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coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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The Coal Industry In The State of Ohio.<br />


probability see the car in readiness for actual use<br />

in the mines of the state.<br />

Several new laws were enacted by the same legislature<br />

affecting the mining industry off the<br />

state, and several amendments to old laws wert<br />

also passed at that time, the most important ol<br />

which was the amendment providing for a mine<br />

rescue car, that relating to the right of action<br />

in case of death in a mine; the use or calcium caibide<br />

in the mines; ancl that relative to the approaching<br />

of abandoned mines. Another most<br />

important act of this legislature was the enactment<br />

of a statute creating the Industiial Commission<br />

of Ohio, superseding the state liability<br />

board of awards, abolishing the department of<br />

commissioner of labor statistics, chief inspector<br />

of mines, chief inspector of work-shops and factories,<br />

chief examiner of steam engineers, board<br />

of boiler rules, and the state board of arbitration,<br />

merging certain powers and duties of said departments<br />

to said industrial commission of Ohio, and<br />

granting said commission certain other powers,<br />

and repealing a number of sections formerly in<br />

force. This commission took charge of these<br />

several departments Sept. 1, <strong>org</strong>anized the workami<br />

will from now on administer and superintend<br />

the work formerly done by these different state<br />

departments.<br />

Perhaps no question brought to the attention<br />

of the legislature in a number of years so vitally<br />

interested the persons connected with the niining<br />

industry of the state as Senate Bill No. 23, which<br />

related to the<br />


at the mines throughout the state; the agitation<br />

both pro and con became so animated, that il resulted<br />

in the passage of a joint resolution providing<br />

for the appointment of a commission to<br />

investigate an equitable method of weighing <strong>coal</strong><br />

at the mines, and their report to be filed with Hie<br />

governor by Dec. 1. The commission was ap-<br />


Home Office, SCRANTON, PA. ')<br />

j Field Office, 30 Carson St., PITTSBURGH, PA. )<br />


pointed and on Dec. 17, filed with the governor an<br />

exhaustive report covering their investigations of<br />

<strong>coal</strong> mining in this and other states, and recommending<br />

that miners be paid on the run-of-mine<br />

basis. This commission also recommended legislation<br />

pointing to the conservation of our <strong>coal</strong><br />

resources; the appointment of safety mine-foremen;<br />

regulating of solid shooting; providing for<br />

emergency supplies, and an act regulating the<br />

weighing of <strong>coal</strong> at the mine. This report, and<br />

the other legislation aforementioned, will be<br />

placed in the hands of the general assembly by<br />

Governor Cox, at a special session to be called<br />

in the early part of the month of January, 1914,<br />

when interest will again center on these most important<br />

features in connection with the niining<br />

of <strong>coal</strong> in this state, and the results are looked<br />

for eagerly by those who are operating* mines,<br />

and by the persons who earn their livelihood by<br />

mining <strong>coal</strong>. New wage scales are to be entered<br />

into again in April, and it would be difficult at<br />

this time to give with any degree of accuracy just<br />

what the state of the <strong>coal</strong> <strong>trade</strong> w-ill be for the<br />

year 1914.<br />

All records in the matter of <strong>coal</strong> shipments from<br />

Buffalo to other lake ports were smashed during<br />

the 1913 navigation season. The shipments by<br />

months in tons were: April, 505,114; May, 638,-<br />

750; June, 642,110; July, 780,632; Aug., 742,215;<br />

Sept., 532,115; Oct., 564,160; Nov., 525,500; Dec,<br />

103,100; total, 5.033,696. This is compared with<br />

3,925,0S3 tons in 1912 and 3,917,429 tons in 1911.<br />

A mortgage to protect an issue of $100,000 of<br />

6 per cent, bonds was filed against the Minooka<br />

Coal Co. at Scranton, Pa„ Jan. 7, by the Logan<br />

Trust Co. of Philadelphia.<br />

FOR SALE.<br />

Sixteen hundred and fourteen acres (1614) of<br />

<strong>coal</strong> land in fee. Seven bundled and fifty (750)<br />

acres <strong>coal</strong> under lease @ 6c royalty. Four (4)<br />

operating mines on property, fully equipped. Situated<br />

on the Kanawha River and main line of the<br />

C. & O. R. R. in West Virginia. Expert report<br />

shows that by an expenditure of fifteen thousand<br />

($15,000) dollars this property can easily pioduce<br />

fifty (5U.O00) thousand tons per month. Price,<br />

three hundred and sixty ($360,000) thousand dollars.<br />

($150,000 cash, and balance to suit @ 6 per<br />

cent.) Must be sold before February 1, 1915.<br />

Very finest quality of <strong>coal</strong>.<br />

For further particulars, address<br />

J. B. YATES,<br />

327 Vine Street, Lexington, Kentucky.

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