MHL ARTICLE 81 - New York State Unified Court System

MHL ARTICLE 81 - New York State Unified Court System

MHL ARTICLE 81 - New York State Unified Court System


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Matter of S.A.W., June 5, 2007, NYLJ p. 23, col. 3(Sup. Ct., Rockland Cty.)(Weiner,<br />

J.)<br />

Motion for a change of venue for a contested final accounting proceeding from the county where the<br />

AIP was in a rehab center at the start of the case to the county where the AIP was then residing 6<br />

years later at the time of the motion was denied by the court stating that more is needed than the<br />

mere allegation that there is no longer a nexus with the original county where the court suspected<br />

that the motion was possibly forum shopping and the first court was familiar with the 6 year history<br />

of the case.<br />

Matter of J.S.W., 15 Misc.3d 1118A; 839 N.Y.S.2d 437 (Sup. Ct. Bronx Cty. 2007)(Hunter, J.)<br />

Where the divorce proceeding was pending in Suffolk County and the Article <strong>81</strong> proceeding was<br />

pending in the Bronx, it was unnecessary for the attorney for the guardians to seek approval of the<br />

Suffolk divorce settlement from the court presiding over the Article <strong>81</strong> proceeding in the Bronx.<br />

nd<br />

In the Matter of Loretta I., 34 A.D.3d 480, 824 N.Y.S.2d 372 (2 Dept 2006); In the Matter of<br />

nd<br />

Johanna C., 34 A.D.3d 465; 824 N.Y.S.2d 142(2 Dept 2006); and In the Matter of Annette I.,<br />

nd<br />

34 A.D.3d 479; 823 N.Y.S 2d 542 (2 Dept 2006)<br />

In a guardianship proceeding brought on because 3 allegedly incapacitated persons had allegedly<br />

been taken advantage of by a third party and, inter alia, coerced into signing away the deed to their<br />

home, the third party was neither named nor given notice that the court could ultimately divest her<br />

of her title to the property. Title was held by two of the AIPs and the third AIP was the child and<br />

natural heir of one of them. The Appellate Division did order that title revert back and the third party<br />

appealed on the grounds that the court lacked jurisdiction over her to so divest her of title. With<br />

respect to the appeals in the matter involving the 2 AIP’s who were title holders, the Appellate<br />

Division reversed that portion of the order noting that the transactions in question were not made by<br />

persons who were yet adjudicated incompetent and for whom a guardian had already been appointed<br />

but, rather, by persons who were unable to understand the nature and consequences of their actions,<br />

rendering the transactions voidable but not void and concluded that granting the guardians authority<br />

to commence a turnover proceeding against the third party rather than deeming the transactions void,<br />

and enjoining any further transfer of the subject real property pending the turnover proceeding was<br />

a more appropriate course of action. In the appeal involving the child and natural heir of the title<br />

holders, the appeal was dismissed on the grounds that the non-title holding child was not aggrieved.<br />

In the Matter of The Application of Joseph Meisels (Grand Rebbi Moses Teitelbaum), 10<br />

Misc.3d 659; 807 N.Y.S. 2d 268 (Sup. Ct. Kings Cty., 2005) (Leventhal, J.)<br />

An Article <strong>81</strong> petition was brought for guardianship over the Grand Rabbi of The Satmar sect. The<br />

parties wanted to bring the proceeding in the Bet Din religious tribunal but could not agree on which<br />

one so the petitioner ultimately filed in <strong>State</strong> Supreme <strong>Court</strong>. The court noted that the matter could<br />

not have been held in the Bet Din, which would have been akin to submitting it to arbitration because<br />

the case involved the capacity of an individual and not a religious matter; guardianship involves<br />


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