International SOLAS - Natural Environment Research Council

International SOLAS - Natural Environment Research Council

International SOLAS - Natural Environment Research Council


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<strong>International</strong> <strong>SOLAS</strong>: Network Progress<br />

and Plans<br />

UK-<strong>SOLAS</strong> Science Meeting<br />

Manchester July 2007

<strong>International</strong> <strong>SOLAS</strong><br />

1. Structure<br />

2. Sponsors<br />

3. Activities<br />

4. The IPO<br />

5. Open Science Meeting<br />

UK-<strong>SOLAS</strong> Science Meeting<br />

Manchester July 2007

IMP 1: Biogeochemical Interactions and Feedbacks Between<br />

Ocean and Atmosphere<br />

Chairs: Bill Miller (USA) and Mitsuo Uematsu (Japan)<br />

Officer: Véronique Schoemann (Belgium)<br />

Membership: Philip Boyd (New Zealand)<br />

Anton Eisenhauer (Germany)<br />

Gerd Hoenninger (Canada)<br />

William Keene (USA)<br />

David Kieber (USA),<br />

Caroline Leck (Sweden)<br />

Patricia Matrai (USA)<br />

Gordon McFiggans (UK)<br />

Claire Reeves (UK)<br />

Eric Saltzman (USA)<br />

Atsushi Tsuda (Japan)

IMP 2: Exchange Processes at the Air-Sea Interface & Role of<br />

Transport and Transformation in the Atmos. & Oceanic BLs<br />

Chair: Wade McGillis (USA)<br />

Officer: Daniela Turk (Canada)<br />

Membership: Douglas Nilsson (Sweden)<br />

Keith Hunter (New Zealand)<br />

Philip Nightingale (UK)<br />

Rik Wanninkhof (USA)<br />

Frank Bradley (Australia)<br />

Al Plueddemann (USA)<br />

Wu-ting Tsai (Republic of China)<br />

Svein Vagle (Canada)<br />

Detlef Stammer (Germany)<br />

Chris Fairall (USA)<br />

Bill Asher (USA)<br />

Véronique Garçon (France)<br />

Geert-Jan Roelofs (Holland)

IMP 3: Joint with IMBER<br />

Air-Sea Flux of CO 2 & Other Long-Lived Radiatively-Active<br />

Gases<br />

Chairs: Truls Johannessen (NOR)<br />

Arne Koertzinger (Germany)<br />

WG1-Surface Ocean Systems<br />

WG2-Interior Ocean<br />

WG3-Sensitivity: (future ocean)

Major <strong>SOLAS</strong> issue: Surface ocean CO 2 flux<br />

Takahashi et al., 2002

Major IMBER issue: Interior ocean carbon storage<br />

Repeat hydrography program

Major <strong>SOLAS</strong>/IMBER issue: pH effect on biogeochemistry &<br />


Joint <strong>SOLAS</strong>/IMBER Carbon<br />

Working Group<br />

• Joint Implementation<br />

Plan completed and on<br />

both web sites

SIC Working Group 1<br />

Surface Ocean Systems<br />

Membership:<br />

- Nicolas Metzl (France); Chair<br />

- Dorothy Bakker (UK)<br />

- Nick Bates (USA)<br />

- Gregory Beaugrand (UK)<br />

- Alberto Borges (Belgium)<br />

- Toshiro Saino (Japan)<br />

- Britton Stephens (USA)

