Dan Dailey - Illustrating with Glass - PDF - Schantz Galleries

Dan Dailey - Illustrating with Glass - PDF - Schantz Galleries

Dan Dailey - Illustrating with Glass - PDF - Schantz Galleries


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<strong>Illustrating</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Glass</strong><br />


for <strong>Schantz</strong> <strong>Galleries</strong> 2012


<strong>Illustrating</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Glass</strong>



for <strong>Schantz</strong> <strong>Galleries</strong> 2012<br />

<strong>Illustrating</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Glass</strong><br />

“I am basically an illustrator, who happens to tell stories <strong>with</strong> glass…” <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Dailey</strong> flatly stated at a recent lecture in New York.<br />

One thing is certain; <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Dailey</strong> is a story teller, and a perceptive observer of his surroundings. The lens he looks through is<br />

saturated <strong>with</strong> color and a high degree of magnification to capture intricate details others would miss. Aspects of language,<br />

fashion, art, history, politics, relationships and culture at large, are filtered through <strong>with</strong> fine innuendo and nuance.<br />

This exhibition offers a unique vision into <strong>Dailey</strong>'s creative world and demonstrates his enormous capacity as an artist, to<br />

reflect upon the world <strong>with</strong> his sense of humor and thought provoking insinuations using a vast repertoire of materials and<br />

techniques.<br />

<strong>Dailey</strong>’s ideas begin on paper <strong>with</strong> his sketch books. Sometimes these ideas are kept for years before the drawing is realized<br />

into its final complex form. Two such works finally being released from their pages are the large scale Vitrolite murals,<br />

"Serenade" and "Freaked Out and Pissed Off". A certain phrase or offbeat comment may be the very spark that ignites a<br />

sketch, which is then transformed methodically into its three dimensional interpretation.<br />

“Whistler”, shown on the cover, has an electric quality. This piece which <strong>Dan</strong> had been contemplating for some time seems to<br />

be a post modern take on early Cubism. It also happens to be engineered to move physically. Built in springs allow this free<br />

spirit to make a tight little forward and back jig as if jauntily strolling down the avenue <strong>with</strong>out a care in the world.<br />

Four dynamic figurative pieces are featured <strong>with</strong> this collection from <strong>Dailey</strong>'s "Individual Series". This series is perhaps one<br />

of the most successful and longest running explorations in blown glass form that <strong>Dan</strong> has created. These works, which start as<br />

a full scale drawing, are created over a period of months at both his own studio and Benjmamin Moore's hotshop in Seattle.<br />

The individual on page twelve might appear to be a French woman <strong>with</strong> certain savoir faire, who is adaptable and adroit<br />

and knows what to do in any situation. Upon reading the title more carefully, it is not savoir faire, but “Savior Faire” - and a<br />

completely different expression may be read in her slight smile and gesture.<br />

<strong>Dailey</strong> continues to revisit his "Circus Vase" series <strong>with</strong> four wonderful works featured in this catalog. Echoing the streamlined<br />

design of the Art Deco movement, these works express the fantastic feats performed in a circus and are celebrations of the joy<br />

of innocence and youthful wonder.<br />

We invite you to enjoy and experience this fantastic collection of works in this catalog. We are grateful to represent <strong>Dan</strong><br />

<strong>Dailey</strong> at our gallery and to have the opportunity to share these works. His art can be appreciated for its strong beauty and<br />

for its power to make us pause, recollect and reflect upon our own world.<br />

Jim <strong>Schantz</strong> and Kim Saul<br />

<strong>Schantz</strong> <strong>Galleries</strong>, 2012

Aqualibrium 2011 16½ x 10½ x 7” Zebraganza 2011 16 x 10½ x 10½”

Color Moon 2012 19 x 14 x 8 ”<br />

Singing Dogs 2012 16½ x 14 x 11”

Luxuriant 2012 18½ x 30½ x 9”

Luminist<br />

2012<br />

25½ x 19½ x 17½ ”

Savior Faire<br />

2012<br />

25½ x 12¾ x 12”

Breeze<br />

2011<br />

25½ x 21½ x 8½”

In Motion<br />

2012<br />

23¼ x 13 x 11½ ”

Curious 2012 23 x 14¾ x 14¼”<br />

Far Away 2012 24 x 12½ x 14”

Serenade<br />

2012<br />

33½ x 49 x 3”

Freaked Out<br />

and Pissed Off<br />

2012<br />

28 x 23 x 5”


