book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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feedback/somegirl1.html<br />

From: somegirl1@yahoo.com<br />

To: cold bacon<br />

Date: saturday, september 9, 2000 1:47 am<br />

Subject: your site<br />

kicks ass.<br />

:)<br />

So, from this, it’s obvious that she is beautiful. But not only is she<br />

beautiful, she’s a genius, a genius art critic. She’s already assimilated<br />

Barthes, Barthelme, Borges. She agrees with me that X is overrated, and<br />

she didn’t even waste her time with Y, which she calls trite trash for the<br />

masses. She’s seen all of Kubrick’s films, including Paths of Glory and<br />

The Killing. She’s even reserved judgment on Eyes Wide Shut. She knew<br />

they wouldn’t give Radiohead best album this year but still was allowing<br />

the tiniest ray of hope. She knows good food, but can go for long stretches<br />

without it. Oh, and she craves sex—good sex—a lot. And she knows it’s<br />

not a good idea, but she’s already fallen in love with me. Obviously her<br />

name means this and could mean nothing but this.<br />


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