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OIKOS 109: 485 /494, 2005<br />

Perfectly nested or significantly nested / an important difference for<br />

conservation management<br />

Joern Fischer and David B. Lindenmayer<br />

Species assemblages are nested if the species present at<br />

species-poor sites are a subset of those present at speciesrich<br />

sites (Patterson and Atmar 1986). Conservationrelated<br />

research has investigated patterns of nestedness<br />

for a range of organisms, including frogs (Vallan 2000,<br />

Williams and Hero 2001), reptiles (Mac Nally and<br />

Brown 2001), small mammals (Deacon and Mac Nally<br />

1998, Lynam and Billick 1999), butterflies (Fleishman<br />

and Murphy 1999), fungi (Berglund and Jonsson 2003),<br />

Accepted 26 November 2004<br />

Copyright # OIKOS 2005<br />

ISSN 0030-1299<br />

Fischer, J. and Lindenmayer, D. B. 2005. Perfectly nested or significantly nested / an<br />

important difference for conservation management. / Oikos 109: 485 /494.<br />

Assemblages are nested if species present at species-poor sites are subsets of those<br />

present at species-rich sites. In fragmented landscapes, nestedness analyses have been<br />

suggested as a means of assessing which patches are most important for biodiversity<br />

conservation. In the theoretical situation of perfect nestedness in relation to patch size,<br />

the single largest patch is disproportionally more important compared to smaller<br />

patches and will capture all species of conservation concern. However, real ecosystems<br />

are rarely perfectly nested. Here, we examined how different the implications for<br />

conservation management would be for an assemblage of birds that was highly<br />

significantly, but imperfectly nested in relation to patch size.<br />

The study focused on a fragmented landscape in southeastern Australia. Across 43<br />

patches, 76 species of birds were recorded and classified as generalist, intermediate and<br />

sensitive species. The dataset was highly significantly nested by patch size (p /0.002).<br />

Under perfect nestedness by patch size, the single largest patch would have captured all<br />

species, and all sensitive species would have co-occurred in the largest patch. In our<br />

imperfectly nested dataset, co-occurrence patterns were substantially weaker. Usually,<br />

less than half of the sensitive species co-occurred in any given patch, and using the<br />

largest patches only, over a quarter of the study area would have been required to<br />

capture 80% of sensitive species at least once. These findings highlight there can be<br />

large qualitative differences between theoretical perfectly nested assemblages, and real<br />

imperfectly nested assemblages.<br />

Despite the outcomes of our study which showed highly significant nestedness by<br />

area, smaller patches in the system were important to complement large patches. We<br />

therefore argue that nestedness analyses need to be interpreted carefully, especially in<br />

an applied conservation context. Alternative conservation planning tools which<br />

consider the complementarity of various different patches are likely to be more<br />

informative for conservation management than nestedness analyses.<br />

J. Fischer and D. B. Lindenmayer, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, The<br />

Australian National Univ., Canberra ACT 0200, Australia (joern@cres.anu.edu.au).<br />

