book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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j<strong>one</strong>s.html<br />

It is with great pleasure and necessity that I write Chuck J<strong>one</strong>s tribute<br />

essay <strong>one</strong> jillion and <strong>one</strong>. I didn’t know it then, but I was lucky as hell to<br />

be born when I was, and not two or three years later. For I had grown up<br />

in sort of a golden portion of the 80s, before ABC Saturday morning<br />

became the all-pimple channel and the NBA pre-game show had to begin<br />

at 5 am in order to cover adequately Shaq’s myriad interests. Now this<br />

may be hard to imagine, but they actually used to show Lo<strong>one</strong>y Tunes<br />

every Saturday morning on ABC, and we would watch them.<br />

By high school I had somehow turned my attentions away from cartoons.<br />

Apparently there were other things. In college I quickly discovered two<br />

more of them—drinking and regret. 1 Still no cartoons. Hmm. But then<br />

summer came, and I went home to discover my parents hadn’t stopped<br />

paying for cable. Now cable means two things: supporting tyranny and an<br />

unlimited supply of cartoons, some loonier than others. And now I was<br />

smart. It didn’t take long before I recognized the rightful place of the<br />

cartoon short in the pantheon of higher art. So I watched. And I watched.<br />

And I taped. And soon I had compiled enough tapes to fill a small sink if I<br />

wanted. I noticed I was gravitating mainly toward two things: the insane<br />

joy of the early Daffy Duck character and anything d<strong>one</strong> by a guy called<br />

Chuck J<strong>one</strong>s. Here, it was the entire product—from the animation to the<br />

story, from the backgrounds to the spills, between the desire and the<br />

timing, and basically damn near close to perfection of it all.<br />

So I saved some m<strong>one</strong>y and bought a bunch of Chuck J<strong>one</strong>s cartoons on<br />

laser disc. It was all you could do at the time since they weren’t on DVD.<br />

I didn’t even have a laser disc player. But if the great flood did come for<br />

any reason, I wanted to at least have something to hold up and say, “Hey,<br />

don’t look at me.” But you know I did end up finding a laser disc player,<br />

at R University near where I lived, in a special section of the main library<br />

called the Brown Fine Arts Library, or as I called it, the 3 rd floor. I would<br />

bring my discs in a little canvas bag and make a time of it. And it’s<br />

actually good to watch them like this, when you’ve committed to be with<br />

them and only them. No snack breaks (this ain’t no damn movie theatre).<br />

1 Usually in that sequence. Only later has the reverse come more into play.<br />


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