Timbuktu Brochure

Timbuktu Brochure

Timbuktu Brochure


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A Global Legacy<br />

of more than<br />

Step back in time and forward in understanding of an<br />

ancient culture alive today in the mysterious city of<br />

<strong>Timbuktu</strong>, located on the edge of the great Sahara Desert<br />

in the model Islamic democratic African nation of Mali.<br />

An artist is engaged in his craft of ancient art,<br />

calligraphy, writing, and manuscript binding.<br />

Young girls (& boys) study daily in Qu’ranic School using<br />

traditional wooden tablets.<br />

A model of the Great Mosque in Djenne, Mali, reconstructed<br />

from the 13th century Mosque built by the fi rst Muslin ruler of<br />

the city, will be displayed in the exhibit.<br />

A Tuareg blacksmith demonstrates his skills, handed down<br />

through generations. His tools and products will be exhibited.<br />

Nomadic caravan traders rest their camels during a trek<br />

across the Sahara. Camel accessories like these shown here<br />

will be among the artifacts in the exhibit.<br />

This silver headdress worn by<br />

a Malian bride will be among<br />

many artifacts displayed.<br />

The Museum’s inaugural<br />

exhibition, Islamic Moorish<br />

Spain, will be reinstalled in<br />

the Museum’s new location,<br />

including this astrolabe, a<br />

navigational tool developed<br />

by Muslim scientists.<br />

By Special Engagement<br />

A World Heritage<br />

Series Event<br />

November 28, 2006- December 31, 2007<br />

Jackson, Mississippi<br />

the<br />

Legacy of<br />

Wonders of the Written Word<br />

International Museum<br />

of Muslim Cultures<br />

In partnership with the<br />

Mamma Haidara Memorial Library<br />

Offi cial Sponsors:<br />

Jackson State University & Tougaloo College

out the<br />

Exhibition<br />

In the last millennium an important global legacy<br />

was uncovered—the literate culture of AFRICA!<br />

This legacy lives in the extraordinary richness of historical<br />

manuscripts that still survive. These ancient documents reveal<br />

that a sophisticated, literate culture fl ourished in the city of<br />

<strong>Timbuktu</strong> on the edge of the Sahara beginning in the 13th<br />

Century and lasting more than 700 years. A crossroads of<br />

international caravan commerce, including the book trade,<br />

<strong>Timbuktu</strong> was also a celebrated center of learning, attracting<br />

scholars and thousands of students and teachers from many<br />

countries and backgrounds.<br />

The International Museum of Muslim Cultures in partnership<br />

with the Mamma Haidara Memorial Library will showcase an<br />

exhibit of this glorious age and its legacy to America through<br />

the tragic events of the slave trade as it presents The Legacy of<br />

<strong>Timbuktu</strong>: Wonders of theWritten Word in its new location—<br />

the Mississippi Arts Center in downtown Jackson.<br />

Abdel Kader Haidara with part of his family’s collection<br />

of manuscripts, hidden for centuries to protect them.<br />

Books were not only brought into <strong>Timbuktu</strong>, but local scholars<br />

wrote their own works, and artisans scribed, decorated and<br />

bound them in a sophisticated local book production industry<br />

tied to the global Islamic knowledge industry—activities that<br />

culminated in a complex and highly viable socio-economic<br />

model. Leo Africanus, celebrated medieval historian, wrote<br />

that “the buying and selling of books were more profi table<br />

than any other commerce in the city of <strong>Timbuktu</strong>.”<br />

The feature attraction of the exhibit will be 25 of the estimated<br />

one million manuscripts recently re-discovered in the West<br />

African country of Mali. Bound in leather, they contain fi nely<br />

articulated calligraphy and colorful illustrations and cover a<br />

wide variety of subjects.<br />

Performing<br />

“Muslim Call to<br />

Prayer”<br />

Mississippi bluesman Abdul Rasheed demonstrates<br />

Muslim roots of blues music on Malian instruments to be<br />

featured in exhibit.<br />

In addition to the rare African manuscripts, experience<br />

the rich intellectual and cultural blend of African<br />

and Islamic heritage shared through video and audio<br />

productions, interactive media, models, artifact displays,<br />

and hands-on activities. Learn about. . .<br />

• Islam’s spread into West Africa<br />

• Life in a leather tent of Saharan caravan traders<br />

• Rise and decline of the great empires of West<br />

Africa and their leaders<br />

• Legendary Sankore Mosque and University<br />

• Methods and tools of manuscript production<br />

• French colonialism and the slave trade<br />

• Life in Mali today and the work of artisans<br />

• Sketches from the lives of African Muslims<br />

enslaved in America<br />

• Muslim roots of Mississippi blues tradition<br />

Corporate, Individual, Non-profi t, and<br />

Governmental Support As of August 15, 2006<br />




Emad and Karen Al-Turk<br />


Mike Espy<br />

Andrew and JoAnn Jenkins<br />

Bob Owens<br />

Sababu and Okolo Rashid<br />


Entergy<br />

Hisham Syed and<br />

Dr. Rubina Inamdar<br />

Jeanne Luckett<br />

Jackson Advocate<br />

Muslim Journal<br />

Viking Range<br />

William Winter Institute for<br />

Racial Reconciliation<br />

PATRON<br />

State Street Group<br />


E. B. “Bud” Robinson, Jr.<br />


This project has been<br />

partially funded by<br />

Hinds County<br />

Jackson Convention and<br />

Visitors Bureau<br />

Mississippi Arts<br />

Commission<br />

Mississippi Development<br />

Authority—Division of<br />

Tourism<br />

Traveling Exhibit Program (TEP)<br />

Find out how you can bring this exciting program and<br />

others like it to your city. There are also guest speakers,<br />

teacher training, and multi-media programs to accompany<br />

exhibitions. Contact us to fi nd out about the TEP, enrichment<br />

activities, group rates, and special tours.<br />

International Museum of Muslim Cultures<br />

Mississippi Arts Center<br />

201 East Pascagoula Street<br />

Jackson, Mississippi 39201<br />

Telephone: 601-960-0440 • Fax: 601-981-0447<br />

Email: inmuseum@bellsouth.net<br />

Website: www.muslimmuseum.org<br />

HOURS<br />

TUESDAY – SATURDAY: 10 a.m.--5 p.m<br />

SUNDAY: 12 p.m.--5 p.m.<br />

TICKETS:<br />

Adults: $10 • Seniors (60+): $9 • Students: $5<br />

Children under 5 Free • Adult Group of 25+ $9<br />

Senior Group: $8 • Student Group: $4<br />

Discounts for both <strong>Timbuktu</strong> & Moorish Spain Exhibits (Call for details)

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