plants (Hansson 1998, Berglund and Jonsson 2003) and<br />

birds (Bolger et al. 1991, Hansson 1998, Mac Nally et al.<br />

2002a). Nested subset analyses may be a useful conservation<br />

tool for several reasons (Patterson 1987, Cutler<br />

1991, but see Boecklen 1997). For example, nestedness<br />

analyses may point towards predictable extinction sequences<br />

(Atmar and Patterson 1993, Lomolino 1996),<br />

highlight ‘‘idiosyncratic’’ species that require particular<br />

conservation approaches (Patterson et al. 1996), and<br />

OIKOS 109:3 (2005) 485

facilitate the study of community composition in addition<br />

to species richness (Fleishman and Mac Nally<br />

2002). One of the earliest and most significant contributions<br />

of nested subset theory to conservation biology<br />

was to inform managers what size patches should be<br />

reserved in a fragmented landscape (Rosenblatt et al.<br />

1999, Berglund and Jonsson 2003). Patterson (1987)<br />

pointed out that in a fragmented system perfectly nested<br />

by patch size, the largest patch will, by definition,<br />

harbour more species than any number of small patches<br />

together. In such a system, all species of conservation<br />

concern (and all others) will co-occur in the largest<br />

patch. Hence, the largest available patch is particularly<br />

important for species conservation in systems perfectly<br />

nested by patch size.<br />

We believe that an important shortcoming of discussions<br />

on nestedness as a conservation tool to date has<br />

been the lack of distinction between perfect nestedness<br />

and statistically significant nestedness. Statistically significant<br />

nestedness is common for faunal assemblages<br />

throughout the world (see datasets in Atmar and<br />

Patterson 1995, Wright et al. 1998). Indeed, few assemblages<br />

are not significantly nested, e.g. in cases of<br />

checkerboard distributions where functionally similar<br />

species replace one another rather than being added<br />

sequentially (Graves and Gotelli 1993). Unlike significant<br />

nestedness, perfect nestedness is most unusual /<br />

some unexpected presences and absences are typical of<br />

species by sites matrices. For applications of nested<br />

subset theory as a conservation tool in fragmented<br />

landscapes, it is important to appreciate the degree to<br />

which significantly nested assemblages differ from perfectly<br />

nested ones. Essentially, the comparison between<br />

perfect and significant nestedness is an assessment of<br />

how realistic the implications of nested subset theory are<br />

in practice, and hence how the theory may be realistically<br />

interpreted in an applied conservation context. In this<br />

paper, we assess a large dataset on birds in a fragmented<br />

landscape, which was significantly nested by patch size.<br />

Using this dataset, we assess (1) the potential contribution<br />

of large patches to conservation, and (2) species cooccurrence<br />

patterns. We compare our results with<br />

patterns that would be predicted under perfect nestedness.<br />

Our results highlight that conservation planning<br />

tools that consider the complementarity of various<br />

different patches are likely to be more useful for<br />

conservation management than nestedness analyses.<br />

Methods<br />

Study area and dataset<br />

Data used for this study were obtained as part of<br />

the Tumut Fragmentation ‘‘Natural Experiment’’<br />

(Lindenmayer et al. 1999, 2002). The ‘‘natural experiment’’<br />

is centred around Buccleuch State Forest near<br />

Tumut, approximately 100 km west of the Australian<br />

Capital Territory. The state forest includes a 50 000 ha<br />

plantation of the introduced radiata pine (Pinus radiata).<br />

Throughout the plantation, remnant patches of the<br />

original native eucalypt (Eucalyptus sp.) forest ranging<br />

in size from B/1hato /100 ha have been retained. For a<br />

more detailed description of the study area, see Lindenmayer<br />

et al. (1999, 2002). For the purpose of this study,<br />

43 patches ranging between 0.4 ha and 48 ha were<br />

studied. Extensive data on the presence/absence of birds<br />

were collected at each of these sites using three survey<br />

methods: (1) transect counts covering entire patches,<br />

(2) point interval counts, and (3) data from automatic<br />

tape recorders.<br />

Repeat transect counts of birds covering entire patches<br />

were completed in late spring of 1998 and 1999. In these<br />

counts, the entire area of each patch was searched by<br />

counting all birds detected along set lines of flagging<br />

tape set 50 m apart. The same experienced field observer<br />

(DBL) was responsible for undertaking all counts. This<br />

avoided the problems of observer bias and observer<br />

heterogeneity which are typically associated with multiple<br />

observer surveys (Kavanagh and Recher 1983, Link<br />

and Saur 1997, Cunningham et al. 1999). Field sampling<br />

was confined to clear, still mornings to limit the effects of<br />

variable weather conditions on our data (Slater 1994).<br />

To facilitate point interval count sampling, a 200 /<br />

600 m transect was established at each site and was<br />

divided into 100 m units. Five minute point interval<br />

counts were employed at marked locations set 100 m<br />

apart along the transect in October/November 1996. For<br />

each point count, observers recorded the numbers of<br />

each bird species seen or heard within an approximate<br />

50 m radius. Counts were completed between 5:30 and<br />

9:30 am when weather conditions were fine. A total of 22<br />

