />

EACS Engine Altitude Conditions Simulator<br />

EACS is an innovative machine that allows to test internal combustion engines in a wide range of ambient pressure conditions, from under sea level up<br />

to 5500 m altitude.<br />

The EACS system is able to maintain a very stable pressure level, in any engine working conditions, steady state and transient, simulating also climbing<br />

or down hill roads.<br />


Total flow rate<br />

Minimum pressure<br />

Maximum pressure<br />

Regulation precision<br />

Pressure stability<br />

Pressure stability<br />

Response time<br />

1000 – 2000 – 4000 m³/h<br />

- 500 mbar (about 5500 m over sea level)<br />

+ 100 mbar (about 800 m under sea level)<br />

± 1 mbar<br />

± 1 mbar (steady state)<br />

± 5 mbar (transient)<br />

< 1 sec<br />


DREAMS Driving Robot EAsy Movable <strong>System</strong><br />

The Control Sistem driving robot DREAMS represents a new approach to<br />

the automatic vehicle driving for tests on chassis dyno.<br />

Thanks to an industrial (anthropomorphic) robot with six degrees of<br />

freedom, the management of the shifting gear level is done as a human<br />

arm.<br />

The system can be optionally equipped with a conditioning system to<br />

operate in climatic test cells down to -40 °C.<br />


Quick installation:<br />

Less than 5 minutes | Single operator: trolley for Robot positioning<br />

Robot Actuator unit:<br />

Installation on driver/passenger seat (no modifications to the vehicle)<br />

Gears positions control:<br />

Automatic detection for any configuration<br />

Transmission types:<br />

Manual transmissions: any number of gears and positions<br />

| Automatic transmissions | Sequential transmission<br />

Engine start:<br />

Ignition key/button directly operated by the robot<br />

Driving Robot for Chassis Dyno<br />

6<br />

Software:<br />

User-friendly interface | Vehicle configuration and drive cycles definition<br />

Cycle driving:<br />

Very high repeatability of driving sequences | Different driving behaviour<br />

Data Managers:<br />

Tablet PC unit for vehicle configuration data and drive cycles<br />


Exhaust emission tests on chassis dynamometers | Transmission and<br />

power train tests on chassis dynamometers or test cells | Mileage<br />

accumulation and durability tests | Climatic tests | Fuel economy tests<br />

| R & D studies

DYNOSAUR Chassis dyno for light and medium duty vehicles<br />

Control Sistem’s roller bench has been designed for use with light and<br />

medium duty vehicles. It is a single 48 inches roller type suitable for<br />

emissions measurement and performance tests.<br />

The Dynosaur is driven by an asynchronous electric motor<br />

controlled by a vector inverter, placed between the 2<br />

rollers and mounted with an oscillating frame with a<br />

load cell torque reading.<br />

The motor’s supports contain a device for the slow rotation of the<br />

bearings in order to minimise hysteresis and wear of the bearings.<br />


Roller diameter<br />

Internal distance between rollers<br />

Roller width<br />

External roller distance<br />

Maximum axle load<br />

Maximum motor power<br />

Maximum force on roller<br />

Simulated inertial mass<br />

Operating temperature<br />

Operating temperature (air-conditioned version)<br />

RoBeC Rotating Belt Chassis-dyno<br />

Why a rotating-belt instead of the traditional roll? Using a traditional<br />

roll system, the tyre runs on a curved surface that is far away from real<br />

conditions. Main effect of this, is an unnatural deformation of the tyre that<br />

reduces drastically its life.<br />

The RoBeC is aiming to give a flat runway to the tyre, similar to the road<br />

condition, in a very compact machine.<br />

This results is obtained using a “Rotating-Belt” where the runway is<br />

made of a commercial “Poly-V” belt. The belt is kept stretched by a tensor<br />

cylinder to generate a flat tyre belt contact surface.<br />

The electric motor and the belt are placed on a sliding frame, connected to<br />

the main frame by a load cell to directly read the traction force of the wheel.<br />