Most of <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Dailey</strong>’s chandeliers and installations<br />

are made on a commission basis specifically for<br />

individual patrons or commercial entities. We<br />

would be happy to create a proposal for you. Please<br />

contact the gallery for more examples of previously<br />

commissioned chandeliers or installations.<br />

Birds <strong>with</strong> Red Cubes 2010 23 x 26 x 12” each

Eleuthera 2006 50 x 38 x 7”<br />

List of Works<br />

Front Cover<br />

Whistler 2012<br />

Polished pate de verre glass. Fabricated,<br />

patinated, nickel plated bronze. Polished<br />

Vitrolite glass. Aluminum base.<br />

40½ x 30 x 18”<br />

Inside Front Cover<br />

Vase Weight 2008<br />

India Ink on paper<br />

9 x 11”<br />

Page 6 Aqualibrium<br />

Circus Vase 2011<br />

Sandblasted and acid polished two part<br />

blown glass vase. Fabricated, patinated,<br />

nickel and gold-plated bronze. Pate de<br />

verre and vitrolite glass details.<br />

16½ x 10½ x 7”<br />

Page 7<br />

Zebraganza<br />

Circus Vase 2011<br />

Sandblasted and acid polished two part<br />

blown glass vase. Fabricated, patinated,<br />

nickel and gold-plated bronze. Pate de<br />

verre and vitrolite glass details.<br />

16 x 10½ x 10½”<br />

Page 8<br />

Color Moon<br />

Circus Vase 2012<br />

Two-part blown glass vase, sandblasted<br />

and acid polished. Fabricated, patinated,<br />

nickel and gold-plated bronze. Pate de<br />

verre and vitrolite glass details.<br />

19¾ x 14 x 8½”<br />

Page 9<br />

Singing Dogs<br />

Circus Vase 2012<br />

Two-part blown glass vase, sandblasted<br />

and acid polished. Fabricated, patinated,<br />

nickel and gold-plated bronze. Pate de<br />

verre and vitrolite glass details.<br />

16½ x 14 x 11”<br />

Page 11<br />

Luxuriant<br />

Illuminated Sculpture 2012<br />

Fabricated, patinated, nickel-plated<br />

bronze figure <strong>with</strong> gold plated brass<br />

tree forms, 18½ x 30½ x 9”<br />

Page 13<br />

Luminist<br />

Individuals series 2012<br />

Blown glass, sandblasted and acid polished.<br />

Anodized aluminum.<br />

25½ x 19½ x 17½ ”<br />

Page 14<br />

Savior Faire<br />

Individuals series 2012<br />

Blown glass, sandblasted and acid polished.<br />

Anodized aluminum.<br />

25½ x 12¾ x 12”<br />

Page 16<br />

Breeze<br />

Individuals series 2011<br />

Blown glass, sandblasted and acid polished.<br />

Anodized aluminum.<br />

25½ x 21½ x 8½”<br />

Page 19<br />

In Motion<br />

Individuals series 2012<br />

Blown glass, sandblasted and acid polished.<br />

Anodized aluminum.<br />

23¼ x 13 x 11½ ”<br />

Page 20<br />

Curious<br />

Individuals series 2012<br />

Blown glass, sandblasted and acid polished.<br />

Cubic zirconia details. Anodized<br />

aluminum.<br />

23 x 14¾ x 14¼”<br />

Page 21<br />

Far Away<br />

Individuals series 2012<br />

Blown glass, sandblasted and acid polished.<br />

Cubic zirconia details. Anodized<br />

aluminum.<br />

24 x 12½ x 14”<br />

Page 22<br />

Serenade<br />

Vitrolite Mural 2012<br />

Vitrolite glass and acid polished plate<br />

glass. Gold and nickel-plated brass.<br />

Anodized aluminum.<br />

33½ x 49 x 3”<br />

Page 24<br />

Freaked Out and Pissed Off<br />

Vitrolite Mural 2012<br />

Vitrolite glass and acid polished plate<br />

glass. Porcelain enamel. Copper and<br />

gold-plated brass. Anodized aluminum.<br />

28 x 23 x 5”<br />

Page 26<br />

Chandelier Proposal<br />

Blown and glass; pate de verre; fabricated,<br />

patinated, nickel and gold plated<br />

bronze, 42 x 20 x 20”<br />

Page 27<br />

Birds <strong>with</strong> Red Cubes<br />

Illuminated Sculpture 2010<br />

Fabricated, patinated, nickel and gold<br />

plated bronze. Blown glass shades,<br />

sandblasted and acid polished. Pate<br />

de verre head pieces, beaks, wings and<br />

tails. Lampworked glass details.<br />

23 x 26 x 12” each<br />

Page 28<br />

Eleuthera<br />

3-D Drawing Series 2006<br />

Powder coated brass and painted bass<br />

wood.<br />

50 x 38 x 7”<br />

Back Cover<br />

Bear<br />

Animal Vase Series 1994<br />

Blown black glass vase, pale green rim.<br />

Sandblasted and acid polished<br />

18¼” H x 11”