experienced bird observers from the Canberra Ornithologists<br />

Group participated in the surveys. Although<br />

observers were experienced, they varied in their ability<br />

to detect some groups of birds. Cunningham et al. (1999)<br />

showed that for the 22 experienced observers, extra<br />

variability due to observer heterogeneity could be<br />

compensated for by averaging the counts of two or<br />

more observers at the same site. Here, presence/absence<br />

data obtained by different observers were pooled for a<br />

given site.<br />

Automatic bird call recording was the third method<br />

employed to detect birds. It was used in November 1996<br />

and March 1997. Automatic bird call recorders were set<br />

at the 0 m and 400 m points along the marked transect<br />

established in the remnant eucalypt patches (Cunningham<br />

et al. 2004). The automatic bird call recording<br />

devices provided continuous recording of bird calls for a<br />

specified interval. For this study, call boxes were<br />

synchronized so that a 30 min period was recorded at<br />

dawn, and a further three 10 min segments were<br />

completed during each of the following three hours<br />

486 OIKOS 109:3 (2005)

(i.e. 8:00 /8:10 am, 9:00 /9:10 am and 10.00 /10.10 am).<br />

Thus, a profile of bird calling was obtained across the<br />

morning (Lindenmayer et al. 2004) and the chance of<br />

detecting the target taxa if they occurred within a given<br />

area was maximised. Audio tapes made of calls were<br />

removed from each bird call recorder at the completion<br />

of a taping session and then analysed to determine the<br />

number of calls made by each species (Cunningham et al.<br />

2004).<br />

For the purpose of this paper, presence/absence data<br />

from the three survey techniques were pooled to obtain a<br />

single matrix of species presences by sites.<br />

Analysis<br />

The degree to which our dataset was nested was analysed<br />

using the procedures outlined by Berglund and Jonsson<br />

(2003). The species by sites presence/absence matrix was<br />

sorted by species richness and by area in two separate<br />

analyses. The discrepancy ‘‘d’’ (sensu Brualdi and<br />

Sanderson 1999) was calculated for each species. The<br />

discrepancy was the number of occurrences that would<br />

need to be shifted to produce a perfectly nested matrix.<br />

By adding up individual species’ discrepancies, a global<br />

discrepancy value was obtained for the entire matrix. In<br />

addition, we calculated a relative discrepancy for each<br />

species, which was the proportion of sites where a given<br />

species occurred that would have to be shifted to<br />

produce a pattern consistent with perfect nestedness.<br />

The statistical significance of the matrix-wide discrepancy<br />

value was assessed by comparing it against a set of<br />

1000 simulated values derived from the RANDNEST<br />

null model, using a one-sided t-test (Jonsson 2001). The<br />

RANDNEST null model takes into account that some<br />

species are more ubiquitous than others. Hence, it is a<br />

relatively conservative test of nestedness (Fischer and<br />

Lindenmayer 2002).<br />

To analyse how many species were captured in large<br />

patches, patches were sorted from largest to smallest,<br />

and birds were classified as generalist, intermediate,<br />

sensitive or other species. The classification of birds<br />

was related to the degree to which birds were dependent<br />

on continuous eucalypt forest relative to their ability to<br />

use the introduced pine plantation (see Lindenmayer et<br />

al. 2003 for details). Graphical data analysis was then<br />

used to assess how many of the largest sites would<br />

‘‘protect’’ which proportion of bird species. For ease of<br />

comparison between analyses, we set two arbitrary (and<br />

quite minimalistic) conservation targets, and assessed the<br />

number of patches required to meet these targets. Target<br />

A was to capture a high proportion of species (e.g. 80%)<br />

in at least in one patch. Under perfect nestedness, the<br />

single largest patch would capture 100% of species.<br />

Target B was to capture a high proportion of species<br />

(e.g. 80%) in at least three patches. For uncommon<br />

species present in only one or two sites, the target was to<br />

capture them in all sites where they occurred. Under<br />

perfect nestedness, the three largest patches would meet<br />

this target. In both cases, we asked how many patches<br />

were needed in the real dataset to meet these targets,<br />

given that our dataset was significantly (but not perfectly)<br />

nested. Although the above targets may be<br />

plausible in some situations, we focused on them largely<br />

as a tool to compare (1) generalists, intermediate and<br />

sensitive species, and (2) perfect versus statistically<br />

significant nestedness.<br />

In a separate analysis, we analysed co-occurrence<br />

patterns of sensitive species (sensu Lindenmayer et al.<br />

2003). For all sensitive species, we assessed how many<br />

other sensitive species co-occurred with a given target<br />

species (1) on average across all sites, (2) in the largest<br />

site where the target species was present, and (3) in the<br />

three largest sites where the target species was present. In<br />

a dataset perfectly nested by area, the single largest site<br />

where a given sensitive species occurs also captures all<br />

other sensitive species (since it is the largest patch in the<br />

study system). We assessed if these patterns of cooccurrence<br />