SIC Working Group 2<br />

Interior ocean carbon storage<br />

Activity: Friends of Argo Task Team<br />

Participants: Nicolas Gruber (chair), Arne Kötzinger, Ken<br />

Johnson, Steve Riser, Steven R. Emerson, Greg<br />

Johnson, Osvaldo Ulloa, Scott C. Doney, and Denis<br />

Gilbert<br />

Goal: write a white paper to promote the addition of<br />

oxygen sensors to the international ARGO float program;<br />

Timeline: final draft by October

SIC Working Group 3<br />

Carbon cycle climate sensitivities and feedbacks<br />

(Chair: Kitack Lee; Korea)<br />

Activity: Mesocosm guidelines<br />

Participants: Ulf Riebesell (Germany), Kitack Lee<br />

(Korea), Kyungsoon Shin (Korea<br />

Goal: to outline science issues to be discussed,<br />

develop guidelines and protocols for mesocosm<br />


<strong>SOLAS</strong> Data Management Team<br />

• Evaluate and document the projected data products and data handling<br />

requirements of <strong>SOLAS</strong><br />

• Develop a practical policy for the documentation of models and modelderived<br />

products that are useful for <strong>SOLAS</strong> science<br />

• Recommend to the <strong>SOLAS</strong> SSC a common data reporting and sharing<br />

policy suitable for adoption by projects seeking <strong>International</strong> <strong>SOLAS</strong><br />

endorsement<br />

• Ensure that procedures are established to allow quantification of data<br />

uncertainties and quality (metadata requirements)<br />

• Make recommendations to the SSC concerning data centres that are<br />

particularly suitable for <strong>SOLAS</strong> needs<br />

• Work with national <strong>SOLAS</strong> PIs, data centres, the <strong>SOLAS</strong> IPO and<br />

national funding agencies to coordinate an international network of<br />

data managers that are hands-on with <strong>SOLAS</strong> data. At some later<br />

date, we envision this transforming into a Data Management<br />

Implementation Team.

<strong>SOLAS</strong> Scientific Steering Committee (SSC)<br />

Peter Liss Male UK Chair<br />

Paty Matrai Female USA Vice Chair<br />

Isabel Cacho Female Spain<br />

Truls Johannessen Male Norway<br />

Wade McGillis Male USA<br />

Tim Jickells Male UK<br />

Ken Denman Male Canada WCRP sponsored<br />

Sergey Gulev Male Russia WCRP sponsored<br />

Guang-Yu Shi Male China<br />

Shigenobu Takeda Male Japan<br />

Mitsuo Uematsu Male Japan<br />

Bill Miller Male USA Departing 2007<br />

Uli Platt Male Germany<br />

Barry Huebert Male USA<br />

Doug Wallace Male Germany Departing 2007<br />

Christiane Lancelot Female Belgium<br />

Gerrit DeLeeuw Male Netherlands<br />

Osvaldo Ulloa Male Chile

IGBP Vision<br />

The IGBP Network<br />

To provide scientific knowledge to improve<br />

the sustainability of the living Earth.<br />

• IGBP studies the interactions<br />

between biological, AIMES<br />

chemical and<br />

physical processes and human<br />

systems<br />

• IGBP collaborates with other<br />

programmes to develop and<br />

impart the understanding<br />

necessary to respond to global<br />


Earth System Science Partnership<br />

Integrated study of the Earth<br />

System, its changes, and<br />

implications for global<br />


GEWEX 1988 →<br />

WCRP<br />

Observation<br />

Assmilation<br />

Panel<br />

CLIVAR 1995 →<br />

Task Forces<br />

WGNE<br />

WGCM<br />

WGSF<br />

Coordinated Observation and<br />

Prediction of the Earth System<br />

<strong>SOLAS</strong> 2001 -><br />

SPARC 1992→<br />

WCRP<br />

Modelling<br />

Panel<br />

CliC 2000 →

<strong>SOLAS</strong> Networks in 23 Nations<br />

Substantial Programmes:<br />

Belgium<br />

Canada<br />

China<br />

Germany<br />

Japan<br />

UK<br />

USA<br />


Connecting <strong>SOLAS</strong> to Climate Change:<br />

Extrapolating to Larger Spatial and<br />

Longer Time Scales<br />

Ken Denman 1,2 , Nadja Steiner 1,2 , Norm McFarlane 1 ,<br />

Christoph Voelker 3 & Angelica Peña 2<br />

1 Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis,<br />

Meteorological Service of Canada, University of Victoria<br />

2 Institute of Ocean Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,<br />

Sidney, BC<br />

3 Alfred Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven, Germany<br />

Email: ken.denman@ec.gc.ca

Coordinator: Douglas Wallace, IFM-GEOMAR<br />

Submitted: Jan 2006<br />

Proposed start: Jan 2007<br />

Requested: EU 6.5 m over 3 years<br />

(12 Institutions, 43 Investigators, 23 sub-projects)

