book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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standupcomedy.html<br />

You can find your childhood home. You just can’t go in it.<br />

It’s not the size of the stamp. It’s the number on it.<br />

Artists are just failed critics.<br />

Critics are just failed people.<br />

Contemporary art means the artist gets another chance to explain what he<br />

was trying to say.<br />

I like to preserve the ambiguity. So I drive really fast.<br />

I stood in front of a mirror, but I didn’t have time to reflect.<br />

Ever notice how the people getting off the plane are never the same <strong>one</strong>s<br />

you saw getting on? Me neither.<br />

My personality speaks for itself. Then I fill in the rest.<br />

I would have sex with [long pause] any<strong>one</strong>. (note: requires special<br />

relationship between performer and audience)<br />

I was wondering, “Can a refugee be hot?”<br />

What about a dictator? Megahottie Sukarnoputri. I’m sorry. 1<br />

1 Some Ind<strong>one</strong>sian sources spell her name Soekarnoputri. Note that Sukarnoputri<br />

means “daughter of Sukarno” and it is not the President’s surname: Javanese do<br />

not have surnames. She should simply be referred to as Megawati or Mega.<br />

Her name is derived from Sanskrit meghavatī = “she who has a cloud,” i.e. a rain<br />

cloud, as rain is needed to make food crops grow, and it was raining when she was<br />

born.<br />


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