were similar in our significantly, but not<br />

perfectly, nested dataset.<br />

Results<br />

Seventy-six bird species were observed in the 43 remnant<br />

patches. The appendix lists these species, their scientific<br />

names, assigned level of sensitivity, and number of sites<br />

where they were recorded. It also gives species abbreviations<br />

used throughout figures and tables of the results<br />

section. The species by sites matrix was significantly<br />

nested when sorted by species richness (Table 1). When<br />

sorted by patch size, the dataset had a higher discrepancy<br />

from perfect nestedness, but nestedness was still<br />

Table 1. Results of the nestedness tests on the species by sites<br />

matrix when it was sorted by species richness and patch size<br />

respectively (following 1000 Monte Carlo simulations; see<br />

methods section for details). Simulations were only run once<br />

and the resulting distribution of discrepancies was applied to<br />

nestedness tests in relation to area as well as species richness<br />

(Jonsson 2001, Berglund and Jonsson 2003).<br />

Sorted by<br />

species richness<br />

Sorted by<br />

patch size<br />

Simulated mean<br />

discrepancy<br />

329.57<br />

Stand. dev. of simulated 12.11<br />

mean discrepancy<br />

Maximum simulated mean 368<br />

discrepancy<br />

Mininum simulated mean<br />

discrepancy<br />

293<br />

Observed discrepancy<br />

Number of sd’s below<br />

258<br />

5.91<br />

295<br />

2.86<br />

simulated mean<br />

One-sided t-test: P-value B/0.001 0.002<br />

OIKOS 109:3 (2005) 487

highly significant (Table 1). Despite the high significance<br />

levels, the species by sites matrix included numerous<br />

unexpected presences and absences (Fig. 1).<br />

Assessing the ability of large patches to capture bird<br />

diversity<br />

Figure 2 illustrates how many of the largest sites were<br />

needed to capture a nominated proportion of birds in at<br />

least one patch, or in at least three patches. Capturing<br />

80% of generalist species at least once required the<br />

protection of the two largest patches. Capturing 80% of<br />

generalists at least three times required the 11 largest<br />

sites. For intermediate species, the same results were<br />

obtained (two and 11 patches respectively). In contrast,<br />

to capture 80% of sensitive species once, the 11 largest<br />

Fig. 1. The species by sites matrix sorted by patch size. Black<br />

squares indicate presences, white squares indicate absences.<br />

Despite the highly significant level of nestedness (P /0.002;<br />

Table 1), there were a number of unexpected presences and<br />

absences, especially for uncommon species.<br />

Prop. sp. where cons. target is met<br />

Prop. sp. where cons. target is met<br />

Prop. sp. where cons. target is met<br />

(A) Generalist species<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45<br />

Number of largest patches<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

Target A: Each gen. sp. once Target B: Each gen. sp. 3x<br />

(B) Intermediate species<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

Number of largest patches<br />

Target A: Each int. sp. once Target B: Each int. sp. 3x<br />

(C) Sensitive species<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45<br />

Number of largest patches<br />

Target A: Each sens. sp. once Target B: Each sens. sp. 3x<br />

Fig. 2. Graphical illustration of how many of the largest sites<br />

were needed to capture a nominated proportion of bird species<br />

in at least one patch, or in at least three patches. Under perfect<br />

nestedness by area, the single largest patch would have captured<br />

100% of species once, and the three largest patches would have<br />

captured 100% of species present in three locations. The two<br />

different curves highlight the proportion of species captured in<br />

at least one or at least three patches. Substantially more patches<br />

were needed than predicted under perfect nestedness, especially<br />

for sensitive species (part C).<br />

patches were needed. To capture 80% of sensitive species<br />

at least three times, the 13 largest patches were needed.<br />

Species co-occurrence patterns<br />

The proportion of sensitive species co-occurring with a<br />

given target sensitive species in the largest patch where<br />

the target species was observed was consistently less than<br />

50% (Fig. 3). Relatively widespread sensitive species<br />

frequently co-occurred with other sensitive species (e.g.<br />

spotted pardalote, striated pardalote, red wattlebird).<br />

488 OIKOS 109:3 (2005)

OIKOS 109:3 (2005) 489<br />

Co-occurring species in largest site where target species is present<br />


SPP 35 n/a 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

STP 32 1 n/a 1 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

RWAT 29 1 1 n/a - - 1 1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

WNH 25 1 1 n/a - 1 1 - 1 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 8<br />

STB 22 1 1 1 1 n/a 1 1 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - 9<br />

GANG 19 1 1 1 - - n/a 1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

SBB 19 1 1 1 - - 1 n/a 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

RBTC 13 1 1 1 - - 1 1 n/a - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

WNG 11 1 1 1 - 1 1 - n/a 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 8<br />

SKNG 9 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - n/a - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7<br />

NFB 7 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 n/a - - - 1 - - - - - - 8<br />

