April 2012 - Al Menah Shrine Temple
April 2012 - Al Menah Shrine Temple
April 2012 - Al Menah Shrine Temple
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P.O. BOX 78545 • NASHVILLE, TN 37207 • 615.226.7766 • 1.877.505.7766<br />
VOLUME 31 • NUMBER 4 • (PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT JUNE & JULY) • <strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
Inside<br />
this<br />
issue<br />
Page 2<br />
Potentate’s<br />
Message<br />
Page 3<br />
Divan Messages<br />
Page 5<br />
<strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>r's<br />
Golf Tournament<br />
Pages 6-7<br />
Center News<br />
Message From<br />
Lady Paula<br />
Page 8<br />
Casino Night<br />
Page 9<br />
Blast From<br />
The Past<br />
Page 10<br />
News from<br />
Lexington<br />
�<br />
Get the word out! May 3 – 6, <strong>2012</strong><br />
Everyone works,<br />
Our Kids WIN!<br />
Proceeds<br />
from<br />
Proceeds from<br />
the<br />
Paper Sale goes<br />
to support the 22 Burns and<br />
Orthepedic Hospitals across North<br />
Paper Sale<br />
America.<br />
goes to support the<br />
22 Burns and Orthepedic<br />
Hospitals across North<br />
<strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> <strong>Temple</strong><br />
Oasis of Nashville<br />
Desert of TennessEE<br />
P.O.Box 78545 • Nashville, TN 37207<br />
Phones 1.615.226.7766<br />
1.877.505.7766<br />
www.almenah<strong>Shrine</strong>rs.org<br />
The Publication Committee<br />
The Divan/Board of Directors<br />
Potentate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis Belford<br />
Chief Rabban . . . . . . . . . . . David Vaughn<br />
Assistant Rabban . . . . . . . . . . Carl Barnes<br />
High Priest & Prophet . . . . . Mike VanSant<br />
Oriental Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Head<br />
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . John Weaver III PP<br />
Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Daniel<br />
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maurice Smith<br />
Published monthly except June and July<br />
www.almenah<strong>Shrine</strong>rs.org<br />
* Charles Barham<br />
* V. K. Stevenson<br />
* W. F. Hunt<br />
* J. Pink Lawrence<br />
* Ed R. Burr<br />
* J. Harry Murphy<br />
* Charles N. Rolfe<br />
* Paul DeWitt<br />
* E. M. Kelly<br />
* Joseph Higgins<br />
* Ira E. Parker<br />
* Martin S. Roberts<br />
* R. C. Derivaux<br />
* Oren A. Oliver<br />
* Lee L. Gamble<br />
* R. R. Clark<br />
* William Raine<br />
* Hugh F. Smith, Jr.<br />
* W. A. Bryan<br />
* Charles L. Cornelius<br />
* W. Bush Herbert<br />
* Marshall Hotchkiss<br />
* Jess B. <strong>Temple</strong>ton<br />
* T. A. Springfield<br />
* James G. Stahlman<br />
* J. Clark Akers<br />
* R. E. Baulch<br />
* Thomas E. Doss<br />
Kerbela <strong>Temple</strong> ‘28<br />
* Maurice Weinberger<br />
* S. N. <strong>Al</strong>len<br />
* W. B. Hager<br />
* O. Lynn Meek<br />
* Jack Norman<br />
* James J. Vaughn<br />
* C. H. Smith<br />
* Fred C. Laskey<br />
* Ivo A. Burton<br />
* T. W. Bray, Jr.<br />
* James R. Cox<br />
* Paul R. Jarratt<br />
* J. Sumpter Anderson<br />
* Hugh W. Robertson<br />
* M. T. Gossett<br />
* Joe C. Carr<br />
* James T. Hayes<br />
* E. Lee Bennett<br />
* Orris E. Davis<br />
* Raymond H. Leathers<br />
2<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
* Hilry H. Shaffer<br />
* James N. Stansell<br />
* John E. Patton<br />
* John D. Whalley<br />
Jack Norman, Jr.<br />
* <strong>Al</strong>bert Bennett<br />
* Clyde R. Watson<br />
* Marshall S. Whitley<br />
* James J. White<br />
* G. Cooper Holt<br />
* J. Coleman Hayes<br />
* Donald R. Dunning<br />
* J. P. Foster<br />
* Gale Robinson<br />
* C. V. Cramb<br />
* J. Nelson Bryan<br />
* Robert Battle<br />
* Jerry N. Tate<br />
* Fred H. Gay, Jr.<br />
James A. Campbell<br />
* Claude G. Southall<br />
* W. B. Lawson<br />
* Gale Robinson<br />
J. Dudley Phillips<br />
* M. Norris Jenkins<br />
* James F. Scalf, Jr.<br />
* William B. Jones<br />
Jack C. Phelps<br />
* David P. Brumfield<br />
* Zack S. Parrish, Sr.<br />
* Robert E. Newman<br />
George Cook<br />
* R. Parker Graham<br />
H. Parker Toler<br />
* R. T. McNaney<br />
