book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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nofriends.html<br />

Point<br />

Lately, I’ve noticed a large number of people are going around saying you<br />

can find something worthwhile in every<strong>one</strong> you meet. They are crazy. The<br />

truth is most people you meet will range from pretty dumb to awfully<br />

dumb. No offense, those of you reading this who are awfully dumb. But<br />

that’s why the rest of you should be talking to dead people—specifically,<br />

dead authors. Granted, the conversation is fairly <strong>one</strong>-sided, but it’s not as<br />

if you would have said anything important. And the fact is, you’ll learn a<br />

hell of a lot more from a good <strong>book</strong> than from hearing your future exroommate<br />

perseverate on the latest self-inflicted catastrophe in his or her<br />

life, which it turns out, has been carefully planned by CBS since the age<br />

of thirteen. Your roommate and any other would-be writers of television<br />

are all so very less insightful than the great authors who have died. White,<br />

black, lesbian—doesn’t matter, long as they’re dead. And why should you<br />

settle for some<strong>one</strong> just because they’re—alive? Now, I’m not saying not<br />

to have friends or that polite conversation cannot be a beautiful thing<br />

(within reason). But don’t feel like you need to be friends with every<strong>one</strong><br />

and don’t be afraid to fire the bad <strong>one</strong>s. Tell them it’s the new economy.<br />

Counterpoint<br />

Wait a minute, Hoss. Don’t think of it as every<strong>one</strong> having something to<br />

offer. Think of it as you always having something to learn. What you need<br />

is some real human reactions to real human situations. And this means<br />

you’re going to have to talk to other people. You may be the cream, but<br />

the fact is you’re still just <strong>one</strong> person with <strong>one</strong> perspective and certain<br />

deficiencies, which are going to need outside assistance. Take me, for<br />

example. I am deficient in the quality of reality. I drink way too much<br />

coffee and tend to get carried away. I start getting this crazy idea that I can<br />

do anything if I put my mind to it. So I need other people to remind me<br />

this is not true. Then at night, I take these little white pills to help me<br />

sleep. Thirty minutes later, I start thinking everything is going to turn out<br />

alright. At forty minutes, I still think everything is going to turn out<br />

alright, just a lot slower. At fifty, things can turn out however they want.<br />

And in the morning, they’re back again, the fox, the bat, the wise old hen.<br />


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