book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
book one redone - Coldbacon
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text[number++] = "We’re buying 8-tracks like they were going out of<br />
style."<br />
text[number++] = "Because no <strong>one</strong> gives a shit about a well-written<br />
essay."<br />
text[number++] = "Friends are good. Potholes are bad. Both are<br />
inevitable."<br />
text[number++] = "If we’re going to play good cop, bad cop, I want to be<br />
the hooker."<br />
text[number++] = "Art is taking an obvious truth and pushing it almost<br />
out of reach."<br />
text[number++] = "Cause it’s root root root for the home team. If we don’t<br />
win it’s a scam."<br />
text[number++] = "Remember, you’ve got to help troubled teens, because<br />
they could kill you."<br />
text[number++] = "It was like something returned from the dead to haunt<br />
you in undetectable ways."<br />
text[number++] = "Lo, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of<br />
death. I fear no evil. Because I am stupid."<br />
text[number++] = "We’ve captured the imagination of the American<br />
people and compressed it to the size of a pea!"<br />
text[number++] = "Here’s a tip. If you’re writing a rock song, please do<br />
not mention eggs, unless of course, you’re going to say ‘I am the egg<br />
man.’”<br />
increment = Math.floor(Math.random() * number);<br />
document.write(text[increment]);<br />
//--><br />