First Step Guide to Netmation® - Operation tutorial for OPS and ...

First Step Guide to Netmation® - Operation tutorial for OPS and ...

First Step Guide to Netmation® - Operation tutorial for OPS and ...


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<strong>First</strong> <strong>Step</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> Netmation ®<br />

- <strong>Operation</strong> tu<strong>to</strong>rial <strong>for</strong> <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> EMS -<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

TA Version 3.0<br />

Issue Date 2004.6.1<br />



Notes<br />

1 Please be aware that due <strong>to</strong> product improvements <strong>and</strong> modifications, the product description in<br />

this manual may differ in certain respects from the actual product.<br />

2 This manual may not be distributed or reproduced in whole or in part without permission.<br />

3 The contents covered in this manual are subject <strong>to</strong> change without prior notice.<br />

4 Please be aware that no liability whatsoever will be accepted <strong>for</strong> consequences arising from the<br />

use of this manual.<br />

5 If the cus<strong>to</strong>mer installs products other than the software or hardware supplied by Mitsubishi<br />

Heavy Industries in the personal computer or computer network running DIASYS Netmation ® ,<br />

the operation of the DIASYS Netmation ® system devices including the controller (MPS) is not<br />

guaranteed.<br />

6 Although every ef<strong>for</strong>t has been made <strong>to</strong> ensure the clarity, correctness <strong>and</strong> accuracy of the<br />

contents, in case you require clarification on any point, or notice any error or discrepancy, please<br />

do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact us.<br />

� “VISIO” is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation/Visio Corporation<br />

� “Adobe Acrobat” is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.<br />

� DIASYS Netmation ® is a trademark of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Introduction<br />

� To users of this manual<br />

� Manual composition<br />

� Others<br />

TAS71-U004E<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' <strong>to</strong>tal plant control system<br />

that unites the latest telecommunications technology, MHI's rich experience as a<br />

plant manufacturer, <strong>and</strong> control technology.<br />

This document gives an overview of the DIASYS Netmation ® system.<br />

This document briefly explains how <strong>to</strong> operate DIASYS Netmation ® <strong>for</strong> the<br />

readers who are planning <strong>to</strong> introduce DIASYS Netmation ® or about <strong>to</strong> use<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® <strong>for</strong> the first time.<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e you read this manual, we recommend that you read "DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® System Description" <strong>to</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> the outline of the product so you<br />

can easily underst<strong>and</strong> the operation procedure.<br />

Although you can acquire the outline of the operation procedure by reading this<br />

manual, we recommend that you read the applicable user's guide <strong>for</strong> details<br />

about how <strong>to</strong> operate each device in the system.<br />

This manual consists of the following five chapters:<br />

Chapter 1 Outline of DIASYS Netmation ®<br />

This chapter explains the system configuration <strong>and</strong> the features of<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® .<br />

Chapter 2 Functions of the Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station (<strong>OPS</strong>)<br />

This chapter gives an outline of how <strong>to</strong> operate the Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station<br />

that is installed in a central control room <strong>to</strong> operate <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the<br />

plant.<br />

Chapter 3 Functions of the Accessory Station (ACS)<br />

This chapter gives an outline of how <strong>to</strong> operate the Accessory<br />

Station that s<strong>to</strong>res long-term data <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>les reports <strong>and</strong> logs.<br />

Chapter 4 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

This chapter gives an outline of how <strong>to</strong> operate the Engineering <strong>and</strong><br />

Maintenance Station that registers <strong>and</strong> maintains the system<br />

components.<br />

Chapter 5 Outline of the Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />

This chapter gives an overview of the Multiple Process Station that<br />

h<strong>and</strong>les inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs with the plant <strong>and</strong> computes logic.<br />

This operation manual corresponds <strong>to</strong> Version 1.23.40US.

DIASYS Netmation ® Manual Map<br />

The following lists DIASYS Netmation ® manuals.<br />

Category<br />

System description<br />

Describes a<br />

system overview,<br />

characteristics,<br />

functions <strong>and</strong><br />

specifications.<br />

<strong>Operation</strong> manual<br />

Describes how <strong>to</strong><br />

operate the<br />

system.<br />

Reference manual<br />

Describes the<br />

graphic symbols.<br />

Also refer <strong>to</strong> the<br />

applicable operation<br />

manual.<br />

Installation guide<br />

Describes the software<br />

<strong>and</strong> hardware<br />

requirements, <strong>and</strong><br />

installation procedures.<br />

Maintenance manual<br />

Describes maintenance<br />

of the system.<br />

System general<br />

(Describes the<br />

system general.)<br />

System<br />

Description<br />

TAS71-E001E<br />

<strong>First</strong> <strong>Step</strong><br />

<strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />

DIASYS<br />

Netmation<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Start<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-U001E<br />

Engineering Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

(Describes an EMS <strong>to</strong>ol used <strong>for</strong> setting <strong>and</strong> maintenance of the control system.)<br />

Maintenance<br />

Tool (EMS)<br />

User’s<br />

<strong>Guide</strong>(For Windows<br />

XP)<br />

TAS71-U052E<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN)<br />

User’s<br />

<strong>Guide</strong>(For Windows<br />

XP)<br />

TAS71-U053E<br />

Graphic Parts<br />

Reference<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-R006E<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER)<br />

User’s <strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-U004E<br />

Function Block<br />

Reference<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-R001E<br />

ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(CORAL)<br />

User’s <strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-U005E<br />

LoopPlate<br />

Crea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(SCALLOP)<br />

User’s <strong>Guide</strong> (For<br />

Windows XP)<br />


HMI (Describes<br />

the <strong>OPS</strong>, ACS<br />

<strong>and</strong> EMS.)<br />

Unit<br />

<strong>OPS</strong>&ACS<br />

User’s <strong>Guide</strong><br />

(For Windows<br />

XP)<br />

TAS71-U056E<br />

Browser<br />

Opera<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Station User’s<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-U008E<br />

Unit <strong>OPS</strong>/EMS/<br />

ACS Installaion/<br />

Maintenance<br />

<strong>Guide</strong> (For<br />

Windows XP)<br />

TAS71-I051E<br />

Unit <strong>OPS</strong>/EMS/<br />

ACS<br />

Trouble<br />

Shooting<br />

Manual<br />

TAS71-M002E<br />

Multiple Process Station<br />

(Describes the MPS.)<br />

Hardware<br />

Specification<br />

TAS71-G500E<br />

MPS<br />

Hardware<br />

Installation<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-I001E<br />

MPS<br />

Trouble<br />

Shooting<br />

Manual<br />

TAS71-M001E<br />

CPS<br />

Installation/<br />

Maintenance<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-I003E<br />

Communication<br />

(Describes the communication<br />

settings.)<br />

CARD<br />

Communication<br />

Client<br />

Application<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-R003E<br />

CARD<br />

Proxy<br />

Reference<br />

<strong>Guide</strong><br />

TAS71-R007E<br />

Quality control/service<br />

(Describes quality<br />

control <strong>and</strong> services of<br />

the system.)<br />

S<strong>to</strong>rage Specifications<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

List of Spare<br />

Parts Used <strong>for</strong><br />

Periodical<br />

Replacement<br />


TAS71-U004E<br />

Description rules<br />

NOTE<br />

A supplementary note describes important supplementary in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />


A caution describes an operation or in<strong>for</strong>mation that is required <strong>to</strong><br />

prevent damaging a device or software, losing data, or creating ineffective results.

Table of Contents<br />

Introduction<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® Manual Map<br />

Table of Contents<br />

i<br />

TAS71-U004E<br />

1 Outline of DIASYS Netmation ® ........................................................................................... 1-1<br />

1.1 DIASYS ® : MHI's Control System ............................................................................... 1-1<br />

1.2 Components of the System......................................................................................... 1-3<br />

1.3 DIASYS Netmation ® Communication Pro<strong>to</strong>col<br />

(MHI Card Communication System) ........................................................................... 1-4<br />

1.4 Integrated Database.................................................................................................... 1-6<br />

2 Functions of the Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station (<strong>OPS</strong>) ............................................................................ 2-1<br />

2.1 Starting the <strong>OPS</strong>.......................................................................................................... 2-1<br />

2.2 Security <strong>for</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>.................................................................................................... 2-3<br />

2.3 Calling a Window on the <strong>OPS</strong>..................................................................................... 2-5<br />

2.3.1 Calling a window from <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer................................................................... 2-5<br />

2.3.2 Calling a window using its icon on the main window........................................... 2-6<br />

2.4 Operating the Plant (Control Screen).......................................................................... 2-7<br />

2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram (Graphics).................................. 2-10<br />

2.6 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Processing Status of Logic (Logic Moni<strong>to</strong>ring)............................... 2-15<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process Values (Trends) ........................ 2-19<br />

2.8 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Status of the System (System Status Display).................................. 2-24<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)................................................. 2-25<br />

2.10 <strong>OPS</strong> Window Display Tool: Work Space Manager (WSM) ....................................... 2-31<br />

3 Functions of the Accessory Station (ACS).......................................................................... 3-1<br />

3.1 Starting the ACS .......................................................................................................... 3-1<br />

3.2 Allocation of the Roles of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS ........................................................ 3-2<br />

3.3 Printing <strong>and</strong> Modifying Reports................................................................................... 3-4<br />

3.4 Displaying <strong>and</strong> Manipulating the Event Trace............................................................. 3-7<br />

3.5 S<strong>to</strong>ring Long-term Data in External Media ................................................................ 3-11<br />

4 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS).......................................... 4-1<br />

4.1 Starting the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS) ......................................... 4-1<br />

4.2 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS) .................................. 4-5<br />

4.3 Objects <strong>and</strong> Classes in ObjectDatabase (ORCA) ...................................................... 4-7<br />

4.4 Creating an Object ...................................................................................................... 4-9<br />

4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window) ................................................................................. 4-12<br />

4.6 Creating a Graphic (Graphic Window) ...................................................................... 4-17<br />

4.7 Defining the System (System Window)..................................................................... 4-21<br />

4.8 Setting up the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS (HMI Window)...................................................... 4-24<br />

4.9 Managing Drawings (Drawing Window).................................................................... 4-27<br />

4.10 Using Excel <strong>to</strong> Edit ObjectDatabase (ORCA) (Document Window)......................... 4-28<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions........................................................................... 4-30<br />

4.11.1 Adding an input .................................................................................................. 4-30<br />

4.11.2 Adding a color-changing lamp component <strong>to</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong> window<br />

(creating logic).................................................................................................... 4-35<br />

4.11.3 Adding a color-changing lamp component <strong>to</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong> window<br />

(creating a graphic) ............................................................................................ 4-44<br />

4.11.4 Changing the position of control loop plates in a control screen....................... 4-56<br />

Table of Contents

TAS71-U004E<br />

5 Outline of the Multiple Process Station (MPS).................................................................... 5-1<br />

5.1 Configuration of the Multiple Process Station (MPS).................................................. 5-1<br />

5.2 Starting <strong>and</strong> S<strong>to</strong>pping the MPS................................................................................... 5-3<br />

5.2.1 Starting the MPS .................................................................................................. 5-3<br />

5.3 Inserting <strong>and</strong> Removing Cards <strong>and</strong> Modules.............................................................. 5-4<br />

5.3.1 Inserting <strong>and</strong> removing cards in<strong>to</strong> <strong>and</strong> from the CPU chassis ............................ 5-4<br />

5.3.2 Installing <strong>and</strong> removing I/O modules ................................................................... 5-6<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules................................................................................................ 5-8<br />

Glossary<br />

Table of Contents<br />


1 Outline of DIASYS Netmation ®<br />

This chapter gives an overview of DIASYS Netmation ® .<br />

1.1 DIASYS ® : MHI's Control System<br />

1-1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is one of the largest plant manufacturers in the world. MHI<br />

manufactures devices <strong>for</strong> power plants such as boilers, turbines <strong>and</strong> gas turbines, <strong>and</strong> provides<br />

varied types of plants ranging from conventional plants consisting of boilers <strong>and</strong> turbines <strong>to</strong><br />

combined cycle plants consisting of gas turbines, waste heat recovery boilers (HRSG) <strong>and</strong><br />

steam turbines.<br />

MHI also designs <strong>and</strong> manufactures varied power genera<strong>to</strong>rs using gas engines, diesel engines,<br />

wind power, fuel cells <strong>and</strong> waste materials, <strong>and</strong> varied equipment in power plants such as<br />

desulfurizers.<br />

As a plant manufacturer <strong>and</strong> provider, MHI recognized the need <strong>to</strong> provide the optimal control<br />

<strong>for</strong> power plant facilities, <strong>and</strong> started <strong>to</strong> manufacture DIASYS ® since 1970s as an original<br />

power plant control system.<br />

So far, MHI has released the DIASYS-UP series <strong>and</strong> the DIASYS-UP/V series using the latest<br />

hardware of each era. As the software that per<strong>for</strong>ms the plant control, MHI developed an<br />

original logic description language, DIASYS-IDOL, which is most suited <strong>for</strong> plant control, <strong>and</strong><br />

it has been used in both series.<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® was released in 2000 as the latest DIASYS ® -series control system <strong>and</strong><br />

actively incorporates the radically evolving IT technology. As the plant control software,<br />

DIASYS-IDOL ++ , which is an enhanced successor <strong>to</strong> DIASYS-IDOL that was optimized <strong>for</strong><br />

plant control <strong>and</strong> had renowned records, is used. The feature of DIASYS-IDOL ++ is its highly<br />

reliable system design because MHI knows what is needed in designing <strong>and</strong> creating plants.<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® differs from the previous DIASYS ® series in two major points:<br />

(1) Incorporating the latest IT technology<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® uses the MHI card communication pro<strong>to</strong>col which was developed by<br />

MHI based on the Internet technology with enhanced reliability since it is used <strong>for</strong> controlling<br />

<strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring plants. DIASYS Netmation ® enables you <strong>to</strong> control <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r your plant<br />

from a remote place or via radio while achieving high reliability <strong>and</strong> light communication load.<br />

The user-machine interface is based on Microsoft Windows. There<strong>for</strong>e, you can use DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® <strong>to</strong> register <strong>and</strong> maintain the system components as well as control <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r<br />

your plant like you use an ordinary PC.<br />

1.1 DIASYS® : MHI's Control System<br />


1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

(2) Fully integrated database <strong>for</strong> easy maintenance<br />

An integrated database centrally manages the system registration <strong>and</strong> maintenance data such as<br />

logic <strong>and</strong> graphic displays <strong>for</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring that are created or changed using different <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e, you no longer need <strong>to</strong> assign numbers <strong>and</strong> identify the same data items that are used<br />

in different locations. You can also per<strong>for</strong>m maintenance efficiently since you can reference any<br />

system data regardless of the <strong>to</strong>ol you use.<br />

The purpose of this document is <strong>to</strong> provide a system outline. The manual mainly describes the<br />

features of DIASYS Netmation ® <strong>and</strong> gives an overview of the system.<br />

1.1 DIASYS® : MHI's Control System<br />


1.2 Components of the System<br />

This section describes the components of the DIASYS Netmation ® system.<br />

Caution<br />

Depending on your system configuration, the components described here may not be<br />

provided <strong>to</strong> you. (Some of the components described here may not be included in<br />

your system.)<br />

1-3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />

The Multiple Process Station au<strong>to</strong>matically controls the plant, <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>les inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs<br />

with the plant. It also per<strong>for</strong>ms complex arithmetic processing such as plant per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>and</strong><br />

heat absorption.<br />

Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station (<strong>OPS</strong>)<br />

The Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station is a user-machine interface that is used <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> operate the plant.<br />

Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

The Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station is used <strong>to</strong> maintain the control system.<br />

Accessory Station (ACS)<br />

The Accessory Station s<strong>to</strong>res <strong>and</strong> manages large quantities of plant data. It is also used as an<br />

interface with Web servers <strong>and</strong> external devices.<br />

Browser <strong>OPS</strong><br />

With a browser, you can enjoy the same functionality as<br />

provided by an <strong>OPS</strong> in the central control room. You<br />

can operate <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r your plant from your office or a<br />

remote place using an ordinary PC.<br />

Mobile <strong>OPS</strong><br />

With a notebook PC, you can enjoy the same<br />

functionality as provided by an <strong>OPS</strong> in the central<br />

control room. At the plant, you can share the same<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation displayed in the central control room <strong>to</strong><br />

moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> operate the plant.<br />

For details about each device, see the "DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® System Description".<br />

1.2 Components of the System<br />


1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

1.3 DIASYS Netmation ® Communication Pro<strong>to</strong>col (MHI<br />

Card Communication System)<br />

The system components described in Section 1.2 exchange data with one another over the<br />

communication system. 100-Mbps Ethernet is employed <strong>for</strong> the unit network that contain <strong>OPS</strong>s,<br />

EMSs, <strong>and</strong> MPSs. When these devices communicate with a browser <strong>OPS</strong> or other devices that<br />

are not directly connected <strong>to</strong> the unit network, especially using the Internet, the communication<br />

volume may be small.<br />

The MHI card communication system is a communication pro<strong>to</strong>col developed exclusively <strong>for</strong><br />

DIASYS Netmation ® based on the Internet so it can be applied <strong>to</strong> small infrastructures with<br />

small communication volume.<br />

The original communication pro<strong>to</strong>col of the MHI card communication system is based on<br />

TCP/UDP/IP <strong>and</strong> is provided as an ActiveX control based on Microsoft's COM architecture <strong>to</strong><br />

easily acquire necessary data from anywhere anytime. Since the communication load is small,<br />

this system can be used <strong>for</strong> remote moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> operation using an existing small<br />

communication infrastructure that can h<strong>and</strong>le only a small volume of communication.<br />

Figure 1.3-1 shows the concept of the MHI card communication system. <strong>Step</strong>s 1. <strong>to</strong> 5. show the<br />

communication procedure <strong>for</strong> displaying a graphic on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

1.Display a desired<br />

window.<br />

5.Display data.<br />

2. Request the data <strong>to</strong> be displayed<br />

on the screen using a card.<br />

1.3 DIASYS <strong>Netmation®</strong> Communication Pro<strong>to</strong>col (MHI Card Communication System)<br />

1-4<br />

Opera<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Station<br />

(<strong>OPS</strong>)<br />

4. Send data.<br />

3.Select data.<br />

Accessory<br />

Station<br />

(ACS)<br />

Plant<br />

Engineering<br />

Maintenance<br />

Station<br />

(EMS)<br />

Unit Network<br />

Multiple Process<br />

Station (MPS)<br />

Figure 1.3-1 Concept of the MHI Card Communication System

TAS71-E002E<br />

In previous systems, the MPS collected data <strong>and</strong> sent all of it <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong> periodically. And the<br />

<strong>OPS</strong> selected the process data <strong>to</strong> be shown on the displayed window. Since all the collected data<br />

needed <strong>to</strong> be sent over the network, the communication load was great <strong>and</strong> a communication<br />

pro<strong>to</strong>col that could manage large quantities of data was needed.<br />

The MHI card communication system fetches only the necessary data from the applicable<br />

device only when the data is required. For example, suppose you want <strong>to</strong> display a graphic<br />

window on an <strong>OPS</strong>. You call the desired window on the <strong>OPS</strong>. Then the <strong>OPS</strong> fetches only the<br />

required process data from the MPS. Since only the necessary data is sent over the network, the<br />

communication load is small. The number of communication steps is greater than be<strong>for</strong>e but<br />

data can be acquired in real time which is m<strong>and</strong>a<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>for</strong> a system <strong>to</strong> control <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r plants.<br />

For example, it takes only one second be<strong>for</strong>e a graphic window is fully displayed when you call<br />

it. Even if you call a trend window with many data items <strong>to</strong> be displayed, it takes only three<br />

seconds be<strong>for</strong>e the window begins <strong>to</strong> be displayed. Once a window is displayed, only new data<br />

is sent <strong>and</strong> it takes only one second <strong>to</strong> update data.<br />

Although the above example explains only displaying windows on an <strong>OPS</strong>, the card<br />

communication system is used in most of DIASYS Netmation ® communications including<br />

between the EMS <strong>and</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>, between the EMS <strong>and</strong> the MPS, between the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS,<br />

<strong>and</strong> between MPSs. (Some of communications do not use the card communication system, such<br />

as logic download from the EMS.) The card communication system is also used in displaying a<br />

browser <strong>OPS</strong> via the Internet.<br />

1.3 DIASYS <strong>Netmation®</strong> Communication Pro<strong>to</strong>col (MHI Card Communication System)<br />

1-5<br />


1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

1.4 Integrated Database<br />

One of the main features of DIASYS Netmation ® is an integrated database called<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA).<br />

The control system per<strong>for</strong>ms varied functions including the graphic display on an <strong>OPS</strong>, creating<br />

logic <strong>for</strong> defining arithmetic processing <strong>for</strong> control, <strong>and</strong> assignment of input <strong>and</strong> output signals<br />

<strong>to</strong> I/O modules. ObjectDatabase (ORCA) manages each piece of data that is shared by<br />

different functions as a single component (object). Objects appear differently depending on the<br />

function that uses them. However, objects do not change. Figure 1.4-1 shows the concept.<br />

1.4 Integrated Database<br />

MHI object-oriented database<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

1-6<br />

Figure 1.4-1 Concept of ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

In previous systems, when different functions required the same data, each function created the<br />

data <strong>and</strong> gave the same number <strong>to</strong> the data <strong>to</strong> show that they were actually using the same data.<br />

Let's take a pump <strong>for</strong> example.<br />

Suppose there is logic that defines a pump that changes its color depending on its status. Also<br />

suppose there is a graphic window that displays the pump which changes its color. In previous<br />

systems, the logic creation <strong>to</strong>ol was used <strong>to</strong> create the color change logic <strong>and</strong> the pump was<br />

given a number <strong>for</strong> each piece of that logic.<br />

Then the graphic creation <strong>to</strong>ol was used <strong>to</strong> create a graphic that displayed the pump. To the<br />

colors of the pump, the numbers defined in the color change logic were assigned.<br />

Figure 1.4-2 shows the concept of the previous number assignment method. Figure 1.4-3 shows<br />

the ObjectDatabase (ORCA) method used in DIASYS Netmation ® .

