coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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copy to the person by whom the same was filed.<br />

From and after the taking effect of this act no<br />

owner, lessee or agent of any mine, shall cause<br />

or permit any work to be done or excavations to<br />

be made therein unless in carrying out the details<br />

of and in strict accordance with the proposed<br />

excavations or workings as shown on the<br />

map above provided for and as approved by such<br />

Industrial Commission.<br />

936-3. Whoever as owner, lessee, or agent, desires<br />

to open a new mine, shall, at least thirty<br />

days before beginning operations thereon, file with<br />

The Industrial Commission of Ohio, for its approval,<br />

duplicate copies of an accurate map on<br />

the scale provided for in the preceding section,<br />

showing the location of such proposed mine and<br />

also showing clearly delineated thereon all the<br />

proposed excavations and workings which are<br />

to be made therein during the six months immediately<br />

succeeding the date of such filing. Such<br />

map shall bear endorsed thereon a certificate made<br />

by the same persons and of the<br />


as that provided for on the map mentioned in<br />

the preceding section. In the event that such<br />

proposed location, excavations and workings receive<br />

the approval of The Industrial Commission,<br />

that Commission shall make and enter on its<br />

records such order as is just, reasonable and<br />

proper and shall cause such approval to be noted<br />

in writing on one of such copies of maps and shall<br />

forthwith return such copy to the persons by<br />

whom the same was filed. From and after the<br />

taking effect of this act no person shall cause or<br />

permit any new mine to be opened or any work<br />

to be done or excavation to be made therein unless<br />

in carrying out the details of and in strict<br />

accordance with the proposed opening, excavations<br />

or workings, as shown on the map provided for<br />

in this section ancl as approved by such Industrial<br />

Commission.<br />

Sec. 936-4. In the event that The Industrial<br />

Commission finds that the proposed opening, excavations<br />

or workings, as delineated on any such<br />

map filed under the provisions of section 936-2<br />

or 936-3 are not such as will accomplish the ends<br />

prescribed in section 936-1, it shall make and<br />

er. L _r on its records such an order of disapproval<br />

in the premises as is just and reasonable. It<br />

shall also forthwith return the duplicate copies<br />

of maps provided for to the person by whom the<br />

same were filed and along with them furnish to<br />

such person a statement showing the changes<br />

whch must be made in the plans for such proposed<br />

locations, excavations or workings before<br />

the same will receive the approval of the Commission<br />

; or, for the better information and<br />

guidance of the persons interested, the Commission<br />

may furnish along with such statement such<br />

a revised set of maps or plans to be<br />

used in the operation of such as will in<br />

the opinion of the Commission best accomplish<br />

the purposes of this act. Llnitl such<br />

changes have been made and maps showing<br />

such amended locations, excavations or workings<br />

filed and approved as provided in said sections,<br />

no work shall be done or permitted to be<br />

clone on any new location, excavation or working<br />

which did not theretofore appear on some such<br />

map of said mine filed with and approved by such<br />

Commission.<br />

Sec. 936-5. When any owner, lessee or agent<br />

of a mine desires at any time to deviate from<br />

any plan of working the same which has been<br />

approved by the Industrial Commission as herein<br />

provided he may file a written application therefor<br />

with such Commission in which he shall<br />

specify clearly the location,<br />


of such proposed deviation and thereupon such<br />

Commission, if it finds such deviation reasonable<br />

or necessary for the proper and profitable operation<br />

of such mine, shall make an order approving<br />

the same, which order shall be made and entered<br />

as other orders of such Commission and shall have<br />

the same force and effect as the other orders pro<br />

vided for in this act.<br />

Sec. 936-6. Whoever shall fail to comply with<br />

the provisions of the four preceding sections<br />

herein or shall alter any of such maps after the<br />

same have been approved by The Industrial Commission<br />

or shall cause or permit any workings or<br />

excavations to be made in any mine other than<br />

as shown on such maps and as approved by such<br />

Commission, unless such deviation from such approved<br />

plans shall first have been approved in<br />

the manner provided for in section 936-5, shall be<br />

guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not<br />

less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five<br />

hundred dollars, and each day a mine is operated<br />

in violation of any of the provisions of the five<br />

preceding sections shall be considered as constituting<br />

a separate offense.<br />


A BILL.<br />

A bill to amend sections 954, 965, 974-3 ancl 976<br />

of the General Code, defining the duties of<br />

safety foremen of mines.<br />

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the<br />

State of Ohio:<br />

Section 1. That sections 954, 965, 974-2 and 976<br />

of the General Code be amended to read as follows:<br />

Sec. 954. The owner, lessee or agent of a mine<br />

employing more than ten men, whose duty is to<br />

mine and load <strong>coal</strong>, shall provide a safety foreman,<br />

and each owner, lessee or agent, employing<br />

more than thirty-five such workmen, shall, for

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