Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry : Final Report
Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry : Final Report
Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry : Final Report
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<strong>Pharmaceutical</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> :<br />
<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />
Christian Schmidt<br />
European Commission<br />
Pharma Task Force<br />
Bucharest, 6 October 2009<br />
“The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be<br />
regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.”
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
The sector inquiry and the wider context<br />
� <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong> sector is essential<br />
� Each patient spends 430 €/annum on prescription medicine<br />
� EU citizens need access to innovative, safe and affordable medicines<br />
� Pharma SI as part of the ongoing Commission initiatives<br />
� Innovative Medicine Initiatives<br />
� High Level <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong> Forum<br />
� Commission Communication of December 2008 - Pharma Package<br />
� Commission‘s industrial property rights strategy<br />
� Main focus of the SI<br />
� Generic delay<br />
� Decline in innovation<br />
� nota bene: SI underlines the need for effective patent system to<br />
maintain incentives for innovation<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Market characteristics and impact of generic entry<br />
� Price drop:<br />
� Generic price is on average 25% lower than Originator product prior to<br />
the loss of exclusivity (40% lower two years after loss of exclusivity)<br />
� Market share:<br />
� Generic market share is on average 30% after one year (45% after two<br />
years)<br />
� Generic delay: more than 7 months on average<br />
� Potential savings from generic entry could be 20% higher if generic<br />
entry is immediate<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Competition - originator and generic companies<br />
� Patent filing and enforcement strategies<br />
� Patent clusters<br />
� Divisional patents<br />
� <strong>Final</strong> outcomes of patent litigation<br />
� Average duration to reach final outcome: 2.8 years<br />
� Generic companies won 62% of patent litigation cases<br />
� <strong>Final</strong> outcome of opposition procedures before EPO<br />
� 60% of opposition cases led to revocation of the patent (in addition<br />
scope of patent was restricted in additional 15%)<br />
� Almost 80% of procedures before the EPO took more than 2 years<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Competition - originator and generic companies<br />
� Settlements and other agreements<br />
� More than 200 settlements: half of them restricted generic market<br />
entry, significant part of these contain value transfer (direct transfer:<br />
€ 200 mio)<br />
� Third party submissions in MA and P&R procedures<br />
� Interventions alleging patent infringement and safety issues<br />
� On average procedures with intervention last four months longer<br />
� Very limited success rates of originator companies in court<br />
� Cumulative use of practices<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Competition between originator companies<br />
� “Defensive” patents are used by many originator companies<br />
� 1100 potential overlaps and patent-related exchanges<br />
� Patent litigation<br />
� Almost 40% of respondent originator companies involved in patent<br />
litigation with another originator company<br />
� Opposition<br />
� Company challenging the patent of other originator company wins in<br />
70% of the cases; in addition scope of patent is reduced in 19%<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Policy Recommendations<br />
1. Intensify Competition Law Scrutiny<br />
2. Rapid Establishment of the Community Patent and<br />
Creation of a Unified Judiciary<br />
3. Streamlining Marketing Authorisations (MA)<br />
4. Improving Pricing and Reimbursement systems (P/R)<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Policy Recommendations<br />
1. Intensify Competition Law Scrutiny<br />
� Possible areas of concern<br />
� defensive patenting<br />
� interventions towards MA and P&R<br />
� patent settlements<br />
� Continued monitoring of patent settlements which<br />
restrict generic entry and foresee a value transfer<br />
� First enforcement action under way: Servier case<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
2. Patents<br />
Policy Recommendations<br />
� Full support for Community patent & specialised<br />
patent litigation system<br />
� 30% duplication cases, 11% of contradicting judgements,<br />
high costs for litigation: 420 mio €<br />
� Renewed patent system now also supported by EFPIA<br />
and EGA (industry associations)<br />
� Improvement of EPO procedures (“raising the bar”)<br />
� First results: limitation of voluntary divisional applications<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
3. Marketing Authorisations<br />
Policy Recommendations<br />
� Enforce existing legal framework, a.o.:<br />
� respect of deadlines<br />
� no patent linkage<br />
� Limiting adverse effects of unjustified third party<br />
submissions (transparency)<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
Policy Recommendations<br />
4. Pricing and reimbursement<br />
� Enforce respect of deadlines<br />
� Encourage immediate/automatic pricing for generics<br />
� Limiting adverse effects of unjustified third party<br />
submissions (transparency)<br />
� Cross-border collaboration to assess the added<br />
value of new medicines<br />
� Recommendation to Member States to consider<br />
mechanisms that facilitate generic entry<br />
<strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> into <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s in the EU<br />
For further information consult:<br /><br />
or contact:<br />
Christian Schmidt<br />
European Commission<br />
DG Competition – <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>s <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Inquiry</strong> Task Force<br />
E-mail:<br />
Tel: (+32 2 29) 96 896<br />