James L. Ham<br />
Charles H. Williams<br />
William D. Jones<br />
John L. Weaver, III<br />
Gale B. Robinson<br />
Joe Bell<br />
Ronny L. Greer<br />
Charles E. Cardwell<br />
J. Franklin “Jay” Scalf, III<br />
Conley Dykes<br />
David Smith<br />
Jim Cain<br />
* Michael Martin<br />
Johnny Dudley<br />
David Wantland<br />
Melvin Meadows<br />
* Deceased<br />
Nobles,<br />
I have been your Potentate for three months now, and I suddenly realized<br />
that the time is slipping by at a fast rate and that we are in the<br />
thick of things for the glory of <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> <strong>Temple</strong>. I am pleased<br />
to say the nobility of <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> is working together in the best interest<br />
of shrinedom.<br />
It seems we have skipped spring and gone directly into summer<br />
with all the summer-like weather we are having. This is OK – I will<br />
take the warm weather anytime.<br />
As spring approaches, we are busy planning the Potentate’s Ball.<br />
The committee chaired by Oriental Guide, Jeff Head and his Lady Kim<br />
and co-chaired by James Hedgepath and Lady Rene are working diligently<br />
for a wonderful ball. The annual East Egg Hunt chaired by<br />
Howard David and Lady Patsy is always a favorite with the kids.<br />
Howard, Patsy and the committee always does a great job in planning<br />
this event.<br />
Our Divan has been very busy visiting shrine clubs and other masonic<br />
bodies. We have received several invitations to potentate balls<br />
from our neighboring shrine temples. We plan on attending as many of<br />
these as possible. It is through these social functions that close friendships<br />
have developed with other temples.<br />
The <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> paper sale caravan began <strong>April</strong> 2 and went<br />
thru <strong>April</strong> 6. This is a time to visit the different counties and fellowship<br />
with nobles who we do not get to see very often. This is a week of fun<br />
and fellowship enjoyed by everyone who participates. Please make<br />
plans to work the paper sale in May. WE NEED YOUR HELP. The<br />
money we raise from the paper sale helps keep the hospitals running.<br />
Please do your part and get out and sell papers.<br />
There are so many nobles who do so much in helping <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> to<br />
be the greatest temple in North America. The Divan of <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> joins<br />
me in thanking you for your help and assistance in all the projects at<br />
our temple.<br />
Please remember those who are hurting and unable to be with us at<br />
our <strong>Shrine</strong> Center. <strong>Al</strong>so, continue to remember our service men and<br />
women who support the freedoms that we enjoy.<br />
Dennis Belford<br />
From the desk of...<br />
Spring is here ! The Potentate's ball was outstanding!<br />
How could you go wrong when you<br />
have Kim and Jeff Head an Rene and James<br />
Hedgepath heading the comittee. Congratulations<br />
to Potentate Dennis and Lady Paula<br />
Your Divan and others will be traveling the<br />
first week of the month visiting <strong>Shrine</strong> Clubs<br />
across our jurisdiction to prepare for the<br />
Paper Sale. Be sure to have your locations secured<br />
for the first weekend in May!!<br />
Look for the pledge forms for the "Building for the Future"<br />
campaign in The <strong>Shrine</strong>r. After making needed repairs to our<br />
roof and parking lot, we need everyone's help to build up the<br />
fund for future repairs and improvements to our beautiful <strong>Shrine</strong><br />
Center.<br />
I would like to invite all Nobles who are able to attend the<br />
Nashville <strong>Shrine</strong> Club at the Picadilly off Murfreesboro Pike.<br />
We meet on Wednesdays at 11AM for fun and fellowship under<br />
the leadership of our President Noble M .O. Pilkington, on Aril<br />
18th, May 2nd and 9th we are planning an afternoon at Greer<br />
Stadium to watch a Sounds game. We will depart from <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong><br />