Number Setting<br />

LD0001 1 when active<br />

LD0002 1 when inactive<br />

LD0003 1 <strong>for</strong> failure<br />

….<br />

The logic <strong>for</strong> establishing each state is<br />

written.<br />

Graphic components do not exist.<br />

Logic <strong>for</strong> defining<br />

color change<br />

patterns<br />

1-7<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Figure 1.4-2 Previous Control System's Method (Example of Pump Color Change)<br />

DI 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

AI 1<br />

The logic <strong>for</strong> establishing each state is written.<br />

Graphic components can coexist with logic.<br />

Logic creation <strong>to</strong>ol:<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Same state of<br />

the same<br />

pump since<br />

the number is<br />

the same<br />

Same object<br />

with different<br />

appearances<br />

ORCA<br />

Number Setting<br />

LD0001 Red <strong>for</strong> 1<br />

LD0002 Yellow <strong>for</strong> 1<br />

LD0003 Red <strong>and</strong> flicking <strong>for</strong> 1<br />

….<br />

The color <strong>for</strong> each state is set.<br />

Logic creation <strong>to</strong>ol Graphic creation <strong>to</strong>ol<br />

The color <strong>for</strong> each state is set (this setting is<br />

also possible using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r).<br />

Graphic creation <strong>to</strong>ol:<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Figure 1.4-3 ObjectDatabase (ORCA)'s Method (Example of Pump Color Change)<br />

1.4 Integrated Database<br />


1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The previous method required cumbersome <strong>and</strong> confusing number assignment. With the<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® method, graphic components can coexist in logic <strong>and</strong> number<br />

assignment is not necessary.<br />

By simply copying <strong>and</strong> defining the components defined in logic in the graphic creation <strong>to</strong>ol by<br />

dragging <strong>and</strong> dropping, you can use those components in graphics on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

Control loop plates <strong>and</strong> lamp components can also coexist in logic, allowing you <strong>to</strong> manage the<br />

system efficiently.<br />

For how <strong>to</strong> define graphic components <strong>and</strong> others, see Chapter 4.<br />

1.4 Integrated Database<br />

1-8<br />

You can write operation controls in control logic.<br />

You can write lamps in control logic.<br />

Figure 1.4-4 Logic in DIASYS Netmation ®

2 Functions of the Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station (<strong>OPS</strong>)<br />

2-1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station (<strong>OPS</strong>) is a user-machine interface <strong>for</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> operating the plant.<br />

This chapter describes how <strong>to</strong> use the main functions of the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

2.1 Starting the <strong>OPS</strong><br />

This section explains how <strong>to</strong> start the <strong>OPS</strong>. The <strong>OPS</strong> is a Windows personal computer installed<br />

with software called Work Space Manager (WSM). When the au<strong>to</strong>matic startup is set, WSM<br />

starts au<strong>to</strong>matically when you start the personal computer. When the manual startup is set,<br />

double-click the [WSManager] icon on Windows <strong>to</strong> start the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

2.1 Starting the <strong>OPS</strong><br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

It takes about one minute <strong>to</strong> start.<br />

The initial screen of WSM appears.<br />

2.1 Starting the <strong>OPS</strong><br />


2.2 Security <strong>for</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong><br />

2-3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

WSM functions may affect the plant operation <strong>and</strong> they provide means <strong>to</strong> change the<br />

environment settings of WSM <strong>to</strong> make the operation <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring of the plant more easy.<br />

In DIASYS Netmation ® , you can restrict specific users from per<strong>for</strong>ming such operations by<br />

setting the security mode <strong>to</strong> assure the safety of the plant.<br />

You use the EMS <strong>to</strong> set the functions <strong>and</strong> areas each user is allowed <strong>to</strong> operate.<br />

Normally, the functions that are set in the security mode are unavailable <strong>to</strong> users.<br />

In WSM, you can cancel the security mode by entering a login name <strong>and</strong> a password.<br />

Depending on the security definition <strong>for</strong> the group each login user belongs <strong>to</strong>, the range of<br />

available operations <strong>and</strong> operation targets is determined.<br />

You can register the confirmation <strong>and</strong> reset of alarms, registration of trend points, manual reset<br />

of logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring, <strong>and</strong> others in the security mode.<br />

The operations in the security mode are displayed in the menu bar but they are dimmed <strong>and</strong><br />

cannot be selected.<br />

To check whether the security mode <strong>for</strong> a specific operation is canceled, check the display<br />

status of the [Security] icon displayed in the WSM <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

When locked : Security mode is set (logout).<br />

When unlocked : Security mode is canceled (login).<br />

To cancel the security mode, click the [Security] icon in the WSM <strong>to</strong>olbar or choose [Tool] -<br />

[Login] from the menu bar.<br />

Enlarged view<br />

2.2 Security <strong>for</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong><br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

When the window <strong>for</strong> canceling the security mode appears, enter the user name <strong>and</strong> the<br />

password.<br />

In the [Timeout] list box, you can specify a period of time (timeout period) be<strong>for</strong>e WSM<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matically returns <strong>to</strong> the logout status (the security mode is set).<br />

You can select 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours,<br />

24 hours, or none (no timeout).<br />

If you do not log in within 30 seconds after this window is displayed, the window times out <strong>and</strong><br />

closes.<br />

2.2 Security <strong>for</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong><br />


2.3 Calling a Window on the <strong>OPS</strong><br />

2-5<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You have two options <strong>to</strong> call a window (graphic, logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring, control loop plate, trend) on the <strong>OPS</strong>:<br />

� Double-click the desired window in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

� Double-click the desired icon (shortcut icon, profile) on the main window.<br />

2.3.1 Calling a window from <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer<br />

<strong>OPS</strong> Explorer manages all the windows of the <strong>OPS</strong>. The configuration of <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer <strong>and</strong><br />

how you use it are the same as Microsoft Windows Explorer.<br />

When you double-click an item in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer, the corresponding window appears.<br />

To display <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer, in the WSM <strong>to</strong>olbar, click the [<strong>OPS</strong> EXPLORER] icon.<br />

<strong>OPS</strong> Explorer appears.<br />

The windows are organized in direc<strong>to</strong>ries by functions. When you double-click a desired<br />

window, it opens.<br />

Double-click<br />

2.3 Calling a Window on the <strong>OPS</strong><br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

2.3.2 Calling a window using its icon on the main window<br />

You can place shortcut icons <strong>to</strong> windows on the WSM main window <strong>and</strong> double-click the<br />

desired icon <strong>to</strong> call the corresponding window.<br />

You can also combine some windows as a group <strong>and</strong> call the group using a shortcut icon. The<br />

icon of a group of windows is called a layout profile. A layout profile can s<strong>to</strong>re multiple<br />

windows with different sizes.<br />

For details about shortcut icons <strong>and</strong> profiles, see Section 2.10.<br />

The following example is a profile containing four windows.<br />

2.3 Calling a Window on the <strong>OPS</strong><br />


2.4 Operating the Plant (Control Screen)<br />

2-7<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

A control screen consists of control loop plates that you use <strong>to</strong> start <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p plant auxiliary<br />

devices or operate valves. One control screen can accommodate four control loop plates<br />

horizontally <strong>and</strong> three vertically, <strong>to</strong>tal of 12 control loop plates.<br />

Control screens are s<strong>to</strong>red in the Control Screens folder in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

When you double-click the Control Screens folder, a list of control screens appears in the right<br />

area (list view) of <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

In the list view on the right, double-click the control screen you want <strong>to</strong> display. If you place the<br />

icon of a desired control screen on the WSM main window be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong>, you can also call the<br />

control screen using the icon.<br />

2.4 Operating the Plant (Control Screen)<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The outline of how <strong>to</strong> operate a control loop plate is as follows.<br />

(1) To change a Manipulated Value (MV) in an analog control loop plate, use the arrow but<strong>to</strong>ns<br />

<strong>for</strong> MV at the lower left of the control loop plate. To select a rate of change, right-click on<br />

the mouse.<br />

(2) To switch between the au<strong>to</strong> mode <strong>and</strong> the manual mode, choose the [AUTO] but<strong>to</strong>n or the<br />

[MAN] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>and</strong> press the [EXEC] but<strong>to</strong>n in an analog control loop plate. <strong>Operation</strong>s that<br />

affect the plant such as this require two steps with the [EXEC] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> prevent incorrect<br />

operations.<br />

(3) To change a Set Value (SV) in an analog control loop plate, use the arrow but<strong>to</strong>ns <strong>for</strong> SV at<br />

the lower middle. To select a rate of change, right-click on the mouse.<br />

2.4 Operating the Plant (Control Screen)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

(4) When you display a control screen, you can use the reduced display mode <strong>to</strong> view the entire<br />

control screen.<br />

2-9<br />

2.4 Operating the Plant (Control Screen)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

2 2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram<br />

(Graphics)<br />

Graphics show the system diagrams <strong>and</strong> real-time data of the plant.<br />

Graphic windows are s<strong>to</strong>red in the Custum graphic function folder in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. When you<br />

double-click the Custum graphic function folder, a list of graphic windows appears in the right<br />

area (list view) of <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

In the list view, double-click the graphic window you want <strong>to</strong> display.<br />

If you place the icon of a desired graphic window on the WSM main window be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong>, you can<br />

also call the graphic window using the icon. For example, you can double-click <strong>and</strong> display GAS<br />

TURBINE OVERVIEW in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer as shown below.<br />

2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram (Graphics)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

To increase or decrease the size of a displayed window, right-click on the window <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

pop-up menu <strong>and</strong> choose [Zoom]. Then select the desired percentage.<br />

The following graphic is magnified by 150%.<br />

2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram (Graphics)<br />

2-11<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The following graphic is reduced by 50%.<br />

When you click a but<strong>to</strong>n on the graphic window, you can call another graphic window that is<br />

associated with the but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

For example, you can click the [AIR FUEL GAS SYS] but<strong>to</strong>n on the lower right of the<br />

window <strong>to</strong> display the "AIR/FUEL GAS SYSTEM" window.<br />

2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram (Graphics)<br />


The "AIR/FUEL GAS SYSTEM" window appears.<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You can also call <strong>and</strong> operate control loop plates. For example, you can click FUEL<br />

SELECTOR in the middle of the window <strong>to</strong> call the control loop plate <strong>for</strong> operating the FUEL<br />


2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram (Graphics)<br />

2-13<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You can also call logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring windows. The following example is the operation logic of<br />

the INDICATOR-2.<br />

2.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Process Values on a System Diagram (Graphics)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

2.6 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Processing Status of Logic (Logic<br />

Moni<strong>to</strong>ring)<br />

Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring checks the logic that is processed by the Multiple Process Station (MPS) <strong>and</strong><br />

the processing status in real time.<br />

Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring windows are s<strong>to</strong>red in the Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring folder in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. When<br />

you double-click the Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring folder, a list of logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring windows appears in the<br />

right area (list view) of <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

In the list view, double-click the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window you want <strong>to</strong> display. If you place the<br />

icon of a desired window on the WSM main window be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong>, you can also call the window<br />

using the icon. The displayed logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window shows the status of the logic being<br />

processed by the MPS in real time. On this window, you can fix outputs, set outputs, <strong>and</strong> adjust<br />

parameters.<br />

2.6 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Processing Status of Logic (Logic Moni<strong>to</strong>ring)<br />

2-15<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Note<br />

Only the opera<strong>to</strong>rs with priviledges may be allowed <strong>to</strong> fix outputs, set outputs, <strong>and</strong><br />

cancel fixed outputs. To per<strong>for</strong>m these operations, you may need <strong>to</strong> cancel the<br />

security mode. For details about canceling the security mode, see Section 2.2.<br />

To fix an output, right-click on the desired logic element <strong>and</strong> choose [Manual set] from the<br />

pop-up menu.<br />

The "Manual Set" dialog box appears.<br />

Select [Manual hold] in the [Set mode] area <strong>and</strong> click [Execute] <strong>to</strong> fix the output of the<br />

element.<br />

On the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window, the color of the element changes <strong>to</strong> green <strong>to</strong> indicate that its<br />

output is fixed.<br />

2.6 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Processing Status of Logic (Logic Moni<strong>to</strong>ring)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

To set an output, display the "Manual Set" dialog box <strong>and</strong> select [Manual set] in the [Set<br />

mode] area. Change the value <strong>and</strong> click [Execute].<br />

To cancel the fixed output, display the "Manual Set" dialog box <strong>and</strong> select [Release] in the<br />

[Set mode] area. Then choose [Execute] <strong>and</strong> [OK].<br />

2.6 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Processing Status of Logic (Logic Moni<strong>to</strong>ring)<br />

2-17<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You can display the set outputs, fixed outputs, <strong>and</strong> canceled fixed outputs of each logic sheet<br />

from <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. In <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer, select the desired logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window, right-click <strong>to</strong><br />

display the pop-up menu, <strong>and</strong> choose [In<strong>for</strong>mation].<br />

The set outputs, fixed outputs, <strong>and</strong> canceled fixed outputs of the selected logic sheet are<br />

displayed in the "InvoView" window.<br />

2.6 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Processing Status of Logic (Logic Moni<strong>to</strong>ring)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process<br />

Values (Trends)<br />

Trends graphically display the chronological changes of process data. This section gives an<br />

overview of how <strong>to</strong> operate a trend.<br />

Trends are s<strong>to</strong>red in the "Real Time Trend Function" folder in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. When you<br />

double-click the "Real Time Trend Function" folder, a list of trend windows appears in the<br />

right area (list view) of <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

In the list view, double-click the trend window you want <strong>to</strong> display. If you place the icon of a<br />

desired window in the WSM main window be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong>, you can also call the window using the<br />

icon. The following example shows calling the "Real time trend page" file from <strong>OPS</strong><br />

Explorer.<br />

The trend window appears.<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process Values (Trends)<br />

2-19<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

On the trend window, you can specify display settings. Here are some examples.<br />

To change the time scale, select the desired scale from the [Time Scale] list box.<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process Values (Trends)<br />


To change the display span, use the display span bar.<br />

To change the color of a trend graph, use the color menu of the pens.<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Other functions include peak search, two-pen gap display, scale bar display, <strong>and</strong> timing<br />

marking.<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process Values (Trends)<br />

2-21<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

To register an additional trend point, you can also drag <strong>and</strong> drop the desired point from a<br />

graphic window or a logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window.<br />

Note<br />

Only the opera<strong>to</strong>rs with priviledges may be allowed <strong>to</strong> register trend points in trends.<br />

In this case, you may need <strong>to</strong> cancel the security mode <strong>to</strong> register trend points. For<br />

details about canceling the security mode, see Section 2.2.<br />

The following example shows how <strong>to</strong> register a trend from a logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window. <strong>First</strong>,<br />

you display the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window containing the data <strong>to</strong> be registered <strong>and</strong> the destination<br />

trend window where you want <strong>to</strong> register the data.<br />

On the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window, right-click on an empty space <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu.<br />

From the pop-up menu, choose [Mode change] - [Drag].<br />

When you move the cursor <strong>to</strong> an element you can register, the cursor change <strong>to</strong> the drag mark (a<br />

h<strong>and</strong> that is shaped <strong>for</strong> grabbing).<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process Values (Trends)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

Drag <strong>and</strong> drop the target element in the graph area in the trend. A registration window appears.<br />

Set the attributes of the data (upper <strong>and</strong> lower limits <strong>and</strong> others) <strong>and</strong> choose the [Save DB]<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> complete the registration.<br />

2.7 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Chronological Changes of Process Values (Trends)<br />

2-23<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

2 2.8 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Status of the System (System Status<br />

Display)<br />

The system status display window shows the status of each device (<strong>OPS</strong>, ACS, MPS, printer,<br />

<strong>and</strong> others) in the control system. The status of each device is determined by the self diagnostics<br />

of each device. You can show the status of the I/O module level of the MPS. By using the<br />

system status display window, you can determine the device or equipment in abnormal status<br />

<strong>and</strong> per<strong>for</strong>m applicable maintenance such as replacing the faulty device with a new one.<br />

To display the system status display window, choose the icon on the WSM main window or<br />

select the window in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

2.8 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the Status of the System (System Status Display)<br />


2-25<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />

The alarm summary displays a list of alarms that have occurred.<br />

To display the alarm summary, choose the [Alarm Summary] icon from the WSM <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

The alarm summary window appears. This section gives an overview of the alarm summary.<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You can check all the alarms in a batch, page by page, or line by line.<br />

To check alarms page by page, choose the page-by-page check but<strong>to</strong>n from the alarm summary<br />

<strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

When you scroll the window, you notice that only one page of alarms are checked.<br />

To check alarms line by line, right-click on an unchecked alarm. When the pop-up menu<br />

appears, choose [ACK].<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />


You notice that only the selected line is checked.<br />

To check all the alarms, choose the check-all but<strong>to</strong>n from the alarm summary <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

When the cause of an alarm is corrected, the color of the alarm changes <strong>to</strong> green.<br />

2-27<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

When all the causes of the alarms are corrected <strong>and</strong> the opera<strong>to</strong>r determines that there is no<br />

more need <strong>to</strong> display the alarms, the opera<strong>to</strong>r per<strong>for</strong>ms a reset.<br />

You can reset all the alarms in a batch or reset page by page or line by line like checking.<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

To analyze the cause of an alarm, you can call the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window that has detected<br />

the alarm.<br />

Right-click on the target alarm <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. Choose [Relation] <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

"Navigation Popup" window. The window displays the name of the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring sheet<br />

which describes the output of the alarm.<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />


Double-click the logic sheet name <strong>to</strong> display the corresponding logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring sheet.<br />

You can also specify settings on the alarm summary window.<br />

Note<br />

Only the opera<strong>to</strong>rs with privileges may be allowed <strong>to</strong> configure the alarm summary.<br />

You may need <strong>to</strong> cancel the security mode <strong>to</strong> configure the alarm summary. For<br />

details about canceling the security mode, see Section 2.2.<br />

2-29<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

From the alarm summary <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose [Option] - [Setup] <strong>to</strong> display the "AlmSum<br />

