book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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Tuesday, June 15th, 2004<br />

3:59 pm Little Pietro stolen!!!<br />

Holy manioc beer. Little Pietro missing!!! I think somebody take<br />

him. I at party like three miles from Cholo hut. Great party.<br />

Anyway, I going outside to making pee pee with Cholo. I g<strong>one</strong> like<br />

maybe five minutes. I come back and look in thatchpack, and God<br />

damn if he not g<strong>one</strong>! This bullshit. Can’t believe somebody steal<br />

Little Pietro. He my enemy not they. He not giving them any special<br />

power that for sure. Assholes. I catch who did this I make head so<br />

small fit in cup. I make new home for his whole family. Is called<br />

box.<br />

168<br />

Current Mood: infuriated<br />

Current Music: Mission of Burma Revolver<br />

Monday, January 17th, 2005<br />

(8 Comments |Comment on this)<br />

1:01 pm So Excited!!<br />

Tomorrow night is big moth concert at Chu Chu’s. I so excited. My<br />

friend get us tickets. Okay, we tell Chu Chu we eat his pig he not<br />

letting us in free. I so excited for show. I never hear moth sing<br />

before. I hear song of cicada couple time. I hear macaw. God like<br />

every day. Macaw. Macaw. Macaw. Shut up. Give me my break.<br />

Oh, you ever hear a bunch of toco toucan when they scare? Now that<br />

real rock concert. And, of course, nobody forgetting Chaco<br />

Chachalaca. They don’t let you. Friend, I hear many things in this<br />

life, but never moth.<br />

Current Mood: anxious<br />

Current Music: Pinback The Yellow Ones<br />

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