before the game. Let me know of you are interested.<br />
Remember your Blue Lodge and appendant bodies ; there you<br />
will meet future <strong>Shrine</strong>rs.<br />
Pray for our sick, distressed, and bereaved. <strong>Al</strong>so our leaders<br />
and military wherever they serve God Bless.<br />
High Priest and Prophet<br />
Mike VanSant<br />
Nobles, Another month has flown by. What<br />
a great Potentate Ball; everything was so nice.<br />
Kim and I would like to thank Jimmy & Rene<br />
Hedgepath as well as the rest of the committee<br />
for all their hard work.<br />
The year is full of things to do, so please<br />
join in and get involved. Have fun and enjoy<br />
your <strong>Temple</strong>. I’d like to thank you for your<br />
help and support. The <strong>Shrine</strong> is only as strong<br />
as you make it. We need new members so reach out your hand and<br />
ask a Mason to join us.<br />
Please remember you do what you do to help our kids and we<br />
need your help with the paper sale so we can support our hospitals.<br />
Oriental Guide<br />
Jeff Head<br />
From Lady Paula:<br />
The ladies’ getaway trip is planned for<br />
October 5-7. We will leave Friday<br />
morning and drive to Brown County,<br />
IN, returning on Sunday afternoon.<br />
Reservations are made at a new La<br />
Quinta Inn in Columbia, IN. There will<br />
be shopping, antiquing, card playing,<br />
LCR, site seeing and anything else we<br />
might choose to do. A more formal itinerary<br />
will be made later. A deposit of<br />
$100 is due by June 1 with the balance<br />
of $125 due by August 15. The $225 includes<br />
the cost of the bus and two nights<br />
at the hotel (2 to a room) plus hospitality<br />
on the bus. We need a minimum of<br />
30 people to make this trip. It is open to<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong> ladies, family and friends.<br />
Please call me if you have questions<br />
(615-826-8823).<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
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ask about our shriner Customer Specials<br />
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<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
In Memory Of Mike Martin, PP<br />
MONDAY May 14th <strong>2012</strong><br />
Four man scramble Entry fee $70.00 per player--Three sets of tees (according to age).<br />
PRIZES: Yamaha Golf Cart hole in one on #17; 1st place / three flights; closest to the hole<br />
Door prizes, ditty bags, refreshments.<br />
11:30- Registration & sign-in-----1:00 Shot Gun Start<br />
NAME_____________________________PHONE______________________<br />
NAME_____________________________PHONE______________________<br />
NAME_____________________________PHONE______________________<br />
NAME_____________________________PHONE______________________<br />
CONTACTS: Don Hill 394-5962---Charles Dahlgren 977-5820 or <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> Office<br />
ENTRY DEADLINE FRIDAY MAY 4 th , <strong>2012</strong><br />
Yes I would like to support <strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> Center by purchasing a hole sponsorship at $100.00 per sign<br />
at <strong>Temple</strong> Hills C.C. on May 14 th , <strong>2012</strong>. Signs will be displayed the entire day of the event.<br />
Proceeds benefit <strong>Shrine</strong>r’s yearly operating expenses.<br />
Sign Information:<br />
________________________________________________<br />
________________________________________________<br />
________________________________________________<br />
________________________________________________<br />
Purchased By:_______________________<br />
Contact Phone:_____________________<br />
Salesman:_______________________ Monies must accompany form<br />
Office use only: Check Number________________Date Recieved____________________<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
center<br />
neWS<br />
BAND<br />
Spring has sprung and it’s time to get out of<br />
the house. Come cheer on some of the finest<br />
musicians our area schools have to offer at the<br />
<strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> Jazz Festival <strong>April</strong>, 21 starting at<br />
