book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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From: Carrie McLaren@stayfree.org<br />

Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 9:36 PM<br />

Subject: my logo<br />

Hello, I’m sorry for being a killjoy, but would you mind removing my<br />

STAYFREE logo from your web page? (/news/gonzales.html) It’s the<br />

logo to my magazine....obviously you should feel free to use the words<br />

stay free if you want - i certainly don’t own them — but using it as the<br />

logo like this makes it look like the elian channel is part of stay free.<br />

best,<br />

carrie<br />

00:29:17:I know all is ended between us and that this must be.<br />

00:29:23:It must.<br />

00:29:26:I wanted to see you once more and then part.<br />


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