book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon book one redone - Coldbacon
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From: Kirsty Date: Thursday, March 30, 2000 8:37 PM although i enjoy your site you fucking suck!!! i can’t believe you devote so mcuh time to such crap, you must be a complete loser all your crap is a crock of shit go to hell kirsty p.s. i love you 180

I would like to congratulate the following people for being able to contribute in some way or other to this book. Scott and Stuart Shell for making me actually do it. Erin Casey for her gentle criticism. Kate Kudirka for her the-opposite-of-gentle criticism and memorable personal attacks. Allison Adair for her good looks and charm. Tim Lake for a fundamental influence that can hardly be explained. Dorothy Lam (robots). Jess Fuchs of (round bubble love). Paul Boerner (pigeon taking dump on statue). James Strickland (crack rock). The Shuar Tribe (may none of them find and kill me). Marie Glancy. Phillip Lopate (who actually can write about film and whose work I could have just stolen, if he weren’t still around). Peter Hornsby (for liking B. Kliban as much as I do and for many lessons learned). Jon Kowallis (for setting up all those personal meetings with Lu Xun). Babette Hale and Christian Manuel (for different reasons). Ian Garthwait, Sarvi Sheybany. And anyone else out there who may have willingly or unwillingly participated. And then there is Tyler Sage. 181

I would like to congratulate the following people for being able to<br />

contribute in some way or other to this <strong>book</strong>. Scott and Stuart Shell for<br />

making me actually do it. Erin Casey for her gentle criticism. Kate<br />

Kudirka for her the-opposite-of-gentle criticism and memorable personal<br />

attacks. Allison Adair for her good looks and charm. Tim Lake for a<br />

fundamental influence that can hardly be explained. Dorothy Lam<br />

(robots). Jess Fuchs of (round bubble love). Paul<br />

Boerner (pigeon taking dump on statue). James Strickland (crack rock).<br />

The Shuar Tribe (may n<strong>one</strong> of them find and kill me). Marie Glancy.<br />

Phillip Lopate (who actually can write about film and whose work I could<br />

have just stolen, if he weren’t still around). Peter Hornsby (for liking B.<br />

Kliban as much as I do and for many lessons learned). Jon Kowallis (for<br />

setting up all those personal meetings with Lu Xun). Babette Hale and<br />

Christian Manuel (for different reasons). Ian Garthwait, Sarvi Sheybany.<br />

And any<strong>one</strong> else out there who may have willingly or unwillingly<br />

participated. And then there is Tyler Sage.<br />


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