1:00pm. These students are pumped to be playing<br />
for someone besides themselves. Remember<br />
this is a fund raising event for the <strong>Shrine</strong>r’s Hospitals<br />
so bring your friends and dancing shoes.<br />
Admission will be $7.00 and tickets are still<br />
available. Not since the East-West football game<br />
have we had the opportunity to showcase who<br />
we are and what we do to young people and<br />
their parents. This will be a GREAT day.<br />
Congratulations to Potentate Dennis Belford<br />
and Lady Paula on a great Potentates Ball. A<br />
great time was had by all who attended.<br />
Paper Sale coming soon and many things<br />
happening quickly so remember why you became<br />
a <strong>Shrine</strong>r. To work hard, have fun doing it,<br />
and to help Kids who need us. PLAY ON…<br />
Victor smith<br />
Captain<br />
CLOWNS<br />
The Clowns are #1 again. We attended SESCA<br />
Mid-Winter in Atlanta and the unit took first<br />
place in unit skit. If you did not go, you missed a<br />
great trip!<br />
We started in March to have food and fellowship<br />
before the unit meetings at the clown<br />
barn. We had about 25 clowns come by before<br />
the meeting, what a great start. A special thanks<br />
goes to Boo for the hamburgers and hotdogs!<br />
If you have not paid your dues, they are past<br />
due. See Gene King at the next meeting.<br />
The Easter Egg Hunt is <strong>April</strong> 7th at the<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong> Center. Dress out and bring your clown<br />
car, if you have one. We will be performing skits<br />
for the kids.<br />
The casino trip is scheduled for <strong>April</strong> 22nd<br />
@ Harrah’s Casino. There will be a bus provided<br />
for the trip; call “No-Buns” for more info.<br />
It will cost $15 per person.<br />
Remember the sick….. Give them a call or go<br />
see them and always keep them in your prayers.<br />
3rd ain’t Bad!<br />
Joker Jones<br />
6<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
Date night was great, everyone seemed to have<br />
a great time. If you missed this one please try<br />
and come to the next one. It will be on June the<br />
9th. Get ready for the paper sale! Everyone<br />
needs to work. It Starts on May 3rd, and goes on<br />
to May 6th. This is one of the most important<br />
things we do all year long. Surely you will be<br />
able to help. Don’t forget the onion sale, try and<br />
pre-sale some onions. Funfest at Pigeon Forge<br />
will be May 11th through the 13th. Everyone<br />
has a great time there. Get your money turned as<br />
soon as possible, it is $100.00 a couple.<br />
Our annual barbecue will be May 25th &<br />
26th at the <strong>Temple</strong>. The Jazz festival will be at<br />
the <strong>Temple</strong> on June 6th. It is $7.00 a person and<br />
will be the high school bands. It should be great.<br />
Come on out and help support it.<br />
We need to remember our sick members<br />
and their families. Carl Knight, Dan Stockmeyer,<br />
William Dufty, Johnny Beasley, Snuffy<br />
Smith, Mike Villines, and our own tree climbing<br />
<strong>Al</strong>len Jones, and please remember me in your<br />
prayers. Prayers can work miracles and I think<br />
we could all use some. We had two of our members<br />
go to be with the Lord, <strong>Al</strong>len Hudson and<br />
Dale Smith. Lets keep Dot & Lorraine in our<br />
prayers. Remember our troops that are keeping<br />
our Country free and their families. If you know<br />
of anyone sick or needs our prayers please give<br />
me a call.<br />
Until next time...<br />
Don Young<br />
We sure had a good time riding in the Erin St.<br />
Patrick's Day Parade. The town was full of<br />
green shirts and happy Irish eyes watching the<br />
parade go by. It was Erin's 50th annual Irish Day<br />
Celebration and it was a lot of fun. A big Thank<br />
You! Goes to Roger and Liz for coming to Erin<br />
to do the photo shoot of the Horse Patrol and to<br />
the Wisdom Lodge for providing the generous<br />
hospitality on Parade day. We are pleased to announce<br />
that Noble, Mike Reeves will be riding<br />
