book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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But as for reading, while the insights of great writers are as real as the sins<br />

they’ve committed (and my god that’s enough), the truth is, even if you<br />

did have time to read everything, you couldn’t possibly find adequate<br />

copy for every conceivable situation. Not only that, but the writer must<br />

have experienced it himself. Hemingway may have lived life so you don’t<br />

have to, but most of your authors are merely reheating some<strong>one</strong> else’s<br />

experience. And once it’s cooked, it ain’t raw anymore, and that’s<br />

tempura. I learned that in a seven-hundred-page novelette Memoirs of an<br />

American Poet in Japan’s Wife.<br />

Face it, you’re going to have to get some of your knowledge from other<br />

people, ordinary, everyday people. That said, you mustn’t overdo it. If<br />

you overdo it, your inbox just gets cluttered. Fortunately, Hotmail will<br />

start deleting messages for you.<br />


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