Max power [kW]<br />

Max speed [km/h]<br />

Force measurement accuracy<br />

Vehicle mass simulation [kg]<br />

Vehicle mass simulation accuracy<br />

Belt durability [h]<br />

Energy regeneration efficiency<br />

Control strategies<br />

48” (1219 mm)<br />

900 mm<br />

700 mm<br />

2400 mm<br />

3500 kg<br />

210 kW (from 120 to 250 km/h)<br />

6200 N (from 0 to 120 km/h)<br />

from 500 to 5500 kg<br />

from 5 to 40 °C<br />

from -35 to +60 °C<br />

RoBeC 30 RoBeC 60 RoBeC 105<br />

29<br />

62<br />

107<br />

169<br />

200<br />

≤ 0.1% of full scale<br />

80 ÷ 500<br />

≤ 1%<br />

500 ÷ 1500<br />

>90%<br />

230<br />

Road simulation, constant speed, constant force<br />

7<br />

Chassis Dyno

<strong>DBS</strong> <strong>Dynamic</strong> <strong>Braking</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

<strong>DBS</strong> (<strong>Dynamic</strong> <strong>Braking</strong> <strong>System</strong>) is a compact design automation unit. It is<br />

available in three versions, depending on its intended use.<br />

All <strong>DBS</strong> versions are designed for the maximum integration with the<br />

automation systems of a testing room.<br />

At the same time, they constitute small stand-alone automation units. The<br />

<strong>DBS</strong> can be easily configured using the Panel-PC built into the front panel.<br />

Engine <strong>DBS</strong><br />

Automation box for Engine test cells. Manages the exchange of signals<br />

with active (electric motors) and passive dynamometers (eddy current<br />

dyno, hydraulic dyno ).<br />

This unit controls the use of engine throttle, dyno speed and torque in all<br />

significant combinations. Makes it possible to carry out all the tests that<br />

are normally performed on i.c. engines.<br />

Manual control is also possible in every mode. Easy connection with any<br />

automation and test cell systems.<br />

Roller <strong>DBS</strong><br />

Automation box for Roller test benches. Interfaces with roller driving<br />

motors, wind generator, sensing equipment (torque-meter, load cell, etc.)<br />

and other devices (wheel centering systems, Driver aid, etc.). Allows<br />

constant speed, constant torque and RLS roller control.<br />

8<br />

Automation Units<br />

Transmission <strong>DBS</strong><br />

Automation box for Gearbox test cells. Manages up to three motors<br />

(one on the input shaft and one or two on the gearbox output shaft).<br />

Choice of several operating modes, including synchronized speeds and<br />

vehicle inertia simulation.<br />

xPA Accelerator/Brake/Clutch Pedal Actuator<br />

xPA is a universal actuator, specially designed to engage/release<br />

vehicle pedals.<br />

Thanks to its flexibility, xPA can also be used in engine test<br />

cells (throttle control) and transmission test cells (operating the<br />

transmission clutch), and, in general, wherever there is a mechanical<br />

device to be actuated.<br />

xPA is available in three versions, depending on the intended application:<br />

| APA: Accelerator Pedal Actuator, to actuate the gas pedal | BPA: Brake Pedal Actuator, to actuate the brake pedal | CPA: Clutch Pedal Actuator,<br />

to actuate the clutch pedal<br />


Dimensions<br />

Weight<br />

Maximum stroke<br />

Positioning precision<br />

Time to complete full stroke<br />

Maximum force<br />

Power supply<br />

Communication<br />

Admissible temperature<br />

180mm X 320mm X 125mm (W X L X H)<br />

8 Kg<br />

170mm<br />

± 0.1 mm<br />

500 ms<br />

250 N<br />

230 Vac / 24Vdc / 12Vdc, to be defined when ordering<br />

Profibus / Ethernet Modbus / Analog and digital signals<br />

from 10 to 40°C (from -40°C to +70°C with climate option)

Engine, transmission and chassis dyno test cells<br />

As a “<strong>System</strong> Integrator”, Control Sistem delivers the right test stand for all kind of testing requirements. Choosing the best components on the<br />

broad range of the world’s most capable suppliers Control Sistem offers a “Turn Key” solution acting as a partner of the Customer’s Technical Office.<br />

Control Sistem is able to implement the complete test cell building including:<br />

test automation system (electronic and software) | high performance dyno technologies | all mechanical and fluidic fittings | safety systems<br />

| measurement equipments | noise and vibrations absorption systems | air conditioning systems | complete building | lifting and transport systems.<br />

After analyzing customer’s Requirements Control Sistem delivers “best of class” solutions starting from the ground or revamping an existing old<br />

plant.<br />

The INT9000 automation system can meet all needs in engines and power train testing thus allowing to Control Sistem to implement complete test<br />

solutions according to customer’s specifications.<br />

All testing procedures can be easily automated thus reducing dead times and human errors.<br />