1972 MFA, Rhode Island School of Design<br />

1969 BFA, Philadelphia College of Art<br />


92nd Street Y, New York, NY<br />

Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, FL<br />

Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, OH<br />

Connecticut Appellate Court, Hartford, CT<br />

Corning Museum of <strong>Glass</strong>, Corning, NY<br />

Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH<br />

Darmstadt Museum, Darmstadt, W. Germany<br />

Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH<br />

De Young Museum, San Fransisco, CA<br />

The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI<br />

The Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA<br />

Greatest Bar on Earth, Windows on the World Corp, One<br />

World Trade Center Towers, New York, NY<br />

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University,<br />

Ithaca, NY<br />

High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA<br />

Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TN<br />

Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV<br />

Illinois State University <strong>Galleries</strong>, Normal, IL<br />

Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN<br />

The JPMorgan Chase Collection, New York, NY<br />

Johnson-Horsfall Laboratory, New Haven, CT<br />

Kestner Museum, Hannover, W. Germany<br />

LA County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA<br />

Les Archives de la Cristallerie Daum, Nancy and Paris,<br />

France<br />

Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, FL<br />

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN<br />

Milwaukee Museum of Art, Milwaukee, WI<br />

Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC<br />

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY<br />

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada<br />

Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ<br />

Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Louvre, Paris, France<br />

Musee de Design et d’arts Appliques Contemporains,<br />

Lausanne, Switzerland<br />

Museum of American <strong>Glass</strong>, Millville, NJ<br />

Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY<br />

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA<br />

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX<br />

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia<br />

National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan<br />

Northern Essex County Courthouse, Newburyport, MA<br />

The Pilchuck <strong>Glass</strong> Collection at City Centre and US Bank<br />

Centre, Seattle, WA<br />

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA<br />

Providence Performing Arts Center, Providence, RI<br />

Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI<br />

Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian American Art Museum,<br />

Washington, DC<br />

Rockefeller Center Corp., New York, NY<br />

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario<br />

The Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY<br />

Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, OH<br />

Town of Vail, CO<br />

Toyama Institute of <strong>Glass</strong>, Toyama City, Japan<br />

Visions, New York, NY<br />

Yokohama Museum, Japan<br />


2009 – current Professor/Lecturer, Massachusetts College<br />

of Art, Boston, MA<br />

1985 – 2009 Professor, <strong>Glass</strong> Program, Massachusetts<br />

College of Art, Boston, MA<br />

1974 – 1985 Founder and Head of <strong>Glass</strong> Program,<br />

Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA<br />

2002 – current Advisory Council, Urban<strong>Glass</strong>, Brooklyn,<br />

NY<br />

1988 – current National Advisory Board, The University<br />

of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA<br />

1976 – current Independent Artist, Cristallierie Daum,<br />

Paris and Nancy, France<br />

2000 – 2011 Board of Governors, Museum of Arts &<br />

Design, New York, NY<br />

1998 – 1999 Invited Artist, Waterford Crystal, Kilbarry,<br />

Waterford, Ireland<br />

1994 – 1998 Selection Committees for Creative <strong>Glass</strong><br />

Center of America fellowships<br />

1990 – 1993 Honorary Board, The Renwick Alliance,<br />

Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.<br />

1983 – 1992 Board of Trustees, Haystack Mountain<br />

School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME<br />

1979 – 1988 Advisor, New York Experi-mental <strong>Glass</strong><br />

Workshop, NY<br />

1984 – 1985 Independent Artist, Fenton Art <strong>Glass</strong><br />

Company, Williamstown, WV<br />

1984 – 1985 Independent Artist, Steuben <strong>Glass</strong>, New<br />

York, NY<br />

1980 – 1982 President, <strong>Glass</strong> Art Society<br />

1978 – 1982 Board of Directors, <strong>Glass</strong> Art Society<br />


Mr. <strong>Dailey</strong> has given lectures and demonstrations around<br />

the world and in the United States at numerous public<br />

and private organizations including museums, schools and<br />

industry.<br />

AWARDS<br />

2007 Silver Star Alumni Award, The University of the Arts,<br />

Philadelphia, PA<br />

2001 The President’s Distinguished Artist Award, The<br />

University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA<br />

2001 Art of Liberty Award, National Liberty Museum<br />

2001 Masters of the Medium Award, James Renwick<br />

Alliance<br />

2000 Libensky Award, Chateau Ste. Michelle Vineyards &<br />

Winery<br />

1998 Fellow of the American Craft Council, ACC College<br />

of Fellows<br />

1998 Outstanding Achievement in <strong>Glass</strong>, Urban<strong>Glass</strong><br />

1998 Honorary Lifetime Membership Award, <strong>Glass</strong> Arts<br />

Society<br />

1989 Masters Fellowship, Creative <strong>Glass</strong> Center of<br />

America<br />

1980 Massachusetts Council on the Arts Fellowship—<br />

<strong>Glass</strong><br />

1979 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship—<strong>Glass</strong><br />

1975 – 1980 Fellowship at the MIT Center for Advanced<br />

Visual Studies, Cambridge, MA<br />

1972 – 1973 Fulbright Hayes Fellowship, Venice, Italy<br />

1970 – 1972 Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Rhode Island<br />

School of Design, Providence, RI<br />

<strong>Schantz</strong> <strong>Galleries</strong><br />

3 Elm St. Stockbridge<br />

Massachusetts 01262<br />

413-298-3044<br />

schantzgalleries.com<br />

Copyright 2012 <strong>Schantz</strong> <strong>Galleries</strong> and <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Dailey</strong><br />

Artwork Photos; Bill Truslow Design: Silver City Studio


<strong>Illustrating</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Glass</strong><br />


for <strong>Schantz</strong> <strong>Galleries</strong> 2012

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