Intersec Brochure 2012 - Messe Frankfurt

Intersec Brochure 2012 - Messe Frankfurt

Intersec Brochure 2012 - Messe Frankfurt


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About the Exhibition<br />

<strong>Intersec</strong> is the Middle East’s leading security and safety<br />

exhibition. The 13 th edition hosted more than 800 exhibitors<br />

from 50 countries and welcomed 21,626 visitors from 101<br />

countries.<br />

<strong>Intersec</strong> 2011 was 25% bigger in terms of exhibition space<br />

booked, in comparison to 2010. The exhibition was officially<br />

opened by and held under the Royal Patronage of H.H. Sheikh<br />

Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.<br />

Exhibitor feedback<br />

A large percentage of exhibitors have<br />

already decided to exhibit at <strong>Intersec</strong> <strong>2012</strong>:<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D A 42.9 Yes, definitely<br />

B 41.3 Yes, probably<br />

C 14.3 No, probably not<br />

D 1.5 No, definitely not<br />

97% of all <strong>Intersec</strong> exhibitors recommend<br />

exhibiting again<br />

How did you rate the quality of visitors<br />

who attended the exhibition?<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

A<br />

A 13.1% Very good<br />

B 50.8% Good<br />

C 34.4% Adequate<br />

D 1.6% Inadequate<br />

97% rated <strong>Intersec</strong> as crucially important to<br />

their marketing activities in the region<br />

A<br />

<strong>Intersec</strong> 2011 successfully featured a set of conferences and<br />

workshops held alongside the exhibition as well as exciting outdoor<br />

demonstrations on tactical deployment and special operations in<br />

collaboration with the Dubai Police K-9 Training Department as well<br />

as the 2nd UAE International FireFit Championships.<br />

How successful was <strong>Intersec</strong> in terms of<br />

improving business prospects in the region?<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Almost 90% of all exhibitors who have<br />

rebooked or are planning on rebooking<br />

their stand for <strong>2012</strong> will either increase<br />

or take the same stand size<br />

A<br />

A 79.0% Increased prospects<br />

B 16.1% Greatly increased<br />

prospects in the region<br />

C 4.8% Had little or no effect

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