Setup" window.<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

In this window, you can set the display area, display colors, alarm sounds, <strong>and</strong> other items.<br />

2.9 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>and</strong> Checking Alarms (Alarm Summary)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

2.10 <strong>OPS</strong> Window Display Tool: Work Space Manager<br />

(WSM)<br />

WSM provides varied window display functions. This section explains some of them.<br />

To display windows in cascade <strong>for</strong>mat, from the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose [Window] - [Cascade].<br />

To display windows in tile <strong>for</strong>mat, from the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose [Window] - [Tile vertical]. You<br />

can also tile windows vertically.<br />

2.10 <strong>OPS</strong> Window Display Tool: Work Space Manager (WSM)<br />

2-31<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

WSM can memorize <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re different combinations of windows. This is called profiling.<br />

From the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose the but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>for</strong> creating a layout profile icon <strong>and</strong> enter a name. As an<br />

example, we enter "aaa" here.<br />

From the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose the [Close] icon <strong>to</strong> close all the windows.<br />

An icon named "aaa" should be created. When you double-click this icon, the s<strong>to</strong>red<br />

combination of windows appears.<br />

2.10 <strong>OPS</strong> Window Display Tool: Work Space Manager (WSM)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

To s<strong>to</strong>re a profile in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer, from the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose the but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>for</strong> saving a layout<br />

profile file.<br />

Enter the file name.<br />

The layout profile is created in the My Drawer folder. You can call this profile from <strong>OPS</strong><br />

Explorer hereafter.<br />

2.10 <strong>OPS</strong> Window Display Tool: Work Space Manager (WSM)<br />

2-33<br />


2<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You can also create a shortcut icon <strong>to</strong> each window.<br />

Drag <strong>and</strong> drop the "STEAM TURBINE OVERVIEW" window from <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer on the desk<strong>to</strong>p<br />

<strong>to</strong> create its shortcut icon.<br />

2.10 <strong>OPS</strong> Window Display Tool: Work Space Manager (WSM)<br />


3 Functions of the Accessory Station (ACS)<br />

3-1<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The Accessory Station (ACS) s<strong>to</strong>res long-term data <strong>and</strong> is used as an interface with peripherals<br />

<strong>and</strong> external devices.<br />

This chapter describes the main features of the ACS <strong>to</strong> give you an outline.<br />

3.1 Starting the ACS<br />

Turn on the ACS terminal.<br />

Windows NT starts. A few minutes later, a message, "To log on, press the Ctrl+Alt+Del key",<br />

appears. Press the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Del] keys.<br />

When a window appears asking you <strong>to</strong> enter your user name <strong>and</strong> password <strong>for</strong> logon, enter the<br />

user name <strong>and</strong> the password, <strong>and</strong> click the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

The ACS starts au<strong>to</strong>matically <strong>and</strong> the progress indica<strong>to</strong>r appears showing the activation status.<br />

When the indica<strong>to</strong>r disappears, the startup is completed.<br />

3.1 Starting the ACS<br />


3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

3.2 Allocation of the Roles of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS<br />

The ACS s<strong>to</strong>res long-term data. To reference the s<strong>to</strong>red long-term data, you display it on the <strong>OPS</strong> or<br />

print it from a printer. Table 3.2-1 lists the functions of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS, <strong>and</strong> the allocation of the<br />

roles of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS.<br />

Table 3.2-1 Functions of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS<br />

Function <strong>OPS</strong> ACS<br />

Alarms Display <strong>and</strong> operate Print<br />

Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Graphics<br />

display)<br />

(system diagram<br />

Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Control loop plates Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Trend graph Display <strong>and</strong> operate<br />

S<strong>to</strong>re middle- <strong>and</strong><br />

long-term data*<br />

Quick trend Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

X-Y trend Display <strong>and</strong> operate<br />

S<strong>to</strong>re middle- <strong>and</strong><br />

long-term data*<br />

Event trace Display <strong>and</strong> operate S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Maintenance log Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Alarm list Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Data modification list Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Data list Display <strong>and</strong> operate -<br />

Group point list Display <strong>and</strong> operate<br />

S<strong>to</strong>re middle- <strong>and</strong><br />

long-term data*<br />

Digital group trend Display <strong>and</strong> operate Print<br />

Flight recorder Display <strong>and</strong> operate S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Post-trip log - Print <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re<br />

SOE report - Print <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Tagging report - Print <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Reports - Print, s<strong>to</strong>re, modify data<br />

Middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend<br />

s<strong>to</strong>rage in CSV <strong>for</strong>mat<br />

- Operate <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Long-term trend s<strong>to</strong>rage - Operate <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Au<strong>to</strong>matic export - Export<br />

Printer management - Operate<br />

3.2 Allocation of the Roles of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS<br />


*There are three types of trend data:<br />

3-3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

(1) Short-term trend data: S<strong>to</strong>red in the MPS (collected every second, s<strong>to</strong>red up <strong>to</strong> 60<br />

minutes)<br />

(2) Middle-term trend data: S<strong>to</strong>red in the ACS (collected every second, s<strong>to</strong>red up <strong>to</strong> 24<br />

hours)<br />

This is actually the short-term trend data in the MPS collected <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>red by the ACS.<br />

(3) Long-term trend data: S<strong>to</strong>red in the ACS (collected every 10 seconds, s<strong>to</strong>red up <strong>to</strong> one<br />

month)<br />

This is a portion of the middle-term trend data. In the system without the ACS, the <strong>OPS</strong><br />

can display only the short-term trend data.<br />

Caution<br />

If only the turbine governor control device (DEH) or the gas turbine control device<br />

(GTC) is provided, the ACS may not be included. In that case, the functions of the<br />

ACS listed in Table 3.2-1 are not available. The DCS provides those functions<br />

instead.<br />

This chapter gives an overview of reports, event trace, <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ring long-term data in external<br />

devices.<br />

Lll<br />

3.2 Allocation of the Roles of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS<br />


3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

3.3 Printing <strong>and</strong> Modifying Reports<br />

You can print the collected process data as daily reports or monthly reports <strong>and</strong> use them in<br />

managing the plant operation.<br />

As st<strong>and</strong>ard report types, there are daily reports <strong>and</strong> monthly reports. You can create them using<br />

Microsoft Excel. The specified types of reports are au<strong>to</strong>matically printed at the preset time<br />

(regular interval printing).<br />

The reports that are printed at regular intervals are s<strong>to</strong>red in the ACS. You can reprint <strong>and</strong><br />

modify data on the ACS. See the following <strong>for</strong> how <strong>to</strong> reprint <strong>and</strong> modify data on the ACS.<br />

To reprint or modify data, double-click the [LGPrintTool] icon on the ACS desk<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> start<br />

LGPrintTool.<br />

3.3 Printing <strong>and</strong> Modifying Reports<br />

3-4<br />

Figure 3.3-1 LGPrintTool<br />

To reprint a report, choose the [REPORT REPRINT] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

When a list of reprintable reports appears, select the desired report, select the target year <strong>and</strong><br />

date, <strong>and</strong> click the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n. The report is printed from the report printer.<br />

(3)<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

Figure 3.3-2 Reprinting a Report

To modify a report, in LGPrintTool, choose the [REPORT MODIFY] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

3-5<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

A list of modifiable reports appears. Select the desired report, select the target year <strong>and</strong> date,<br />

<strong>and</strong> click the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(3)<br />

Figure 3.3-3 Modifying a Report - 1<br />

Excel starts <strong>and</strong> the print <strong>for</strong>mat of the selected report appears. Use Excel <strong>to</strong> modify the<br />

contents.<br />

When you finish the modification, end Excel.<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

Figure 3.3-4 Modifying a Report - 2<br />

3.3 Printing <strong>and</strong> Modifying Reports<br />


3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

When a message appears asking you whether <strong>to</strong> print the modified contents, choose the [Yes]<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n if you want <strong>to</strong> print the report. If not, choose the [No] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

3.3 Printing <strong>and</strong> Modifying Reports<br />

3-6<br />

Figure 3.3-5 Modifying a Report – 3<br />

When a message appears asking you whether <strong>to</strong> save the modified contents, choose the [Yes]<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n if you want <strong>to</strong> save the contents. If not, choose the [No] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Figure 3.3-6 Modifying a Report - 4

3.4 Displaying <strong>and</strong> Manipulating the Event Trace<br />

3-7<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The event trace function displays <strong>and</strong> prints the alarms <strong>and</strong> events detected by the MPS, the<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry of operations on the <strong>OPS</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the his<strong>to</strong>ry of adjustments made during logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring.<br />

You can use the provided filtering function <strong>to</strong> select up <strong>to</strong> 160,000 events <strong>and</strong> analyze their<br />

operating status.<br />

To display the event trace, in the WSM <strong>to</strong>olbar, click the [Event/Alarm view function] icon<br />

or from <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer, choose [<strong>OPS</strong> Workspace] - [Master Data] - [<strong>OPS</strong> functions] -<br />

[Event/Alarm view function].<br />

Enlarged<br />

To change pages, you can use the [Page Down] ( ) but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>and</strong> the [Page Up] ( )<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n or enter the desired page number in the [Page] ( ) text box in the <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

3.4 Displaying <strong>and</strong> Manipulating the Event Trace<br />


3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

To filter or search <strong>for</strong> an event, you use the event trace filter.<br />

To display the event trace filter, in the event trace <strong>to</strong>olbar, click [Filter View] ( ), or from<br />

the menu bar, choose [View] - [Filter View].<br />

Event trace filter<br />

Five types of filtering are available:<br />

� By date <strong>and</strong> time<br />

You can specify the date <strong>and</strong> time when the target event occurred <strong>to</strong> extract <strong>and</strong><br />

display the applicable message.<br />

� By tag <strong>and</strong> message<br />

You can specify the character string included in the target tag or event trace message<br />

<strong>to</strong> extract <strong>and</strong> display the applicable message.<br />

� By type <strong>and</strong> status<br />

You can specify the target type or status of event (existing or canceled) <strong>to</strong> extract<br />

<strong>and</strong> display the applicable message.<br />

� By device<br />

You can specify the target device in the plant (MPS, <strong>OPS</strong>, ACS) <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

events that occurred in the selected device.<br />

3.4 Displaying <strong>and</strong> Manipulating the Event Trace<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

You select the applicable event trace filter tab <strong>for</strong> the type of filtering you want <strong>to</strong> per<strong>for</strong>m.<br />

Like the alarm summary, you can specify varied settings on the event trace window.<br />

Note<br />

Only the opera<strong>to</strong>rs with priviledges may be allowed <strong>to</strong> configure the event trace. In<br />

that case, you may need <strong>to</strong> cancel the security mode <strong>to</strong> configure the event trace.<br />

For details about canceling the security mode, see Section 2.2.<br />

From the menu bar of the event trace window, choose [Option] - [Setup] <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

"Event Trace Setup" dialog box.<br />

3-9<br />

3.4 Displaying <strong>and</strong> Manipulating the Event Trace<br />


3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

In this dialog box, you can set the display area, display colors, alarm sounds, <strong>and</strong> other items.<br />

3.4 Displaying <strong>and</strong> Manipulating the Event Trace<br />


3.5 S<strong>to</strong>ring Long-term Data in External Media<br />

3-11<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

You can au<strong>to</strong>matically export the event trace data, middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend data, spectrum<br />

trigger logs, daily reports, SOE reports, post-trip logs, flight recorder data, user request <strong>for</strong>ms in<br />

the CSV <strong>for</strong>mat that you collected <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>red in the ACS <strong>to</strong> external media (MOs, CD-Rs/Ws,<br />

DVDs). When you export middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend data s<strong>to</strong>red in the CSV <strong>for</strong>mat, you need<br />

<strong>to</strong> specify so be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong> on the EMS.<br />

Event trace data (CSV <strong>for</strong>mat) is exported <strong>to</strong> an external medium at the end of each day <strong>and</strong><br />

middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend data s<strong>to</strong>red in the CSV <strong>for</strong>mat is exported at the timing specified on<br />

the EMS.<br />

When long-term data is specified <strong>to</strong> be s<strong>to</strong>red externally, the data is au<strong>to</strong>matically exported <strong>to</strong><br />

an external medium.<br />

When you double-click the [AcsESVMoni<strong>to</strong>r] icon on the ACS desk<strong>to</strong>p, the au<strong>to</strong>matic export<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>r starts. You can use this moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> temporarily s<strong>to</strong>p or resume the au<strong>to</strong>matic export, or<br />

check the free space in the target medium.<br />

The colors of the [Start] <strong>and</strong> [S<strong>to</strong>p] but<strong>to</strong>ns on the au<strong>to</strong>matic export moni<strong>to</strong>r window show the<br />

operating status of the au<strong>to</strong>matic export function. When [Start] is green, the function is active.<br />

When [S<strong>to</strong>p] is red, the function is inactive.<br />

You can use the [Start] <strong>and</strong> [S<strong>to</strong>p] but<strong>to</strong>ns <strong>to</strong> start <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p the au<strong>to</strong>matic export function.<br />

The [Free space on drive] area in the au<strong>to</strong>matic export moni<strong>to</strong>r window shows the free<br />

space in the target medium in units of MB. The [Message:] area shows one of the following<br />

messages:<br />

Table 3.5-1 Messages of the Au<strong>to</strong>matic Export Moni<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Message Description<br />

Attention: Free space is near This message indicates that the size of the free space in the target<br />

<strong>to</strong> limit<br />

medium is less than the warning value specified in the configuration<br />

file of the ACS.<br />

Warning: Device is full. This message indicates that the target medium is full.<br />

ERROR: S<strong>to</strong>rage operation This message indicates that the operation <strong>for</strong> saving data is incorrect.<br />

error.<br />

ERROR: Device access error This message indicates that an access error (insufficient capacity, the<br />

medium is not <strong>for</strong>matted) has occurred in the target medium.<br />

3.5 S<strong>to</strong>ring Long-term Data in External Media<br />


3<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

MEMO<br />

3.5 S<strong>to</strong>ring Long-term Data in External Media<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

4 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance<br />

Station (EMS)<br />

The Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS) is used <strong>to</strong> maintain the control system. This<br />

chapter describes how <strong>to</strong> use the main features of this device.<br />

4.1 Starting the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station<br />

(EMS)<br />

To start the EMS, double-click the ORCA-View icon.<br />

The center of the EMS is an integrated database called "ObjectDatabase (ORCA)". This<br />

database manages all the design data including control logic <strong>and</strong> the components that are<br />

displayed on the Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station. For details about ObjectDatabase (ORCA), see Section<br />

1.3.<br />

The values that are set using the functions of the EMS are s<strong>to</strong>red <strong>and</strong> managed centrally by<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA). ORCA-View is used as a gateway <strong>for</strong> each function of<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA). All the functions of the EMS are per<strong>for</strong>med via ORCA-View.<br />

To start ORCA-View, double-click the [ORCA-View] icon.<br />

・<br />

4.1 Starting the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

4-1<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

When ORCA-View is started up, from the menu bar, choose [File] - [Open Project]. The<br />

"Open Project" window appears. Select the desired project <strong>and</strong> choose [Open].<br />

When the "Log-in" window appears, enter the user name <strong>and</strong> the password, <strong>and</strong> click [OK].<br />

ORCA-View starts.<br />

4.1 Starting the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />


The EMS has six functions <strong>and</strong> each function is shown as a Window on ORCA-View.<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

To open a Window on ORCA-View, from the menu bar, choose [View] - [Window]. When<br />

a Window is open, it has a checkmark on the left of its name.<br />

You can also display a Window from the WINDOW list displayed under the <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

4.1 Starting the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

4-3<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The following ORCA View window shows all Windows.<br />

4.1 Starting the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />


4.2 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance<br />

Station (EMS)<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The following figure shows an example ORCA View window with all six Windows<br />

(functions) of the EMS open. Each Window represents a function of the EMS. The center of<br />

the EMS is an integrated database called "ObjectDatabase (ORCA)" that s<strong>to</strong>res <strong>and</strong> manages<br />

data (objects). You can use each function (Window) of the EMS <strong>to</strong> display, change, <strong>and</strong> add<br />

data in ObjectDatabase (ORCA).<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

� Logic data creation function: Logic Window<br />

This function allows you <strong>to</strong> create logic data that is processed by the MPS. Logic Window<br />

manages logic data. To change logic or create new logic, you use a VISIO-based <strong>to</strong>ol called<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER).<br />

� Graphic creation function: Graphic Window<br />

This function allows you <strong>to</strong> create graphics (system diagrams) displayed on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

Graphic Window manages graphic data. To change a graphic or create a new graphic, you<br />

use a <strong>to</strong>ol called GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

� System building function: System Window<br />

This function allows you <strong>to</strong> specify the overall definitions of the system. You can specify the<br />

components connected <strong>to</strong> the unit network (you select from the MPS, <strong>OPS</strong>, <strong>and</strong> ACS),<br />

manage the in<strong>for</strong>mation about each component (regarding communications <strong>and</strong> others), <strong>and</strong><br />

set the module configuration in the MPS (such as signal assignment <strong>for</strong> I/O modules).<br />

4.2 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

4-5<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

� User-machine interface between the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS: HMI Window<br />

You use this function <strong>to</strong> set the functions <strong>and</strong> the windows <strong>to</strong> be used <strong>and</strong> displayed on each<br />

<strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> ACS. You also use this Window <strong>to</strong> manage control loop plates. However, <strong>to</strong><br />

change the definitions of control loop plates or create a new control loop plate, you use<br />

LoopPlateCrea<strong>to</strong>r (SCALLOP).<br />

� ObjectDatabase (ORCA) creation <strong>and</strong> change function: Document Window<br />

You can also use other functions of the EMS <strong>to</strong> create <strong>and</strong> change ObjectDatabase<br />

(ORCA). When you use Document Window, you can use Excel <strong>to</strong> create <strong>and</strong> change the<br />

database efficiently. Document Window manages files in Excel <strong>for</strong>mat. To edit an Excel<br />

file, you use ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL).<br />

� Document management function: Drawing Window<br />

You use this function <strong>to</strong> collect the data you create using other functions of the EMS, <strong>and</strong><br />

change it <strong>to</strong> electronic files <strong>for</strong> management. You use Drawing Window <strong>to</strong> convert the<br />

logic sheets that you create using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER), the graphics that you create<br />

using GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN), <strong>and</strong> the Excel list documents that you create using<br />

ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL) in<strong>to</strong> PDF <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> management.<br />

From Document Window,<br />

start ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL)<br />

<strong>to</strong> edit ObjectDatabase<br />

(ORCA) using Excel.<br />

4.2 Functions of the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

From HMI Window, start<br />

LoopPlateCrea<strong>to</strong>r (SCALLOP)<br />

<strong>to</strong> create <strong>and</strong> change the control<br />

loop plates displayed on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

4-6<br />

From Logic Window, start<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong><br />

create <strong>and</strong> change logic.<br />

From Graphic Window, start<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) <strong>to</strong><br />

create <strong>and</strong> change the graphics<br />

displayed on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

Figure 4.2-1 ORCA View <strong>and</strong> EMS Functions

4.3 Objects <strong>and</strong> Classes in ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

4-7<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA) manages <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>res all the data used by DIASYS Netmation ® as<br />

objects.<br />

A class is a template (type) of object provided by DIASYS Netmation ® . There are two<br />

categories <strong>for</strong> objects: body object <strong>and</strong> FIN object. A body object refers <strong>to</strong> the actual data that is<br />

managed by ObjectDatabase (ORCA). When you use a function of the EMS <strong>to</strong> manipulate a<br />

body object, you create a FIN object by adding the data required in that function <strong>to</strong> the body<br />

object used as the base. Each body object has an identification number called ORCA-ID that is<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matically assigned by the system. However, users are not usually aware of these numbers.<br />

Figure 4.3-1 explains the body object, FIN object, <strong>and</strong> class of a pump.<br />