KP 6 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - n/a - - - - - - - - - 6<br />

WWW 4 1 1 1 - 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 n/a - - - - - - - - 9<br />

OBO 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - - - n/a - - - - - - - 7<br />

RF 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 - - - n/a - - - - - - 8<br />

BRTB 1 1 - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - n/a - - - - - 3<br />

CIC 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - n/a - - - - 6<br />

BZP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 - - - - - - n/a - - - 9<br />

GREY 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - n/a - - 7<br />

SFLY 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - n/a - 8<br />

SIT 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - n/a 4<br />

Fig. 3. Co-occurrence patterns in the largest site where a given target sensitive species was found. Presences of co-occurring species are indicated by a ‘‘1’’, absences by a ‘‘-’’, and ‘‘#<br />

sites’’ indicates how many sites a given sensitive species was observed at. Regardless of which sensitive species was chosen as the target species, in the largest site where it occurred, no<br />

more than nine out of a possible 20 other sensitive species co-occurred with it. See Appendix 1 for species abbreviations.

However, the number of species co-occurring with<br />

a given target sensitive species did not vary systematically<br />

with the ubiquity of the target species, its<br />

discrepancy, or its relative discrepancy (Table 2). When<br />

all patches where a target sensitive species occurred<br />

were considered, the average number of sensitive<br />

species co-occurring with the target species was low,<br />

varying between three and nine out of a possible twenty<br />

(Table 2). In the largest patch where a target sensitive<br />

species was present, on average seven other sensitive<br />

species co-occurred with the target species (Table 2). The<br />

mean number of sensitive species co-occurring with a<br />

selected target sensitive species increased to 12 out of a<br />

possible 20 when the three largest patches where the<br />

target species was found were considered (rather than the<br />

single largest patch alone, Table 2).<br />

Discussion<br />

In fragmented landscapes, significant nestedness by<br />

patch size has sometimes been interpreted to indicate<br />

that rare species will be present only in large, species-rich<br />

sites (Rosenblatt et al. 1999). Although this observation<br />

is correct under perfect nestedness (Patterson 1987),<br />

Patterson and Atmar (2000) highlighted that in real<br />

ecosystems factors other than patch size are often<br />

important. Hence, the ability of significant nestedness<br />

to predict the value of large patches and patterns of cooccurrence<br />

is vastly more limited than for perfect<br />

nestedness. Our analyses highlighted that conservation<br />

recommendations for landscapes exhibiting statistically<br />

significant nestedness by area may have to be quite<br />

different than for theoretical landscapes that are perfectly<br />

nested. Under perfect nestedness by area, the<br />

single largest patch should have captured all generalists,<br />

all intermediate and all sensitive bird species. Many more<br />

patches were required in our real dataset, which was<br />

imperfectly (although still highly significantly) nested by<br />

area (p /0.002). For example, using the largest patches<br />

only, over a quarter of sites (11 patches) were needed to<br />

capture only 80% of sensitive species at least once; even<br />

more patches were needed to capture either more<br />

sensitive species, or the same number of sensitive species<br />

in more sites (Fig. 2).<br />

Importantly, the arbitrary targets in our study were<br />

actually quite minimalistic. The targets implicitly assumed<br />

populations in different patches were independent<br />