with the Horse Patrol in our upcoming events. If<br />
you would like information about joining our<br />
unit, contact Captain Ernest Jones at esjones31@comcast.net.<br />
May the Paper Sale be a<br />
HUGE success!<br />
Perry hamlett<br />
What a great St Patrick’s Day parade in Erin last<br />
Saturday. We talked to some locals there who<br />
thanked us for coming and said that the Masons<br />
and <strong>Shrine</strong>rs made the parade what it is. Without<br />
them they said it just wouldn’t be the same.<br />
The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for <strong>April</strong><br />
7, preparations are being made now and we expect<br />
a great time for all the kids. The Motor<br />
Corps has been asked to provide rides for the<br />
kids that day, 10:00am to about 2:00pm.<br />
We have two big events coming up in May.<br />
Fun Fest in Gatlinburg will be the second week<br />
end in May. On that same Saturday May 12 we<br />
have the Franklin Rodeo Parade. This will be<br />
another opportunity to get in a parade while the<br />
weather is warm. Anyone not going out to Fun<br />
Fest is encouraged to come out to the Rodeo Parade<br />
in Franklin. Breakfast Hospitality will be<br />
provided at Hiram Lodge, 115 2nd Avenue<br />
South in downtown Franklin.<br />
The Vidalia Onions should arrive the week<br />
after the Paper Sale. That will be somewhere<br />
around May 7, remember to pre-sell onions<br />
now. They will again be, 10 lb Bag for $10.00.<br />
This is a great fund raiser so everyone needs to<br />
help sell as many bags as possible. the Journalist<br />
Howdy Mountaineers: Here it is spring again.<br />
Flowers a bloomin, birds a churping and our<br />
<strong>Temple</strong> getting real busy. For all of you all that<br />
made the Erin St. Patrick's Day Parade we had a<br />
great time with plenty of fun for our group.<br />
Never seen so many folks at a parade--must<br />
have been at least ten thousand or more. Something<br />
real strange happened on this parade , I<br />
was driving the truck and couldn't get the true<br />
facts but I was told that Steve Pollak and Danny<br />
Wyatt captured a leprechaun and hid it in our<br />
float outhouse. If it hadn't been for that nice<br />
highway patrolman on a motorcycle they would<br />
still in the Erin pokie. You just don't steal leprechauns<br />
in Erin. Steve and Danny are recovering<br />
from bite marks from that there leprechaun<br />
which turned green.<br />
Well, that's about all the news that we can<br />
share at this time. In closing, a special thanks to<br />
the Wisdom Lodge for a wonderful breakfast.<br />
Keep our <strong>Temple</strong> strong, pray for our country,<br />
our troops and our <strong>Shrine</strong> children.<br />
Until next time--regardless of what was reported,<br />
there ain't been no wild animals on our<br />
float, just Mountaineers.<br />
see Ya!<br />
Frank Carter. Captain
Great St.Patrick’s Day parade as always. I<br />
was proud to be a part of it. <strong>Al</strong>so we’re proud of<br />
all of you for participating. I could tell you enjoyed<br />
it. The Legion of Honor also posted colors<br />
that same morning at AMSC for The Hooligans<br />
thanks to our members who volunteered, even<br />
though they had to miss the fun in Erin, TN.<br />
Speaking of volunteers, we had a clean-up<br />
day in the unit room. Thanks to all of you who<br />
worked so hard to get the job done. It looks fantastic.<br />
Spring has sprung, the weather is beautiful<br />
and it’s almost time for the paper sale. Let’s all be<br />
making plans to sell papers. Remember, we can<br />
and should be selling plaques all year long.<br />
After the paper sale, our sweet Vidalia onions<br />
will be here. If we take orders for them ahead of<br />
time, all we have to do is deliver and collect<br />
when they arrive. It works great that way!<br />
Please keep searching for new members to<br />
help our Legion of Honor unit grow. And let’s<br />
continue to do all we can for the children and our<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong> Hospitals.<br />
stars & stripes forever<br />
roy Lindsey, CMDr<br />
Contrary to popular belief, the Guard is still<br />
around!<br />
