book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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ashcroft.html<br />

“Oh sweet name, I call you again, you’re born once again for me<br />

Just because I believe don’t mean I don’t think as well<br />

Don’t have to question everything in heaven or hell.”<br />

— unimportant musician<br />

There is this idea that when you are working, you are the work. That you<br />

can leave your personal views behind. This notion of man and job being<br />

separate is undoubtedly playing now at a congressional hearing near you.<br />

Does he hate this group or that group more? Does he hate your mother? I<br />

hate your mother. Other questions—did he really give Bob J<strong>one</strong>s a hand<br />

job in the back seat of a V-8, American style? Mr. A, when did these<br />

symptoms begin? Does he dream of wrestling snakes, law-breaking<br />

snakes? We have to kill as many snakes as possible. We have to set an<br />

example.<br />

While focusing on whether he could or would be confirmed, the media<br />

ignored the more interesting question of why John Ashcroft would want to<br />

be attorney general anyway. It seems like the attorney general should be<br />

in love or at least have a big crush on the law itself, to have and uphold.<br />

He should not be of the mind that fanatically pushing <strong>one</strong> view or another<br />

is cool, while philosophical detachment is not. In other words, he should<br />

probably not be a U.S. Senator. Perhaps no senator should ever be<br />

attorney general. Perhaps all senators should serve two terms and then be<br />

immediately jettis<strong>one</strong>d into space. Now you’ll tell me half our attorney<br />

generals have been senators—damned good <strong>one</strong>s! I have no response to<br />

that, except that I hate you.<br />

Think of it in terms of rational versus irrational thought. I once knew this<br />

scientist who was so rational in his work it was maddening. Day after day,<br />

from <strong>one</strong> experiment to the next, I saw not a single irrational move. Yet<br />

this same person went home at night and used a special machine to create<br />

an even more special electric field under which he slept. This protected<br />

him from getting colds. He insisted. Because both rational and irrational<br />

thought coexist in all people, it is certainly possible for John Ashcroft to<br />

perform rationally as attorney general. Possible but not likely, that is,<br />


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