of one another, and populations were stable. Neither of<br />

these assumptions are necessarily correct in many<br />

fragmented systems (Koenig 1998). Overly minimalistic<br />

conservation planning can lead to a ‘‘Noah’s Ark’’<br />

effect, where many species are apparently protected,<br />

but only for a short time (e.g. due to the possible<br />

existence of metapopulation dynamics; Pimm and Lawton<br />

1998). Hence, even more sites may be required to<br />

actually support a wide variety of species in the long<br />

term.<br />

Under perfect nestedness by area, the largest patch<br />

where a target sensitive species occurred also should have<br />

captured all other sensitive species. However, in our<br />

dataset, for a given target species, less than half the other<br />

sensitive species were also found in the largest patch<br />

where the target species occurred (Fig. 3). Thus, our<br />

dataset provides empirical evidence that there can be<br />

large differences between perfectly nested and significantly<br />

nested assemblages. Hence, conservation recommendations<br />

based on theoretical considerations derived<br />

from perfect nestedness may be insufficient in significantly<br />

(but not perfectly) nested landscapes.<br />

Reasons for highly significant but imperfect<br />

nestedness<br />

Three main factors may explain why the dataset analysed<br />

here was highly significantly, albeit imperfectly nested.<br />

First, Lindenmayer et al. (2002, 2003) reported that<br />

different bird species responded differently to fragmentation.<br />

Many species declined with fragmentation, but<br />

some actually increased (Appendix 1). Overall, more<br />

species were disadvantaged than benefited from fragmentation,<br />

and the pattern of species loss with decreasing<br />

area was strong enough to mask species /specific<br />

differences (Simberloff and Martin 1991) / thus producing<br />

significant nestedness by area. Because nestedness<br />

analysis focuses on a unidirectional change in species<br />

composition (e.g. loss of species with decrease in area), it<br />

is not an ideal tool to detect individualistic responses to<br />

fragmentation. This is an important shortcoming<br />

because species-specific responses are common in fragmented<br />

landscapes, both within taxonomic groups<br />

(Schlaepfer and Gavin 2001, Hamer et al. 2003,<br />

Luck and Daily 2003) and between different groups<br />

(Fleishman et al. 2001, Mac Nally et al. 2002b).<br />

Second, the large sample size in our study increased<br />

the statistical power of the analysis. Hence, only a weak<br />

‘‘nestedness signal’’ was required to obtain a highly<br />

significantly nested community, despite a large number<br />

of discrepant species. Issues of statistical power are<br />

frequently ignored in nestedness analyses. At the very<br />

least, careful visual assessment of the species by sites<br />

matrix is important to obtain an overview of the spread<br />

of the data and the prevalence of outliers. In this context,<br />

the discrepancy index for single species (Brualdi and<br />

Sanderson 1999), the relative discrepancy index (this<br />

paper), and idiosyncracy measures by Atmar and<br />

Patterson (1995) can be useful tools (Patterson et al.<br />

1996).<br />

Finally, some sensitive species may be affected by<br />

ecological factors that are only indirectly related to<br />

fragmentation. For example, sensitive species may be<br />

490 OIKOS 109:3 (2005)

OIKOS 109:3 (2005) 491<br />

Table 2. Number of sensitive species co-occurring with a chosen target sensitive species: (1) on average across all patches, (2) in the largest patch where the target species was observed,<br />

and (3) in the three largest patches where the target species was observed. Species abbreviations are given in the appendix. No relationship between the number of co-occurring species and<br />

