book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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Such Is The Difference Between Big and Little<br />

Ever notice how adults can be so much more magnanimous than children?<br />

Adults will often let things go. Kids will not. If you took Jimmy’s Dragon<br />

Ball Z action figure, then Jimmy is either going to attempt to do real<br />

damage to you, tell mom, or both. There will be no appeals in this. But an<br />

adult, James, might just let it go. Why is this? Simple economics. You<br />

see, James knows he can earn $300,000 if he shows up to work every day<br />

and plays by 90% of the rules. Therefore, $3 is nothing to James. To<br />

Jimmy, on the other hand, $3 represents a substantial fraction of his<br />

weekly allowance. $3 is not nothing.<br />

For a rational adult, most problems can be equated to small sums of<br />

m<strong>one</strong>y. Can’t find a parking space? Valet it. Don’t like your cocktail?<br />

Order another. Such problems are as insects to people with m<strong>one</strong>y. The<br />

true test of whether an adult is really laid back is time. Time is the only<br />

real currency for the m<strong>one</strong>yed American. See how James does with a flat<br />

tire, or a ten car pile-up—or even two, if it’s the right two. And so I say<br />

put James in jail with Bubba for ten to fifteen, and give Jimmy his $3<br />

back, with interest.<br />


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