book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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From: Michael S. Tilley<br />

To: Cold Bacon<br />

Sent: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 14:24:57 –0500<br />

Subject: Feedback<br />

The images on your page are ridiculously huge.<br />

Don’t you know that when you specify an image size in HTML it just<br />

affects the size as rendered on the screen? The poor user still winds up<br />

downloading the whole bloated thing.<br />

Do you have any idea how long this takes to download over a modem?<br />

Would you care if you did?<br />

Please get some profesional help.<br />

Mike<br />

00:24:24:Easily taken as weakness.<br />

00:24:26:He'll say you backed down, as though guilty.<br />

00:24:30:Guilty of what?<br />


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