book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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Day 20<br />

Dear Laura,<br />

Perhaps I am trying too hard. Perhaps I’ve been under too much stress.<br />

Maybe I just need to relax and let things happen. I will do this, for us.<br />

Day 32<br />

Dear Laura,<br />

My therapist says if I follow his instructions, I will be healthy in no time.<br />

He has given me some pills to take. He says a lot of people have my<br />

problem and that pills can help. Please give my love to Jenna and Laura,<br />

Jr. I know I will be home soon.<br />

Day 224<br />

Dear Laura,<br />

Tahiti is beyond all expectations. I promise I will send for you and the<br />

children as soon as the dry season is over.<br />


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