a given target species’ discrepancy measures was detected.<br />

Species Number of<br />

presences<br />

Mean number<br />

of co-occurring<br />

sensitive species<br />

Area of largest<br />

patch where<br />

species was<br />

present<br />

No. of<br />

co-occurring<br />

sensitive species<br />

in largest patch<br />

Cum. no. of<br />

co-occurring<br />

sensitive. species<br />

in three largest<br />

patches<br />

Discrepancy<br />

(sorted by area)<br />

Discrepancy<br />

(sorted by species<br />

richness)<br />

Relative<br />

discrepancy<br />

(area)<br />

Relative<br />

discrepancy<br />

(species richness)<br />

SPP 35 5.4 47.7 7 13 3 3 0.09 0.09<br />

STP 32 5.6 47.7 7 13 4 4 0.13 0.13<br />

RWAT 29 5.7 47.7 7 11 6 5 0.21 0.17<br />

WNH 25 5.6 36.2 8 12 6 7 0.24 0.28<br />

STB 22 6.0 29.7 9 10 10 7 0.45 0.32<br />

GANG 19 6.7 47.7 7 13 7 4 0.37 0.21<br />

SBB 19 5.9 47.7 7 13 10 8 0.53 0.42<br />

RBTC 13 6.2 47.7 7 11 6 6 0.46 0.46<br />

WNG 11 6.8 36.2 8 13 8 5 0.73 0.45<br />

SKNG 9 6.0 47.7 7 12 6 6 0.67 0.67<br />

NFB 7 6.4 36.2 8 12 4 5 0.57 0.71<br />

KP 6 7.7 21.4 6 11 5 3 0.83 0.50<br />

WWW 4 7.8 16.4 9 12 4 4 1 1<br />

OBO 2 6.0 47.7 7 N/A 1 2 0.5 1<br />

RF 2 6.0 36.2 8 N/A 1 2 0.5 1<br />

BRTB 1 3.0 16 3 N/A 1 1 1 1<br />

CIC 1 6.0 2.4 6 N/A 1 1 1 1<br />

BZP 1 9.0 29.7 9 N/A 1 1 1 1<br />

GREY 1 7.0 15.3 7 N/A 1 1 1 1<br />

SFLY 1 8.0 15.6 8 N/A 1 1 1 1<br />

SIT 1 4.0 2.2 4 N/A 1 1 1 1

more common in continuous eucalypt forest because<br />

certain competitors or predators may be less common<br />

there than in eucalypt fragments or in the surrounding<br />

matrix (i.e. the pine plantation). Hence, although such<br />

species are affected by fragmentation at the landscape<br />

scale, patch size per se may not be a very important<br />

ecological variable for these species.<br />

Implications for conservation<br />

The likelihood of large differences between a perfectly<br />

nested system and a significantly nested system means<br />

that care needs to be taken when applying insights<br />

derived from nested subset theory to real ecosystems. In<br />

particular, significant nestedness by area alone is an<br />

insufficient reason to discount the value of small patches.<br />

In this study, instead of only the single largest patch, at<br />

least one third of patches would have been required to<br />

adequately capture a majority of sensitive species / and<br />

then quite possibly only for a short time (Pimm and<br />

Lawton 1998). Targeting conservation strategies around<br />

patch sizes per se may not always be the best approach,<br />

even in significantly nested assemblages. Although<br />

nested subset analyses are attractive because of their<br />

relative simplicity, it is highly likely that more sophisticated<br />

algorithms to select patches for conservation<br />

management will provide better conservation outcomes<br />

(Margules and Pressey 2000, Faith et al. 2003). In<br />

addition, weak co-occurrence patterns of sensitive species<br />

may mean that conservation approaches centered<br />

around key habitats will perform better than approaches<br />

based on indicator species (Ward et al. 1999). In such<br />

cases the maintenance of environmental heterogeneity,<br />

e.g. through protecting a mosaic of small and large<br />

patches of different forest types, may be a reasonable<br />

conservation strategy (Benton et al. 2003, Hamer et al.<br />

2003).<br />

Despite these insights, our results do not mean that<br />

nestedness analyses cannot be useful to generate conservation<br />

insights in some situations. Key strengths of<br />

nestedness analyses are that they can highlight systematic<br />

patterns of species co-occurrence (Fleishman and<br />

Mac Nally 2002), and highlight species with unusual<br />

responses to the environment (Patterson et al. 1996).<br />

Analyses in relation to patch size and the investigation of<br />

plausible extinction scenarios can be worthwhile / as<br />

long as patterns are interpreted with enough caution<br />

(Berglund and Jonsson 2003). Careful visual investigation<br />

of the data in addition to focusing on community<br />

level nestedness indices is important. Otherwise, simple<br />

community summaries may mask complex patterns of<br />

species occurrences (Simberloff and Martin 1991) and<br />

result in important practical insights of conservation<br />

significance being overlooked.<br />

Acknowledgements / We are grateful to B. G. Jonsson for<br />

supplying a spreadsheet version of the RANDNEST null model<br />

to us. Field work for this study was completed with the<br />

assistance of Matthew Pope, Ryan Incoll, Chris MacGregor,<br />

and volunteer observers from the Canberra Ornithologists<br />

Group. Finally, we are most grateful to all funding bodies<br />

who have supported various aspects of the work in the Tumut<br />

region at various stages, especially Land and Water Australia,<br />

Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, the<br />

Australian Research Council, the former Department of Land<br />

and Water Conservation, State Forest of New South Wales,<br />

New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Pratt<br />

Foundation, and private donations from Jim Atkinson and Di<br />

Stockbridge.<br />

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Appendix 1. Overview of the bird species recorded in this study, including the number of sites where they occurred (# sites), and<br />

their classification as generalist (G), intermediate (I), sensitive (S) and pine forest increasers (P). Classification follows Lindenmayer<br />

et al. (2003). ‘‘NC’’ stands for not classified, ‘‘*’’ marks introduced species.<br />

Common name Scientific name Classification # sites Abbreviation<br />

White-browed scrub-wren Sericornis frontalis P 43 WSW<br />

Yellow-faced honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops I 43 YFHE<br />