•How changing<br />

atmospheric composition<br />

affects the surface ocean<br />

ecosystem<br />

•How climate-related<br />

changes in surface ocean<br />

processes alter oceanic<br />

emissions to the<br />

atmosphere<br />

•Mechanisms / rates of<br />

air-sea material exchange

Marine Multi-Phase Halogen<br />

Chemistry and its Coupling to<br />

Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles<br />

MAPHiNS<br />

U. Platt, S. Borrmann, A. Bracher, J.N. Crowley, H. Herrmann,<br />

T. Hoffmann, B. Jähne, A. Richter, P. Spietz, B. Vogel, R. von Glasow, W. von<br />

Hoyningen-Huene, T. Wagner, A. Wiedensohler, R. Wolke<br />

Proposal for a coordinated research project to German Science Foundation<br />

- complementary to SOPRAN<br />

- Duration up to 12 years

OUTLINE of Implementation Projects for each Focus<br />

1:1 Global Ocean Trace Gas Surveys<br />

1:2 The North-Atlantic African Dust-Aerosol<br />

Experiment (NAFDAE)<br />

1:3 Ocean-Atmosphere Ice-Snowpack (OASIS)<br />

1:4 Climate Modeling in <strong>SOLAS</strong> (CLIMAS)<br />

2:1 World Ocean Gas Exchange Process Studies<br />

2:2 Surface Spray in situ and modelling studies<br />

2:3 HiT-US<br />

2:4 Cape Verde Air-Sea Interaction Time Series<br />

Station<br />

3:1 Air-Water Carbon and Methane Fluxes in<br />

Coastal Oceans<br />

3:2 Southern Ocean Carbon Dioxide Studies<br />

3:3 Global Surface Carbon Concentration Surveys<br />

3:4 Perturbation Experiments<br />

4:1 Autonomous and Langrangian platforms<br />

(ALPS) for <strong>SOLAS</strong><br />

4:2 Satellites and Model Assimilations<br />

4:3 Summer School<br />

4:4 Data Management

<strong>SOLAS</strong> Activity in Japan 2005<br />

June 1-2: The 1st Asian <strong>SOLAS</strong> Meeting in conjunction with <strong>SOLAS</strong> SSC meeting in<br />

Tokyo. Activities of <strong>SOLAS</strong> from China (Beijing) and China (Taipei), India, Japan,<br />

and Korea were reported with over 40 participants<br />

Aug 8 - Sept 21: KH05-2 Cruise (10˚S - 53˚N along with 160˚W)<br />

October 8: GEOSS/BIOCARBON project was funded<br />

Oct 13-15: 1st Workshop Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES) Weihai<br />

Oct 17-18: The SEEDS II Workshop (Second Iron Enrichment Experiment in the<br />

Western Subarctic Pacific) in Tokyo (Japan, US, Canada)<br />

November 15: Proposal submitted for the FY2006. This program will be funded (request<br />

was for 10.5 million USD)<br />

March 9-10 (2006): <strong>SOLAS</strong>/IMBER Japan workshop<br />

in Nagoya

SPEEDS<br />

BLOCKS<br />

SNIFFS<br />

SPEEDS:<br />

Summer 2008<br />

Subarctic Pacific<br />

Experiment for Ecosystem<br />

Dynamics Study<br />

BLOCKS:<br />

Spring 2007<br />

Bloom Caused by Kosa<br />

Study (ADOES/<strong>SOLAS</strong>?)<br />

SNIFFS & II:<br />

Summer 2006 & 2009<br />

Subtropical Nitrogen<br />

Fixation Flux Study

Dust fall in Beijing, Apr.17, 2006

Scientific Objectives of the Task<br />

To improve the understanding of the outbreak mechanism of dust, transport<br />

processes, especially the changes in physical and chemical properties of dust<br />