Logic <strong>for</strong> defining<br />

the color change<br />

patterns <strong>for</strong> the<br />

HP/IP feed water<br />

pump<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER)<br />

DI 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

AI 1<br />

Write logic <strong>for</strong> enabling each state.<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN)<br />

Body object example:<br />

Circulation pump<br />


Body object example:<br />

HP/IP feed water pump<br />


http://www.gokinjo.net/circle/mycircle.html?ACODE=jaJP.014.205.205<br />

Place the HP/IP feed water pump<br />

on the <strong>OPS</strong> graphic window.<br />

FIN object example:<br />

HP/IP feed water pump<br />

defined using<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER)<br />

A body object is<br />

changed in<strong>to</strong> a FIN<br />

object when it is<br />

used by an EMS<br />

<strong>to</strong>ol.<br />

FIN object example:<br />

HP/IP feed water pump created<br />

using GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN)<br />

Class example:<br />

Graphic symbol pump<br />

Multiple body objects<br />

of the same class can<br />

be created.<br />

Figure 4.3-1 Objects <strong>and</strong> Classes<br />

4.3 Objects <strong>and</strong> Classes in ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Body objects actually exist <strong>and</strong> FIN objects are means <strong>to</strong> represent the corresponding body<br />

objects so they are suitable <strong>for</strong> each EMS <strong>to</strong>ol.<br />

As Figure 4.3-1 shows, classes are prepared <strong>for</strong> all the data that is used on the EMS. For<br />

example, an alarm is a class <strong>and</strong> an I/O component such as AI <strong>and</strong> AO is also a class. In a<br />

system <strong>for</strong> an actual project, necessary objects are created using classes.<br />

The available objects are shown in a tree <strong>for</strong>mat in ORCA-View. Figure 4.3-2 shows how FIN<br />

objects are displayed on Logic Window.<br />

MPS name*<br />

Logic sheet group<br />

Logic sheet<br />

4.3 Objects <strong>and</strong> Classes in ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

FIN objects used<br />

in the logic sheet<br />

Figure 4.3-2 Example Display of Objects in ORCA-View<br />

Figure 4.3-2 shows FIN objects that exist in the logic sheet named "MAIN STEAM PRESS<br />

SET)" in a tree <strong>for</strong>mat. You see different FIN objects including "AJUSTE PRESION VAPOR<br />

PPAL" <strong>and</strong> "MAIN STEAM PRESS SET)" .<br />


4.4 Creating an Object<br />

4-9<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

This section gives a brief explanation of how <strong>to</strong> create an object.<br />

You can create objects using any function of the EMS. For example, if you want <strong>to</strong> create the<br />

color change logic <strong>for</strong> a lamp component <strong>and</strong> place the lamp component in a graphic, you use<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong> create the body object of the lamp <strong>and</strong> then use<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) <strong>to</strong> create the FIN object. In other words, you use the <strong>to</strong>ol that<br />

uses the desired object <strong>to</strong> create the body object <strong>and</strong> then create the FIN object <strong>for</strong> other <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

In this section, we use LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong> create a new body object <strong>for</strong> a lamp<br />

component.<br />

Drag <strong>and</strong> drop the desired lamp component on a logic sheet. The "Create New – Body<br />

Object Selection" dialog box appears. When you allocate an object, the "Create New –<br />

Body Object Selection" dialog box always appears.<br />

Drag <strong>and</strong> drop the lamp component<br />

<strong>to</strong> display the "Create New – Body<br />

Object Selection"dialog box.<br />

Enlarged view<br />

4.4 Creating an Object<br />


4<br />

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Select [Create New Body Object] <strong>and</strong> then choose [Next] <strong>to</strong> display the "Create New –<br />

Property setup <strong>for</strong> Body Object" dialog box. Enter the necessary items <strong>and</strong> choose<br />

[Complete].<br />

When the "Property" dialog box appears, choose [OK] <strong>to</strong> complete the setup <strong>for</strong> the body<br />

object. To specify the detailed properties <strong>for</strong> the applicable class, choose [Edit Property] <strong>and</strong><br />

enter the necessary settings.<br />

4.4 Creating an Object<br />


4-11<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Next, we show you how <strong>to</strong> use GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) <strong>to</strong> create the FIN object <strong>to</strong> display<br />

the new lamp component that you have created using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) on the<br />

graphic window.<br />

When you use GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) <strong>to</strong> drag <strong>and</strong> drop the lamp component on a graphic<br />

sheet, the "Create New – Body Object Selection" dialog box appears.<br />

In the "Create New – Body Object Selection" dialog box, select [Select existing Body<br />

Object] <strong>to</strong> display a list of existing body objects. Select [Square lamp <strong>for</strong> graphics].<br />

Drag <strong>and</strong> drop the lamp<br />

component <strong>to</strong> display the "<br />

Create New – Body Object<br />

Selection " dialog box.<br />

Now the FIN object is registered using GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

In addition <strong>to</strong> the method described here, there are other convenient methods <strong>to</strong> create FIN<br />

objects such as using the bucket of ORCA-View. For details, see Subsections 4.11.2 <strong>and</strong><br />

4.11.3.<br />

4.4 Creating an Object<br />


4<br />

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4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window)<br />

To create logic data that is processed by the MPS, you use Logic Window <strong>and</strong> LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER).<br />

Logic Window displays <strong>and</strong> manages the in<strong>for</strong>mation about logic sheets in a tree <strong>for</strong>mat (see<br />

Figure 4.5-1).<br />

* The name of the MPS in Logic Window is shown merely <strong>for</strong> the purpose of direc<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />

When you define the logic that is processed by each MPS, you use System Window.<br />

4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window)<br />

MPS name*<br />

Logic sheet group<br />

Logic sheet<br />

Objects used in<br />

the logic sheet<br />

4-12<br />

Figure 4.5-1 Logic Window<br />

As shown in the tree of Figure 4.5-1, there is a piece of control logic titled "BOILER<br />

MASTER" that is processed by an MPS named "APC". This control logic is divided in<strong>to</strong><br />

multiple logic sheets (BOILER MASTER, MAIN STEAM PRESS SET・・・). The objects used<br />

in each logic sheet are also shown in a tree <strong>for</strong>mat. For example, a logic sheet named "MAIN<br />

STEAM PRESS SET" has objects such as a digital alarm signal titled "CDC AUTO MODE"<br />

in a tree <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />

When you click the plus sign (+) on the left of an item in the tree, you can view the details about<br />

each definition.

4-13<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

To change an existing logic sheet, left-click the desired logic sheet <strong>and</strong> then right-click <strong>to</strong><br />

display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Open]. LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER)<br />

starts <strong>and</strong> you can edit the logic.<br />

To create a new logic sheet, from the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose [Create New].<br />

The following example shows how <strong>to</strong> change the logic of BOILER MASTER group in the<br />

BOILER MASTER group under the MPS named "APC".<br />

Start the logic creation <strong>to</strong>ol, LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER), <strong>to</strong> display the editing window <strong>for</strong> the<br />

selected logic sheet.<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) is created by cus<strong>to</strong>mizing Microsoft VISIO <strong>for</strong> DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® . LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) provides logic elements as components in stencils.<br />

You can drag <strong>and</strong> drop the desired logic elements on<strong>to</strong> a sheet <strong>and</strong> connect them with<br />

connection lines <strong>to</strong> create logic.<br />

When you check <strong>and</strong> build the completed logic, the logic is au<strong>to</strong>matically converted <strong>to</strong> the data<br />

<strong>to</strong> be processed by the MPS. When you download the converted data from System Window<br />

<strong>to</strong> the MPS, the MPS starts computing using the new logic.<br />

4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window)<br />


4<br />

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See below <strong>for</strong> how <strong>to</strong> use LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER). Here, we explain a procedure of adding<br />

a block diagram as an example.<br />

From the PROCESS FUNCTIONS stencil, drag <strong>and</strong> drop the ON element. Similarly, from the<br />

GRAPHIC PARTS stencil, drag <strong>and</strong> drop a pump element <strong>and</strong> specify the necessary data in the<br />

property window.<br />

4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window)<br />


From the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose the connection line icon.<br />

4-15<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

From the PROCESS FUNCTIONS stencil, drag <strong>and</strong> drop the digital line <strong>and</strong> specify the input.<br />

The details about the input of each element <strong>and</strong> how an element is used in computation are<br />

determined <strong>for</strong> each function block. To check the meaning of the input of each element, choose<br />

[Help] from the menu bar.<br />

4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window)<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

When you finish editing logic, convert the logic in<strong>to</strong> the data that can be processed by the MPS.<br />

From the menu bar, choose [Netmation] - [Build].<br />

When the edited logic contains an error, it is displayed at this occasion. If there is no error, build<br />

ends. You download the converted data <strong>to</strong> the MPS from System Window of ORCA View.<br />

You also use System Window <strong>to</strong> download the converted data <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

To terminate LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER), in the menu bar, click [File] - [Exit]. When a dialog<br />

box appears, choose the [Yes] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

4.5 Creating Logic (Logic Window)<br />


4.6 Creating a Graphic (Graphic Window)<br />

To create the graphics displayed on the <strong>OPS</strong>, you use Graphic Window <strong>and</strong><br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

4-17<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Graphic Window displays <strong>and</strong> manages the in<strong>for</strong>mation about graphics in a tree <strong>for</strong>mat. (See<br />

Figure 4.6-1.)<br />

Graphic sheet<br />

Objects that are used<br />

Figure 4.6-1 Graphic Window<br />

Graphic Window folders (such as "Graphic group(z)" <strong>and</strong> "TURBINE READY TO<br />

START" in Figure 4.6-1) are used as a means <strong>to</strong> organize graphics <strong>and</strong> they have no particular<br />

meaning in the system.<br />

When you click the plus sign (+) on the left of a graphic sheet, you can display the objects that<br />

are used in that sheet.<br />

4.6 Creating a Graphic (Graphic Window)<br />


4<br />

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To change an existing graphic sheet, left-click the desired graphic sheet <strong>and</strong> right-click <strong>to</strong><br />

display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Open] <strong>to</strong> start GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN). You can edit the graphic.<br />

To create a new graphic sheet, from the <strong>to</strong>olbar, choose [Create New].<br />

As an example, we explain how <strong>to</strong> change the "GAS TURBINE OVERVIEW" graphic.<br />

Left-click [GAS TURBINE OVERVIEW] <strong>and</strong> right-click <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From<br />

the pop-up menu, choose [Open].<br />

4.6 Creating a Graphic (Graphic Window)<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

The graphic creation <strong>to</strong>ol, GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN), starts <strong>and</strong> an editing window <strong>for</strong> the<br />

selected graphic sheet appears.<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN), like LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER), provides graphic elements in<br />

stencils as components. You can drag <strong>and</strong> drop a desired plant component, such as a pump,<br />

from a stencil on<strong>to</strong> a sheet <strong>and</strong> set the properties of the plant component <strong>to</strong> create the graphic<br />

window.<br />

4-19<br />

4.6 Creating a Graphic (Graphic Window)<br />


4<br />

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You specify the data about a desired plant component such as color change in the property<br />

window. The specifiable items are determined be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> each graphic element. To check<br />

the meaning of the input <strong>for</strong> each element, choose [Help] from the menu bar.<br />

4.6 Creating a Graphic (Graphic Window)<br />

Figure 4.6-2 Color Change Property Window <strong>for</strong> a Graphic Component<br />

If the logic of an element (pump in this case) is already set using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER),<br />

you need <strong>to</strong> select that pump. In the "Create – New Body Object Selection" window,<br />

select [Select existing Body Object].<br />

To terminate GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN), in the menu bar, click [File] - [Exit<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r]. When a dialog box appears, choose the [Yes] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

To display the edited graphic on the <strong>OPS</strong>, download the graphic from System Window of<br />

ORCA View <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />


4.7 Defining the System (System Window)<br />

On System Window, you can set the following items about the control system:<br />

4-21<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

� Components <strong>to</strong> be connected <strong>to</strong> the unit network (MPS, <strong>OPS</strong>, or ACS) <strong>and</strong> the settings<br />

about the selected component (regarding communications <strong>and</strong> others)<br />

� Assignment of the I/O modules in the MPS (modules <strong>to</strong> be used, assignment of channels,<br />

tuning)<br />

� In<strong>for</strong>mation about the process tasks <strong>to</strong> be per<strong>for</strong>med on the MPS (process cycles,<br />

assignment of control logic sheets)<br />

� Functions of each <strong>OPS</strong><br />

� Confirmation of the MPS system status <strong>and</strong> operation of the MPS<br />

You use a <strong>to</strong>ol similar <strong>to</strong> Explorer <strong>to</strong> specify <strong>and</strong> check the setup of the hardware <strong>and</strong> software<br />

of each system component such as the MPS <strong>and</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>. It is easy <strong>to</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>, easy <strong>to</strong> set up<br />

the system, <strong>and</strong> easy <strong>to</strong> maintain the system.<br />

Node definition of the used component (MPS)<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard cards<br />

I/O module definition<br />

I/O channel definition<br />

Setup of the logic process cycles<br />

Figure 4.7-1 System Window<br />

To add a new component, right-click on [System Window] <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From<br />

the pop-up menu, choose [Create New]. Select the MPS, <strong>OPS</strong> or ACS, <strong>and</strong> specify the name<br />

<strong>and</strong> other settings such as communications. To specify more other settings, right-click the<br />

mouse <strong>and</strong> display the property window.<br />

4.7 Defining the System (System Window)<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Next, we explain how <strong>to</strong> download logic data <strong>to</strong> the MPS online. The logic sheet <strong>to</strong> be<br />

downloaded must be built be<strong>for</strong>eh<strong>and</strong> using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER). You can also use<br />

Logic Window <strong>to</strong> build all the logic sheets in a batch.<br />

Here is an example of downloading all the process blocks <strong>to</strong> an MPS named "APC".<br />

In System Window, select "Process block configuration" under the "APC" folder <strong>and</strong><br />

right-click <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Offline Load<br />

EMS→MPS].<br />

4.7 Defining the System (System Window)<br />


Select the process block group <strong>to</strong> be downloaded <strong>and</strong> click [OK] <strong>to</strong> start downloading.<br />

4-23<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Control loop plates can also be downloaded online. However, download can only be per<strong>for</strong>med<br />

sheet by sheet.<br />

4.7 Defining the System (System Window)<br />


4<br />

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4.8 Setting up the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS (HMI Window)<br />

On HMI Window, you can per<strong>for</strong>m the following <strong>for</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS. To download the<br />

settings of the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS, you use System Window.<br />

� Setting the direc<strong>to</strong>ry configuration displayed in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer (Master Data <strong>and</strong> overview)<br />

� Specifying the control loop plates displayed in a control screen<br />

� Managing control loop plates (they are created using LoopPlateCrea<strong>to</strong>r (SCALLOP))<br />

� Setting trend groups <strong>and</strong> X-Y trend groups<br />

� Setting filtering <strong>for</strong> the alarm summary<br />

� Setting security<br />

� Setting details about the trend data <strong>to</strong> be collected<br />

� Setting details about reports<br />

� Setting details about the logs (post-trip logs, SOE reports) <strong>to</strong> be collected, <strong>and</strong> others<br />

4.8 Setting up the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS (HMI Window)<br />

4-24<br />

Figure 4.8-1 HMI Window<br />

You can per<strong>for</strong>m the above operations using a <strong>to</strong>ol similar <strong>to</strong> Explorer (see Figure 4.8-1).<br />

Next, we explain how <strong>to</strong> create control loop plates.<br />

Definition of the used function (loop plates)<br />

Definition of a control loop plate window<br />

Definition of control loop plates

TAS71-E002E<br />

Right-click on "Loop plate function" under the "<strong>OPS</strong> functions" folder <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Open] <strong>to</strong> display the "LoopPlateCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(SCALLOP)" window.<br />

The following is an example setup window <strong>for</strong> a digital control loop plate. You can allocate PBs,<br />

assign numeric values <strong>to</strong> numeric value displays, allocate numeric value displays, set display<br />

colors, <strong>and</strong> specify other settings.<br />

4-25<br />

4.8 Setting up the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS (HMI Window)<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

The following is an example setup window <strong>for</strong> an analog control loop plate.<br />

To terminate LoopPlateCrea<strong>to</strong>r (SCALLOP), in the menu bar, click [File] - [Exit]. To save<br />

the settings, in the displayed dialog box, choose the [Yes] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

4.8 Setting up the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> the ACS (HMI Window)<br />


4.9 Managing Drawings (Drawing Window)<br />

4-27<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

On Drawing Window, you can convert the data (logic, graphics, Excel lists) that you create<br />

using the EMS <strong>to</strong>ols in<strong>to</strong> PDF files <strong>and</strong> manage them as drawings.<br />

Select a desired file <strong>and</strong> right-click <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose<br />

[Open] <strong>to</strong> view the desired drawing.<br />

PDF document<br />

management<br />

PDF document<br />

Definition of ORCA files <strong>to</strong><br />

be converted <strong>to</strong> PDF files<br />

4.9 Managing Drawings (Drawing Window)<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

4.10 Using Excel <strong>to</strong> Edit ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

(Document Window)<br />

On Document Window, you can use Excel <strong>to</strong> edit the data in ObjectDatabase (ORCA).<br />

Although you can use other functions (such as LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong><br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN)) <strong>to</strong> set the data in ObjectDatabase (ORCA), it is more<br />

efficient <strong>to</strong> use Excel <strong>to</strong> edit data.<br />

Document Window displays a list of files of ObjectDatabase (ORCA) data in Excel<br />

<strong>for</strong>mat. To convert ObjectDatabase (ORCA) data <strong>to</strong> Excel <strong>for</strong>mat, right-click on an empty<br />

place <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Create New] <strong>to</strong> start Excel<br />

<strong>and</strong> set necessary data.<br />

List of ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

data files converted <strong>to</strong> Excel <strong>for</strong>mat<br />

4.10 Using Excel <strong>to</strong> Edit ObjectDatabase (ORCA) (Document Window)<br />


Here is an example of object data converted <strong>to</strong> Excel <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />

After you edit the object data using Excel, you can upload the data <strong>to</strong><br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA).<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

4.10 Using Excel <strong>to</strong> Edit ObjectDatabase (ORCA) (Document Window)<br />

4-29<br />


4<br />

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4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />

This section describes the following examples <strong>to</strong> explain how <strong>to</strong> use the EMS:<br />

� Adding an input<br />

� Adding a color-changing lamp component <strong>to</strong> a graphic window on an <strong>OPS</strong><br />

You use LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong> create the color change logic, download the logic<br />

<strong>to</strong> the MPS, <strong>and</strong> then use GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) <strong>to</strong> create the graphic.<br />

� Changing the position of control loop plates in a control screen<br />

4.11.1 Adding an input<br />

When you install an instrument such as a transmitter or a thermocouple, you need <strong>to</strong> register its<br />

signals in DIASYS Netmation ® . In this subsection, we assume that an I/O module (FXAIM02<br />

since we want <strong>to</strong> register transmitter signals) is already registered <strong>and</strong> we explain how <strong>to</strong> add<br />

transmitter signals <strong>to</strong> free terminals (connection with the plant is required later).<br />

The steps are as follows:<br />

• Define the input (I/O in<strong>for</strong>mation) on System Window.<br />

• Download the defined I/O in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>to</strong> the MPS.<br />

<strong>First</strong>, we define the input (I/O in<strong>for</strong>mation) on System Window. There are two methods <strong>to</strong><br />

add an input:<br />

� Registering a new input<br />

If there is no logic that uses the required input <strong>and</strong> you want <strong>to</strong> register the input as an object in<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA) <strong>for</strong> the first time<br />

� Modifying an existing I/O element that is created in a control logic sheet using<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong> registering the result as an input<br />

This method is available if you have created the logic containing the desired I/O element using<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) be<strong>for</strong>e you register the desired input in System Window <strong>and</strong> the<br />

desired input is registered as an object in ObjectDatabase (ORCA). In this case, only<br />

assignment of the input is necessary in System Window.<br />

There are two other ways <strong>for</strong> this method:<br />

See below <strong>for</strong> details.<br />

・ Registering an input from the bucket<br />

・ Using an existing object <strong>to</strong> create a new input<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />


