book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon

book one redone - Coldbacon


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unless he was just kidding when he played Jim Crowe on my knee, with a<br />

fully black paddy wagon throw away the key. Like Eminem, he was<br />

merely trying to generate healthy discussion. Look, if I were against<br />

masturbation, and my job made me do things to protect those who gave<br />

glory to it, I would look for another job. Unless, of course, it paid a hell of<br />

a lot, in which case, I would look for the Vaseline.<br />

I am a Republican, so whenever I can’t decide whether to put jam or<br />

cinnamon on my hot-buttered toast, I think “What would John Ashcroft<br />

do?” Not John Ashcroft, civil rights advocate gourmet, but John Ashcroft,<br />

attorney general gourmet. Because I know he would make that choice<br />

with integrity. He would never let personal preference enter into such a<br />

serious decision. That’s the kind of man I want for breakfast. Oh nix the<br />

toast, I’ll just have a scotch. I’m a Republican, you know. I can do that.<br />

I am a Democrat, so I think we should put a tax on both butter and jam.<br />

Then we can use it to start a program to help people with their toast<br />

problem. It’s an outrage that ninety-five percent of the toast in America is<br />

concentrated in five percent of the toasters. I want to know, “Where are<br />

those toasters and what is John Ashcroft going to do about it?” Oh, forget<br />

it. [finger on intercom button] Ms. Stevens, could you please hold all my<br />

calls? [wondering aloud] Now where’s that blow job I ordered?<br />


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