particles during their transport from source regions to the ocean, and the impacts<br />

of nutrient-rich dust particles on marine ecology system.<br />

� <strong>Environment</strong>al conditions of dust storm occurrence and its<br />

outbreak mechanism<br />

� Long-distance transportation processes, temporal-spatial<br />

distribution of dust particles<br />

� Changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of Asian<br />

dust during its transportation<br />

� Flux of Asian dust into China seas and the Pacific Ocean<br />

� The major factors controlling the utilization of dust nutrients<br />

� Effects of Asian dust on the marine ecology system<br />

� Radiation transfer in the euphotic layer and its impact on remote<br />

sensing the marine primary productivity

Task: AICI (Air-Ice Chemical<br />

• Sponsored by <strong>SOLAS</strong> and IGAC<br />

• Eric Wolff (UK)<br />

Paul Shepson (USA)<br />

• Campaigns at South Pole and<br />

Halley Bay (Antarctica) in 2004-<br />

2005 to study tropospheric ozone<br />

depletion, ice photochemistry and<br />

halogen cycles<br />

Interactions)<br />

South Pole<br />

NO > 200 pptv (model expectation 1-5 pptv)<br />

OH ~2 x 10 6 molecules cm -3

Arctic Ocean is central to the understanding of climate and global change<br />

OASIS Science<br />

Ocean-Atmosphere-<br />

Sea Ice-Snowpack<br />

www.OASIShome.net<br />

OASIS is a long term science program for the next decade.<br />

OASIS Implementation<br />

OASIS – IPY 2007-08: m/v Antarctica

<strong>SOLAS</strong>/INI Review of<br />

Anthropogenic Nitrogen Impacts on the Open Ocean<br />

Joint <strong>SOLAS</strong>/<strong>International</strong> Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Review of<br />

Anthropogenic Nitrogen Impacts on the Open Ocean<br />

University of East Anglia on 17-20 November 2006.<br />

The products will be 2-4 papers for submission to journals such<br />

as Deep-Sea <strong>Research</strong> or Global Biogeochemical Cycles, and a<br />

review paper submitted to Science or Nature.

Second Symposium<br />

on<br />

The Ocean in a High-CO 2 World<br />

Chair: Jim Orr<br />

Date: late 2007/early 2008<br />

Location: undecided.<br />

Potential Co-sponsors: IOC, IGBP, others; we hope that<br />

the PAGES-led FTI will contribute to the meeting.<br />

Product(s):<br />

1. Special issue of a peer-reviewed scientific journal<br />

2. Meeting reports in other publications<br />

3. <strong>Research</strong> recommendations to <strong>SOLAS</strong>, IMBER, and<br />

other projects


Aims at an accurate assessment of marine carbon sources / sinks<br />

Focused on the Atlantic and Southern Oceans (-200 to +200 years)<br />

5 core themes<br />

1. North Atlantic and Southern Ocean CO2 air-sea exchange on seasonal-tointerannual<br />

scale. (Andy Watson)<br />

2. Detection of decadal-to-centennial Atlantic and Southern Ocean carbon inventory<br />

changes. (Doug Wallace)<br />

3. Carbon uptake and release at European regional scale. (Helmuth Thomas)<br />

4. Biogeochemical feedbacks on the oceanic carbon sink. (Marion Gehlen)<br />

5. Future scenarios for marine carbon sources and sinks. (C. Heinze)

Fast track initiative: ocean acidification<br />

1st Workshop 28-30 Nov 2006<br />

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, USA<br />

Goals: define state of art, key questions, recommendations,<br />

deliverables, and publication outlines<br />

Contact: Thorstein Kiefer<br />


DMS model inter-comparison workshop<br />

Brussels, 4-8 December 2006<br />

• Origin: Discussion forum at <strong>SOLAS</strong> Open Science meeting, Halifax Oct 2004<br />