We’re in the process of reworking the By-<br />
Laws so as to make the Unit “member friendly”<br />
and possibly head us in a new and improved direction.<br />
Let’s shoot for a good turnout at the<br />
<strong>April</strong> Meeting to review the proposed changes,<br />
consider ideas, and leave that evening fired up<br />
and ready to return the Potentate’s Guard to it’s<br />
prominence of the Past.<br />
see you there,<br />
Wes<br />
The Erin Parade was a success. Jack and Gordon<br />
got to pound the pavement. I got to drive<br />
behind the horses. Lots of town folks showed up<br />
for the Irish Parade. The color green was everywhere.<br />
Thanks to Billy and Tony for riding their<br />
motorcycles for the Unit. The Paper Sale is still<br />
just around the corner May 3-6, <strong>2012</strong>. The<br />
Easter Egg Hunt will be <strong>April</strong> 7th, <strong>2012</strong>. We<br />
need to have some Unit members there in uniform.<br />
The 14th of <strong>April</strong> will be the Casino Party<br />
at the <strong>Shrine</strong>, and fun to be had for all who attend.<br />
The Casino Trip for the <strong>Shrine</strong> will be<br />
<strong>April</strong> 22, <strong>2012</strong>. Let Charlie Rivers know at 596-<br />
6889 that you wanna go. The Spring Ceremonial<br />
is being planned for June 16, <strong>2012</strong>. We need<br />
to be there in force and bring in a Petition for a<br />
new <strong>Shrine</strong>r<br />
May god Bless<br />
Coach<br />
P.C.S.C.meets each month on the 3rd Thursday.<br />
We have dinner at 6:00 p.m., with our meeting<br />
to follow at 6:45 p.m. <strong>Al</strong>l you Golfer’s don't forget<br />
to mark Saturday June 2 nd on your calendar.<br />
We will be having our annual "Pee Wee<br />
Parnell" Memorial <strong>Shrine</strong>r Golf Scramble on<br />
this day starting at 8:00a.m.with an afternoon<br />
round starting at 1:00p.m. "Bull" and the gang<br />
will be serving up a full Catfish dinner in between<br />
the two golf rounds. The cost is $65.00<br />
which includes Lunch. The tournament will be<br />
flighted with cash prizes awarded to the top<br />
three teams in three flights. The Scramble will<br />
be held at the Buffalo River Country Club on<br />
Hwy #13 just south of Lobelville. The proceeds<br />
from this tournament are used to fund our<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong> Club operating expenses for the year. We<br />
welcome any Noble to come join us at one of<br />
our monthly meetings in Linden, TN.<br />
ChuckBeasley<br />
secretaryP.C.s.C.<br />
TheWilsonCounty<strong>Shrine</strong>Clubmeetsevery4thTh<br />
ursdayattheChopHouseinLebanonat6pm.It'stime<br />
tostartplanningourinvolvementwiththe<strong>2012</strong>Wils<br />
onCountyfair.WeneedtokeepmakingthisthebestfairinthestateofTennessee.Comeonoutandandjoinus.Remember,it'sallaboutthechildren.<br />
hershelButt<br />
Our Monthly Meeting will be <strong>April</strong> 2nd. at<br />
O'Charley's in Gallatin,dinner at 6:00PM. and<br />
the Meeting will begin at 7:00PM. Invite a<br />
Brother and bring your Mate. Jerry McDaniel<br />
By the time you see this article our club will be<br />
getting organized for the paper sale. It will be<br />
May 3-4-5 & 6. I hope you plan to help! This is<br />
what we are all about, bringing in Dollars for the<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals for Children. Remember, we<br />
can sell Plaques all year long.<br />
If you aren’t getting out to our meetings on<br />
the third Thursday of each month at Logan’s<br />
Steakhouse, you are missing some great programs.<br />
Jimmy Gentry was our speaker at the<br />
March meeting and gave us a very touching program.<br />
Our Featured Speaker for <strong>April</strong> will be<br />
Rodney Dangerfield (played by Noble Dan<br />
Clark). Come on out and join us and have some<br />
fun? Don’t forget about the Franklin Rodeo Parade<br />
on May 12. We will have breakfast hospitality<br />
at Hiram Lodge beginning at about 9:30am.<br />
The line up is at 11:00am with the parade beginning<br />
at 12:00Noon. We hope to have several<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong>rs in the Parade again this year. Please remember<br />