Thanks to the use of regenerative inverters, the energy normally dissipated by testing activity is converted into electric energy which is sent to the<br />

premises. This strategy enables the overall energy consumption to be greatly reduced.<br />


For Control Sistem to be a leader in the Automotive Testing sector means developing applications for all the components of a vehicle: engine,<br />

transmission, chassis and even single components.<br />

Within the range of Control Sistem products there are an high number of component test benches: from braking system components to complete<br />

transmission systems, from different types of fuel pumps up to selespeeds actuators.<br />

Control Sistem engineering facilities are able to define a specific test platform for every need, with a constant cooperation with the client’s technical<br />

staff: in every instance the target is the definition of the best solution both technically and commercially.<br />

Some of our installations<br />

Components Test Beds<br />

10<br />


The test rig was specifically designed to carry out dynamic transient<br />

tests or endurance tests on front axle shafts for passenger cars and<br />

light duty trucks.<br />

The axles can be tested by simulating all the working conditions they<br />

can experience in the real vehicle: rotational speed, torque, vertical<br />

stroke, axial stroke, steering angle.<br />

The SW application, developed for this test rig, allows the full setup<br />

of automatic cycles.<br />

The test cycles for the simulation of the driving patterns are fully<br />

automated, so is the data acquisition.<br />


The test bench allows to perform the main functional tests specified<br />

by the most important automotive manufacturers for the functional<br />

characterization of pedal sets.<br />

The bench is equipped with a highly flexible testing station, where any<br />

type of pedal set can be installed with minimum adaptations.<br />

The main actuation system for the tests consists of a mechanically<br />

controlled linear actuator driven by a low inertia brushless motor.<br />

Testing station equipment is interchangeable and can be adapted to<br />

accept virtually any type of pedal set.<br />


The bench test makes it possible to perform durability tests on front<br />

and rear brake caliper with handbrake device.<br />

The bench is equipped with 4 independent stations where different<br />

braking systems can be installed to perform tests according to user<br />

defined parameters, except for rpm, that is necessarily the same on<br />

each pair of coupled stations.<br />

The main braking system is hydraulically controlled. It uses a cylinder<br />

controlled by a servovalve for each pair of stations, with pressure or<br />

torque control.<br />

Testing station equipment is interchangeable and can be adapted to<br />

accept virtually any type of caliper

INT9000<br />

11<br />

Software Solutions<br />

Control Sistem designed a standard software platform that is able to manage all kind of equipment: INT9000, the software package which is suitable<br />

for the solution of the most sophisticated problems in the Testing sector.<br />

INT9000 is able to offer great application flexibility for a large number of complete solutions, from test benches for components of standard products<br />

to top of the range test equipment.<br />

A few, clearly defined principles underlie the world of INT9000: capability to communicate with the main hardware peripherals used on the market<br />

(PLC, data acquisition cards, measuring instruments, robots, etc.) easy programming, configuration and processing of systems’ main parameters, fast<br />

definition of the application logic. A drastic reduction of the application developing time is the direct outcome of such features.<br />


INT9000 is a development environment for industrial system monitoring, control and automation applications.<br />

INT9000 is a real time software, written on C++ and Visual Basic platforms, running in Microsoft Windows environment.<br />

INT9000 does not require a knowledge of programming languages to be used; complete applications can be created through a sequential definition<br />

of high level operations using the standard functions of the environment; however, any INT900 application can be customized through non standard<br />

actions, defined using VB scripts.<br />

INT9000 manages the application logic through a hierarchical structure comprised of steps, tests and cycles.<br />

INT9000 devotes special care to security-related aspects, and manages access to the system according to different user right/permission levels.<br />

INT9000 can be used on tasks ranging from the development of simple data acquisition and monitoring applications to the complex management of<br />

automated processes and controls. It allows highly legible graphic interfaces to be produced with ease, which makes it into a valuable, user-friendly tool.<br />

INT9000 is used on a daily basis to concretize applications requiring the highest degree of performance and reliability; key examples are the systems<br />

used in combustion engine testing rooms, which require complicated real-time controls, data saving and reporting functions, to be executed under<br />

the constant surveillance of a safety monitoring system.

Distributor:<br />

D-35519 Rockenberg<br />

Am Sandberg 20<br />

Postfach 47 00<br />

D-35517 Rockenberg<br />

Tel.: +49 (0)6033 / 92 35 - 0, Fax: +49 (0)6033 / 92 35 -19, www.ms4.info / office@ms4.info

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