Conduct a systematic comparison of DMS ecosystem models against common<br />

data sets to spur improvements and indicate observations to better constrain<br />

DMS dynamics.<br />

→ Ad-hoc committee: C. Lancelot, M. Levasseur and A. Vezina<br />

→Y. Le Clainche drafted as scientific coordinator, V. Schoemann as local organizer<br />

• Support from <strong>International</strong> <strong>SOLAS</strong> Office and BELSPO<br />

• Workshop planning at the 4th DMS(P) international symposium at UEA

What is the <strong>SOLAS</strong> <strong>International</strong> Project Office (IPO)?<br />

People<br />

Jeff Hare (Executive Officer)<br />

Emily Breviere (Project Officer)<br />

Georgia Bayliss-Brown (<strong>Research</strong> Assistant)<br />

Roles<br />

• Communication<br />

• Coordination<br />

• Provide an international basis for the <strong>SOLAS</strong> Legacy

eBulletins, Newsletters, Website<br />

http://www.solas-int.org<br />

Seeking IMP3 contributions to next newsletter

Activities<br />

Coordination at all levels of <strong>SOLAS</strong> structure, including:<br />

SSC<br />

Sponsored meetings / events<br />

National <strong>SOLAS</strong> activities<br />

Workshops<br />

Work with other IGBP projects,<br />

Maintain the network<br />

Summer School<br />

Open Science Meetings<br />

Implementation Groups<br />

Data Management Team<br />


Summer School 2005:<br />

•29th August- 10th September<br />

•74 participants from 29 nations<br />

•16 leading <strong>SOLAS</strong> scientists<br />

•Financial support:<br />

Institut Scientifique de Cargèse,<br />


Summer School 2007:<br />

•22nd October- 3rd November<br />

•Scientific committee:<br />

Phil Boyd NZ<br />

Minhan Dai China<br />

Mitsuo Uematsu Japan<br />

Maurice Levasseur Canada<br />

Véronique Garçon France<br />

Corinne Le Quéré UK<br />

Peter Liss UK<br />

Uli Platt Germany<br />

Natalie Mahowald US<br />

Eric Saltzman US<br />

Institut Scientifique de Cargèse,<br />


COST and KT<br />

• European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and<br />

Technical <strong>Research</strong> (COST)<br />

– Supports the creation of Data Products for each IMP<br />

– Expecting ~ € 50k per year for 5 years<br />

• UK <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Environment</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Knowledge<br />

Transfer (NERC-KT)<br />

– Data Integrator<br />

– Coordinates with BODC

2007 <strong>SOLAS</strong> Open Science Meeting<br />

6-9 March 2007 Xiamen, Fujian, China<br />


Tom Pedersen, Canada<br />

Roland Von Glasow, Germany<br />

Jill Cainey, Australia<br />

Shigenobu Takeda, Japan<br />

Phil Nightingale, UK<br />

Wu-Ting Tsai, China (Taipei)<br />

Lise Lotte Soerensen, Denmark<br />

Barry Huebert, USA<br />

Min-Han Dai, China (Beijing)<br />

Laurent Bopp, France<br />

Kitack Lee, Korea<br />

Lisa Miller, Canada<br />

Véronique Garçon, France<br />

Maurice Levasseur, Canada<br />

Tong Zhu, China (Beijing)<br />

Craig McNeil (USA)<br />

List of Speakers at the<br />

<strong>SOLAS</strong> Open Science Meeting<br />

6-9 March 2007<br />

Xiamen China

Many thanks for the Support!

• Please attend.<br />

• Register Early!<br />

• Bring your<br />


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