to thank God every day for the freedom<br />
we enjoy in this Great Country!<br />
ButchMays,secretary<br />
The Upper Cumberland <strong>Shrine</strong> Club meets the<br />
second Tuesday of each month at the Overton<br />
Restaurant, Fellowship/eat 6:00 PM with meeting<br />
to follow.<br />
gene snoWDen,<br />
ambassador<br />
A Message From Lady<br />
Paula. . .<br />
Mark your calendars for<br />
November 3rd to enjoy a<br />
Ladies Entertainment Expo.<br />
This will include a consignment<br />
sale of formal and party<br />
wear including shoes and accessories.<br />
This will be a<br />
great way to get rid of those<br />
formal dresses that are just<br />
taking up space in our closets.<br />
There will be holiday<br />
and special event tablescapes<br />
auction (tables decorated and<br />
you purchase everything on<br />
the table), door prizes, bake<br />
sale, refreshments and more.<br />
Additional information will<br />
be forthcoming.<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
8<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
“Let’s make it happen!”<br />
In late November, 2011, twelve-year-old Samuel Crane of Lewisburg, KY,<br />
was accidentally shot in the leg while hunting with his father. The bullet<br />
pierced just under his knee but at �rst, Samuel didn’t know he was hit.<br />
“I’m okay,” he said. “I’m still going �shing.”<br />
But he was hit so the family quickly called an ambulance who rushed<br />
him to a Life Flight which would take him to a Nashville hospital. After<br />
seven hours of surgery, the doctors informed the family the leg could<br />
not be saved. The amputation took place in December and Samuel<br />
worried he would never be able to play the sports he loved again.<br />
Samuel’s baseball coach, a <strong>Shrine</strong>r, visited the family and returned with<br />
an application for <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals for Children®-Lexington. “He told<br />
us this hospital could help Samuel,” said <strong>Al</strong>icia Crane, Samuel’s mother.<br />
“We also learned that Samuel’s assistant baseball coach was a patient<br />
at <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospital and has an arti�cial limb.”<br />
Samuel was �tted with a prosthetic but had yet to take his �rst step<br />
with his new leg. “It looks better than I thought,” said Samuel admiring<br />
his new limb, in his favorite design, camou�age. Chris Burke, Certi�ed<br />
Prothetist at <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospital, was with Samuel when he was �nally<br />
ready to try on the leg.<br />
“Samuel,” asked Chris, “Do you want to play sports again?”<br />
“I sure do,” replied Samuel.<br />
“Then let’s make that happen,” said Chris.<br />
Samuel had stayed very strong throughout his three month ordeal<br />
but he was very emotional about trying his �rst step. The thought of<br />
playing baseball again gave Samuel the strength to take his �rst steps<br />
and within minutes he no longer needed his hands for balance.<br />
Chris shared with Samuel that he too had a prosthetic leg and knew<br />
how to guide Samuel as he took his �rst steps. “It was amazing how<br />
quickly Chris put everything in perspective for Samuel,” said <strong>Al</strong>icia.<br />
“It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. It was hard to understand<br />
how to work the knee part of the leg,” Samuel explained.<br />
Learning to walk on his new prosthetic leg is the greatest challenge<br />
Samuel has had to face but with the support of his family and the expert<br />
care at <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospital he has not slowed down at all.<br />
After all, he wants to play sports and like Chris Burke said, “Let’s make<br />
that happen!”<br />
10<br />
Conditions Treated at the Lexington Hospital:<br />
� clubfoot and other foot disorders<br />
� scoliosis and other spinal deformities<br />
� arthritis<br />
� cerebral palsy<br />
� neuromuscular disorders<br />
� osteogenesis imperfecta<br />
� hip disorders<br />
� skeletal growth abnormalities<br />
� metabolic bone disease<br />
� hand and upper extremity disorders<br />
� leg length discrepancies<br />
