book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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movies/andreirublev.html<br />

Andrei Rublev (1966)<br />

Andrei Tarkovsky<br />

Andrei Rublev isn’t great just because Criterion says it is. Rublev has to<br />

succeed on the same level as any film. And that includes character<br />

development and acting performances. I point you to the chapter on<br />

the sacking of Vladimir. The Tatar leader is magnificent. His Mongol<br />

face and long, thick Mongol hair. Black of course. And above all, his<br />

personality. Here you have a guy, a blood thirsty warlord, whose main<br />

hobby consists of raping and pillaging a defenseless village. Rape is a<br />

crime of violence. This guy would see that and raise you ten. And yet<br />

consider his conversation with the prince:<br />

Tatar: “Strong is your love for your brother. When were you<br />

last reconciled with him?”<br />

Prince: “The Metropolitan summ<strong>one</strong>d us to kiss the cross.”<br />

Tatar: “When?”<br />

His interest in his companion’s story plays very genuine on the<br />

screen. Makes him seem more human than the going average. (It’s<br />

more follow-up than I would have offered.) And this is not some<br />

filmic contrivance either—some cleverly inserted bit of dialogue in<br />

order to set us up the flashback to the reconciliation scene. No. This<br />

guy is the real deal. “It’s that Jungian thing.” Terrifying, captivating<br />

and (you’ll see) beautiful. Dennis Hopper may be two of those, but he<br />

sure ain’t all three. This was five minutes. There are 175 others just as<br />

good.<br />


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