(1) Registering a new input<br />

4-31<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Under the target MPS, choose [Hardware configuration] - [ControlNET Interfacecard<br />

(adapter)] <strong>and</strong> right-click on [ControlNET Module], or right-click on [Space x] under<br />

[ControlNET Module] <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Create<br />

New].<br />

For details about how <strong>to</strong> register an object, see Section 4.4.<br />

In the "Create New – Class Selection" dialog box, the class <strong>to</strong> be selected is determined<br />

depending on the type of module (AI, AO, DI, DO).<br />

For AI: Analog input <strong>for</strong> logical I/O assignment<br />

For AO: Analog output <strong>for</strong> logical I/O assignment<br />

For DI: Digital input <strong>for</strong> logical I/O assignment<br />

For DO: Digital output <strong>for</strong> logical I/O assignment<br />

Since we add a transmitter input, select [Analog input <strong>for</strong> logical I/O assignment]. The<br />

properties of an analog input are as follows. Enter the in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the input signal <strong>to</strong><br />

be registered. M<strong>and</strong>a<strong>to</strong>ry items are marked with †.<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />


4<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Table 4.11-1 Properties of Analog Inputs<br />

Property Description Default Example<br />

Name† Enter the name of the signal using the first AI* Lubricant supply<br />

language (usually the local language).<br />

pressure<br />

Name1† Enter the name of the signal using the AI* LUBE OIL<br />

second language (usually English)<br />


Tag† Enter the tag of the signal. AI* MBV01CP121<br />

TagEX Enter TagEX of the signal. MBV01CP121<br />

Signal type Enter the signal type.<br />

Signal range low Enter the lower limit range of the input 0<br />

source.<br />

4 mA<br />

Signal range high Enter the upper limit range of the input 0<br />

source.<br />

20 mA<br />

Input limit low (%)† Enter the lower limit value <strong>for</strong> the input -0.8<br />

element.<br />

-0.6<br />

Input limit high (%)† Enter the upper limit value <strong>for</strong> the input 104<br />

element.<br />

106<br />

Data type Enter the data type. PV<br />

Low range<br />

Enter the lower limit value of the 0<br />

(engineering scale) engineering value range.<br />

High range<br />

Enter the upper limit value of the 100<br />

(engineering scale) engineering value range.<br />

Unit Enter the unit of data. %<br />

Format Enter the <strong>for</strong>mat value. %6.1f<br />

For analog I/O signals, you need <strong>to</strong> set the following after you register the signals:<br />

(1) Right-click on the target analog I/O signal <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up<br />

menu, choose [Property].<br />

(2) When the "Property" dialog box appears, click the [Edit Property] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(3) In the left pane of the "Property" dialog box, display the lower levels under the root of<br />

the tree (click the plus signs) <strong>to</strong> display the Exp<strong>and</strong>ed properties folder under the<br />

Composition folder.<br />

(Some objects may not have the Exp<strong>and</strong>ed properties folder.)<br />

(4) Choose file A <strong>and</strong> enter values <strong>for</strong> Low range (engineering scale), High range<br />

(engineering scale), <strong>and</strong> Unit (see Figure 4.11-1).<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />

Figure 4.11-1 Setting Properties <strong>for</strong> an Analog I/O Signal<br />


(2) Registering an input from the bucket<br />

4-33<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

When you use LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong> create logic using inputs, the System Window<br />

bucket displays those inputs.<br />

Select the signal <strong>to</strong> be registered from the bucket, <strong>and</strong> drag <strong>and</strong> drop it in the desired Space x<br />

file under the target module.<br />

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(3) Using an existing object <strong>to</strong> create <strong>and</strong> register a new input<br />

You per<strong>for</strong>m the same procedure <strong>for</strong> registering a new object as described in step (1). However,<br />

in the "Create New – Body Object Selection" dialog box, select [Select existing Body<br />

Object]. Then select the desired input.<br />

For details about registering an object, see Section 4.4.<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />

Figure 4.9-2 Creating a New Object Using an Existing Object<br />

For details about downloading the defined I/O in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>to</strong> the MPS, see (3) in Subsection<br />

5.3.3.<br />


4-35<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

4.11.2 Adding a color-changing lamp component <strong>to</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong> window<br />

(creating logic)<br />

This subsection describes how <strong>to</strong> change existing logic, load the new logic <strong>to</strong> the MPS online<br />

sheet by sheet, <strong>and</strong> start the computation on the MPS using the new logic.<br />

The steps are as follows:<br />

� Change logic using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER).<br />

� Per<strong>for</strong>m loop build using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER).<br />

� Download the logic from System Window <strong>to</strong> the MPS online sheet by sheet.<br />

� Download the logic from System Window <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong> (using the logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

function).<br />

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Per<strong>for</strong>m the following procedure:<br />

(1) In Logic Window, right-click on the desired logic sheet <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu.<br />

From the pop-up menu, choose [Open].<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />


(2) LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) starts <strong>and</strong> you can edit the selected logic sheet.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(3) Edit the logic sheet. Here, as an example, we add the logic <strong>to</strong> display a lamp component<br />

in red if an alarm occurs.<br />

The following shows how <strong>to</strong> drag <strong>and</strong> drop a desired lamp component from a stencil,<br />

place it near the target alarm, <strong>and</strong> write a digital line <strong>to</strong> enter the alarm detection signal of<br />

Square lamp <strong>for</strong> graphics <strong>to</strong> the lamp component.<br />

From the following stencil, drag <strong>and</strong> drop the indicated lamp component on the logic<br />

sheet. The "Create New – Body Object Selection" dialog box appears.<br />

Drag <strong>and</strong> drop the lamp<br />

component <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

"Create New – Body Object<br />

Selection" dialog box.<br />

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(4) If you have used GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) <strong>to</strong> create a new lamp component, you<br />

select [Select existing Body Object]. However, in this example, we assume that the<br />

lamp component is selected using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER).<br />

In the "Create New – Body Object Selection" dialog box, select [Create new<br />

Body Object].<br />

The "Create new – Property setup <strong>for</strong> Body Object" window appears as shown<br />

below. Enter the name <strong>and</strong> the tag, <strong>and</strong> choose [Complete].<br />

(5) Next, you set the input signal <strong>to</strong> the lamp component. Since the input <strong>to</strong> the lamp<br />

component is digital, you select a digital line.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(6) Split the alarm signal <strong>and</strong> attach a digital line <strong>to</strong> the lamp component. When the "Select<br />

connection points of function block Input of the Square lamp" window<br />

appears, select the sequential number <strong>for</strong> the digital line (number among inputs).<br />

In this example, [Input 1] is selected. A lamp component can have up <strong>to</strong> five inputs.<br />

(7) When you complete changing the logic, per<strong>for</strong>m loop build. Loop build converts data on<br />

a logic sheet <strong>to</strong> a <strong>for</strong>mat that can be processed by the MPS. At the same time, check that<br />

the written logic is correct. From the menu bar, choose [Netmation(N)] <strong>and</strong> then<br />

[Build].<br />

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(8) The "Build option" dialog box appears. Select [The reflection of parameters from<br />

Database] or [The reflection of the From To in<strong>for</strong>mation from Database].<br />

You select these check boxes when you want apply the parameters that are set in a<br />

different logic sheet or apply the From To in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

Here, we select [The reflection of parameters from Database]. When you click<br />

[OK], a message, "Extracting, Loop Building, Writing Ilog Data" appears. The<br />

processing is under way.<br />

(9) If an error is found, such as an input line is not connected or required properties are not<br />

entered, the error log appears <strong>to</strong> indicate the error.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(10) When editing is completed, save the logic sheet <strong>and</strong> exit. To do so, in the menu bar, click<br />

[File] <strong>and</strong> then [Close], or click [×]. A dialog box appears asking you whether <strong>to</strong> save<br />

the sheet. Choose the [Yes] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Then the LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) window disappears <strong>and</strong> the Windows main<br />

window appears.<br />

(11) Next, from System Window of ORCA VIEW, you execute online sheet load <strong>to</strong><br />

download the edited data <strong>to</strong> the MPS.<br />

(12) In System Window, right-click on the logic sheet <strong>to</strong> be downloaded <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Online Load EMS ⇒ MPS(L)].<br />

(13) The "Logic Sheet Online Load" dialog box appears. Choose the [Load] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

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(14) The "Logic Sheet Online Load" dialog box reappears. Choose the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(15) When a confirmation dialog box appears, choose the [Load] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(16) Sheet data begins <strong>to</strong> be loaded.<br />

(17) When sheet load is completed, messages "A(B)-CPU : Normal Completion" <strong>and</strong><br />

appear. Choose the [Close] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> finish the loading.<br />

From the next process cycle, the MPS uses the new logic.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(18) Next, you download the edited logic data <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>. If you do not per<strong>for</strong>m this step, the<br />

logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring window on the <strong>OPS</strong> will not be updated.<br />

From System Window of ORCA View, you download logic data <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>. In<br />

System Window, you right-click on the function <strong>to</strong> be downloaded <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>. Here,<br />

we select "Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring function".<br />

(19) When the pop-up menu appears, choose [Download].<br />

(20) Download starts. When the download is completed, the message "Completed" appears.<br />

Choose the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

4.11.3 Adding a color-changing lamp component <strong>to</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong> window<br />

(creating a graphic)<br />

This subsection describes how <strong>to</strong> add a component (specifically a lamp component) that<br />

changes its color depending on the process status <strong>to</strong> a graphic window displayed on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

In Subsection 4.9.2, the logic <strong>for</strong> changing the color of the lamp component at the occurrence of<br />

an alarm is created <strong>and</strong> downloaded <strong>to</strong> the MPS. This subsection describes how <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

lamp component on a graphic window on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>m the following steps:<br />

� From Logic Window, copy the lamp component <strong>to</strong> the graphic in Graphic Window<br />

where the lamp component is <strong>to</strong> be displayed (hold down Ctrl <strong>and</strong> drag <strong>and</strong> drop the lamp<br />

component).<br />

� In Graphic Window, select <strong>and</strong> start the graphic where the lamp component is <strong>to</strong> be<br />

displayed. GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) starts <strong>and</strong> you can edit the graphic window.<br />

� Choose the [Pending List] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> display a list of components that are not yet<br />

allocated <strong>to</strong> the graphic window where they should exist, <strong>and</strong> select the lamp component.<br />

� Move the lamp component <strong>to</strong> an adequate position on the graphic window.<br />

� Set color change <strong>for</strong> the lamp component.<br />

� Use ComponentViewer (MARU-VIEW) <strong>to</strong> check that the lamp component changes its<br />

color correctly.<br />

� Download the created graphic window <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

See the following <strong>for</strong> details.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(1) Copying the lamp component from Logic Window <strong>to</strong> Graphic Window<br />

Here, we draw a lamp component on a graphic window on the <strong>OPS</strong>. The logic of the lamp<br />

component is already registered in Subsection 4.9.2. <strong>First</strong>, hold down Ctrl <strong>and</strong> drag <strong>and</strong> drop<br />

the desired lamp component from Logic Window on the desired graphic window in<br />

Graphic Window.<br />

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(2) Work in GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN)<br />

(1) In Graphic Window, right-click on the target graphic window <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up<br />

menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Open]. GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) starts <strong>and</strong><br />

you can edit the selected graphic.<br />

(2) In the case described here, the logic of the target component is already written <strong>and</strong> the<br />

component is registered in Graphic Window (<strong>for</strong> details about including a component<br />

in logic, see Subsection 4.9.2. For details about registering a component in Graphic<br />

Window, see (1) in Subsection 4.11.3.)<br />

You can also create a new component, write it in a graphic, <strong>and</strong> then create its logic.<br />

If the desired component is already registered in Graphic Window <strong>and</strong> not written on a<br />

graphic, you can use the unresolved component listing function <strong>to</strong> call the list of such<br />

components.<br />

From the menu bar, choose [Tool] - [Consistency with Database] or from the<br />

<strong>to</strong>olbar, choose [Pending List]. The "Pending List" dialog box appears. The<br />

"Pending List" dialog box lists components that are already registered in Graphic<br />

Window but not written on graphics.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(3) From the list, select the lamp component <strong>to</strong> be added <strong>and</strong> click [Add by Choice].<br />

(4) The selected component appears at the upper left corner of the window. Drag <strong>and</strong> drop it<br />

at a desired position.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(5) Next, you set the color change <strong>for</strong> the lamp component.<br />

Right-click on the lamp component <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu,<br />

choose [Database Properties] - [Body Property]. When a dialog box appears,<br />

choose the [Edit Property] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(6) The "Edit Property" dialog box appears. Here, you set the color change <strong>for</strong> the pump<br />

component.<br />

In the left pane of the "Edit Property" dialog box, click the plus signs <strong>to</strong> show lower<br />

levels.<br />

Under the "Composition" folder, you see the "Color change conditions" folder.<br />

Under that, you see file A. Click it. Since the lamp component has only one color change<br />

part, only "A" is displayed. For components that have multiple color change parts (such<br />

as valves), you see multiple alphabetic characters.<br />

The color settings of the selected part (A) appear in the right pane. You can edit the<br />

values in the "Value" column.<br />

(7) Next, you set the colors.<br />

There are first <strong>to</strong> fifth preferences (conditions) <strong>for</strong> color change. The smaller the value<br />

<strong>for</strong> the preference, the higher the priority (<strong>for</strong> example, if 1 is set <strong>for</strong> both the first<br />

condition <strong>and</strong> the fifth condition, the color set <strong>for</strong> the first condition has priority).<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) provides digital input signals DI1 <strong>to</strong> DI5 as inputs <strong>for</strong><br />

graphic components. You need <strong>to</strong> set which condition corresponds <strong>to</strong> which DI signal.<br />

For example, if you set "D3" as the first condition, "Reference No. <strong>for</strong> No.1<br />

condition" is "3".<br />

The following shows how <strong>to</strong> flicker the lamp component in red when an alarm occurs<br />

<strong>and</strong> display the lamp in green when the alarm is canceled.<br />

In Subsection 4.11.2, DI1 (1 is set if an alarm occurs) is set as the alarm generation<br />

signal. There<strong>for</strong>e, you enter "1" <strong>for</strong> "Reference No. <strong>for</strong> No.1 condition" <strong>and</strong><br />

"304"(color number <strong>for</strong> red flicker) <strong>for</strong> "Color <strong>for</strong> No.1 condition" And you enter<br />

"006" (green) <strong>for</strong> "Default color".<br />

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(8) Click [Save] <strong>and</strong> then [Close] <strong>to</strong> save the registered settings.<br />

(9) When the "Property" dialog box reappears, click the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> end editing.<br />

(10) Terminate GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(3) Using ComponentViewer (MARU-VIEW) <strong>to</strong> check whether color change<br />

is correct<br />

You can use ComponentViewer (MARU-VIEW) of ORCA View <strong>to</strong> check that the color<br />

change of the selected graphic component is correct.<br />

(1) The lamp component that you place on the graphic <strong>and</strong> set the color change in step (2)<br />

appears in Graphic Window or Logic Window. Display Graphic Window or<br />

Logic Window <strong>and</strong> the lamp component you want <strong>to</strong> check.<br />

(2) Choose [View] - [ComponentViewer] <strong>to</strong> display the "ComponentViewer<br />

(MARU-VIEW)" window.<br />

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(3) When you drag <strong>and</strong> drop the lamp component in "ComponentViewer (MARU-VIEW)<br />

", the component appears in the "ComponentViewer (MARU-VIEW)" window. Select<br />

ON or OFF <strong>for</strong> the digital input, <strong>and</strong> enter an analog input value <strong>and</strong> quality. The<br />

component displayed in the window changes its color <strong>and</strong> shape accordingly.<br />

When you set ON <strong>for</strong> DI1, the lamp should flicker in red. When you set 0 <strong>for</strong> DI1 <strong>to</strong> DI5,<br />

the lamp should be displayed in green.<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />


(4) Downloading the changed graphic data <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong><br />

There are two types of download:<br />

� Batch download<br />

� Individual download<br />

4-53<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Batch download loads all the functions that need <strong>to</strong> be downloaded in a batch. Individual<br />

download loads functions individually.<br />

See the following <strong>for</strong> each procedure.<br />

(a) Batch download<br />

For batch download:<br />

(1) In System Window, right-click on the target <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From<br />

the pop-up menu, choose [Download All].<br />

(2) The "Download HMI Function" dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the functions<br />

registered in the target <strong>OPS</strong> that require download.<br />

(3) Each function has the [Analyze] check box <strong>and</strong> the [Download] check box on the right.<br />

You can use these check boxes <strong>and</strong> the [All check] <strong>and</strong> [All clear] but<strong>to</strong>ns <strong>for</strong><br />

individual settings <strong>and</strong> canceling the settings.<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e download, you need <strong>to</strong> per<strong>for</strong>m "analysis". (For the second <strong>and</strong> later <strong>OPS</strong>s, the<br />

analysis can be omitted.)<br />

Figure 4.11-2 Batch Download <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong> - 1<br />

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(4) Choose the [Execute] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(5) When a confirmation message appears, choose the [Yes] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />

4-54<br />

Figure 4.11-3 Batch Download <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong> – 2<br />

(6) During the download, the progress indica<strong>to</strong>r at the lower right of the "Download HMI<br />

Function" dialog box shows the progress.<br />

The color of each check box indicates the result of the download.<br />

→Green: Normal termination Red: Abnormal termination<br />

Either color indicates the<br />

result of the download.<br />

Progress indica<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Figure 4.11-4 Batch Download <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong> – 3<br />

(7) When the download is completed, a confirmation message appears. Choose the [OK]<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(8) The "Download HMI Function" dialog box reappears. Choose the [Cancel] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong><br />


(b) Individual download<br />

For individual download:<br />

(1) In System Window, right-click on the function <strong>to</strong> be downloaded <strong>to</strong> the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

(2) When the pop-up menu appears, choose [Download].<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(3) When the download starts <strong>and</strong> ends, the message "Complete" appears. Choose the [OK]<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(5) Displaying the graphic window on the <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>to</strong> check the color change<br />

of the lamp component<br />

When the setup is completed on the EMS, display the applicable graphic window on the <strong>OPS</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> check that the color-changing lamp component is added as defined.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

4.11.4 Changing the position of control loop plates in a control screen<br />

This subsection describes how <strong>to</strong> change the position of control loop plates displayed in a<br />

control screen on the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

(1) In HMI Window, double-click [Control Screen Group] under [<strong>OPS</strong> functions] -<br />

[Loop plate function] <strong>to</strong> display the desired control screen group, control screens, <strong>and</strong><br />

control loop plates.<br />

(2) Right-click on the control screen whose settings you want <strong>to</strong> change <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [Open]. You can set up the control screen.<br />

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TAS71-E002E<br />

(3) A window showing the display sequence of control loop plates appears. Control loop<br />

plates are displayed in the control screen from left <strong>to</strong> right in the sequence they are shown<br />

in [Control Screen Entry List] (from <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m).<br />

Select a desired control loop plate in the [Control Screen Entry List] area, use [] <strong>to</strong> move it <strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>m of the [Control<br />

