book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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144<br />

Courtney Love passed away this<br />

weekend at Faith Presbyterian<br />

Hospital in Albany, NY from<br />

overdoses of heroine, methad<strong>one</strong>,<br />

barbital and a tricyclic antidepressant.<br />

She is survived by her husband Rick<br />

and her three teenage daughters. The<br />

world will remember her for her<br />

countless run-ins with the law and her<br />

problems with drugs and rock and<br />

roll, but to her friends and family, she<br />

will always be remembered as a<br />

loving wife and mother of three. Love<br />

was 42 years old.

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