Grey fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa I 42 GFAN<br />

Crimson osella Platycercus elegans G 41 CR<br />

Grey shrike-thrush Colluricincla harmonica G 41 GST<br />

Rufous whistler Pachycephala rufiventris G 41 RW<br />

Brown thornbill Acanthiza pusilla G 40 BT<br />

Pied currawong Strepera graculina G 39 PC<br />

Sulphur-crested cockatoo Cacatua galerita I 39 SCC<br />

White-throated treecreeper Cormobates leucophaea I 38 WTT<br />

Silvereye Zosterops lateralis G 37 SEYE<br />

Golden whistler Pachycephala pectoralis G 36 GW<br />

Eastern yellow robin Eopsaltria australis P 35 EYR<br />

Spotted pardalote Pardalotus punctatus S 35 SPP<br />

OIKOS 109:3 (2005) 493

Appendix 1. (Continued)<br />

Common name Scientific name Classification # sites Abbreviation<br />

*European blackbird Turdus merula NC 32 BB<br />

Striated pardalote Pardalotus striatus S 32 STP<br />

Eastern spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris I 29 ESP<br />

Laughing kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae I 29 KOOK<br />

Red wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata S 29 RWAT<br />

Australian raven Corvus coronoides G 25 AUSR<br />

White-naped honeyeater Melithreptus lunatus S 25 WNH<br />

Fan-tailed cuckoo Cuculus flabelliformis G 24 FTC<br />

Shining bronze-cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidis I 24 SBC<br />

Superb fairy-wren Malarus cyaneus I 24 WREN<br />

Striated thornbill Acanthiza lineata S 22 STB<br />

Gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum S 19 GANG<br />

Satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus S 19 SBB<br />

Scarlet robin Petroica multicolor G 18 SCAR<br />

Australian magpie Gymnorhina tibicen I 16 MAG<br />

Flame robin Petroica phoenicea P 16 FLME<br />

Black-faced cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae I 14 BFCS<br />

Crested shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus I 13 TIT<br />

Red-browed treecreeper Climacteris erythrops S 13 RBTC<br />

Superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae G 13 LB<br />

White-eared honeyeater Lichenostomus leucotis I 13 WEHE<br />

Eastern whipbird Psophodes olivaceus P 11 WHIP<br />

Wonga pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca S 11 WNG<br />

Bassian thrush Zoothera lunulata I 10 THR<br />

Sacred kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus S 9 SKNG<br />

Leaden flycatcher Myiagra rubecula I 7 LFLY<br />

Noisy friarbird Philemon corniculatus S 7 NFB<br />

Rose robin Petroica rosea G 7 ROSE<br />

Australian king parrot Alisterus scapularis S 6 KP<br />

Horsfield’s bronze-cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis P 6 BRNZ<br />

Little raven Corvus mellori I 6 LRAV<br />

Olive whistler Pachycephala olivacea P 6 OW<br />

Brown-headed honeyeater Melithreptus brevirostris I 5 BHH<br />

Grey butcherbird Cracticus torquatus G 5 BUT<br />

White-winged chough Corcorax melanorhamphos G 5 WWC<br />

*European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis NC 4 GFI<br />

Red-browed firetail Neochmia temporalis I 4 RBF<br />

White-throated gerygone Gerygone olivacea S 4 WWW<br />

Eastern rosella Platycercus eximus NC 3 EROS<br />

Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus G 3 PB<br />

Yellow-tailed black cockatoo Calyptorhyncus funereus NC 3 YTBC<br />

Brush cuckoo Cuculus variolosus P 2 BRSH<br />

Galah Cacatua roseicapilla NC 2 GC<br />

Olive-backed oriole Oriolus sagittatus S 2 OBO<br />

Rufous fantail Rhipidura rufifrons S 2 RF<br />

Australian kestrel Falco cenchroides NC 1 NK<br />

Buff-rumped thornbill Acanthiza reguloides S 1 BRTB<br />

Cicada bird Coracina tenuirostris S 1 CIC<br />

Collared sparrowhawk Accipter cirrhocephalus NC 1 COL<br />

Common bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera S 1 BZP<br />

Common starling Sturnus vulgaris NC 1 STAR<br />

Grey currawong Strepera versicolor S 1 GREY<br />

Lewin’s honeyeater Meliphaga lewinii NC 1 LEHEW<br />

Little eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides NC 1 LEAG<br />

Masked lapwing Vanellus miles NC 1 MLAP<br />

Mistletoe bird Dicaeum hirundinaceum I 1 MTB<br />

Pallid cuckoo Cuculus saturatus NC 1 PLC<br />

Satin flycatcher Myiagra cyanoleuca S 1 SFLY<br />

Varied sitella Daphoenositta chrysoptera S 1 SIT<br />

Wedge-tailed eagle Aquila audax NC 1 WTE<br />

White-winged triller Lalage sueurii NC 1 WWT<br />

Yellow-rumped thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa NC 1 YRTB<br />

494 OIKOS 109:3 (2005)

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