Screen Entry List] area.<br />

(4) After you change the sequence, display the "Download HMI Function" dialog box,<br />

check the [Analyze] <strong>and</strong> [Download] check boxes of "Loop plate function", <strong>and</strong><br />

per<strong>for</strong>m the download.<br />

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MEMO<br />

4.11 Examples of Using EMS Functions<br />


5 Outline of the Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />

5-1<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

The Multiple Process Station (MPS) is a controller that au<strong>to</strong>matically controls the plant,<br />

per<strong>for</strong>ms varied types of arithmetic computation, <strong>and</strong> processes inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs with the<br />

plant.<br />

5.1 Configuration of the Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />

MPS<br />

System<br />

A<br />

Figure 5.1-1 shows a system configuration example of the MPS.<br />

Ethernet<br />

I/F (Q)<br />

ControlNetTM<br />

Ethernet<br />

I/F (P)<br />

Tracking<br />

Ethernet<br />

I/F (P)<br />

System<br />

I/O<br />

Ethernet<br />

I/F (Q)<br />

CompactPCI bus CompactPCI bus<br />

Control<br />

Net I/F<br />

(2)<br />

(4)<br />

(1)<br />

CPU<br />

(A)<br />

(5)<br />

(6)<br />

ControlNet<br />

adapter<br />

(7)<br />

AI<br />

AI (8)<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

<strong>OPS</strong>, EMS, or ACS<br />

(3)<br />

System<br />

I/O<br />

Mutual status<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

ControlNet<br />

adapter<br />

AI<br />

AO<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

Plant<br />

ControlNet<br />

adapter<br />

Optical<br />

converter<br />

I/O module<br />

CPU<br />

(B)<br />

Optical fiber<br />

Terminal base unit<br />

System<br />

B<br />

Control<br />

Net I/F<br />

Ethernet<br />

P channel<br />

Q channel<br />

CPU chassis<br />

The P <strong>and</strong> Q channels may<br />

be implemented on one<br />

card depending on the type<br />

of Ethernet I/F card.<br />

Channel A<br />

Channel B<br />

Optical<br />

converter<br />

ControlNet<br />

adapter<br />

DI<br />

DI<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

:<br />

Remote PI/O<br />

Figure 5.1-1 MPS System Configuration Example<br />

5.1 Configuration of the Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />


5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

The MPS consists of the following devices:<br />

(1) CPU card (CPCPU01/CPCPU02/CPCPU11):<br />

The CPU card processes arithmetic computation. The CPU card is duplexed as system A<br />

<strong>and</strong> system B.<br />

(2) Ethernet interface card (CPETH01/CPETH02):<br />

This card acts as an interface with the unit network using Ethernet. The network has<br />

duplexed channels, P <strong>and</strong> Q.<br />

(3) System I/O card (CPDIO01/CPDIO02):<br />

This card moni<strong>to</strong>rs the status of the CPU. The duplexed CPUs moni<strong>to</strong>r each other via this<br />

card.<br />

(4) ControlNetTM interface card (CPCNT01):<br />

This card acts as an interface between ControlNetTM <strong>and</strong> the CPU.<br />

(5) ControlNetTM:<br />

This is a local network within the MPS <strong>for</strong> the interface between process I/O <strong>and</strong> the CPU.<br />

The network is duplexed, <strong>and</strong> one network is called channel A <strong>and</strong> the other network is<br />

called channel B.<br />

(6) ControlNetTM adapter:<br />

This module acts as an interface between process I/O modules <strong>and</strong> ControlNetTM. A<br />

ControlNetTM adapter <strong>and</strong> its corresponding I/O modules are connected using SERBUS<br />

(Flex bus).<br />

(7) Terminal base unit:<br />

This is a base where I/O modules are mounted. Each terminal base unit has a terminal<br />

board.<br />

(8) I/O module:<br />

This module h<strong>and</strong>les inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs between instruments in the plant <strong>and</strong> controls in<br />

the control room.<br />

The CPU card is duplexed (system A <strong>and</strong> system B) <strong>and</strong> the cards moni<strong>to</strong>r each other. If an<br />

error occurs in the control CPU, the control switches <strong>to</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>by CPU seamlessly.<br />

The input/output (I/O) modules act as an interface with the plant. They exchange data with the<br />

CPU via ControlNetTM.<br />

Special modules such as an interlock module <strong>for</strong> turbine control or a vibration moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

module are also installed on terminal base units like normal I/O modules <strong>and</strong> they also<br />

exchange data with the CPU via ControlNetTM.<br />

I/O modules can also be installed in the plant as remote PI/O modules using optical converters<br />

<strong>and</strong> ControlNet adapters.<br />

CPU cards, Ethernet interface cards, system I/O cards, <strong>and</strong> ControlNetTM interface cards are<br />

s<strong>to</strong>red in a cabinet called CPU chassis (or chassis).<br />

5.1 Configuration of the Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />


5.2 Starting <strong>and</strong> S<strong>to</strong>pping the MPS<br />

This section describes how <strong>to</strong> turn on <strong>and</strong> turn off the MPS.<br />

5.2.1 Starting the MPS<br />

(1) Turn on I/O modules <strong>and</strong> ControlNetTM adapters.<br />

(2) Turn on the CPU chassis.<br />

(3) When the startup completes normally, the cards enter the following status:<br />


but<strong>to</strong>n<br />

System<br />

startup switch<br />

CPU status<br />

output port<br />




R:INIT/<br />

G:NORMAL<br />




System I/O card<br />

Upper LED: Control (green)/st<strong>and</strong>by (yellow)<br />

Lower LED: Normal (green)/minor failure<br />

(yellow)<br />

ControlNetTM interface card<br />

C NET A/B LEDs: Green<br />

Control<br />

status LED<br />

Abnormal<br />

status LED<br />

Mutual<br />

status<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

port<br />



Y:STAND BY<br />

ONLINE<br />

R:INIT/<br />

OFF - UNIT<br />

G:NORMAL<br />



DIO IF<br />

CTRL IF<br />

System I/O card<br />


but<strong>to</strong>n<br />

System startup<br />

switch<br />

CPU status<br />

output port<br />

Caution<br />

It may take a few <strong>to</strong> ten minutes be<strong>for</strong>e the LEDs on the ControlNetTM interface card<br />

become green.<br />

5-3<br />

C NET A LED<br />

Maintenance port (usually<br />

unused)<br />

C NET A port<br />

C NET B port<br />

SIO<br />

C NET<br />

C NET<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

C NET B LED<br />

ControlNetTM interface card<br />

5.2 Starting <strong>and</strong> S<strong>to</strong>pping the MPS<br />


5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

5.3 Inserting <strong>and</strong> Removing Cards <strong>and</strong> Modules<br />

This section describes how <strong>to</strong> insert <strong>and</strong> remove cards in<strong>to</strong> <strong>and</strong> from the CPU chassis <strong>and</strong> insert<br />

<strong>and</strong> remove I/O modules.<br />

5.3.1 Inserting <strong>and</strong> removing cards in<strong>to</strong> <strong>and</strong> from the CPU chassis<br />

5.3 Inserting <strong>and</strong> Removing Cards <strong>and</strong> Modules<br />

Caution<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e you insert or remove a card, be sure <strong>to</strong> turn off the power since cards may be<br />

damaged if the power is turned on.<br />

You also need <strong>to</strong> disconnect all cables.<br />

(1) Inserting a card<br />

(1) Turn off the power supply <strong>for</strong> the CPU chassis (A or B) which you want <strong>to</strong> insert a card<br />

in<strong>to</strong>. If a cable is connected <strong>to</strong> any of the connec<strong>to</strong>rs on the front panel of the card <strong>to</strong> be<br />

inserted, remove it.<br />

(2) Check that the ejec<strong>to</strong>r is unlocked (the ejec<strong>to</strong>r lever is lowered) <strong>and</strong> the screws on the front<br />

panel can be freely moved.<br />

(3) Along the plastic card guide on the chassis, insert the card.<br />

(4) When the card <strong>to</strong>uches the deepest end, lift the ejec<strong>to</strong>r lever <strong>to</strong> lock.<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

Ejec<strong>to</strong>r lever<br />

Caution<br />

If you press the front panel of the card when inserting the card, the card may break.<br />

Use the ejec<strong>to</strong>r level <strong>to</strong> insert the card.<br />

5-4<br />


(2) Removing a card<br />

5-5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

(1) Turn off both power supplies <strong>for</strong> the CPU chassis (A or B) which you want <strong>to</strong> remove a<br />

card from.<br />

(2) Loosen the screws on the front panel. Be careful not <strong>to</strong> lose the screws.<br />

(3) Press down the ejec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> unlock it <strong>and</strong> slide the card <strong>for</strong>ward.<br />

(4) Check that the screws are removed from the chassis.<br />

(5) Pull out the card from the chassis.<br />

(5)<br />

Screws<br />

(3)<br />

Ejec<strong>to</strong>r lever<br />

5.3 Inserting <strong>and</strong> Removing Cards <strong>and</strong> Modules<br />


5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

5.3.2 Installing <strong>and</strong> removing I/O modules<br />

You can install <strong>and</strong> remove I/O modules online (without turning off the power) without<br />

interfering the plant wiring <strong>and</strong> other I/O modules. However, when you install a new I/O<br />

module, you need <strong>to</strong> configure the software on the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station<br />

(EMS) <strong>and</strong> turn off <strong>and</strong> on the power.<br />

You need <strong>to</strong> turn off the power when you install or remove ControlNetTM adapters <strong>and</strong><br />

terminal base units.<br />

In this subsection, we assume that ControlNetTM adapters <strong>and</strong> terminal base units are already<br />

installed <strong>and</strong> describe how <strong>to</strong> install <strong>and</strong> remove an I/O module.<br />

I/O modules<br />

(1) Installing an I/O module<br />

(1) You install I/O modules on terminal base units.<br />

Check the keyswitch number on the label of the I/O module <strong>to</strong> be installed <strong>and</strong> set the<br />

keyswitch on the terminal base unit <strong>to</strong> that number.<br />

(2) Insert the I/O module along the alignment slot.<br />

(3) Use the module locking latch of the terminal base unit <strong>to</strong> secure the I/O module.<br />

5.3 Inserting <strong>and</strong> Removing Cards <strong>and</strong> Modules<br />

Keyswitch number<br />

5-6<br />

Alignment slot<br />

ControlNetTM<br />

adapter<br />

Terminal base unit<br />

Module locking latch<br />


Caution<br />

To accept signals, the terminal base unit <strong>and</strong> the plant devices must be hard wired.<br />

(2) Removing an I/O module<br />

(1) Pull back the module locking latch from the I/O module.<br />

(2) Pull out the I/O module from the terminal base unit.<br />

5-7<br />

Module locking<br />

latch<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

5.3 Inserting <strong>and</strong> Removing Cards <strong>and</strong> Modules<br />


5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules<br />

We explained how <strong>to</strong> install I/O modules in Subsection 5.3.2. That procedure only enables<br />

physical signal transmission with the plant. You need <strong>to</strong> configure the software <strong>to</strong> use signals in<br />

the control system (such as moni<strong>to</strong>ring data on the <strong>OPS</strong>, creating logic).<br />

This section describes how <strong>to</strong> configure the software that h<strong>and</strong>les the signals received from the<br />

plant <strong>and</strong> the signals output <strong>to</strong> the plant via I/O modules. We assume that the MPS containing<br />

I/O modules <strong>and</strong> ControlNetTM adapters are already registered <strong>and</strong> describe how <strong>to</strong> assign I/O<br />

signals <strong>to</strong> each I/O module.<br />

Software configuration is per<strong>for</strong>med on the Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS) <strong>and</strong><br />

the settings are enabled when they are downloaded <strong>to</strong> the MPS. You need <strong>to</strong> set the CPU offline<br />

when you set I/O modules. You can set inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs while the CPU is online.<br />

(1) Starting ORCA View on the EMS<br />

You start ORCA-View <strong>to</strong> display System Window.<br />

(2) Setting up an I/O module<br />

The figure on the right shows an<br />

example setting in<br />

System Window.<br />

The items under each MPS show<br />

the installed hardware.<br />

Here, you can also register new<br />

hardware that is installed.<br />

We assume that the items up <strong>to</strong><br />

ControlNetTM adapter ABC-1CA3<br />

are registered.<br />

We explain how <strong>to</strong> set up the<br />

Space 1 I/O module.<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules<br />

5-8<br />

MPS name<br />

Hardware configuration<br />

Cards in the CPU chassis<br />

ControlNetTM adapter<br />

I/O module

5-9<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

Right-click on the I/O module named "Space 1". When the pop-up menu appears, choose<br />

[Create New]. The "Create New – Class Selection" dialog box appears listing I/O<br />

modules (AI, AO, DI, DO). Select the desired type of I/O module.<br />

In the "Property" dialog box, choose the [Edit Property] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> display the properties<br />

<strong>for</strong> each I/O module. Enter necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation. Table 5.3-1 shows properties of a DI<br />

module.<br />

Table 5.4-1 Properties of a DI Module<br />

Property Description Default<br />

Name† Enter the name of the module using the first DI 16<br />

language (usually the local language). 110 VDC/5 mA<br />

Name1† Enter the name of the module using the DI 16<br />

second language (usually English). 110 VDC/5 mA<br />

Tag† Enter the tag of the module. Key<br />

TagEX Enter TagEx of the module.<br />

Card type The module type is au<strong>to</strong>matically entered.<br />

Do not change the default.<br />

FXDIM03<br />

Choose [Save] <strong>to</strong> display the registered I/O module name on System Window. Here,<br />

"ABC-FXAIM01(1)" is saved as the name.<br />

(3) Downloading I/O module in<strong>for</strong>mation (hardware in<strong>for</strong>mation) <strong>to</strong> the<br />

MPS<br />

This paragraph takes an AI module as an example.<br />

When you set up a new I/O module, you need <strong>to</strong> set the CPU offline in the MPS <strong>and</strong><br />

download the settings <strong>to</strong> the MPS. Then you return the CPU online.<br />

Caution<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e you set the CPU offline in the MPS, make sure it does not affect the plant<br />

operation. If you set the CPU offline without checking, MHI is not responsible even if<br />

the plant fails.<br />

See below <strong>for</strong> how <strong>to</strong> set the CPU in the offline mode in the MPS.<br />

(1) In System Window, in the ORCA tree, right-click on the target MPS <strong>to</strong> display the<br />

pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [<strong>Operation</strong>].<br />

(2) Press the [Offline] but<strong>to</strong>n shown under the target CPU until the "CPU <strong>Operation</strong>"<br />

window appears as shown in Figure 5.3-2.<br />

(3) When a confirmation message appears, choose the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(4) Check that the circle in the [Control Mode] area of the target CPU is red, which means<br />

the CPU is offline.<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules<br />


5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

(5) When the settings are completed, choose the [EXIT] but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

(6) Next, right-click on the target MPS <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu,<br />

choose [H/W Config] - [File Creation]. Click the [OK] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> create the hardware<br />

configuration file.<br />

(7) Again, right-click on the target MPS <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu,<br />

choose [H/W Config] - [Load EMS=>MPS]. Select the CPU <strong>and</strong> click the [Load]<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> load the settings <strong>to</strong> the MPS. A message dialog box appears indicating the<br />

execution status. When "A(B)-CPU : Normal Completion" appears, the download is<br />

completed.<br />

(8) When the download is ended, per<strong>for</strong>m step (1) <strong>to</strong> display the "CPU <strong>Operation</strong>"<br />

window <strong>and</strong> return the target CPU <strong>to</strong> the online mode.<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules<br />


(4) Setting inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs<br />

Next, we set the inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs of the<br />

I/O module that is set up in (2).<br />

"Space" files are au<strong>to</strong>matically created<br />

under each I/O module in System<br />

Window <strong>for</strong> the number of inputs <strong>and</strong><br />

outputs that can be set <strong>for</strong> that I/O module.<br />

Since ABC-FXAIM01(1) is an AI<br />

module with eight inputs, eight "Space"<br />

files are created.<br />

Right-click on the target Space file <strong>to</strong><br />

display the pop-up menu. From the pop-up<br />

menu, choose [Create New].<br />

5-11<br />

MPS name<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

ControlNetTM adapter<br />

I/O module<br />

When you choose [Create New] from the pop-up menu, the "Create New – Class<br />

Selection" dialog box appears. Enter necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation. Figure 5.3-2 lists properties <strong>for</strong><br />

an AI (analog input) module.<br />

The value of property "Name" registered here appears instead of "Space x" in System<br />

Window.<br />

Table 5.4-2 Properties of an Analog Input<br />

Property Description Default Example<br />

Name† Enter the name of the signal using the first AI* Lubricant supply<br />

language (usually the local language).<br />

temperature<br />

Name1† Enter the name of the signal using the AI* LUBE OIL<br />

second language (usually English).<br />


Tag† Enter the tag of the signal. AI* MBV01CP121<br />

TagEX Enter TagEX of the signal. MBV01CP121<br />

Signal type Enter the type of the signal.<br />

Signal range low Enter the lower limit range of the input 0<br />

source.<br />

4 mA<br />

Signal rang high Enter the upper limit range of the input 0<br />

source.<br />

20 mA<br />

Input limit low (%)† Enter the lower limit value <strong>for</strong> the input -0.8<br />

element.<br />

-0.6<br />

Input limit high (%)† Enter the upper limit value <strong>for</strong> the input 104<br />

element.<br />

106<br />

I/Os<br />

Hardware configuration<br />

Cards in the CPU chassis<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules<br />


5<br />

TAS71-E002<br />

(5) Downloading inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs <strong>to</strong> the MPS<br />

You can download inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs <strong>to</strong> the MPS online without setting the CPU offline. See<br />

below <strong>for</strong> how.<br />

Under the target MPS, right-click on [Hardware configuration] <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up<br />

menu. From the pop-up menu, choose [I/O Assignment] - [File Creation]. Click the<br />

[OK] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> create the process I/O setting file.<br />

Again, under the target MPS, right-click on<br />

[Hardware configuration] <strong>to</strong> display the pop-up menu.<br />

From the pop-up menu, choose<br />

[I/O Assignment] - [Load EMS=>MPS].<br />

Select the CPU <strong>and</strong> click the [Load] but<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong><br />

download the in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>to</strong> the MPS.<br />

A message dialog box appears showing the execution status. When "A(B)-CPU:Normal<br />

Completion" appears, the download is completed.<br />

5.4 Setting up I/O Modules<br />

Note<br />

The method described here shows how <strong>to</strong> register <strong>and</strong> assign new inputs <strong>and</strong><br />

outputs. You can also use inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs in other functions of ORCA View (such<br />

as Logic Window <strong>and</strong> Graphic Window) <strong>and</strong> then assign the inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs <strong>to</strong><br />

hardware. In that case, you can choose <strong>to</strong> register inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs from the<br />

bucket or use existing objects <strong>to</strong> create new objects.<br />


Glossary<br />

� Accessory Station (ACS)<br />

A device that s<strong>to</strong>res long-term plant data <strong>and</strong><br />

enables interface with peripheral devices (the MPS<br />

s<strong>to</strong>res short-term data <strong>and</strong> per<strong>for</strong>ms time stamping<br />

<strong>for</strong> alarms).<br />

� CARD system<br />

A communication pro<strong>to</strong>col <strong>for</strong> the devices in the<br />

DIASYS Netmation Ⓡ system. When the CARD<br />

system is implemented, each time data is required,<br />

it is fetched from the applicable device. The CARD<br />

system allows a communication infrastructure that<br />

can h<strong>and</strong>le only small amount of communications<br />

(<strong>for</strong> example 32 kbps) <strong>to</strong> operate <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r a<br />

plant.<br />

� CompornentViewer<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

This <strong>to</strong>ol simulates the inputs of <strong>OPS</strong> components<br />

<strong>to</strong> allow users <strong>to</strong> check the color change of a<br />

desired graphic component.<br />

� ControlNetTM<br />

A network within the MPS <strong>for</strong> connecting inputs<br />

<strong>and</strong> outputs <strong>and</strong> the CPU. When duplexed, one<br />

network is called channel A <strong>and</strong> the other is called<br />

channel B.<br />

� ControlNet TM adapter<br />

An MPS component <strong>for</strong> connecting I/O modules<br />

<strong>and</strong> ControlNet TM.<br />

� ControlNet TM interface card<br />

� CPU<br />

A card <strong>for</strong> connecting the CPU <strong>and</strong> ControlNet TM.<br />

