coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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practice once each month, under such regulations<br />

as may be prescribed by the Chief Mine Inspector,<br />

a feature of which must be, however, not under<br />

one, or over two hours for each man, in the apparatus<br />

using oxygen.<br />

Regular reports must be made by the Captain,<br />

or Acting Captain, of each rescue corps, to the<br />

Chief Mine Inspector, on the last of each month,<br />

on blanks supplied for this purpose. This report<br />

must state the names of the members of the<br />

corps, or substitutes, participating in the drill,<br />

the amount of time each apparatus was in use<br />

with oxygen, the names of men, if any, who<br />

were given training, together with such other<br />

data as may be required. Such report must be<br />

sworn to before some party duly authorized to<br />

administer oaths.<br />

SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That on the first<br />

of each month, or as soon thereafter as possible,<br />

the Chief Mine Inspector shall make a report to<br />

the Comptroller, giving the name of each member<br />

of each corps or legal substitute participating in<br />

the monthly drill, together with the amount of<br />

oxygen and potash consumed in such drill and<br />

training at each station in hours per apparatus.<br />

The Comptroller shall then issue warrants to<br />

each man named as taking part in said drill, for<br />

the sum of $1.00 each, together with the warrant<br />

to the owner or representative of each station for<br />

compensation for oxygen and potash used in said<br />

drill, at the rate of $1.00 per hour for each apparatus<br />

in use; provided, that not more than<br />

$50.00 shall be paid in any one month for both<br />

compensation to men and supplies to any one<br />

station, for both drill or practice purposes.<br />

There shall be appropriated and set aside for<br />

the purpose of meeting the expense above provided<br />

for, or for paying such extra expense as<br />

might occur in any serious mine disaster, or otherwise,<br />

as hereinafter set forth, the sum of<br />

$4,000.00 per annum, or such part of same as may<br />

be necessary.<br />

No person shall be eligible to receive compensation<br />

for taking part in the monthly drill as set<br />

forth above, except the six regular members provided<br />

for, or legal substitutes. In case any of<br />

said members are absent or otherwise incapacitated,<br />

the Captain or person acting as such may<br />

appoint substitutes to make up the full number<br />

of the corps. However, such substitutes must be<br />

appointed from those having legal qualifications<br />

for membership in the corps, and whose names<br />

and qualifications have previously been reported<br />

to the Chief Mine Inspector as such.<br />

Each corps may, however, under the super<br />

vision of the Captain, or other member of the<br />

corps, give training in the use of the apparatus<br />

to those desiring same. The cost of the oxygen<br />

and potash for such training may, within the total<br />


amount per month specified above, be included in<br />

the cost of such supplies.<br />

SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That in consideration<br />

of the above expenditures, the Chief Mine<br />

Inspector, or in his absence, the District Mine<br />

Inspector, shall be empowered in the case of any<br />

mine disaster or emergency to call on any corps<br />

to report at the shortest possible time to any point<br />

in the State, with their apparatus, ready for duty.<br />

It shall be the duty of the owner or representative<br />

of such station to see that the apparatus is<br />

at all times available for any such call, and the<br />

duty of the corps to respond to such call in the<br />

quickest possible time, in full number, either<br />

members of said corps, or legal substitutes, and<br />

to act under the direct orders at such time, of<br />

the Chief Mine Inspector. Provided, however,<br />

that no man shall be required other than voluntarily<br />

to perform any duty where he may feel his<br />

life is in danger.<br />

The Chief Mine Inspector, or in his absence the<br />

District Mine Inspector, shall have full control<br />

of the mine, and all rescue work in case of such<br />

disaster.<br />

All men called for and reporting for duty in<br />

such cases, together with any such competent men<br />

offering their services for such rescue work, and<br />

being accepted by the Chief Mine Inspector, shall<br />

be paid by the State at the rate of $5.00 per day,<br />

and all oxygen and potash used at the rate of<br />

$1.00 per hour, together with all transportation<br />

and traveling expenses; said time for the regular<br />

corps to reckon from the time said corps leave<br />

the station till their return, and all other cases<br />

from the acceptance of said services, to the discharge<br />

of said men by the order of the Chief<br />

Mine Inspector.<br />

SEC-. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Chief<br />

Mine Inspector shall be authorized to incur such<br />

expense as he may judge necessary in connection<br />

with the rescue work at any mine disaster, also<br />

that he may employ competent men from the<br />

membership of any State rescue corps, to give instructions<br />

under his direction in the <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

and training of Mine Rescue Corps and First Aid<br />

Corps, and the rate of compensation and expenses<br />

therefor shall not exceed that provided for<br />

in the regular drill or rescue work.<br />

Itemized statements of time and expense shall<br />

be made under oath by the parties incurring<br />

same, and after approval by the Chief Mine Inspector,<br />

the same shall be paid by the Comptroller<br />

out of any money remaining of the<br />

$4,000.00 above provided for.<br />

SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Chief<br />

Mine Inspector shall have the right to drop from<br />

the membership of any corps, or any substitute<br />

therein, any person showing unfitness or incapacity<br />

for rescue work. He may also disband

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