book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
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Current Mood: optimistic<br />
Current Music: Pixies River Euphrates<br />
Saturday, November 22nd, 2003<br />
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4:38 pm another day, another party<br />
Not much happen today. Went to neighbor hut for lunch. His hut<br />
maybe fifty feet from my hut. Not far. We having yuca soup he<br />
make. Cholo say he using fresh araña caspi but I think he full of shit.<br />
I think he get from can. I don’t say anything. Besides it taste good.<br />
Some people in other village having big party. Festival for <strong>one</strong> of<br />
their stupid spirit. Supposed to be many women though. Some no<br />
husband. Think I going later. Maybe wear favorite head. Little<br />
Pietro I call him. Pietro bring me good luck many time. Sometimes I<br />
not even need to be using semayuka on them. I writing more soon.<br />
Wish me luck at party. But I don’t need it anyway.<br />
Current Mood: thirsty<br />
Current Music: Roberta Flack Killing Me Softly<br />
Sunday, January 18 th , 2004<br />
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10:17 pm Calgon take me away - and leave me there<br />
Not writing for long time. Because I feeling very sad last few<br />
months—no girlfriend, no talk to god, no magic dirt in many weeks.<br />
Thought I find some ayahuasca paste in friend hut but it just spear<br />
polish. Worse thing at all no fighting last two months. Things so bad<br />
I even go to see local uwishin for discussing many problems. He say<br />
best solution is kill some<strong>one</strong> from nearby tribe. He say if that not<br />
working, best thing is maybe throw self from Rocks of Baeza-Tena.<br />
Would be spectacular death him say. Rocks of Baeza-Tena about<br />
seven miles from my hut.<br />
Current Mood: gloomy<br />
Current Music: Magnetic Fields Yeah! Oh, yeah!<br />
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