It is installed in the CPU chassis of the MPS.<br />

A unit that per<strong>for</strong>ms computation <strong>for</strong> controlling a<br />

plant. The CPU consists of a CPU card, Ethernet<br />

cards, ControlNet TM cards, <strong>and</strong> a system I/O card.<br />

The cabinet that accommodates these cards is<br />

called the "CPU chassis".<br />

� CPU operation<br />

An operation <strong>to</strong> switch the mode of the CPU in the<br />

MPS between online <strong>and</strong> offline from System<br />

Window.<br />

i<br />

� DIASYSCardClientCOM<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

A COM server installed with the CARD system.<br />

This server is used <strong>to</strong> exchange data in the<br />

DIASYS Netmation Ⓡ system.<br />

� DIASYS-IDOL ++<br />

Software used in the DIASYS Netmation ®<br />

system. DIASYS-IDOL, which was used in the<br />

DIASYS series systems be<strong>for</strong>e DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® , only referred <strong>to</strong> the logic description<br />

language. On DIASYS-IDOL ++ , both<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong> GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN) can use the same objects in the database<br />

<strong>and</strong> they are recognized the same although they can<br />

have different attributes.<br />


A logic description language used by the DIASYS<br />

series systems be<strong>for</strong>e DIASYS Netmation ® . In<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® , DIASYS-IDOL refers <strong>to</strong><br />

the <strong>to</strong>ol used <strong>to</strong> tune the I/O module <strong>for</strong> controlling<br />

turbines <strong>and</strong> it is installed on a PC.<br />

� Document Window<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols. It is represented as one of the<br />

Windows of ORCA View <strong>and</strong> manages the files<br />

that are created using ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL).<br />

� Drawing Window<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is represented as one of the Windows of ORCA<br />

View, converts the files that are created using<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN), LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong> ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL) in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

PDF <strong>for</strong>mat, <strong>and</strong> manages them as drawings.<br />

� DSW (rotary switch)<br />

A switch on the front of a CPU card. It is used <strong>to</strong><br />

set the status of the CPU.<br />

� EH module<br />

An I/O module used exclusively <strong>to</strong> control turbines.<br />

There are several types including servo modules,<br />

EOST modules, GT interlock modules, <strong>and</strong> OPC<br />

modules.<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

� Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

Glossary<br />

One of the components of the DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® system. It is used <strong>to</strong> configure the<br />

system <strong>and</strong> create data. An EMS is a<br />

Windows-based personal computer installed with<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA), ORCA View, <strong>and</strong><br />

other <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

The EMS server s<strong>to</strong>res the database called<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA) <strong>and</strong> the EMS client<br />

s<strong>to</strong>res ORCA View which is used as a<br />

user-machine interface.<br />

� Ethernet interface card<br />

An interface card <strong>to</strong> connect Ethernet (unit<br />

network). It is installed in the CPU chassis of the<br />

MPS.<br />

� FIN object<br />

An ObjectDatabase (ORCA) object (design<br />

data) represented in the <strong>for</strong>mat of each Window of<br />

ORCA View or EMS <strong>to</strong>ol. A body object is an<br />

actual object s<strong>to</strong>red in ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

while any object that is shown on each Window or<br />

EMS <strong>to</strong>ol is a FIN object.<br />

� GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN)<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is a drawing <strong>to</strong>ol used <strong>to</strong> create graphic windows<br />

used on an <strong>OPS</strong>. GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r starts from<br />

Graphic Window of ORCA View.<br />

� Graphic Window<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols. It is represented as one of the<br />

Windows of ORCA View <strong>and</strong> manages <strong>OPS</strong><br />

graphic window files that are created using<br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

� HMI Window<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols. It is represented as one of the<br />

Windows of ORCA View <strong>and</strong> is used <strong>to</strong> specify<br />

<strong>and</strong> manage the details about the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s<br />

<strong>and</strong> ACSs. For example, HMI Window is used <strong>to</strong><br />

specify the windows <strong>to</strong> be opened on an <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

the functions <strong>to</strong> be used on an ACS.<br />

� I/O module<br />

A module that h<strong>and</strong>les inputs <strong>and</strong> output with the<br />

plant. There are analog input (AI) modules, analog<br />

output (AO) modules, digital input (DI) modules<br />

<strong>and</strong> digital output (DO) modules as well as event<br />

DI modules that enable sequential execution of<br />

events <strong>and</strong> turbine control modules. I/O modules<br />

are placed under a ControlNet TM adapter in the<br />

MPS.<br />

ii<br />

� ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL)<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is a <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>for</strong> managing ObjectDatabase<br />

(ORCA) objects in Excel <strong>for</strong>mat. It is started from<br />

Document Window of ORCA View. By using<br />

this <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>to</strong> start ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL), data can<br />

be imported <strong>to</strong> Excel files <strong>and</strong> the data edited using<br />

Excel can be exported <strong>to</strong> ObjectDatabase<br />

(ORCA).<br />

� LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER)<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is a <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>for</strong> creating logic that is processed by the<br />

CPU in the MPS. It is started from Logic Window<br />

of ORCA View.<br />

� Logic Window<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is represented as one of the Windows of ORCA<br />

View <strong>and</strong> manages the logic sheets that are created<br />

using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER).<br />

� LoopPlateCrea<strong>to</strong>r (SCALLOP)<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is a <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>for</strong> creating control loop plates displayed<br />

on the <strong>OPS</strong>. It is started from HMI Window of<br />

ORCA View.<br />

� Master Data<br />

One of the folders displayed in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. The<br />

Master Data folder contains the folders of <strong>OPS</strong><br />

functions, each of which containing an <strong>OPS</strong><br />

window. To set the hierarchy of folders <strong>and</strong> files,<br />

use HMI Window of ORCA View. (See also: My<br />

Drawer)<br />

� Multiple Process Station (MPS)<br />

� MV<br />

A plant controller. It is a component of the<br />

DIASYS Netmation ® system that au<strong>to</strong>matically<br />

controls the plant, per<strong>for</strong>ms calculations, <strong>and</strong><br />

h<strong>and</strong>les inputs <strong>and</strong> output with the plant. An MPS<br />

consists of a CPU unit <strong>and</strong> I/O devices. Depending<br />

on the specifications of the plant, one or more<br />

MPSs are installed <strong>and</strong> they are named by function<br />

(example: plant controller, turbine governor<br />

controller).<br />

Abbreviation <strong>for</strong> Manipulated Value. MV is one of<br />

the values set <strong>and</strong> displayed on a control loop plate<br />

on an <strong>OPS</strong>. It refers <strong>to</strong> a value that is manually set<br />

<strong>for</strong> a controlled device. (See also: PV, SV)<br />

� My Drawer<br />

One of the folders displayed in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. My<br />

Drawer contains files such as profiles created by<br />

the user on the <strong>OPS</strong>. (See also: Master Data)

� Neighborhood <strong>OPS</strong><br />

One of the folders displayed in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer. If<br />

there are multiple <strong>OPS</strong>s, you can use this folder <strong>to</strong><br />

view My Drawer of other <strong>OPS</strong>s.<br />

� ObjectDatabase (ORCA)<br />

An integrated database at the core of the DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® system. It is an object-oriented<br />

database inside the EMS <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>les all the<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation in the control system as objects. All the<br />

Windows of ORCA View <strong>and</strong> EMS <strong>to</strong>ols can<br />

access this database <strong>to</strong> edit data. The data in this<br />

database is displayed in the <strong>for</strong>mat suitable <strong>for</strong> each<br />

Window or <strong>to</strong>ol that edits or references the data.<br />

� Opera<strong>to</strong>r Keyboard (OPKB)<br />

A special-purpose keyboard used <strong>for</strong> operating <strong>and</strong><br />

moni<strong>to</strong>ring an <strong>OPS</strong>. It is optional.<br />

This keyboard contains keys that users can define<br />

<strong>to</strong> call desired windows <strong>and</strong> keys that are used as<br />

backup means <strong>for</strong> operating control loop plates <strong>and</strong><br />

alarms.<br />

� Opera<strong>to</strong>r Station (<strong>OPS</strong>)<br />

One of the components of the DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® system. The <strong>OPS</strong> is a user-machine<br />

interface <strong>for</strong> operating <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring the plant.<br />

When a Windows-based personal computer is<br />

installed with Work Space Manager (WSM), it is<br />

called "unit <strong>OPS</strong>". If a browser is used <strong>to</strong><br />

implement the <strong>OPS</strong> functionality, the PC is called<br />

"browser <strong>OPS</strong>".<br />

� <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It displays <strong>OPS</strong> windows in<br />

a tree <strong>for</strong>mat like Windows Explorer. When you<br />

double-click a desired window, the window is<br />

called.<br />

� <strong>OPS</strong> user registration<br />

A function that registers the users of each <strong>OPS</strong> or<br />

the list of such users registered in HMI Window of<br />

ORCA View on the EMS The privileges of an<br />

opera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>for</strong> operating an <strong>OPS</strong> are defined in the<br />

security user definition folder in HMI Window.<br />

� ORCA ID (OID)<br />

A number assigned <strong>to</strong> each data item managed by<br />

the integrated database of DIASYS Netmation ® ,<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA). Users specify the<br />

starting number. The subsequent numbers are<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matically assigned by the database. Usually,<br />

users do not see ORCA IDs. However, they may be<br />

necessary <strong>to</strong> use special functions.<br />

iii<br />

� ORCA-Kitchen<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>and</strong> it is mainly used <strong>to</strong> install<br />

<strong>and</strong> back up ObjectDatabase (ORCA).<br />

ORCA-Kitchen must be configured in each EMS<br />

server <strong>and</strong> EMS client.<br />

� ORCA View<br />

One of the main functions of the EMS <strong>and</strong> it<br />

consists of six Windows which function as the user<br />

interface with ObjectDatabase (ORCA).<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA) objects are<br />

represented in Explorer <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> each Window.<br />

ORCA View is installed on EMS client terminals.<br />

� ORCA client<br />

Application software installed on an EMS client<br />

terminal.<br />

� ORCA server<br />

Application software installed on an EMS server<br />

(terminal with ObjectDatabase (ORCA)).<br />

� ORCA tree<br />

A tree (Explorer <strong>for</strong>mat) listing design data in each<br />

Window of ORCA View.<br />

� ORCA file<br />

� PV<br />

A file created using an EMS <strong>to</strong>ol such as a logic<br />

sheet that is created using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong> a plant graphic window that is<br />

created using GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

Abbreviation <strong>for</strong> Process Value. PV is one of the<br />

values displayed on a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

It refers <strong>to</strong> a value that is output by a controlled<br />

device. (See also: MV, SV)<br />

� Sequence of Event (SOE) report<br />

� SV<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. When a<br />

preset trigger signal occurs, this function collects<br />

the prespecified digital data be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong> after that<br />

signal every millisecond <strong>and</strong> displays it in the event<br />

trace of the <strong>OPS</strong>. This function also prints the<br />

collected data using a printer.<br />

Trigger signals <strong>and</strong> collected data are used <strong>to</strong><br />

determine the cause of trips that are entered in the<br />

event DI (EDI) module <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> other purposes.<br />

Abbreviation <strong>for</strong> Set Value. SV is one of the values<br />

set <strong>and</strong> displayed on a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

This is a predetermined value <strong>for</strong> a process value of<br />

a controlled device. (See also: PV, SV).<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

� System Window<br />

� Tag<br />

Glossary<br />

One of EMS <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

It is represented as one of the Windows of ORCA<br />

View <strong>and</strong> registers <strong>and</strong> manages the system<br />

components.<br />

In this Window, you specify the cards <strong>and</strong> modules<br />

in each MPS, download the logic that you create<br />

using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong> the MPS, set<br />

the functions of each <strong>OPS</strong>, <strong>and</strong> set up the network<br />

of the system components.<br />

An identification name given <strong>to</strong> each object used in<br />

the system. While ORCA IDs are au<strong>to</strong>matically<br />

assigned <strong>and</strong> usually not noticed by users, tags are<br />

assigned by users when objects are created.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e, they can be intuitive.<br />

� TOP logic<br />

A logic sheet used <strong>to</strong> h<strong>and</strong>le the MPS's<br />

system-related processing.<br />

� Window<br />

A functional representation of ORCA View which<br />

is a user interface <strong>for</strong> the main function of the EMS,<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA). ORCA View<br />

consists of six Windows including Logic<br />

Window <strong>and</strong> Graphic Window. Each Window<br />

manages its own FIN objects.<br />

� Work Space Manager (WSM)<br />

Software <strong>for</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong>. When WSM is installed on a<br />

Windows-based personal computer, that PC<br />

becomes <strong>OPS</strong>. WSM allows users <strong>to</strong> operate <strong>and</strong><br />

moni<strong>to</strong>r graphics, control loop plates, <strong>and</strong> alarms.<br />

� X-Y trend<br />

� Z pen<br />

� Icon<br />

� Upload<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions <strong>and</strong> it graphically displays<br />

the relationship among different process data items.<br />

A signal that is used as a reference index <strong>for</strong> the<br />

ideal curve that is set in an X-Y trend.<br />

An icon is a small bitmap image representing an<br />

object in windows <strong>and</strong> other GUI environments.<br />

A function <strong>to</strong> send the data modified on an <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />

the EMS. The parameters tuned using the logic<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>ring function, trend settings, <strong>and</strong> alarm<br />

summary settings can be uploaded.<br />

iv<br />

� Acrylic panel<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. It<br />

saves the trend graph of a specific point as a<br />

reference or an ideal curve <strong>and</strong> displays it over a<br />

desired trend graph.<br />

� Analog operation<br />

An operation per<strong>for</strong>med on a control loop plate on<br />

an <strong>OPS</strong> such as specifying a set value <strong>and</strong><br />

instructing <strong>to</strong> open a valve.<br />

� Analog type<br />

A type of <strong>OPS</strong> control loop plate with a double or<br />

triple instrumentation display or requiring analog<br />

operations.<br />

� Alarm/event collection function<br />

One of ACS functions. It collects the alarms <strong>and</strong><br />

events (such as logic parameter adjustments,<br />

increase <strong>and</strong> decrease operations on control loop<br />

plates) that occur in the system. The list of<br />

collected alarms <strong>and</strong> events is displayed on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

� Alarm summary<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It lists the alarms that occur<br />

in the plant <strong>and</strong> the system which are collected<br />

using the alarm collection function of an ACS.<br />

� Alarm list view<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> alarm summary<br />

function. It is a window <strong>for</strong> filtering alarm<br />

messages by levels <strong>and</strong> other options.<br />

� Alarm level<br />

A category <strong>for</strong> the alarm messages collected <strong>and</strong><br />

displayed by <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs based on severity. 15<br />

levels can be set.<br />

� One-dimensional figure<br />

A straight line, arc, connec<strong>to</strong>r in a stencil, <strong>and</strong> any<br />

other figure defined as one-dimensional among the<br />

figures that can be used in GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN).<br />

A one-dimensional figure has a beginning <strong>and</strong> an<br />

end, <strong>and</strong> can be used <strong>to</strong> connect other figures.<br />

� Batch download<br />

One of download functions <strong>to</strong> load data from the<br />

EMS <strong>to</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong>. Batch download can load all the<br />

data that needs <strong>to</strong> be downloaded in a batch.

� Batch build<br />

A function <strong>to</strong> build all the logic sheets in Logic<br />

Window in a batch. Build can also be per<strong>for</strong>med in<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER). However, in<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r, only sheet-by-sheet build is<br />

available.<br />

� Event trace<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. It displays<br />

<strong>and</strong> prints the alarms detected on the MPS, event<br />

data, operations on an <strong>OPS</strong>, adjustments made<br />

during logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring, <strong>and</strong> other operation his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

data.<br />

� Event trace filter<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> event trace function.<br />

It is a window <strong>for</strong> filtering event messages by<br />

categories.<br />

� Computation sequence display<br />

One of the functions of LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong> it displays the sequence of<br />

computations within a loop on a logic sheet<br />

window.<br />

� Process block<br />

An arithmetic element prepared in LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER) stencils <strong>and</strong> it is used <strong>to</strong> write logic.<br />

� Entry view<br />

An area that displays the names of the windows<br />

registered in the folder selected in <strong>OPS</strong> Explorer.<br />

When you double-click a window name displayed<br />

here, the corresponding window appears.<br />

� Overview<br />

� Object<br />

A menu window <strong>for</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong>. Users can create an<br />

overview <strong>and</strong> assign it <strong>to</strong> the [オーバービュー]<br />

icon in the WSM <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

A data item registered in ObjectDatabase<br />

(ORCA). Each object has attributes (properties).<br />

Depending on the <strong>to</strong>ol that uses an object, the look<br />

<strong>and</strong> behavior of the object change. Logic elements,<br />

graphic components, inputs, outputs, logic sheets,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I/O modules are all objects.<br />

� Offline (CPU)<br />

Status of the CPU in the MPS when it is inactive<br />

<strong>and</strong> not per<strong>for</strong>ming calculations. The CPU must be<br />

set offline when logic is batch-downloaded from<br />

the EMS.<br />

v<br />

� Offline (I/O module)<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

Status of an I/O module when the signals from the<br />

I/O module are not fed <strong>to</strong> the logic circuits <strong>for</strong> the<br />

control logic <strong>and</strong> the logic circuits do not return<br />

results <strong>to</strong> the I/O module.<br />

� Offline load<br />

A method <strong>to</strong> send logic sheets <strong>to</strong> the MPS while the<br />

CPU in the MPS is offline. Batch download of<br />

logic is available only when the CPU is offline.<br />

� Online (CPU)<br />

Status of the CPU in the MPS when it is active <strong>and</strong><br />

per<strong>for</strong>ming calculations.<br />

� Online (I/O module)<br />

Status of an I/O module when the signals from the<br />

I/O module are fed <strong>to</strong> the logic circuits <strong>for</strong> the<br />

control logic <strong>and</strong> the logic circuits return results <strong>to</strong><br />

the I/O module.<br />

� Online load<br />

A method <strong>to</strong> send control logic sheets <strong>to</strong> the MPS<br />

while the CPU in the MPS is online. Only<br />

sheet-by-sheet download is available when the CPU<br />

is online. To per<strong>for</strong>m batch download, the CPU<br />

must be offline.<br />

� Card <strong>and</strong> parcel<br />

Names of communication packets used in the MHI<br />

CARD system which is the communication<br />

pro<strong>to</strong>col <strong>for</strong> DIASYS Netmation ® . Each system<br />

component requiring data writes a request <strong>for</strong> the<br />

data in a "card" <strong>and</strong> sends it <strong>to</strong> the system<br />

component having the data. The destination system<br />

component that receives the card writes the data in<br />

a "parcel" <strong>and</strong> sends it back. For example, when<br />

you call an <strong>OPS</strong> graphic window, the <strong>OPS</strong> writes a<br />

request <strong>for</strong> the real-time process value <strong>to</strong> be<br />

displayed on the window in a card <strong>and</strong> sends it.<br />

When the MPS receives the card, the MPS writes<br />

the applicable value in a "parcel" <strong>and</strong> sends it <strong>to</strong> the<br />

<strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

� Cus<strong>to</strong>mization property<br />

A database field where you enter in<strong>for</strong>mation about<br />

a figure. Most master shapes have predefined<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mization properties. You can edit or delete<br />

existing properties or add new properties.<br />

� Rotary switch <strong>for</strong> startup program<br />

A switch on the front of a CPU card in the MPS<br />

that is used <strong>to</strong> set the status of the CPU.<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

� Quick trend<br />

� Class<br />

Glossary<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions <strong>and</strong> it is used <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the<br />

chronological changes of process data over a short<br />

period of time.<br />

� Graphic<br />

� Grid<br />

A type of object.<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It graphically displays the<br />

operation status of the plant as well as process<br />

values in real time.<br />

A set of horizontal <strong>and</strong> vertical lines crisscrossing<br />

one another at an interval, which is displayed on a<br />

drawing window of LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER)<br />

<strong>and</strong> GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN). You can place<br />

figures <strong>and</strong> elements along grids. A grid sometimes<br />

indicates a point of intersection of two grid lines.<br />

� Group point list function<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions <strong>and</strong> it displays the current<br />

values of preregistered data in a table <strong>for</strong>mat in real<br />

time.<br />

� Alarm list function<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions <strong>and</strong> it displays a list of<br />

alarms registered in the system <strong>and</strong> updates the<br />

signals such as tags, names, set values <strong>and</strong> current<br />

status. While the alarm summary function lists the<br />

alarms that have occurred, the alarm list function<br />

shows the details about the items <strong>for</strong> which alarms<br />

are set.<br />

� Connec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

A one-dimensional figure used <strong>to</strong> connect two<br />

figures in GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) (such as a<br />

line).<br />

� Individual download<br />

One of download functions <strong>to</strong> load data from the<br />

EMS <strong>to</strong> an <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> it downloads functions (trend<br />

settings, alarm settings) individually.<br />

� Dust bin<br />

An area displayed at a side of the ORCA tree in<br />

each Window of ORCA View. The dust bin<br />

contains objects that are no longer necessary.<br />

� Control screen<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions <strong>and</strong> it allows users <strong>to</strong> give<br />

operation instructions <strong>to</strong> the plant. A single control<br />

screen can display up <strong>to</strong> 12 control loop plates<br />

vi<br />

simultaneously.<br />

� Control loop plate<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. This component allows<br />

users <strong>to</strong> give operation instructions <strong>to</strong> the plant.<br />

You can display up <strong>to</strong> 12 control loop plates in a<br />

single control screen or assign a control loop plate<br />

<strong>to</strong> a desired component on a graphic window so you<br />

can call the control loop plate when you select the<br />

component.<br />

� Triple instrumentation<br />

One of the parts contained in a control loop plate<br />

displayed on an <strong>OPS</strong>. A single triple<br />

instrumentation display allows you <strong>to</strong> display <strong>and</strong><br />

moni<strong>to</strong>r up <strong>to</strong> three process values using bar graphs.<br />

� Triple numeric-value display<br />

One of the functions of a control loop plate <strong>and</strong> it<br />

displays up <strong>to</strong> three process values as numbers.<br />

� Sheet load<br />

A function <strong>to</strong> send logic sheet data from the EMS<br />

<strong>to</strong> the MPS. There are two types: online sheet load<br />

<strong>and</strong> offline sheet load.<br />

� Time management function<br />

A function <strong>for</strong> setting the UTC time using the NTC<br />

in HMI Window of ORCA View on the EMS.<br />

� System I/O card<br />

A card <strong>for</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring the status of the CPU. The<br />

duplexed CPUs moni<strong>to</strong>r each other via this card.<br />

The system I/O card is installed in the CPU chassis<br />

of the MPS.<br />

� My Segment<br />

A combination of the unit network <strong>and</strong> the system<br />

components connected <strong>to</strong> it. My Segment is shown<br />

in System Window of ORCA View on the EMS.<br />

� Body object<br />

An actual object registered in ObjectDatabase<br />

(ORCA). When a <strong>to</strong>ol or Window uses a body<br />

object, the body object changes its appearance<br />

accordingly <strong>and</strong> such an object is called "FIN<br />

object".<br />

� Au<strong>to</strong>matic export function<br />

One of ACS functions. It au<strong>to</strong>matically exports<br />

middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend data in CSV file<br />

<strong>for</strong>mat <strong>and</strong> event trace data <strong>to</strong> an external medium<br />

or a general-purpose personal computer.