� limb de�ciencies<br />
� amputations<br />
� walking disorders<br />
� conditions associated with spina bi�da and<br />
myelodysplasia.<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />
81 Fesslers Lane<br />
Nashville TN 37210<br />
"Our name says it all"<br />
PH: 615-244-8473 Fax: 615-244-1976<br />
Owner: Michael Boone<br />
Up Coming events and Club Meetings:<br />
<strong>April</strong> 12th - Dickson County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 12th - Houston County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 14th - AMt Spring Party/Casino Night<br />
<strong>April</strong> 16th - AMT Captain's Meeting<br />
<strong>April</strong> 16th - Fayetteville <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 17th - AMT Stated Meeting<br />
<strong>April</strong> 19th - Williamson County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 19th - Perry County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 20-21st - Scottish Rite Spring Reunion<br />
<strong>April</strong> 22nd - Casino Trip to Harrah's<br />
<strong>April</strong> 23rd - Murfreesboro <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 23rd - Hendersonville <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 23rd - Marshall County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 24th - Putnam County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 24th - AMT Directors Staff Meeting<br />
<strong>April</strong> 26th - Wilson County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 26th - Giles County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 26th - Robertson County <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
<strong>April</strong> 27-28th - Scottish Rite Spring Reunion<br />
<strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 11
Joseph M. Looney<br />
07-10-1946 02-02-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN<br />
Wm. Paul Jones<br />
03-01-1935 02-22-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN<br />
Lonnie allen hudson<br />
02-19-1942 02-27-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Springfield, TN<br />
serafin Morris<br />
03-23-1928 02-29-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Gallatin, TN<br />
arthur Willard<br />
04-28-1941 02-29-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN.<br />
raymond C. Costa<br />
06-26-1937 03-06-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Hilman, TN<br />
Nobles Visited By<br />
The Black Camel<br />
sidney Dale smith<br />
06-19-1929 03-06-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Donelson, TN<br />
Charles s. Lamb<br />
06-12-1921 03-07-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN.<br />
arthur g. Webster<br />
08-24-1929 03-08-21012<br />
Linden, TN<br />
John r. evans<br />
09-18-1916 03-11-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN<br />
William C. Wilkerson<br />
08-03-1925 03-11-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN<br />
ronald W. Puckett<br />
07-17-1935 03-16-<strong>2012</strong><br />
Nashville, TN.<br />
<strong>Al</strong> <strong>Menah</strong> TEMPLE<br />
A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />
P. O. Box 78545<br />
NASHVILLE, TN 37207<br />
www.almenahshriners.org<br />
We’re Teeing Off On A Great Outing�<br />
TUESDAY JUNE 19, <strong>2012</strong><br />
at<br />
Hermitage ‘The General’ Golf Course<br />
Old Hickory, TN<br />
You’re invited to join us for a fun and exciting day at Hermitage ‘The General’ Golf course.<br />
There will be fun, food, and a great golf tournament!<br />
There will be great prizes for contest holes, door prizes and lunch served.<br />
You do not have to have a Clown on your team to play in the tournament.<br />
7:00 – 7:45 AM Registration<br />
8:00 AM to 12:30 PM<br />
Four-Person Scramble Shotgun Start<br />
12:30 PM LUNCH & AWARDS<br />
Cost - $65 per Man /$260 per team<br />
Includes gift pack, golf cart, green fees, & lunch.<br />
If you have questions contact: Gene King by Email : Gene.King@Nashville.gov or<br />
Call (615) 400-6087<br />
Deadline for entry: TUESDAY JUNE 12, <strong>2012</strong><br />
Nonprofit<br />
Organization<br />
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