book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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The author invites you to take an active interest in this essay, although he<br />

doesn’t want you to know exactly what it will be about, because that<br />

would take the fun away. He doesn’t want to take the fun away. And if by<br />

now you do not already sense the unmistakable parallel between this story<br />

and your own life, the author grants you the freedom to bend, ever so<br />

slightly, the meaning of his words so that you can wrap yourself in them,<br />

tightly, and be succored.<br />

The author feels you should now be acquainted with the main subject. But<br />

first you must adopt a suitable looking device through which to examine<br />

the text properly—something that will enhance and bring out its true<br />

meaning, and protect you from the gross injustices of the naked eye. It’s<br />

said the best way to get at the truth is to get as far away as possible. For<br />

this, he recommends the fully collapsible Sony XL50 two-mirrored long<br />

range telescope. Versions of this essay can be viewed on Mars, Neptune,<br />

and beyond. Others would argue for an up-close approach. Here, most<br />

critics would focus on the Nikon Eclipse ME600L, which comes with<br />

replaceable triple filter turrets, or the Olympus OME-8000, which has<br />

more versatility than you need. A handful of serious American readers say<br />

they’d rather die than use anything less than a Hitachi scanning electron<br />

beam. Perhaps a more moderate perspective is in order. Leaders of the<br />

Women’s Liberation Movement favor the Mamiya 645 E, while the<br />

NAACP has unequivocally backed the Ebony SV45. Many Slavs in the<br />

know swear by the Linhof Technika 45, while a splinter fraction of<br />

Lithuanian scholars remain loyal to the Kiev 88. German scholars still in<br />

Germany rely on their Spandau double filter Mark 14’s, while most of the<br />

French literati I know are always falling back on their Arca Swiss F-line.<br />

Meanwhile, Thomas Edison’s great-great-great grandson has written<br />

several not unwitty position papers in support of the monocle.<br />

At this time, the author feels it would now be appropriate to reveal a very<br />

important word—knoogle. He realizes that many of you will not<br />

understand the word, and for this he is willing to forgive you. Because he<br />

knows you will now rededicate yourselves to broader learning. Still, he<br />

fears some readers may remain unconvinced of his authority on the<br />

subject. He recommends they reread the first two paragraphs. And for<br />


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