� Self-activated parcel<br />

A communication method of the MHI CARD<br />

system. It is used <strong>to</strong> transfer event data such as<br />

alarm data.<br />

� Main PB<br />

One of the parts in a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

Up <strong>to</strong> five main PBs can be set as but<strong>to</strong>ns or lamps<br />

in a control loop plate <strong>for</strong> digital operations.<br />

� Reduced mode<br />

One of the display modes <strong>for</strong> control loop plates on<br />

an <strong>OPS</strong>. It displays only the necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

in a control loop plate.<br />

� Main numeric value area<br />

One of the parts in a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

It displays up <strong>to</strong> five process values as numeric<br />

values or bar graphs <strong>for</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring by users.<br />

� Output fixing<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

function. It fixes the output value of an arithmetic<br />

element <strong>to</strong> the current value.<br />

� Output setting<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

function. It sets the output value of an arithmetic<br />

element.<br />

� Collation<br />

A function of the EMS <strong>to</strong> compare a logic sheet in<br />

the EMS with the counterpart loaded in the MPS <strong>to</strong><br />

determine the difference.<br />

� Signal name<br />

A name assigned <strong>to</strong> a signal exchanged with the<br />

plant. Names are assigned <strong>to</strong> signals during<br />

hardware configuration using System Window<br />

on the EMS or while creating logic using<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER).<br />

� Single window mode<br />

� Zoom<br />

One of the window display modes provided in<br />

WSM <strong>and</strong> it displays an entire window that is<br />

called.<br />

To magnify or reduce the size of a displayed<br />

window.<br />

� Zoom-in<br />

To maginify the size of a displayed window.<br />

vii<br />

� Zoom-out<br />

To reduce the size of a displayed window.<br />

� Numeric value display<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

One of the functions provided by WSM on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

It always displays the user-specified process data<br />

values <strong>to</strong> be moni<strong>to</strong>red on the <strong>to</strong>olbar. Up <strong>to</strong> ten<br />

process data items can be registered.<br />

� Skip scroll mode<br />

One of the scroll modes <strong>for</strong> trend graph display<br />

provided by the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. When the<br />

display area <strong>for</strong> a trend graph becomes full, the<br />

trend graph is scrolled <strong>to</strong> the left by 1/8.<br />

� Scale list<br />

� Stencil<br />

� Snap<br />

One of the options provided by the <strong>OPS</strong> trend<br />

function. It displays the scale in<strong>for</strong>mation (range,<br />

bias, magnification fac<strong>to</strong>rs) of all the pens<br />

registered in a particular trend graph.<br />

A container of the classes prepared in<br />

ObjectDatabase (ORCA). Stencils are shown in<br />

LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER), GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN), <strong>and</strong> ListCrea<strong>to</strong>r (CORAL).<br />

A function of LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong><br />

GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN) on the EMS. It<br />

<strong>for</strong>cibly aligns figures <strong>to</strong> guides <strong>and</strong> grids when<br />

figures are moved or their sizes are changed.<br />

� Snap shot<br />

One of the functions provided by WSM on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

It s<strong>to</strong>res the currently displayed window as a<br />

bitmap image.<br />

� Smooth scroll mode<br />

One of the scroll modes <strong>for</strong> trend graph display<br />

provided by the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. In this mode, a<br />

trend graph is scrolled so that the right end of the<br />

trend graph always shows the current time.<br />

� Security mode<br />

A mode in an <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>to</strong> prohibit operations that might<br />

affect the plant operation <strong>and</strong> the settings of WSM.<br />

The security mode is set in HMI Window of<br />

ORCA View on the EMS.<br />

� Connection line<br />

A line used in LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong><br />

provide an output of an arithmetic element as an<br />

input of another arithmetic element. It shows the<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

Glossary<br />

flow of data. Analog data is connected using bold<br />

lines <strong>and</strong> digital data is connected using dotted<br />

lines.<br />

� Selection h<strong>and</strong>le<br />

A small square box placed at each corner of a<br />

figure in GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN). It appears<br />

when the figure is selected. You can use this<br />

"h<strong>and</strong>le" <strong>to</strong> grab the figure <strong>and</strong> change its size.<br />

� Increase <strong>and</strong> decrease rate<br />

An increase or decrease value <strong>for</strong> one increase or<br />

decrease operation <strong>for</strong> SV or MV during analog<br />

settings in a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

� <strong>Operation</strong> cancellation<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

function. It s<strong>to</strong>ps the processing of an I/O<br />

arithmetic element.<br />

� Terminal base unit<br />

A board where an I/O module is mounted in the<br />

MPS. Cables are connected <strong>to</strong> a terminal base unit<br />

<strong>to</strong> connect the instruments in the plant <strong>and</strong> the<br />

operation board.<br />

� Dialog box<br />

A window that appears on the screen requiring a<br />

confirmation or operation when you operate an<br />

<strong>OPS</strong>, the EMS, <strong>and</strong> other devices.<br />

� Timing mark<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. You<br />

can place a mark (vertical bar) at a desired point in<br />

a trend graph <strong>and</strong> add a comment about that point<br />

such as an event has occurred.<br />

� Download (load)<br />

A function <strong>to</strong> send the data s<strong>to</strong>red in the EMS <strong>to</strong> an<br />

<strong>OPS</strong> or an ACS.<br />

The target of download is the hardware<br />

configuration of the MPS, control logic sheets, <strong>and</strong><br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs.<br />

� Middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend s<strong>to</strong>rage in CSV<br />

<strong>for</strong>mat<br />

One of ACS functions. It extracts preset signals<br />

from the middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend data s<strong>to</strong>red in<br />

an ACS <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>res it in a CSV-<strong>for</strong>mat file.<br />

� Middle- <strong>and</strong> long-term trend collection<br />

function<br />

One of ACS functions. It collects <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>res<br />

middle-term trend data <strong>and</strong> long-term trend data.<br />

viii<br />

� Tuning<br />

� Report<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

function. It allows you <strong>to</strong> change the parameters<br />

(settings) of arithmetic elements.<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. It prints<br />

the collected process data as daily reports <strong>and</strong><br />

monthly reports.<br />

� Toolbar<br />

A component displayed on WSM in an <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong> on<br />

windows <strong>to</strong> list icons.<br />

� Data list function<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It displays <strong>and</strong> updates the<br />

tags, names, settings, <strong>and</strong> current values of analog<br />

inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs (AI, AO), digital inputs <strong>and</strong><br />

outputs (DI, DO), analog signals connecting logic<br />

sheets (CEA), digital signals connecting logic<br />

sheets (CED), <strong>and</strong> pulse inputs (PU).<br />

� Data insertion<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

function. It sets the output value of an I/O<br />

arithmetic element.<br />

� Data setup service<br />

One of the services of DIASYSCardClientCOM.<br />

It assigns a requested value <strong>to</strong> the specified data.<br />

� Dataset request service<br />

One of the services of DIASYSCardClientCOM.<br />

It requests a dataset required <strong>for</strong> an operation on a<br />

control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

� Database<br />

A place that centrally manages in<strong>for</strong>mation with<br />

means <strong>to</strong> enter, update, <strong>and</strong> find data within.<br />

� Data modification list function<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It lists arithmetic elements<br />

that is edited (data insertion, operation cancellation,<br />

fixed output) during logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring.<br />

� Text block<br />

A text area associated with a figure.<br />

� Digital group trend function<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. It<br />

periodically saves the preregistered data, <strong>and</strong><br />

displays <strong>and</strong> prints it in chronological order in a list<br />


� Digital operation<br />

An operation per<strong>for</strong>med using a control loop plate<br />

on an <strong>OPS</strong> such as the selection of an operation<br />

mode, <strong>and</strong> start <strong>and</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p of auxiliary devices.<br />

� Digital type<br />

A control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong> with main PBs<br />

whose main function is digital operations.<br />

� Tracking<br />

A function per<strong>for</strong>med on the MPS. When the MPS<br />

receives a tracking instruction, the MPS<br />

temporarily suspends the normal arithmetic<br />

capability of an arithmetic element <strong>and</strong> matches the<br />

output of the arithmetic element <strong>to</strong> a specified value.<br />

Tracking is regularly per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>to</strong> keep the<br />

consistency of the duplexed CPUs.<br />

� Drag <strong>and</strong> drop<br />

� Trend<br />

An operation per<strong>for</strong>med by the user on an <strong>OPS</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

the EMS. You hold down the left but<strong>to</strong>n of the<br />

mouse on a desired component <strong>and</strong> move the<br />

component <strong>to</strong> a desired location or change the<br />

shape of a figure as desired, <strong>and</strong> release the but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

By using dragging <strong>and</strong> dropping, you can move <strong>and</strong><br />

copy components <strong>and</strong> change the shape of figures<br />

using only the mouse.<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It graphically displays<br />

process data in chronological order.<br />

� 2-line alarm display<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It always displays the latest<br />

alarm message in the <strong>to</strong>olbar.<br />

� Two-dimensional figure<br />

A definition of figures used in GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN). It refers <strong>to</strong> squares, ovals, <strong>and</strong> most<br />

free-<strong>for</strong>m figures.<br />

� Double instrumentation<br />

A part of a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>. It displays<br />

<strong>and</strong> allows you <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r up <strong>to</strong> two process values<br />

using bar graphs.<br />

� I/O element<br />

� Note<br />

An element of DIASYS-IDOL ++ exchanged with<br />

external devices, such as AI, DI, AO, <strong>and</strong> DO.<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. It<br />

allows you <strong>to</strong> add a comment <strong>for</strong> a timing mark.<br />

ix<br />

� Bucket<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

An area displayed at a side of the ORCA tree in<br />

each Window in ORCA View. The bucket<br />

contains objects that are set in other Windows <strong>and</strong><br />

need <strong>to</strong> be assigned <strong>to</strong> that Window.<br />

� Parameter<br />

� H<strong>and</strong>le<br />

An attribute of an element in logic that can be set<br />

using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) or the logic<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>ring function of the <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

→Selection h<strong>and</strong>le<br />

� Peak search<br />

� Build<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. It<br />

finds the maximum value or the minimum value of<br />

a selected pen in the currently displayed graph <strong>and</strong><br />

displays the value as a timing mark.<br />

An operation <strong>to</strong> convert the data in the logic sheets<br />

created or changed using LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong> a <strong>for</strong>mat that can be processed by<br />

the MPS be<strong>for</strong>e the logic sheets are loaded <strong>to</strong> the<br />

MPS. Build can be per<strong>for</strong>med in LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(FLIPPER) <strong>and</strong> System Window of ORCA<br />

View on the EMS.<br />

� File creation<br />

An operation <strong>to</strong> convert the hardware configuration<br />

of the MPS or process I/O settings that are set in<br />

System Window of ORCA View on the EMS <strong>to</strong><br />

a data <strong>for</strong>mat that can be read by the MPS be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

such data is loaded <strong>to</strong> the MPS.<br />

� Filtering<br />

One of the options of the alarm summary <strong>and</strong> the<br />

event trace function of the <strong>OPS</strong>. It displays<br />

messages by categories such as devices, groups (set<br />

by the user), <strong>and</strong> alarm levels.<br />

� Sub PB<br />

One of the parts in a control loop plate on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

Up <strong>to</strong> ten sub PBs can be used as operation but<strong>to</strong>ns<br />

or lamps. However, the <strong>to</strong>p sub PB is fixed <strong>for</strong><br />

tagging.<br />

� Comment tag<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. It is<br />

an area attached <strong>to</strong> a desired location on a trend<br />

graph where you can add a comment.<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

� Tagging<br />

Glossary<br />

One of the options in a control loop plate on an<br />

<strong>OPS</strong>. It prohibits the operations of the control loop<br />

plate.<br />

� Flight recorder s<strong>to</strong>rage function<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. It collects<br />

data be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong> after a failure (trip) in major<br />

devices in the plant regarding the pre-registered<br />

process values <strong>and</strong> displays the data in a trend<br />

graph. The main difference from the SOE function<br />

is that the flight recorder s<strong>to</strong>rage function can<br />

collect analog data <strong>and</strong> the data collection cycle is<br />

the process cycle. The main difference from the<br />

post-trip log function is that the flight recorder<br />

s<strong>to</strong>rage function has shorter data collection cycles<br />

<strong>and</strong> collects less number of data items. This<br />

function is mainly used <strong>to</strong> collect signals related <strong>to</strong><br />

gas turbine trips.<br />

� Printer management function<br />

One of ACS functions. It provides a backup<br />

measure <strong>for</strong> the print function of each printer if<br />

there are multiple printers.<br />

� Pull-down menu<br />

� Project<br />

A st<strong>and</strong>ard feature in Microsoft Windows that is<br />

displayed from the <strong>to</strong>p of the screen downward<br />

when its title is selected.<br />

A name of ObjectDatabase (ORCA) used in the<br />

plant when ObjectDatabase is incorporated in<br />

the DIASYS Netmation ® system.<br />

You can set multiple projects in a single DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® system. However, in that case, each<br />

project must have a unique ORCA ID.<br />

� Multiple Process Station<br />

→MPS<br />

� Property<br />

� Profile<br />

� Pen<br />

An attribute of an object.<br />

One of the functions of WSM on an <strong>OPS</strong>. It s<strong>to</strong>res<br />

the layout of the currently displayed windows <strong>and</strong><br />

allows you <strong>to</strong> call them later.<br />

Process data registered in a trend graph on an <strong>OPS</strong>.<br />

x<br />

� Gap display<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> trend function. It<br />

displays the gap between the two selected pens<br />

using shades <strong>and</strong> other methods.<br />

� Engineering <strong>and</strong> Maintenance Station (EMS)<br />

→EMS<br />

� Reference parameter setting<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> X-Y trend function.<br />

It allows you <strong>to</strong> set reference data <strong>and</strong> ideal curve<br />

data, <strong>and</strong> displays such data over a desired X-Y<br />

trend graph.<br />

� Post-trip log<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. It collects<br />

<strong>and</strong> prints the data be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong> after a failure (trip) in<br />

the major devices in the plant regarding the<br />

pre-registered process values (analog values).<br />

� Macro element<br />

A function of LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER). It refers<br />

<strong>to</strong> a group of arithmetic elements making up logic<br />

<strong>and</strong> registered as a single arithmetic element so it<br />

can be used like a regular arithmetic element.<br />

� Multi-window mode<br />

One of the window display modes provided by<br />

WSM on an <strong>OPS</strong>. It displays the called windows<br />

with the prespecified size.<br />

� Maintenance log<br />

One of the functions of <strong>OPS</strong>s <strong>and</strong> ACSs. It uses a<br />

table <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>to</strong> display the <strong>to</strong>tal running time of<br />

auxiliary devices <strong>and</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal number of starts <strong>and</strong><br />

s<strong>to</strong>ps of auxiliary devices calculated by the MPS.<br />

� User-defined but<strong>to</strong>n<br />

An icon that can be set by the user when the user<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mizes the <strong>to</strong>olbar in WSM on an <strong>OPS</strong>, <strong>for</strong><br />

example <strong>to</strong> freely call a desired window.<br />

� Unit <strong>OPS</strong><br />

One of the components of the DIASYS<br />

Netmation ® system. It is used as a user-machine<br />

interface <strong>to</strong> run <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the plant. A unit <strong>OPS</strong><br />

is a Windows-based personal computer installed<br />

with Work Space Manager (WSM).<br />

� Real-time service<br />

One of the services of DIASYSCardClientCOM.<br />

It displays control loop plates in real time.

� Real-time data service<br />

One of the services of DIASYSCardClientCOM.<br />

It collects the current value of process data.<br />

� Loop build<br />

→Build<br />

� Layer<br />

One of the three layers of a graphic window (front<br />

figure layer, component layer, back figure layer).<br />

When you create a graphic using GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN), you place components on an adequate<br />

layer. By assigning components <strong>to</strong> layers, you can<br />

organize them.<br />

� Connect<br />

To connect multiple two-dimensional figures with a<br />

connec<strong>to</strong>r using GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (MARLIN).<br />

When you move one of the connected<br />

two-dimensional figures, the connec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matically changes its shape <strong>to</strong> maintain the<br />

connection.<br />

� Loop plate<br />

→Control loop plate<br />

xi<br />

� Logic sheet<br />

TAS71-E002E<br />

A sheet where logic is written <strong>to</strong> be processed by<br />

the MPS. You use LogicCrea<strong>to</strong>r (FLIPPER) <strong>to</strong><br />

create logic sheets.<br />

� Logic moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

� Lock<br />

� Watch<br />

One of <strong>OPS</strong> functions. It displays control logic<br />

sheets <strong>to</strong> allow you <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> adjust the<br />

processing status of the MPS.<br />

One of the functions of GraphicCrea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(MARLIN). It prohibits users from using specific<br />

methods when they attempt <strong>to</strong> change a figure. For<br />

example, when selection h<strong>and</strong>les are locked, you<br />

cannot use selection h<strong>and</strong>les <strong>to</strong> change the size of<br />

figures.<br />

One of the options of the <strong>OPS</strong> quick trend function.<br />

It displays an alarm if a moni<strong>to</strong>red process value<br />

exceeds a preset upper or lower limit.<br />


TAS71-E002E<br />

Glossary<br />


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