book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
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sites. Now it is time to remove Google. Let your firm make a clear example of<br />
what happens when the cries for reasonable censorship are ignored.<br />
4. Sexual abstention for <strong>one</strong> week. You are all soiled. If you did not participate in<br />
this sordid act, then the person in the cubicle next to you did. We are only as<br />
strong as our weakest link. I suggest you all go home and take a bath. You will<br />
know when it is the right time to resume the earnest pursuit of real intimacy.<br />
5. Letters of apology to the Pope. The Vatican does not guarantee His Popeship<br />
will read each and every letter, but this measure will help ensure that for all your<br />
employees, when that golden parachute opens, it’s not in a flaming bowl of hell.<br />
Exhibit B (much too late)<br />
“We’re radio directors, and we take our creative position from sound and<br />
then kind of back our way into the lines,” says McHale. “But radio is naked,”<br />
he cautions.<br />
I think we have a winner. I’m sorry, Leon.<br />
“It has to be really h<strong>one</strong>st, because there’s nothing to look at to distract<br />
you...”<br />
Oh, we definitely have a winner.<br />
“Comedy is even more demanding. It’s <strong>one</strong> of the most effective ways of radio<br />
advertising, but it’s also dangerous,” according to McHale. “There’s nothing<br />
worse than a funny ad that’s not funny.”<br />
Except of course, sin. But remember, forgiveness. We’re all radio directors<br />
here.<br />
* Link turned off for your protection.<br />
Yours Truly,<br />
Cold Bacon<br />