book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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From: Grahame Deane<br />

Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 3:53 AM<br />

To: Cold Bacon<br />

Subject: Influences on Poerty Written By T.SElliot<br />

I am doing a Year 11 Assessment Task and which requires me to write a<br />

radio interview with T.S.Elliott. For this interview, I need to know about<br />

the events and experiences in his life and how these influenced his<br />

writings, as in reference to three of his poems - "Preludes", "Love Song of<br />

J.Alfred Prufrock" and "Journey of the Magi". Any help you could offer<br />

me would be greatly appreciated, and if possible, could I please have any<br />

information you have before August 24nd.<br />

Thankyou,<br />

Joanna Deane<br />

New Chapter – The Palace at 4 a.m.<br />


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