book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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If No, then it’s because<br />

1. Meeting people on the internet is cheesy.<br />

2. Meeting people on the internet is dangerous.<br />

3. I just don’t spend enough time online.<br />

4. My wife/girlfriend would divorce/spit on me.<br />

5. I’m too shy, ugly, tired, happy, etc.<br />

102<br />

· Your Vote Is Important<br />

Meeting people on the internet allows you to make friends who have more<br />

in common.<br />

1. So true.<br />

2. True, but to deny the importance of physical chemistry is folly.<br />

3. What he said.<br />

4. True, but I can’t afford the ticket.<br />

5. The only person I want to meet is Ben Affleck.<br />

· Your Vote Is Important<br />

Because of email, the number of friends I keep in touch with is<br />

1. A ton more.<br />

2. A lot more.<br />

3. A little more.<br />

4. The same.<br />

5. Many fewer, what is my problem?<br />

· Your Vote Is Important<br />

I have had major miscommunications with friends on email<br />

1. Frequently because I can’t express myself for shit; can you help me?<br />

2. Frequently. I express myself fine; my friends are just dumb.<br />

3. Frequently, but that’s okay.<br />

4. Would have happened anyway. Some people need to misunderstand.<br />

5. Never.<br />

· Your Vote Is Important

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