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coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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slakes and causes the coke to crumble and fall<br />

apart.<br />

Physical Tests,<br />

Run-of-Mine Basic Coke—<br />

Coke. 12*% Limestone.<br />

Shatter test 70.5% 31.9%<br />

Porosity 38.8 43.9<br />

Apparent Sp. Gr 900 934<br />

Real Sp. Gr 1.470 1.666<br />

The shatter test is the crucial test. It is made<br />

according to the U. S. government's specifications,<br />

i. e., 4 drops of a given quantity of coke as a<br />

height of 6 feet are made and then the broken<br />

coke is passed over a 2-inch screen. The percentage<br />

passing through constitutes the test. In<br />

the above examples, 70 V- per cent, of run-of-mine<br />

coke and 31.9 per cent, basic coke passed through<br />

the 2-inch screen. The latter figure is about<br />

standard for by-product coke.<br />

The porosity and the specific gravity of the basic<br />

coke is better than the run-of-mine coke. In<br />

fact, we believe it is possible to take an inferior<br />

grade of coking <strong>coal</strong>, and, by the scientific use of<br />

crushed limestone in the by-product process, make<br />

A-l blast furnace coke, where otherwise a total<br />

failure would result. As before stated, this is<br />

due to the formation of a slag binder in the coke.<br />

By this feature of basic coke, vast quantities of<br />

low grade, or semi-coking <strong>coal</strong>s, would be opened<br />

up for by-product use. Whether or not "the<br />

game is worth the candle," at present is without<br />

the scope of this article. There might be some<br />

advantage to the furnaceman in having limestone<br />

added to the coke instead of with it. There are<br />

also some natural advantages to the by-product<br />

operator. The total ammonia yield would be<br />

increased by the addition of limestone to the <strong>coal</strong>,<br />

and the percentage of fixed ammonia decreased,<br />

which would lessen the work of the stills in the<br />

indirect or semi-direct processes.<br />

Finally, referring again to the underlying principle<br />

of basic coke, i. e., the formation of a slag<br />

carrying the sulphur in it, even if this were possible<br />

during the coking process, it could not be<br />

safely assumed that the sulphur would not get into<br />

the iron in passing through the blast furnace<br />

just as it does now without the proper safeguards.<br />

In fact, we believe the old assumption in this respect,<br />

that calcium sulphide passes through the<br />

blast furnace unchanged, is erroneous, and that it<br />

would avail nothing, from the sulphur standpoint.<br />

to have basic coke. Calcium sulphide is stable<br />

only at high temperatures and in a reducing atmosphere.<br />

As the matter stands now, we think<br />

that the sulphur in basic coke would be acted<br />

upon by the iron ore in the top of the blast furnace<br />

and changed back into its original harmful<br />

form ready to be assimilated by the pig iron, unless<br />

slagged off as usual, due to the action of the<br />


metallic oxides on calcium sulphide (CaS) at com<br />

paratively low temperature.<br />

In view of the foregoing, we conclude: First,<br />

that basic coke, in the chemical sense, is not practically<br />

feasible, nor wholly desirable. Secondly,<br />

in the physical sense, it has possibilities in utilizing<br />

low grade semi-coking <strong>coal</strong>s for by-product<br />

use.<br />

ADDENDA.<br />


The following table shows in the second column<br />

the weight of the bases required to bind 1 part by<br />

weight of silica (SiO_.) as monosilicates.<br />

The fourth column shows the weight of silica<br />

(SiO,) required to bind 1 part by weight of the<br />

various bases as monosilicates.<br />

Monosilicates.<br />

1 part of SiO_. combines 1 part of base combines<br />

with: with:<br />

1.0 SiO.. 1.86 CaO 1.0 CaO 0.535 S'02<br />

1.0 SiO, 1.33 MgO 1.0 MgO 0.750 PiO,<br />

1.0 SiO. 1.14 A1..0, 1.0 Al.,0, 0 873 SiO.<br />

1.0 SiO. 2.40 FeO 1.0 FeO 0.416 SiO.,<br />

1.0 SiO., 1.77 Fe..O, 1.0 Fe.O, 0.562 SiO.<br />

1.0 SiO, 2.36 MnO 1.0 MnO 0.422 SiO„<br />

1.0 SiO, 1.91Mn,Oi 1-0 Mn.,0, 0.524 SiO,<br />

1.0 SiO. 7.43 PbO 1.0 PbO 0.134 SiO.<br />

1.0 SiO_, 3.32CaCO,<br />

To calculate CaO as CaCO, multiply by 1.7S57.<br />

Example.<br />

Composition of Ash.<br />

Silica 47.85%<br />

Iron oxide 15.84<br />

Alumina 23.98<br />

Lime 4.41<br />

Magnesia 1.66<br />

4.41 x .535 = 2.36% Silica (SiO.)<br />

1.66 x .750 = 1.24 Silica (SiO..)<br />

Total 3.60 Si'ica (SIO,)<br />

47.85 — 3.60 =^ 44.25% Silica (SiO.) to take care of<br />

44.25 x 3.32=140.88<br />

146.88x8.61<br />

= 12.65% CaCO, or limestone needed<br />

100 to flux ash.<br />

The towboat Sprague, of tie Pittsburgh Coal Co..<br />

lost 45 of her tow* of 56 <strong>coal</strong> boats and barges at<br />

Island Nc. 30, in the Mississippi river Dec. 2. when<br />

a strong side current through a chute drove her<br />

on a stone dyke iieing erected by the government<br />

engineers. The Joss will be about $100,000. The<br />

<strong>coal</strong> is being salvaged and reshipped on other<br />

boats.<br />

The Brothers Valley Coal Co. has opened a<br />

branch office in tbe Merchants National Bank building,<br />

Indianapolis, lnd., and Mr. J. R. Morris has<br />

been placed in charge as resident manager.<br />

The secind issue of the Employes' Magazine,<br />

published by the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., is out<br />

and is filled with interesting matter relative to the<br />

welfare and efficiency of the employes.

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